The Ancient Sovereign



0Deep within the magma, a huge shield was erected on top of a fiery red rock. The underground rock had been roasted in magma for thousands of years, yet it hadn't melted. One could imagine how hard it was. Han Yan's figure flashed, he appeared beside the shield and used his divine sense to observe it closely.    


After looking at it for a while, Han Yan could not help but inhale a breath of cold air. In such a high temperature, not only was the shield not melted, it was actually still intact. Han Yan's brows twitched as he unleashed waves after waves of power at the shield. The size of the shield continuously decreased, and in the blink of an eye, it was only the size of a palm.    


Han Yan waved his right hand, and under the guidance of his divine sense, the shield quickly flew in front of him and was thrown into the storage bag.    


After putting away the shield, Han Yan released his spirit sense. Just as he entered the magma, his spirit sense was immediately destroyed. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although this place was deep in the magma and was extremely dangerous, it was still the safest place. The boiling hot magma could obstruct the detection of spiritual sense, so even if the cultivators of Golden Crow Pavilion knew he was here, they would not be able to find his exact location. However, since Golden Crow Copper Mirror could stop the approaching magma, then could there be Golden Crow Copper Mirror in the Golden Crow Pavilion as well?    


Thinking about it, Han Yan frowned, he then took out the green small sword and flew towards a nearby rock, a flame flickered, and a gigantic cave appeared in front of him. Han Yan's figure flashed as he brought the unconscious people into the cave. After that, he set up many arrays around the cave and placed the Golden Crow Copper Mirror inside to ensure that the surrounding magma would not flow into the cave. The temperature of the lava was extremely high, if they were to use the array to infiltrate, or if the array to crash into, no one would be able to escape from the cave alive. Even Han Yan who had two pairs of hands, under the protection of the Golden Crow Copper Mirror, was not able to contend against the scorching lava.    


After laying down the array, Han Yan took a look at everyone. Just as he was about to sit on the ground and cultivate, his gaze suddenly swept across Murong Lier's body. Seeing Murong Lier's pale face, she suddenly remembered that her cultivation had been sealed, with a few steps, she walked in front of her and placed her hand on her wrist, releasing a huge wave of power that rushed into her body and instantly destroyed the seal.    


Murong Lier's closed eyes moved a little, and slowly opened. When she opened her eyes, she was startled when she saw that Han Yan was squatting beside her, and then she cried out involuntarily: "Han Yan, how are you?" Her face was filled with worry, but seeing that Han Yan was safe, she heaved a sigh of relief. She swept her gaze across the surroundings and continued: "Where are we?"    


Han Yan smiled slightly and said: "I'm fine, is this place the underground world?"    


Murong Lier frowned, his face full of confusion: "Underground World?"    


Han Yan raised his right hand and released a dual force technique onto the array formation. The technique landed on the array formation, and the originally white array formation suddenly turned transparent, the scene outside the array formation appearing in front of the two's eyes. When Murong Lier saw the surging lava in front of him, he instantly widened his eyes and said in disbelief: "Magma, how did we get to the deepest part of the earth's core?"    


Seeing Murong Lier's worried expression, Han Yan knew what she was thinking of and gave her a look that said "I brought you guys here …"    


Hearing that, Murong Lier suddenly realised something, and looked around, only to see Zhou Fei and his group sprawled on the ground, their mouths agape once again, and said: "You brought so many people with you?" With her current cultivation, she could only bring around a dozen or so people at most at one time. Han Yan's cultivation was comparable to hers, but he actually brought all of the disciples from Artifact Forging Valley and Artifact Forging Valley with him. It had to be known, the two sects had a total of more than thirty disciples who had come this time. With so many disciples bringing them to the deepest part of the earth at once, she really couldn't think of how Han Yan had done it. At this moment, she saw Han Yan's eyes, as if she had seen a monster.    


Han Yan nodded his head, and replied to Murong Lier, then said: "I want to stabilize my current cultivation, and no one is allowed to disturb me." As he spoke, he glanced at the people around him and said, "After they wake up, let them train here. Remember, no matter what happens, no one is allowed to use formations. "    


Murong Lier laughed bitterly, even if Han Yan did not say anything, they would not have left the array. The magma outside the formation was boiling hot, and a drop of it would cause one's soul to fly out of their body. Unless one was mentally ill or was courting death, they would not run around. Therefore, after she heard Han Yan's words, she nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't run around."    


With a move of Han Yan's wrist, he set up a small-scaled formation inside the array, and then entered it in a flash.    


Arriving at the array, Han Yan sat on the floor and started cultivating. He had just reached the golden core stage, and the golden pellet in his body was still unstable, so he wanted to stabilize it quickly. After the battle just now, he had used up more than half of his energy, so if he did not cultivate quickly, the golden pellet could collapse, causing his cultivation to regress.    


Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, three years had passed.    


Within these three years, Golden Crow Pavilion disciples searched day and night for Han Yan's whereabouts. They had practically searched the entire Golden Crow Continent but they still could not find Han Yan's whereabouts. Liu Xiangtian was sure that Han Yan wasn't dead, and was definitely hiding in a corner of the Golden Crow Continent. But he really couldn't think of any place that could cause his soul curse to be unfound.    


Although the soul curse had failed, Han Yan still had the aura of a curse on his body. As long as there was a certain range, he would be able to sense the other party's aura. At first, Liu Xiangtian thought that Han Yan, who had cultivated the cryptography, could hide his aura. He was certain in his heart that Han Yan did not hide his aura but had hidden in a place where spells could be isolated. Or he could hide in a large array, making it impossible to find.    


