The Ancient Sovereign



0The surrounding Royal Cultivators were all stunned. Zhu Yunhe also had a look of shock. Just as he was about to speak, he sensed that the connection between him and the Imperial Jade Seal had disappeared. Subsequently, countless wrinkles appeared on his aged face and he instantly aged several tens of years.    


Zhu Yunhe glared at Han Yan and roared angrily, "What did you do to the Imperial Jade Seal?"    


Hearing this, a huge question mark appeared in Han Yan's mind. What did he do? He wanted to ask someone else! When he saw Zhu Yunhe emitting a monstrous killing intent, he only had one thought in mind, and that was to run as far away as possible. He took out a large number of runes from his waist and threw them towards Zhu Yunhe. Then, his figure flashed and he went straight into the depths of the back mountain.    


"Bastard, don't even think of escaping." Seeing Han Yan flash away, Zhu Yunhe growled, and suddenly raised his right hand. A small golden dragon the size of his palm whizzed out from his arm, and quickly chased after Han Yan.    


Although Han Yan's speed was fast, the golden dragon was even faster. In the blink of an eye, it had caught up with him. He was already severely injured, and more than half of the spirit energy in his body had been used up. Now that he wanted to take out the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal, absorbing the spirit energy inside it was impossible. In a moment of desperation, he took out a spiritual energy shield and placed it in front of him.    


The golden dragon rushed to the front of the spiritual energy shield, and with a "pa da" sound, the spiritual energy shield collapsed. The dragon fell onto Han Yan's chest, the immense impact causing his body to fly backwards. In the air, he coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, and his face turned extremely pale. He fell to the ground and spat out another mouthful of blood. He hurriedly took out the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal from the storage bag and with a flash, he rushed into the deep mountains.    


After failing to kill Han Yan with a single strike, Zhu Yunhe angrily roared, "Bastard, I'll kill you!" Just as he was about to give chase, his body trembled and fresh blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He angrily glared at Han Yan and said to the white-haired old man beside him, "Zhu Hong, I order you to bring all the royal cultivators to chase after him now. You must find the Imperial Jade Seal."    


"Yes sir!" With a wave of his hand, Zhu Hong brought over ten royal cultivators to quickly leave.    


Zhu Yunhe's eyes radiated a spark of anger as he said to Zhu Wenyu, "Investigate his name and draw his picture. Then, issue him with the imperial declaration; he's wanted throughout the country."    


Zhu Wenyu was startled, and said: "Ancestor, he is a disciple of the Orthodoxy, it is not good for us to privately arrest him!"    


Hearing this, Zhu Yunhe coldly snorted and disdainfully said, "What's wrong with the Orthodoxy? Do as I say, I'll handle the matters over there." After speaking, his silhouette flickered as he returned to the Royal Palace.    


In the Ten Directions Continent, everyone wanted to be an Emperor, but very few people knew why they wanted to be one. Only a few people understood that it was for the Imperial Jade Seal. Imperial Jade Seal s were merely a symbol of authority in the hands of mortals, but were extremely useful in the hands of cultivators. With him, not only would they be able to speed up their cultivation, they would also be able to slow down their aging speed.    


Zhu Yunhe was already more than a thousand years old. With his cultivation, he simply could not live for so long. The reason he could live to now was entirely because of the special ability of the Imperial Jade Seal. Now that the Jade Seal was gone, he aged a lot. He had a feeling that if he did not snatch the Imperial Jade Seal back, he would not live past a year. At the same time, he was also confused in his heart. What method did Han Yan use to actually store the Imperial Jade Seal? Could it be that he was the same as when he had acquired the Imperial Jade Seal, the person that Heaven's Mandate had chosen? No, the Imperial Jade Seal only chose mortals as their emperor, why would they choose a cultivator? Although Zhu Yunhe was also a cultivator, he was only an ordinary person before he obtained the Imperial Jade Seal.    


