Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C24 Wei Family of Xiangzhou

C24 Wei Family of Xiangzhou

0Xihu Province, Xiangzhou City.    


Twenty years ago, his Zhao Family had advanced by leaps and bounds, and with the help of the country's reforms, he had soared into the sky in one go to develop his manufacturing industry and obtain an unimaginable economic return. He had become the shining star of the Wealthy Class in his Xihu Province.    


The place where the Wealthy Class was located had a Zhao Family of twenty years. It was like a giant tree that pierced through the heavens, writing down legends in the Xihu Province.    


The top clans that had been replaced by Zhao Family, were precisely the Xihu Province.    


For more than twenty years, Wei Family had always been subordinate to the Zhao Family. Every single person in the Wei Family, in their dreams, wished to be able to step over the Zhao Family and once again become one of the Wealthy Classes in the Xihu Province.    


But how could it be easy to surpass it?    


It was not that Wei Family people did not work hard, it was not that they did not pay a price, but what they got in return was the gap between their Zhao Family and the rest of the Zhao Family becoming larger and larger.    


At this time, in the Wei Family Main House, Wei Family Patriarch Wei Shengloong was reading in his study.    


Wei Shengloong was fifty-five years old this year, and as a middle-aged man who had gained a son, he spent the rest of his life in a business under Wei Family, in order to surpass Zhao Family and regain the honor of being the sovereign of the top clans in Xihu Province.    


The study was well lit, with tables and chairs and rows of books lined up on the shelves.    


Above the ceiling hung a huge painting, Kent Beach, of the capsized sailboats in the stormy surf, people fleeing the sailboats, fleeing in lifeboats, the raging waves, people struggling.    


Wei Shengloong was sitting below Kent Beach. His hair was gray at the temples, and he was wearing glasses as he read a book written by a famous economic expert in the country.    


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Wei Shengloong took off his glasses and closed the book. His calm expression instantly turned anxious and excited. He got up and opened the door himself.    


This Wei Shengloong, who usually lived like a prince, had a rare hesitation and excitement on his face.    


There was a middle-aged man standing outside the door. He was wearing coarse linen clothes and his bald head was very eye-catching. There was a dark green bag tied around his waist, and it was bulging with many things.    


"Master Zhou is finally here. I've been waiting for a long time."    


"Master, come in!" Wei Shengloong looked at Master Zhou in surprise as he personally entered the door.    


"Wei Shengloong, it's been twenty years." The bald man, who was addressed as Master Zhou by Wei Shengloong, smiled. He held the teacup on the desk and drained it in one gulp. "This cup of tea is pretty good."    


"If Master Zhou likes it, don't even mention Longjing Tea, even if it's a heavenly high price tea like the embroidered tea Wang Xiangqing, as long as Master Zhou asks for it, I will also buy it for you." Wei Shengloong's tone was extremely respectful and did not dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.    


The Master Zhou in front of him was called Zhou Kunqiu, a Feng Shui Master.    


Different from the other Feng Shui Master s, Zhou Kunqiu was a fortune-teller. His foresight was like a god that could predict the future, and people who had been schemed against by Zhou Kunqiu all admired his ability.    


Twenty years ago, Wei Shengloong's Wei Family was still considered one of the top families in the Xihu Province, but unfortunately, Wei Shengloong did not have the ability to reproduce. He went to many hospitals and did not get any solutions.    


Two years later, Wei Shengloong received a pleasant surprise. His wife was pregnant. The cautious Wei Shengloong went to do paternity testing on purpose, but he didn't expect the child to be his. This made Wei Shengloong so happy that he didn't sleep for a few days.    


When Wei Shengloong wanted to find Zhou Xian Long to thank him, Zhou Xian Long left a note saying that he had matters to attend to abroad and that they would meet again in the future.    


He hadn't thought that this separation would take twenty years.    


Zhou Kunqiu was Wei Shengloong's benefactor.    


"It's great that Master Zhou is back." "Twenty years ago, you left for a place not too long ago, and some Zhao Family suddenly appeared. Zhao Family opened a factory, and with the help of the manufacturing industry's reform policy, I immediately became the overlord of the business circle of Xihu Province. I have been worried to death these past few years, and am being pressured by Zhao Family.    