Liu Xiangtian even thought that Han Yan had opened the ancient formation, and entered the place where the Ancient Cultivator lived. However, after personally going to the ancient formation's location to check, he realized that the ancient formation was completely undamaged and had not been opened. Other than that, there was one other thing that he could not understand. The power of the soul curse that he had cast earlier was extremely strong, so if Han Yan could use some sort of technique to break it, and if he could successfully use the soul technique on his opponent, then he would not need to go through so much trouble to find Han Yan.    


A person's hatred, was directly proportional to the patience of a single person. Boundless hatred burned in Liu Xiangtian's heart, and he hated the fact that he couldn't find Han Yan and eat him alive. Even though he had not found Han Yan, Liu Xiangtian still did not give up. As long as he could provide information on Han Yan, he would reward him with a Nascent Soul Stage treasure and help him increase his cultivation by a stage. If anyone could kill Han Yan with their own hands, the Golden Crow Pavilion would agree to any kind of request they had. Of course, even though the last request seemed tempting, it was actually completely useless. Liu Xiangtian used the body of the soul to fight with Han Yan. Even though he did not completely see Han Yan's cultivation level, he was certain that other than him, no one else in the Golden Crow Continent could kill Han Yan. This was because he was the only Rank one monk on the continent.    


Why Rank one monk? Actually, it was a mysterious level after the great circle of late elemental infant stage.    


It is well-known that after the Nascent Soul stage is the Spirit Severing stage.    


In order to reach the Soul Formation stage, one must enter the nine heavens and comprehend the nine heavens' secrets. However, the strong winds of the nine heavens could kill the cultivators at any time. Not only that, but within the ninth day, there was still a huge amount of lightning. Every day, the power of the lightning would increase exponentially. Only after going through a baptism of lightning would one be able to compress the purity of their Strength Of Yang and make preparations for becoming a god.    


Only when the pure energy within his body reached an unimaginable degree and he comprehended the mysteries of heaven and earth could he successfully reach the Deity Stage. The difficulty of reaching the Soul Formation stage was even harder than reaching the sky. Before reaching the Soul Formation stage, every time a person is baptized by lightning, it becomes a first cycle. Every time a person is baptized twice, it is a second cycle. After the ninth cycle, one would only need to comprehend the nine heavens' mysteries to successfully reach the Soul Formation stage.    


Soul Formation was very hard to reach. Cultivators who survived the baptism of thunder tribulation were the same. Many cultivators of the Great Circle of late elemental infant stage either did not have the guts to fly into the Ninth Heaven, or their souls scattered under the baptism of lightning. The power contained within the lightning was astonishingly powerful. In order to successfully baptize the lightning, one needed to possess absolute strength as well as powerful magic treasures. Both of them were indispensable.    


The Rank one monk and the cultivators who had attained great completion of the late elemental infant stage were on two completely different levels.    


Although the two seemed to be of equal cultivation level, the aura they emitted was different. The Strength Of Yang in Rank one monk's body was purer, and when he used techniques, the might contained within the techniques were also stronger. Under normal circumstances, Rank one monk could easily kill a perfect late elemental infant stage cultivator. Although it couldn't be said to be an instant kill, it would still only take a few breaths' time. From this, one could see that the strength of the Rank one monk was equal to that of a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator and golden core stage cultivator.    


Liu Xiangtian firmly believed that as long as he could find Han Yan, even if he was a double cultivators, he would be able to kill him within the span of a few breaths. He could not wait to find Han Yan. Just like Zhang Dongyang and the others, he wanted to open the ancient formation. This was because there was a legend in the Golden Crow Continent that as long as one could open the ancient formation, one would be able to obtain countless treasures and rule over all the continents.    


On that day, Han Yan suddenly opened his eyes, although his cultivation level had not changed, but his Qi was stable, and was no longer like before, causing people to worry that their cultivation levels would regress. Han Yan stood up and took a deep breath. Just as he was about to open the array, a gray light flashed beside him and the Xiao Hui jumped onto his shoulder. She said happily: "Boss, you're awake."    


Han Yan smiled, his divine sense sweeping across the Xiao Hui's body, and realizing that its cultivation had fully recovered, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. At this time, Han Yan suddenly remembered that after being suppressed by the Divinity Shield, the Xiao Hui had desperately tried to save him. His heart felt slightly sour, and he blurted out: "Thank you."    


The Xiao Hui raised its fluffy little claws and waved it gently. "Boss, why are you being so polite to me? If I am ever hunted down by an enemy, you will save me without a care in the world. " As it spoke, it suddenly thought of something and quickly said, "Boss, when I was trapped inside the formation, if you hadn't appeared in time, I would have died."    


This topic was a bit heavy, and Han Yan didn't want to continue thinking about it. Just as he was about to change the topic, he remembered an extremely important matter and cried out, "Not good." As he said that, he patted the storage bag on his waist, and the four remaining treasures appeared in front of him at the same time. His mind quickly scanned the four treasures, and when he realized that he did not find anything, his heart suddenly dropped, and his eyes became anxious.    


Seeing Han Yan's soulless look, the Xiao Hui could not help but be startled, and asked: "Boss, what's wrong?" It had known Han Yan for so many years, but it had never seen Han Yan display such an expression. Even when it was being chased by the Expert of Elemental Infant Stage back then, its eyes did not show any sign of panic. The Xiao Hui felt that something extremely important had happened to Han Yan, and it was even more important than death.    


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