The Ancient Sovereign



0On the streets of the capital, Han Yan's figure flashed rapidly, and in a moment he was in front of a mansion.    


There were two guards standing in front of the manor gate. They looked at the front solemnly and three golden words were written on the door plaque ? ? General's Estate.    


Han Yan thought for a moment, changed into a mortal's clothes, then flew into the general's mansion in a flash.    


Inside the mansion, there were also many martial arts experts hiding in the dark, Han Yan easily dodged them and went straight to the backyard of the mansion. There were many courtyards within the manor, as well as many rooms. The owners of the manor usually stayed in the backyard. Arriving at the rear courtyard, there was a huge room in front of him. Han Yan closed his eyes and tried to sense everything in the room.    


The room was brightly lit, and the faint sound of a whip lashing could be heard.    


A middle-aged man's voice could be heard from within the whip, "Scoundrel, it's your fortune to serve me. Since you won't obey, then I'll beat you to death today."    


"Pah!" Pow! "Pah!" The whip rapidly lashed out, using a great amount of strength in each blow.    


When Han Yan's divine sense entered the room, he couldn't help but be startled when he saw the situation inside.    


A general in a shirt holding a three-foot-long whip was furiously whipping a woman on the ground. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was wearing a translucent robe that was torn to shreds by the whip, revealing her faintly discernible skin. Her skin was a patch of bright red, and fresh blood flowed out from time to time.    


Looking at the two of them again, Han Yan felt a sense of suffocation. That woman was the Liu Xihan who had left him for more than three years, and that middle-aged man was the one who had heavily injured him back then.    


Liu Xihan's face was covered in tears, he gritted his teeth without making a sound, and his eyes filled with despair.    


Three years later, the three of them met again after such a scene.    


Han Yan's eyes flashed with a cold light, and in a flash, he arrived at the door. He kicked the door, and with a clatter, the door was kicked open and he entered the room.    


General Yang's name was Yang Xiong, one of the great generals under Wu Tian's command. Other than fighting, he also had one other mission, and that was to find some girls with good qualifications for Wu Tian. When these girls marry into the Marquis Mansion, they would at most be favoured for a few years. When Wu Tian had had enough fun, he would bestow them to the generals below. Yang Xiong had bestowed the most, who knows how many young women had died at his hands.    


The door was kicked open, causing Yang Xiong to be startled, he immediately looked towards the door, and when he saw Han Yan who was walking over, he shouted angrily: "Who are you?"    


After three years of not seeing him, Han Yan's appearance had undergone a huge change. Yang Xiong did not recognize him at first glance, but he felt that the young man in front of him seemed to have met him somewhere before.    


Han Yan's body was emitting a faint killing intent as he walked step by step to Yang Xiong's side, and spoke sinisterly: "You don't need to know who I am, because you can die now."    


Yang Xiong laughed out loud. Since this was the general's mansion, no one could affect his life and death. He looked at the person in front of him with disdain, and laughed: "Brat, you're too arrogant.    


The unforeseen event in the room had alarmed the Liu Xihan who had almost fainted. She raised her head with all her might and looked towards the young man who was walking over. When she saw Han Yan's appearance, she couldn't help but shiver as if she had been electrocuted. She cried out involuntarily, "Han Yan, why have you come?" Even though three years had passed and Han Yan's appearance had undergone a huge change, she still recognized him with a single glance. Then, she suddenly thought of something, stood up with difficulty, threw herself in front of Han Yan, and anxiously said: "Quickly go, quickly go! He'll kill you. "    


Han Yan stood in place without moving an inch. No matter how Liu Xihan pushed him, he did not move a step.    


Seeing that, Yang Xiong could understand, no matter how foolish he was. He mocked: "Oh! I understand now, your lover has come looking for you. Unfortunately, he's just looking to die. " He was puzzled in his heart. The general's estate was heavily guarded, so how did this kid come in? However, he didn't take it to heart. He thought to himself, how much ability could a young man in his twenties have?    


The killing intent from Han Yan became even stronger, he glanced at Liu Xihan and said indifferently: This is the enmity between him and I, it's none of your business.    


With that said, Han Yan waved both of his hands, and an invisible force immediately froze Liu Xihan.    


Liu Xihan could not hold back the tears in her eyes anymore, gushing out. She bit her lower lip, revealing a faint smile, and then stared at the man she once loved, and choked with sobs: "Han Yan, only now do I understand, ordinary life is also a kind of happiness. If I hadn't gone, maybe we would have had children now. "I've let you down. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely choose to stay by your side. I definitely won't ?" Her voice became softer and softer and her expression became more and more painful. In the end, she directly fainted.    


Han Yan put Liu Xihan down, and then, walked towards Yang Xiong step by step. There was only killing intent left in his eyes.    


At this moment, he really wanted to kill people. He really wanted to kill everyone that had injured him.    


Sensing the overflowing killing intent coming from Han Yan's body, the battle-hardened Yang Xiong could not help but feel fear, and subconsciously took three steps back, frightened: "You, what do you want to do?" Seeing that Han Yan was getting closer and closer, Yang Xiong suddenly raised the whip in his hand and swung it towards Han Yan. This whip contained a huge amount of inner strength. The long whip transformed into countless of shadows in the air, and rushed straight towards Han Yan like a viper.    


Han Yan waved his right hand, and the gale technique appeared. It blew away the whip images in the air and arrived in front of Yang Xiong.    


