Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C637 Exterminating Pedigree to Establish Power

C637 Exterminating Pedigree to Establish Power

0A million Vicious Beast had arrived at this region of the sea.    


As far as the eye could tell, there were seven divine abilities and eight divine abilities.    


After the Dark Vault disappeared, Qin Yiyang quickly rushed to Zhang Haorann's side.    


The tribe members of Qing were all on Zhang Haorann's side. They all acknowledged Zhang Haorann and Gravekeeper's identity.    


Even if the Dark World, which was at the bottom of the East Sea, disappeared, Qing didn't lose her trust in Zhang Haorann.    


However, there were more than twenty thousand Vicious Beast in the East Sea. Qing's tribe was only one of them, but the other species, Vicious Beast, didn't like Zhang Haorann that much.    


A Vicious Beast with a huge body floated above, like a huge building that covered the sky and blocked out the few lights that seeped into the water.    


This Vicious Beast had a pair of deep blue eyes, and its glowing pupils flickered with a terrifying courage.    


It spoke.    




"Your race is Gravekeeper, and with the disappearance of Ming Zang, you guys no longer need to exist."    


This Vicious Beast's eyes were gloomy, its voice sounded, causing the entire Qing Clan to be extremely wary, even more so than being cautious of Chang.    


Zhang Haorann immediately understood, the race that the Vicious Beast was in must be even stronger than Chang. He looked up, and in this lightless sea area, the Yin Yang Eye instantly understood what the Vicious Beast looked like.    


"Heh, so it's a 'Whale Beast' with eight types of abilities. Among them, the ability 'Bolt' allows the defense of the whale to be unrivalled within the range of the Vicious Beast with eight types of abilities. Even the Enlightened True Immortal of the ocean wouldn't be able to fight against this kind of whale."    


A Whale Beast's defense was higher than Chang's, and in addition, its body was gigantic, making it look like a titan in the East China Sea. With a voice from a Vicious Beast of this level, its pressure was pushed to the limits, and from the silence of a million Vicious Beast, one could tell how powerful a Whale Beast was.    


It was far above that!    


Now that the Dark Vault had disappeared, the Qing no longer belonged to Gravekeeper.    


"Qing, why aren't you saying anything? Could it be that since you are unable to activate the Active Sea Qi, you are beginning to fear me? " The Whale Beast mocked.    


Qing retorted, "Don't talk nonsense. Back then, when Hades was still here, you sneaked close to him and tried to force your way in. If I didn't sense and expel you, do you know what kind of punishment Hades would have inflicted on you?"    


The Whale Beast said coldly, "You don't need to say anything to me. I've also become Gravekeeper before, so I naturally know how powerful he is. He's just trying to play around. You're being nosy."    


The clear and loud voice said: "You want to sneak into the underworld and gain Gravekeeper's identity. You should know that doing so is futile."    


"Qing, you were not rude to my brothers before, you only have seven abilities, but you can still use Gravekeeper's identity as the underling to attack us. Now that the underworld has disappeared, shouldn't we settle this score?"    


Qing retorted: "That's because they were jealous of my clan's Gravekeeper's identity and kept on provoking my clan. In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore and I reprimanded them. What's wrong with that?"    


The Whale Beast laughed loudly.    


"So, I'm here to settle the score with you?" You still don't understand? "    


Qing Qing's momentum weakened. The whale's words clearly meant that it was trying to find a clear group of people to settle the score.    


Zhang Haorann said, "Whale beasts, although the Dark World has disappeared, the Magical Formation that changed the East Sea still exists. Your group of Vicious Beast in the East Sea should still be under the control of the Magical Formation, that is to say, the Active Sea Qi are still effective against you, right?"    


The Whale Beast roared, "Who do you think you are!?" A mere True Immortal would actually dare to point fingers at me! "    


Zhang Haorann let out a cold snort and summoned his Yin Yang Cauldron. Then, a small Crystal of the Living Sea floated out from the cauldron.    


With the Crystal of the Living Sea in his hands, Zhang Haorann did not feel any fear under the covetous gazes of the Eastern Ocean Vicious Beast.    


"That's the Dark Vault!" The Whale Beast, as the former Gravekeeper, was too familiar with the underworld. Of course, it knew what the Crystal of the Living Sea in Zhang Haorann's hands was, "Cultivators! So it was you who stole the treasure! You are the enemy of our East Sea! "    


Zhang Haorann snorted coldly.    