Zhou Kunqiu nodded: "I've heard about it when I was overseas."    


"Master Zhou, why don't you help me change that Zhao Family's lifeline again so that my Wei Family can once again surpass my Zhao Family." Wei Shengloong asked tentatively.    


Zhou Kunqiu frowned, and angrily said: "Wei Shengloong, I just came back from abroad, you and I haven't even spoken much, yet you want me to calculate Zhao Family, what do you think I am!"    


"The tools used?"    


"Master Zhou, I'm sorry!" I was wrong, I was wrong. " Wei Shengloong quickly apologized. On the spur of the moment, he didn't respect Zhou Kunqiu.    


"Hmph." Zhou Kunqiu sneered, "It's been a long time since we last met. You have guts."    


Wei Shengloong's heart was racing. If Master Zhou got angry, this would be a big problem.    


Wei Shengloong did not even dare to think about the consequences of angering a Feng Shui Master.    


Zhou Kunqiu waved his sleeves and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore."    


"Master Zhou, all these years after you went overseas, many merchants tried to find you but were unable to do so. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to meet Master Zhou in advance so I left descendants for Wei Family."    


Zhou Kunqiu said lightly, "I suddenly came back this time because of an appointment with an old friend."    


Wei Shengloong's heart moved: "Could it be because of the Xihu Province exchange assembly that will be held in Xiangzhou City half a month later?"    


The Feng Shui World exchange gathering was hosted by the Xihu Province. The reason Zhou Kunqiu came back was because of the many years of invitation from friends in the Feng Shui circles.    


"Master Zhou will surely become a big shot in the spotlight when the time comes." Wei Shengloong couldn't help but to say.    


Zhou Kunqiu enjoyed it and nodded, "This time, I will be appearing as a special guest. Of course, the purpose of my return will not only be to attend the Feng Shui World Exchange. I will naturally tell you about it when the time comes."    


Wei Shengloong did not dare to ask too much.    


"Don't worry Master Zhou, during this period of time, I will take care of everything that you are doing in Xiangzhou City." Wei Shengloong expressed his loyalty.    


In front of a merchant, a Feng Shui Master with extraordinary strength was like a treasure.    


Zhou Kunqiu nodded, "This time after Feng Shui World Exchange Convention, I will help you look at the Feng Shui of Zhao Family. Regarding Zhao Family, I have heard a few reports about them while I was overseas, and I have also seen some newspapers and videos to understand them. Let me tell you the truth, the Feng Shui of Zhao Family is not simple at all."    


"But no matter how strong your Zhao Family and Feng Shui is, it's nothing in front of me, Zhou Kunqiu."    


It was rare to get such an obvious response from Zhou Kunqiu, Wei Shengloong was overjoyed. However, his thoughts changed and from Zhou Kunqiu's words, it seemed that his Zhao Family was not that simple.    


If his Zhao Family is the Dragon King's Temple, then Master Zhou is like a torrential river. Let alone a Dragon King's Temple, even ten Dragon King's Temples would be useless against him! "    


The depression that Wei Shengloong had accumulated for the past twenty years was relieved in an instant.    


Wei Shengloong thought about something and said after some deliberation: "William invited me to Wulong High School to attend the Taekwondo Club's official opening ceremony in three days' time. He said that he wanted to organize a Taekwondo performance competition, so why don't you come with me, Master Zhou?"    



Wei Shengloong middle-aged son, can have Wei Weilian, is also Zhou Kunqiu's work. Zhou Kunqiu is not only Wei Shengloong's benefactor, but also Wei Weilian's benefactor.    


"No problem." Zhou Kunqiu revealed a rare smile, "Let's see what he looks like now."    


"Thank you, Master Zhou."    


Wei Shengloong knew that the better their relationship with Zhou Kunqiu, the better it would be for the Wei Family's future.    


With Master Zhou's trust, Wei Shengloong's grasp of the situation suddenly increased, and he laughed sinisterly in his heart, "Zhao Family, I think it's time to change people for the position of Xihu Province's number one."    


