The Ancient Sovereign



0The expression in Xie Hu's eyes as he looked at Han Yan was filled with disbelief. After taking a deep breath, he finally said something that he could not believe, "You actually broke through?" He was extremely shocked in his heart. It had only been half a year, but Han Yan had actually broken through to Qi Disciple level 2. With this kind of speed, for spiritual root disciples that were at least seven stars, it would only be so-so if they cultivated with all their might. Han Yan didn't even reach one star, yet he was able to do it.    


Han Yan had a dull expression, and said with a stern expression: "If you train your full strength, you can also do it."    


Xie Hu did not agree with those words, and curiously asked: "Han Yan, how did you end up?"    


Han Yan naturally could not say anything about the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, and instead asked: "Let me ask you, how much time have you spent on training during this past half year?"    


Xie Hu didn't understand, but he still replied: "Counting the full numbers, it should be more than three months!"    


"What about the rest of the time?" Han Yan continued to ask.    


Xie Hu thought for a moment, then said: "After cultivating for a period of time, I will go to the plaza to find someone to discuss about cultivation experiences, and on the third of every month, I will go to retrieve Spirit Gathering Pills and Spirit Stone fragments. After he finished speaking, he could not help but ask: "Han Yan, this is something that needs to be done, did you not do it?"    


Han Yan nodded, and said: "In the past six months, I have not gone out once, and have not participated in anything at all."    


After hearing that, Xie Hu's eyes widened, and he exclaimed: "You're not even using Spirit Gathering Pills?" The way he looked at Han Yan was as though he was looking at a monster.    


It was only then that Han Yan remembered that his master had mentioned that all the official disciples in the sect could go and receive Spirit Gathering Pills on the third of every month. When he thought about how he had reached the peak of Qi Disciple level 2, he felt that he should retrieve the Spirit Gathering Pills that he hadn't received in a few months to increase his chances of breaking through. Seeing Xie Hu's surprised expression, Han Yan laughed bitterly and said: "I've been cultivating and forgot about this matter."    


Xie Hu secretly admired in his heart, and said with a sigh: "I really admire you, cultivating is so boring, and you actually sat there for half a year."    


Cultivation was boring for others, but it was not so for Han Yan. Every time he cultivated until he wanted to rest, the scene of ridicule and ridicule would flash through his mind, forcing him to continue cultivating. Of course, there was also that unforgettable figure. If it wasn't for her, his fate wouldn't have ended up like this.    


The two of them talked for a while, then Xie Hu remembered his purpose for coming here, and said: "Han Yan, we've reached number 3 again. I just happen to want to go and get a Spirit Gathering Pill, let's go together!"    


Han Yan nodded and said: "Let's go!" He had agreed to it because he wanted to see how the Imperial Sword Technique he had practiced in the past few months was faring. Sword kinesis was the combination of the Spiritual Sense and Spiritual Energy, allowing the sword to fly. Of course, the sword controlling technique was not only limited to flying swords, other weapons could also use them, but relatively speaking, flying swords were one of the easiest flying swords to use.    


Both of them took out their flying swords and flew into the sky. This was the first time Han Yan controlled a magical equipment. It flew shakily, as if it could fall down from the flying sword at any time. When he looked at Xie Hu again, he felt much more relaxed than him. He stood very stably on the flying sword with a solemn face and his clothes fluttered gently in the wind. He really did look like a deity.    


Xie Hu's figure moved, arrived in front of Han Yan, and said with a smile: "Han Yan, if I didn't see you wielding the Imperial Sword Technique, I wouldn't believe that you have been training in the cave for the past half a year." His heart was elated as he continued to say, "You can stop cultivating other techniques. This Imperial Sword Technique must be cultivated to a high level. If an immortal is unable to control the sword and break through the sky, then what kind of immortal is it?!"    


Han Yan did not think that way. No matter how good his Imperial Sword Technique cultivation was, just by flying steadily, he was still unable to increase his own strength. When he came to Tianming Sect, he did not learn fancy martial arts, but wanted to be strong. As far as he was concerned, the Imperial Sword Technique did not require one to reach the state of being both sword and heart. It was fine as long as one did not fall from the sky.    


As the two of them spoke, they had almost never heard of it. Xie Hu was especially excited when she heard this, he talked about it most of the time. Han Yan only responded with a few simple words. In a short moment, the two of them arrived at Daylight Peak. The moment the two of them landed, a few disciples dressed in white walked over, upon seeing them, they went forward to greet Xie Hu, "Xie Hu, you have come too, who is this person next to you?"    


Xie Hu laughed and said: "Zhang Liu, Li Cheng, you two have come too, the person beside me is..." He looked at Han Yan, and for a moment, he did not know what to say, since Han Yan's "reputation" in the sect was just too great.    


Han Yan, however, did not mind. He cupped his hands towards the two and said: "I am Han Yan."    


The crowd was taken aback, but soon a strange expression appeared on their faces. Two of them tried their best to hold in their laughter, but none came out. But, in the next second, when all the disciples saw Han Yan's cultivation, their faces changed, all of them had the same look of shock, as well as disbelief.    


Seeing everyone's expression, Xie Hu laughed and said: "Shocked! Senior brother Han told us one thing. As long as we work hard to cultivate, talent is not a problem, and comprehension is not a problem. "    


Taoism was a complicated world, and at the same time, it was a simple world. In this world, the division of seniority was much simpler. Strength was everything. The ones with higher cultivation were senior brothers, while the ones with lower cultivation could only be considered as junior brothers. If one day Han Yan reaches the Foundation Establishment stage, Wei Peng would have to call him junior brother. This was the logic behind the so-called 'no order of learning'; anyone who achieved it was respected.    


Most of them had three star spiritual root and there were even two five star spiritual root. However, their cultivations were all at the 1st level of the Refinement Stage.    