"Stupid!" I obtained the trust of the underworld with my abilities, where are you qualified to insult me? "    


"But you Vicious Beast from the East Sea, I don't care if you have millions or tens of millions. No matter how many Vicious Beast you have, you should listen to me."    


"Because I want to be King of the East Sea!"    


A sentence like King of the East Sea, which contained the power of primeval essence, spread in all directions. Vicious Beast were not stupid, so they naturally knew what it meant to be 'King of the East Sea'.    


When the Spirit of the Dark World entrusted the mission to Zhang Haorann, the Crystal of the Living Sea of the Dark World shrunk to Zhang Haorann's, which meant that the Dark World already trusted Zhang Haorann. The Vicious Beast of the East Sea existed because of the Dark World. Their meaning should have followed the Dark World's orders.    


Therefore, Zhang Haorann wants to be King of the East Sea, justifiably!    


Those who didn't listen would be killed without mercy.    


Qing communicated via voice transmission, reached an agreement, and trusted Zhang Haorann.    


Other than Qing's tribe, the other Vicious Beast s were all furious. Some of the whale beast clans even had the intent to kill!    


"This damnable cultivator actually dares to speak such nonsense in the East Sea. Is he really taking himself seriously?"    


"Kill him!"    


"I hate cultivators the most! Every year, there will always be cultivators coming to our East Sea, sneakily capturing Vicious Beast s and taking them away. I wish for all the cultivators with Nebula Continent to die! "    


"It's a pity that we are trapped by the Magical Formation and cannot go ashore. If possible, I am willing to kill all the cultivators!"    


The voice of the Vicious Beast was heavy and it was filled with noise. This was no longer Zhang Haorann, but all the cultivators.    


"Master Zhang, isn't this group of Vicious Beast too vicious? Our Qin Family has never done the stealing of Beast Core before. These fellows speak as if our Qin Family has also done it before." Qin Yiyang was very angry that his Qin Family was being represented. This concerned the honor of his family, so of course he was angry.    


"Cultivators are scolding us!" A Vicious Beast stared angrily at Qin Yiyang, "My sacred art can hear the sound transmission from the cultivators, that's right, it's him!"    


All of a sudden, Qin Yiyang attracted all the attention. He was so scared that he quickly ran behind Zhang Haorann.    


The situation was not good, Zhang Haorann's King of the East Sea slogan had already been rejected by the Vicious Beast.    


Zhang Haorann's eyes were calm, and he did not panic like Qin Yiyang. Instead, he calmed down and thought for a while, "Whale beasts possess eight abilities, which are comparable to Enlightened True Immortal in the East China Sea, and which are extremely powerful, such that even in the entire East China Sea, they are considered as a rare Vicious Beast. Now, not only is there a whale present, all of its species are present, totalling up to thirty-six whale beasts!"    



In other words, with thirty-six Enlightened True Immortal present, to Zhang Haorann, who was still an ordinary True Immortal, this was an unparalleled, absolute power.    


"I have a Active Sea Qi! This is the only hope! "    


In his Yin Yang Eye, the Cyan Yin Yang Power was already beginning to fuse with his primeval essence, forming the Active Sea Qi to form a powerful attack. It should be able to kill a Whale Beast.    


But you have to deal with thirty-six whales    




Or could it be to use the Crystal of the Living Sea s of the Yin Yang Cauldron?    


However, Zhang Haorann didn't know how to use the Crystal of the Living Sea. The Spirit Storage was not taught to him, so even if he could use it, it was still a problem.    


"Do you want to try?" Zhang Haorann thought, killing a Whale Beast at full strength can change the situation, but if the Whale Beast's species took revenge on them, Zhang Haorann would definitely not end up well. It's not like Zhang Haorann had never thought of killing a Whale Beast to establish his might, but these Whale Beasts aren't stupid.    


After all, Zhang Haorann had killed a whale, so how could the whale tribe, which possessed eight abilities, not notice that he would be in an extremely weakened state?    


Therefore, there was only one way, and that was to use Crystal of the Living Sea.    


Zhang Haorann placed the Crystal of the Living Sea in his hand into the Yin Yang Cauldron, and with a "* Swish *", the Earth Pole True Fire appeared.    


