I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C8 Simple Egg Fried Rice

C8 Simple Egg Fried Rice

0There was a dead silence in the Godhu steaks.    


What happened?    


A Late Meditation Stage warrior knelt down in front of this young man?    




No matter how he looked at it, this young man had just broken through to the Supernatural Power Stage!    


Was it reversed?    


Everyone was dumbstruck.    


"Did Van Tong teach you this Boiled Water Cabbage?" Shen Jun was still sitting in his seat, accepting the kneeling with a clear conscience. "Is he your master?"    


"I dare not claim to be the disciple of the big boss." The chef shook his head. "It's just that thanks to the big boss's green eyes, I was fortunate enough to be reminded of a few things. After that, I was arranged to be the head chef here."    


"This boiled cabbage wasn't personally taught by the big boss. It was slowly developed by this junior after tasting the big boss's craftsmanship."    


So that's how it was.    


Shen Jun suddenly understood. If this person was really Van Tong's disciple, then he would be very disappointed.    


But if he was the one who discovered it, then his talent was indeed not bad.    


"There are too many people here. Let's find a convenient place to chat."    


Shen Jun patted the chef's shoulder and indicated for him to stand up. Since it had something to do with Van Tong, he could be considered half of his own people.    


"Come with me." The chef immediately stood up and led the way.    


The eyes of all the customers in the restaurant were glued to the two of them from beginning to end. It was not until they left the hall that the whole restaurant boiled up again.    


For a moment, there was a lot of discussion.    


"F * ck. What exactly is the background of this young man? To be able to make that head chef kneel down and call himself a junior?!"    


"Could he be the personal disciple of the big boss, Shen Hu Beef?"    


" Disciple? Disciple can receive such treatment? It's more like a son! "    


" Makes sense. "    


Everyone nodded in agreement. After all, this situation was too bizarre. This was the only logical explanation.    


If Shen Jun knew that he had inexplicably become Van Tong's disciple, he would have to cut off Van Tong's fat in order to vent his anger.    


The head chef brought Shen Jun to the kitchen. After all, it was just a restaurant. He could not hope for any private places here.    


Shen Jun did not mind this.    


"Wang Wu, do you have any way to contact Van Tong?"    


Along the way, the two of them chatted and exchanged names.    


"Senior Shen, I really can't do anything about it." Wang Wu had a helpless look. "In the past hundred years, the big boss has been traveling all over the world. He has always been elusive."    


"The last time I saw the big boss was eight years ago."    


"Eight years ago?" Shen Jun was a little puzzled. "What about the profits from so many restaurants and restaurants?"    


"The big boss sends someone to collect the money every six months. That person just left last month."    


Shen Jun's face was full of black lines.    


It was so hard for him to find a disciple.    


"Then, what realm was your big boss at last time?"    


Since he couldn't find any trace of his disciple, he could only ask about some related matters.    


"Late God Stage!"    


Wang Wu's face was full of pride and worship.    


However, Shen Jun wasn't too surprised.    


Qi Condensation, Xiantian, King Kong, Divine Ability. Tian Xuan, Mind Concentration, Half-Saint, and Great Saint.    


After the Great Saint was the God Stage.    


Eight hundred years ago, when he died, Van Tong was already a Half-Saint. Now that eight hundred years had passed, it was normal for him to reach the Late True God realm.    


Shen Jun pondered for a moment and asked, "Do you know where the Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion of Yunlan City is located?"    


"Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion?" Wang Wu looked puzzled. He said, "Junior has stayed in Yunlan City for more than a hundred years. I have never heard of such a place. Which restaurant is it?"    


Shen Jun shook his head and fell into deep thought.    


It seemed that what Old Zhang said before his death was true. Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion was indeed mysterious and unpredictable. Even Wang Wu, who had a high cultivation base, didn't know about the existence of this organization.    


However, there was one thing that could be confirmed.    


There must be a branch of the Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion in a big city with a population of over a million people in Yunlan City!    


What he needed to do was to find it!    


"It's an intelligence organization. It's a bit important to me." Shen Jun said lightly, "Also, I'll leave my meals to you for the next few days. Be careful."    


"Help me keep an eye on the Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion."    


Shen Jun's words sounded a little shameless.    


They had just met by chance, and he wanted to get information from them. He also wanted them to take care of the food, and his attitude was so bad.    


However, when Wang Wu heard this, he was overjoyed.    


To be able to let such a gourmet taste the food he cooked, that was a good thing that even a cultivator of the Dao of Culinary dreamt of!    


As long as this unfathomable "senior" casually mentioned him, his path of cultivation would be reduced by countless detours!    