A moment later, Zhu Wenyu made clear of Han Yan's situation and reported to him, "Ancestor, this person is called Han Yan. Three years ago, he joined the Orthodoxy with profound strength. Before going down the mountain to gain experience, I accidentally defeated a disciple, and replaced him with a Qi Cultivating Stage disciple. This time, my identity is the leader. "    


Zhu Yunhe frowned and said, "How did you find out so quickly?"    


With regards to this matter, Zhu Wenyu was also extremely suspicious, and said: "Just now, a person who claimed to be a disciple of the Orthodoxy sent his details over."    


"Looks like the Orthodoxy isn't at peace either!" Zhu Yunhe sneered, and said to him, "You will be in charge of capturing Han Yan, I'll make a trip to the Orthodoxy." With that, he disappeared into the sky.    


Prince Xi Yun's mansion.    


Zhang Long's face was full of shock, and said: "Junior Sister, you shouldn't have done such a thing!"    


Jiang Min smiled slightly and said: "What's wrong with that, Han Yan dared to kill the savior of the emperor's side, and also offended the ancestor, so he is dead for sure this time."    


Zhang Long asked doubtfully, "How do you know so much?"    


Jiang Min revealed a look of planning, and slowly said: "Have you forgotten my identity! My father is the Commander of the Embroidered Uniform Guard. "Earlier when I went to my father's place, I happened to hear a report from the Embroidered Uniform Guard asking the Emperor to investigate the identity of a disciple of the Orthodoxy. As soon as I heard that it was him, I sent him over."    


Zhang Long hesitated for a moment, then said: "Junior Sister, didn't you want to kill Fourth Junior Brother by doing this?" Although he promised Jiang Min that he would kill Han Yan, when it came down to it, he couldn't bear it.    


Jiang Min snorted coldly with a face full of disappointment, and said angrily: "Let me ask you, if the sect gives the order to capture Han Yan, will you help me?"    


Zhang Long was startled for a moment, then said: "Of course I did, I will unconditionally listen to the Sect Master's orders."    


Jiang Min looked at the sky and said seriously: "Just you wait! In a few days, the Sect Leader will give out his order. "    


Tianming Sect, Hall of Daylight.    


At this moment, an unexpected guest suddenly came into the hall. When Daoist Master Hong saw Zhu Yunhe, he didn't recognize him at all. He clasped his hands and said, "Fellow cultivator, you are ?"    


Zhu Yunhe coldly snorted and said, "You don't recognize me? The Sect Master of the Orthodoxy is really getting worse and worse with each passing generation. "    


Adept Hong's face sank. He wanted to be angry, but he held himself back. Judging from the other party's tone, it seemed as though he had an influential background. Suppressing the anger in his heart, he calmly said, "Fellow Daoist, please enlighten me."    


Zhu Yunhe walked up to a stool and sat down, then he slowly said, "The ancestors' cave at the top of the mountain should have a statue of me right?"    


He carefully thought about it and realized that there really was a mortal standing next to the founder. It was said that that person was the founder emperor of the Ming Empire. The person on the statue looked very similar, but he was someone from more than a thousand years ago. How could he possibly still be alive? The other party's cultivation was clearly only at the early Gong Foundation Stage; it was impossible for him to live this long.    


With a stomach full of questions, Daoist Master Hong said, "Could Fellow Daoist be the founder of the Ming Empire?"    


"That's right!" Zhu Yunhe said, "In the past, I was the emperor. Now, I'm only a cultivator. I have something to tell you this time."    


The other party's cultivation wasn't very high, but his identity was very special. Adept Hong Dao still gave him face, so he said, "Fellow cultivator, please speak."    


Zhu Yunhe did not waste time speaking and directly said, "You have a disciple called Han Yan. He stole my magical artifact, and I have already sent people to announce the Imperial Board. The entire nation is wanted for him."    


Taoist Hong was stunned, he said, "Fellow Taoist, what you're doing is not in line with the rules! The Imperial Family has no right to interfere in matters within the Orthodoxy. "    


Hearing these words, Zhu Yunhe coldly snorted and angrily said, "He has no right to interfere, he's bullying me, don't tell me I'm not going to ask?"    