Xie Hu suddenly felt that having a brother like Han Yan had a lot of face, and said: "Let's go! "Let's go get something."    


Along the way, many people asked Han Yan about their experiences in cultivation. Han Yan only said one sentence, as long as he persevered in his cultivation, he would have the chance to breakthrough.    


The 3rd of every month was the most lively day on the mountain. Aside from a very small number of people cultivating in seclusion, all of the Qi Condensation disciples would come. One was to take this opportunity to relax, and two was to meet some friends and discuss their experiences.    


When everyone arrived at the pill room, they saw a group of people gathered in front of them, loudly discussing something. He could vaguely hear that someone said: "Senior Brother Han Fei, your cultivation speed is so fast, do you have any insights?"    


Han Fei's laughter transmitted over, and then he said: "I definitely have some experience, but the most important thing is my talent, if my talent is outstanding, my cultivation speed will increase, if your talent is lacking, no matter how you cultivate, it will be impossible." His words paused for a moment, and then his tone became heavy, he continued: "Everyone should still remember that disciple who was the talk of the town a while ago!"    


"I remember that Senior Brother Han Fei was talking about that beggar! I heard that he hasn't even reached the 1-star rank yet and such a disciple has actually become an official disciple. In my opinion, being an outer disciple is unnecessary. " A disciple fawned over Han Fei and fawned over him as if trying to curry favor with him.    


Han Fei nodded his head, and said: "That's right, even if this kind of disciple cultivated his entire life, he would still not be able to reach Qi Disciple level 1."    


At this time, someone asked: "Senior Brother Han Fei, I heard that he is also surnamed Han, is that true?"    


Han Fei's expression changed slightly. Although no one within the sect knew that Han Yan was his cousin, there was no wall that could hide one's identity. If others were to find out, it would affect the prestige he had in the heart of the Qi Cultivation stage disciples. He lightly coughed and said in a clear voice, "He is indeed surnamed Han. Putting aside the fact that hundreds of years ago he did not have any relatives, his surname is the same as his surname. We all feel that we have disgraced the Han Family."    


"If I had such a relative, I would have already died of shame."    


"Senior brother Han Fei is such a talented person, how could he have such a close relative? That person must have changed his name to Han seeing Senior brother Han Fei's talent!"    


"Forget about beggars asking for food, they even stole the surnames of others. They really have lost all eight generations of their ancestors."    


Not far away, Xie Hu's face sank, and said: "Bastard, this brat is too much. I will settle this debt with him."    


Han Yan pulled Xie Hu, and shook his head. He understood Han Fei too well. If he did not have absolute strength, he would only be humiliating himself. Even if he had reached Qi Disciple level 2, Han Fei would still humiliate him by insulting him with some shady method to forcefully increase his cultivation, or by begging an elder to bestow him a Pill that could raise his cultivation. Rather than that, he might as well not go.    


At this moment, no one noticed that Han Yan's other hand, which was inside his sleeves, was tightly clenched. His fingernails dug into his palm, and fresh blood flowed out.    


As if he didn't say enough, Han Fei continued: "If I had such a son, I would have strangled him to death before he was born. I really know what his parents are thinking, and why they gave birth to such a scum. "    


"Han Fei, is that enough?" A sudden voice resounded amidst the mocking voices of the crowd, piercing everyone's heart like a sharp thorn. Everyone could hear the anger in his voice, and there was even a hint of killing intent. The crowd turned to look, only to see a youth biting his lower lip. Blood was dripping from his lips, and his eyes were filled with resentment.    


Under the gaze of the crowd, Han Yan walked towards Han Fei step by step. Everything had a bottom line. Han Fei's words today had exceeded his bottom line, if he did not stand up now, then he would not be a human. A few meters was not far for Han Yan, for every step he took, his heart would bleed. Before, he only hated Han Fei, but now, he wished for nothing more than to kill him.    


Seeing Han Yan's gaze that was filled with killing intent, Han Fei's heart was in a mess. He took a step back and said: "You, what do you want?"    


Han Fei stopped in his tracks, looked straight at Han Fei, and coldly said: "I don't want anything to happen, as long as you apologize to me."    


The spectators were all stupefied, especially the disciples who had just talked about Han Yan. When they saw the killing intent in Han Yan's eyes, they subconsciously retreated into the crowd. Han Yan's killing intent was just too strong. If a person's hatred had not reached an unimaginable level, it would be impossible for them to have such a killing intent. They really couldn't think of what kind of deep hatred existed between the two of them.    


There was no deep hatred between them, there was a deep hatred between them, every single one of Han Fei's sarcastic remarks, and every single ridicule, was something that Han Yan kept in his heart.    


Han Fei similarly could not imagine that his cousin, who always seemed weak and had been mocked and ridiculed by him, would actually reveal such a powerful attitude. In that instant, he was truly a little scared. He really wanted to apologize to this cousin of his. However, after seeing so many disciples around and thinking of how he was the new King and a 3rd level Qi Cultivating Stage cultivator, the thought of apologizing vanished. He coldly snorted and said: "How laughable, why would a beggar like you want me to apologize?"    


The disciples who were on good terms with Han Fei saw Han Fei's attitude and shouted, "A beggar can't wait for others to say a few words to him. Don't you see his morals?"    


"For a beggar to come train and become an Immortal, I feel ashamed for you."    


"Go back! Don't embarrass yourself here. "    


Han Yan's expression became even more gloomy, he suddenly turned his head, and looked towards the people who spoke just now. These people were just about to speak when they saw a pair of eyes filled with killing intent. They couldn't say another word. Han Yan's gaze swept across the crowd one by one, and those who had talked to him before all lowered their heads, even if they did not say anything, they were all stunned by Han Yan's killing intent.    



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