How was this a burden? It was simply a great joyous occasion!    


"Understood! I'll send people to investigate right now!"    


Wang Wu excitedly called his two assistants over and told them the details of the investigation very seriously. He even repeated the words Heavenly Mysteries Pavilion four or five times before he finally felt relieved and sent them out.    


After finishing the proper business, Wang Wu immediately turned his head and said with a look of anticipation, "Senior, you haven't eaten yet. Junior will go and prepare some for you?"    


Hearing this, Shen Jun's stomach started to rebel again.    


That's right. He had just ordered a table of dishes, but in the end, he only drank a spoonful of soup.    


"Then, let's have an Egg Fried Rice."    


This was Shen Jun's favorite dish in his previous life.    


"Ah?" Wang Wu's face turned red and he looked a little embarrassed. "Senior... this..."    


"This Egg Fried Rice, this junior has never heard of it."    


Shen Jun facepalmed. How could he have forgotten about this?    


This was a completely different food system in the fantasy world. Van Tong loved to eat Egg Fried Rice, but it didn't mean that Wang Wu knew how to cook it.    


"Alright then. I'll cook it. You watch."    


After saying that, Shen Jun rolled up his sleeves and started to look for ingredients.    


This made Wang Wu extremely happy!    


What kind of joke was this? Senior Shen actually wanted to personally show off his culinary skills?!    


This was a blessing that he had cultivated for several lifetimes!    


Looking at Wang Wu's expectant and reverent appearance, the others in the kitchen were really at a loss.    


Our head chef is usually very fierce and fierce.    


He actually dares to be so submissive to a young man?    


Just what background does this young man have?    


Under Wang Wu's lead, they quickly found the ingredients they needed.    


A bowl of rice, a few green crowns' eggs, and a few green onions.    


This time, not to mention the others in the kitchen, even Wang Wu was dumbfounded.    


This... All the ingredients added together were only two copper coins.    


They used to allocate money to beggars, but they also used more than this amount of ingredients!    


What kind of delicious food could this be made into?    


Shen Jun ignored the strange gazes around him and explained to Wang Wu as he operated.    


"I should have made it with overnight rice, but the conditions are limited. Sixty percent of the water in the steamed rice should be enough." ...    


As he spoke, Shen Jun secretly worked hard. Sixty percent of the water in the rice was accurately evaporated.    


Such precise usage of Spiritual Force also made Wang Wu click his tongue in wonder.    


"What's there to be surprised about? Cooking is a fine job to begin with. If you can't even do it to this degree, what kind of chef are you?" Shen Jun reprimanded him without any hesitation. After having brought along so many disciples for so many years, the personality of a strict teacher had already been carved into his bones.    


"Yes, yes, yes. Senior, you are right to teach him a lesson." Wang Wu quickly smiled apologetically. "Junior will definitely practice more diligently, and practice more diligently."    


"After that, hit two of the crowed bird's eggs, stir them up and prepare them for later use. Then cut the little green onion for backup." Shen Jun's hand speed was very fast, and in no time, he cleaned up the chopping board cleanly.    


This was also thanks to the hand speed that he had trained to cook for his disciples over the years.    


"Open the fire, heat the cooker and cold oil." Shen Jun held the pot with one hand, his expression serious.    


"Then, stir-fry it like an egg!"    


"When the egg is formed, immediately pour the rice into the pot to lower the temperature!"    


"Remember, the frying pan cannot stop. The temperature must be evenly distributed. If not, then give me the Spiritual Force!"    


The fire on the stove buzzed. The heavy iron pot flew up and down in Shen Jun's hands. The rice rose and fell like waves, but not a single grain fell outside.    


"Finally!" Shen Jun turned off the fire and smiled. "It's like the green onion embellishing the fragrance."    


When the golden and shiny Egg Fried Rice was served, the entire kitchen had already surrounded them.    


It was so fragrant!    


It was really f * cking fragrant!    


Having worked as a chef for half of his life, this was the first time he had seen such a miraculous dish.    



If he didn't see it with his own eyes, who would dare believe that the cost of this delicacy was actually less than two copper coins?    


"Sometimes, cooking techniques don't have to be so complicated and gorgeous." Shen Jun smiled slightly. "A simple method to force out the original taste of the ingredients is truly brilliant."    


Everyone looked at each other.    


Everyone was complaining in their hearts, but no one dared to say it.    


It was true that he was brilliant, but no one denied it.    




Brother, why did you call that gorgeous set of yours simple?    


Senior, do you have any misunderstandings about the word' simple '?    


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