Seeing the other party use an attack that was beyond his imagination, Yang Xiong was completely dumbstruck. He had forgotten to stop it, or perhaps, he simply did not know how to stop it. The strong wind blew against his body, and his body was like a kite with its string cut, heavily falling onto the wall. When he landed, his face was pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Blood gushed out of his mouth. Yang Xiong seemed to have realized something and said in fear, "You ?" You are an Immortal. " As a general and a martial arts expert, how could he not see that the other person's inadvertent strike had such strong attacking power? This was not a power that a martial arts expert could have. In this world, only the legendary immortals could kill a martial arts expert. It was as if they were crushing an ant.    


At this moment, Yang Xiong also recognized the youth in front of him. He widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief: "Y-you're the youth from Bluestone Village?"    


Han Yan did not answer and walked towards Yang Xiong step by step.    


Seeing the other party approaching, Yang Xiong felt as if he could see the approaching death god. Other than the fear in his eyes, there was also despair. He did not want to know how Han Yan had become an immortal, nor did he want to know how strong his immortal strength was. All he wanted to know was who would come to his rescue. In fact, Yang Xiong knew in his heart more than anyone else that if he offended this Immortal, he would die without a doubt.    


After Yang Xiong had been a general for so many years, his courage couldn't be compared to ordinary people. Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up and shouted towards the door, "Men, capture the assassin!" The moment his voice sounded, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the courtyard and countless soldiers armed with weapons rushed in.    


Han Yan did not turn back as he waved his sleeves behind him. The strong gale howled and those soldiers were blown around like fallen leaves.    


The soldiers were stunned, some of the more knowledgeable soldiers fearfully said, "Immortal, this is the Immortal Art ?."    


When the rest of the soldiers heard this, they looked at each other, not knowing what to do.    


Seeing that, Yang Xiong shouted angrily: "What are you all standing around for, catch the assassin for me!"    


The soldiers did not move. The general was his leader, and they had to obey the orders of their superiors unconditionally. However, the empire had a rule stating that if one met an immortal, one had to listen to their orders.    


Seeing Han Yan getting closer and closer, still less than thirty meters away, Yang Xiong panicked and roared deeply, "He didn't wear an immortal uniform. He isn't an immortal of the Orthodoxy, he's an assassin. Don't worry, whoever kills the assassin will be rewarded with a hundred gold and promoted to vice general. "    


The soldiers didn't care whether the young man in front of them was an immortal or an assassin, all they had in their eyes was money.    


With a loud roar, all the soldiers rushed into the room wanting to be the first one to kill Han Yan.    


Once he released his divine sense, everything that happened behind him appeared in his mind. Han Yan gave a cold snort, and said sinisterly: "If you take another step closer, you'll be killed without mercy ?"    


Such a cold voice, when heard by the soldiers, was like a needle piercing into their hearts. The soldiers halted their steps once more, their eyes filled with fear. They had no doubt that if they took another step forward, the other side would not hesitate to kill them. Of course, they also firmly believed that they had no way to fight back in front of each other.    


Han Yan walked up to Yang Xiong in a few steps, and coldly said: "There is no one who can save you. Back then, I was like an ant in front of you, and today, you are the same." He raised his right hand and a large amount of spiritual energy gathered in his hand. Suddenly, a fist-sized red ball of fire floated above his wrist.    


Under the infusion of spiritual energy, the fireball grew larger and larger. In a short span of three breaths, it had grown to the size of an adult's head. The red fireball burned fiercely, and the temperature inside was shockingly high. The surrounding tables and chairs quickly melted into black impurities; there wasn't even a chance for it to burn.    


Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes enlarged, and Yang Xiong's face turned ashen as he immediately closed his eyes.    


Han Yan waved his right hand forward, and the fireball whizzed straight towards him, arriving in front of him in the blink of an eye.    


Just then, Yang Xiong suddenly opened his eyes, grinded his teeth, and took out a palm sized jade stone from his body, then suddenly crushed it. The moment the jade was crushed, an enormous amount of spirit energy was released, and at an unimaginable speed, it condensed into a ten meter tall spiritual energy shield. Just as the spiritual energy shield was formed, it wrapped Yang Xiong within it. The fireball landed on the spiritual energy shield, and with a bang, the fireball dissipated. The spiritual energy shield's spirit energy was only slightly weakened.    


Han Yan's eyes revealed surprise, the jade Yang Xiong took out just now, was precisely the Jade Talisman. Jade Talisman was a type of Glyph, but its power was different. Ordinary Glyph could only be used three times, and after three times, the spirit energy inside would be used up. But Jade Talisman were different. They could at least use it ten times and at most a hundred times. The number of times they used it would be determined by the Jade Talisman's spirit energy. If he wanted to use up all of the spirit power in it, he only needed to crush the Jade Talisman.    


How could a mortal have a treasure like a jade talisman on his body?" Han Yan didn't continue to attack, but looked at Yang Xiong warily. If Yang Xiong only had such a treasure, why did he only use it at the last moment? He could use the shield to escape. "Could it be that he wants to use the shield as a cover to kill me?    



While Han Yan was pondering, Yang Xiong took out a Jade Talisman from his bad side and crushed it as well.    


The Jade Talisman shattered into pieces, and the huge amount of spirit energy instantly formed hundreds of sword qi, flying straight for Han Yan.    


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