At the same time, the blood-red Yin Yang True Fire burned brightly.    


"Hmm?" Zhang Haorann's gaze moved. The current Yin Yang True Fire seemed to be different from before, as if it had changed along with the Yin Yang Power. As for the changes, it was still unknown.    


Forget it!    


Even if there were any changes, he wouldn't have the chance to try it now.    


Zhang Haorann unleashed two streams of true flames, burning below the Yin Yang Cauldron.    


Inside the cauldron, the Crystal of the Living Sea s had accidentally produced some changes. Threads of gas came out, and immediately caused a sensation amongst the Vicious Beast s.    


"This is the Active Sea Qi! I was Gravekeeper, I know! "    


"This cultivator can actually use the power of Hades!"    


"Even we Vicious Beast that were once Gravekeeper's, we don't have this ability. At most, it is only the ability that the Dark Vault passed on to us to use the Active Sea Qi."    


The Vicious Beast were all shocked.    


The cultivator in front of him wasn't Gravekeeper, but he could do things that even Gravekeeper couldn't do.    


'Could it be … '    


"He is the master of Hidden Lord! The real master! " "No matter the reason, Ming Zang recognizes him as his master. As Gravekeeper, we should protect the safety of this cultivator! Only if he is alive will he be able to keep the secret! "    


Some of the Vicious Beast's consciousness started to waver, and some of them had already accepted Zhang Haorann as their master.    


"Hmph, controlling Hades. Could it be the owner of Hades?" The Whale Beast ridiculed, "Don't forget, anyone who has been Gravekeeper should know, that inside the Dark World, there is a teleportation Magical Formation, and the Lin Prefecture that teleports the Magical Formation s to their Nebula Continent is something those cultivators do not know about. If they were to find out, I'm afraid they would come here at all costs. Therefore, the cultivator that appeared in front of us is most likely using some kind of evil technique to forcefully control the hidden realm! "    


Some Vicious Beast agreed with the Whale Beast's words.    


In fact, it would be better to say that he agreed to it than to accept the fact that Zhang Haorann was the master of the Dark World.    


In actuality, all of the twenty thousand or so Vicious Beast in the Eastern Ocean subconsciously thought that Ming Zang belonged to the all of them.    


Not to mention, the relationship between the Vicious Beast and the Hidden Lord was with Gravekeeper, and they were not the owner of the Hidden Lord.    


"Master Zhang, even if these Vicious Beast are envious, jealous and hateful!" Qin Yiyang transmitted his voice.    


Some of the Vicious Beast glared at Qin Yiyang, it was obvious that it could hear Qin Yiyang's message using its sacred art.    


"It doesn't matter." A hint of a smile appeared on Zhang Haorann's calm face.    


A bright smile without any pressure, more like an emotional catharsis.    


Because Zhang Haorann could feel that he could move the Crystal of the Living Sea within the Yin Yang Cauldron!    


The strands of mist that emerged was the Active Sea Qi. Some of the Active Sea Qi floated out through the holes of the Yin Yang Cauldron, and some of them even wandered around inside the Yin Yang Cauldron.    


Compared to the Underworld Crystal of the Living Sea from before, these Active Sea Qi were simply insignificant, but to Zhang Haorann, they were extremely precious!    


"These Active Sea Qi s are more than enough to kill a whale!"    


Zhang Haorann's gaze focused.    


Kill the Vicious Beast to show off!    


Even if one did not say whether the other Vicious Beast would kill them after exterminating the clan of Whale Beasts, one thing was certain.    


That was, once the Whale Beast species was extinct, the other Vicious Beast would definitely not dare to lay a hand on Zhang Haorann!    


Zhang Haorann walked up a few steps and slapped the Yin Yang Cauldron.    


'Clang! 'a loud sound was heard.    


When the lid was opened, Active Sea Qi spilled out of the furnace in a berserk manner.    


At the same time, a longsword had been quietly waiting at the lid position. The Active Sea Qi and the sword began to merge and a power that made the Vicious Beast's hearts palpitate suddenly appeared at the bottom of the sea!    




Zhang Haorann held his sword and pointed it straight at the Whale Beast tribe. Each and every one of his moves displayed his power, like a king of the East China Sea punishing his subjects with his life.    


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