The other party's words were overbearing, clearly showing that he suffered a loss when fighting with Han Yan. Daoist Master Hong Dao hesitated for a moment, then said: "How about this, I will issue the Sect Leader's order for Han Yan to return, and let him return your magical equipment."    


Facing this result, Zhu Yunhe was very dissatisfied and asked, "What if he doesn't come back?"    


Daoist Master Hong said, "If he doesn't return, I will have the sect's law enforcement disciples apprehend him and punish him as they please."    


"Remember what you said!" Zhu Yunhe stood up and left with a wave of his sleeve.    


"What happened?" Daoist Master Hong looked up at the horizon outside of the great hall. Then, he called over ten law enforcement disciples over and issued an order before rushing towards the capital at full speed.    


In the mountain behind the imperial palace, Han Yan's injuries were not light, his body was quickly moving about in the forest, if not for the fact that he had many runes on his body and the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal s providing endless amounts of spirit energy, Zhu Hong and the rest would have caught him long ago. Even so, he was heavily injured. Forcefully casting spells to hasten the deterioration of his injuries.    


However, the cultivation bases of the people chasing after him was not high. After three days and three nights of scintillating light, Han Yan finally got rid of them.    


After leaving the rear mountains, Han Yan found a hidden valley a hundred kilometers away from the capital to recover from his injuries. This recovery lasted for a month. In this period of time, he consumed a large amount of Pill s, absorbed an astonishing amount of spirit energy, and absorbed all of the three years' worth of spirit energy. After a month, not only did his injuries recover, but even the bottleneck that he had yet to break through had loosened. Although he had not broken through, the five spirit whirlpools had greatly changed; they were twice as big as before.    


Stepping out of the valley, Han Yan found his bearings and headed straight for the capital. Both of his magic tools had collapsed. He was unable to fly on his flying sword, so all he could do was flash. To cultivators, scintillating requires a lot of spirit energy. If not for Han Yan's spirit energy, the Heavenly Dao Imperial Jade Seal could be replenished at any time, and would not be able to support the consumption.    


Six hours later, Han Yan arrived at the city gate and saw the name written on the board at the city gate entrance. Since the royal family wanted to capture him, they had to make sure of the seriousness of the matter. If the sect didn't ask about this and there was a turning point, if the sect also let him go back, even if he didn't die, his cultivation would be abolished and he would even be taken away.    


Han Yan thought for a moment, then turned into a ray of light and flew across the city wall.    


On the city wall, the two soldiers only felt a breeze blow past them, but did not realise that Han Yan had jumped past them.    


After entering the capital city, Han Yan went straight to the Marquis Mansion. After arriving at the residence, he did not disturb anyone and headed straight for Ling Shuangshuang's room.    



At this time, Ling Shuangshuang had just finished showering and was wearing a light almost transparent dress. Just as he was about to go to bed to cultivate, he suddenly saw a figure appear. Her body tensed as she shouted, "Who ?" Before she could finish, she felt someone hug her and then cover her mouth. After feeling the spirit energy in his body being forcefully sealed, Ling Shuangshuang was shocked. There was only one reason why it was so easy to seal his spirit energy, it was that his cultivation was much higher than hers. But in the entire sect, other than Eldest Brother, no one could do such a thing, could it be that he was a person who was hiding?    


When Ling Shuangshuang thought about this, her pretty face immediately became pale, and she anxiously raised her head. When she saw the other party's appearance, she was stunned.    


Han Yan released his hand and undid the seal on Ling Shuangshuang's body. He laughed bitterly: "You never thought!"    


"Han Yan, why is it you?" Ling Shuangshuang opened his mouth with a look of disbelief. She truly did not expect it to be Han Yan, and that Han Yan would remove the spirit energy seal on her body. She smiled and said: "You undid the seal on me, are you not afraid that I would attack you, or call for people to apprehend you?"    


Han Yan's face sank, he had a bad premonition, and said: "The sect is going to capture me too?"    


Ling Shuangshuang nodded his head and said worriedly: "The sect leader gave the order for the law enforcement disciples to bring you back. If you do not return, then..."    


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