… ….    


The days at Wolong High were peaceful and quiet.    


After Zhang Haorann taught Ji Jiangnan a lesson, the school board told the monitoring department to spread the video and cause a huge uproar. Logically speaking, the school board would punish Zhang Haorann and Ji Jiangnan, but the school board didn't say anything.    


Was it to condone Ji Jiangnan? Or support Zhang Haorann?    


No one knew.    


On Friday, students with bags on their back left school early.    


When Zhang Haorann was packing up and preparing to leave, Xiao Weiwei came over.    


"Beauty Xiao, what's the matter?" Zhang Haorann joked.    


Xiao Weiwei said, "My cousin invited you over for dinner. She said she had something to ask you."    


Zhang Haorann suddenly understood, it seemed like Xiao Yishan was concerned about the Tree Spirit's current situation, it was understandable, it had already been a few days, he did not know how Xu Rongsheng took care of the Tree Spirit.    


"Alright, I'll go now." As soon as Zhang Haorann finished his sentence, Ling Huan came over.    


"Weiwei, can I go with you?" Ling Huan was eager to give it a try.    


"No, my cousin said this is a private meeting." Xiao Weiwei shook her head. "I just brought a message with me."    


Private meeting?    


On the other side of the classroom, Xu Qing, who was packing up her things and leaving, suddenly stopped in her tracks and left the classroom as if nothing had happened.    


"Fine." Ling Huan said with a sad face, "Why is it that no one is treating me to a meal?"    


Noticing that Xu Qing had left, Ling Huan nudged Zhang Haorann on the arm and said maliciously: "Mouse, what's the situation between you two? I haven't seen any of you talk these past two days. The school belle used to like to ask you questions in the past, but now she's intentionally distancing herself from you. "    


"Are you stupid?" Zhang Haorann rolled his eyes, "Tomorrow, Wei Weilian will invite me to the Taekwondo Club competition. What if Xu Qing comes close to me and I suffer a loss in the competition? No matter how thin-skinned a girl is, she should at least have some face.    


"Mouse, you're not even close to being a brother. I'm so upright." Ling Huan said in disdain as he shook his head and left.    


Zhang Haorann went to A Mei's restaurant.    


At seven in the evening, A'Mei restaurant closed early and didn't entertain any guests. In a room of A'Mei restaurant, the table was filled with delicious dishes with bright colors, making people drool. If Ling Huan was here, he would have already started drooling.    


Today, Xiao Yishan had changed into a new outfit. Her black hair was tied back with a red ribbon, like a waterfall pouring down a mountain stream. There was not a single blemish on her exquisite face.    


She was wearing a short, low-waisted denim skirt. It was fashionable yet charming. She washed her white jeans and outlined Xiao Yishan's slender legs. Especially her curvaceous waist, which gave off a wild aura.    


The top-grade lady boss had taken off her apron and changed into a new set of clothes. To think that she would be so splendid!    


Even Zhang Haorann, who had seen a lot of beauties from different clans and had dominated the desolate universe in his previous life, could not help but nod in praise of Xiao Yishan.    


"If there's anything you don't want, just point it out." Xiao Yishan's beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Haorann, her tone full of gratitude. The reason she invited Zhang Haorann to dinner was to take this opportunity to ask Zhang Haorann about the situation of the Tree Spirit at Xu Rongsheng's place.    


Xiao Yishan wanted to contact Xu Rongsheng herself, but she didn't do so. She felt that she was not qualified enough, so she invited Zhang Haorann over for a meal and asked him about some matters.    


"That's too polite, isn't it, Lady Boss? No, it's Shan Shan." Zhang Haorann laughed, "There are so many dishes. I can't eat them all by myself. If you don't mind, I'll call my two friends to come with me."    


"Boss Xu, Mo, come in."    


The moment Zhang Haorann finished, the door to the room was pushed open.    


When Xiao Yishan saw the person who entered the room, she covered her mouth in surprise. It seemed that Zhang Haorann already knew her purpose, so he called the two people over.    


The people who entered the room were Xu Rongsheng and Mo.    


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