I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C302 She also Had a Master?!

C302 She also Had a Master?!

0"Big... Emperor Stage?! This girl is also an Emperor Stage warrior?!"    


"This is impossible! How old is she? How can she cultivate to such a realm?!"    


"Wait a minute... Didn't Ren Xuantian say that this girl is him, Eldest Senior Sister? Eldest Senior Sister is already an Emperor Expert, then what about Master? What about the other seniors in the sect? "    


The dozens of higher ups in Brahma Holy Land were all stunned.    


Only the youth from Upper Realm's eyes lit up.    


It wasn't like he wasn't scared.    


But compared to shock, he was more surprised.    


Ren Xuantian's talent was already the strongest person he had ever seen in his life.    


After consuming the Origin Returning Pill at the Late Half Emperor, he had attracted the Emperor Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation in just a few hours.    


This could already be considered inconceivable.    


But if compared to this purple robed girl in front of him...    


Ren Xuantian?    


Not even a fart!    


Even if he didn't use the means of Upper Realm to test him, this young man still dared to pat his chest in assurance.    


This girl's talent, even in the Upper Realm, was a first-class super genius!    


If he could persuade her to surrender, then he would bring her back to the Upper Realm...    


Lord Immortal Lord would definitely be very happy as well.    


At that time, would he be able to get less benefits?    


With this thought, the youth from Upper Realm looked at Xie Qilan with burning eyes.    


At this moment, everyone's gaze was focused on Xie Qilan.    


No one cared about anything else.    


No one noticed Ren Xuantian's facial expression. No one knew when he had lost so badly.    


At this moment, Ren Xuantian had lost the ability to think.    


He originally thought that he had overestimated Eldest Senior Sister's strength as much as possible.    


But when Xie Qilan completely unleashed her true strength in front of him.    


He discovered that right now, he did not even have the qualifications to look at her back anymore.    


Was this his Eldest Senior Sister?    


Middle Period of Emperor?!    


And he was actually still feeling smug about triggering the Emperor Sovereign Heavenly Tribulation... ...    




Absolutely ridiculous.    


It turned out that the difference between them was not as simple as a mountain.    


The difference was like the difference between clouds and mud!    


One was a swan in the sky.    


The other was a worm in the mud.    


There was no comparison between the two....    


The terrifying black palm slowly fell like a falling sky.    


The all-pervading aura of annihilation reminded the people of the Sacred Land at every moment.    


All of this was not an illusion!    


The young woman in front of him was a genuine Middle Period of Emperor expert!    


"Hmph, so she was hiding her true strength."    


"But do you really think that a Middle Period of Emperor warrior can do whatever he wants in my Brahma Holy Land?!"    




Brahma Holy Lord's face turned gloomy.    


The ___!    


Two huge meteoric hammers the size of a human head instantly appeared in his hands.    


The Sovereign Weapon was connected to his own aura.    


The already terrifying aura suddenly became several times stronger!    


It was obvious that there were some secrets hidden within these two monarch weapons and iron hammers.    


Seeing Holy Lord's appearance, the upper echelons of the Sacred Grounds couldn't help but feel excited.    


The Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammer!    


This was the ultimate treasure of the Brahma Holy Land!    


It was also Brahma Holy Lord's door-guarding magic treasure.    


He recalled the chaotic battle between Great Sovereigns.    


Holy Lord had relied on this pair of Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammers to establish a great reputation for Brahma Holy Land.    


It could be said that the reason why Brahma Holy Land could have its current glory was because of the Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammers.    


Seeing the pair of Emperor Weapons and hammers, the confidence of the higher ups of the Sacred Land instantly returned.    


One! It was just a little girl with yellow fur. So what if she was really a Middle Period of Emperor?    


Our Holy Lord is a veteran expert in the Azure Wood Continent.    


After being in the Emperor Stage for so many years, would he still lose to a girl like you?    


"Break Mountains and Rivers!"    


"Break for me!"    


Brahma Holy Lord soared into the sky and shouted angrily.    


The Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammer was swung like the wind, and two rays of red light instantly flew out of his hands.    




The terrifying pressure created gusts of strong wind that blew Ren Xuantian so hard that he couldn't even open his eyes.    


Two rays of red light turned into illusory hammer shadows in the air, carrying a domineering force as they rushed towards the huge black palm.    


Just as the two were about to collide.    


The two scarlet hammer-shadows suddenly closed in.    


In less than half a breath's time, the two hammers actually turned into one hammer.    


They had merged into one!    


The two hammer shadows combined, and the force instantly increased by more than five to six times.    


This was the power of the Flying Fish Ancient Deficiency Hammer.    


A surprise attack.    


At the same time, its power was extraordinary!    




Finally, the crimson hammer shadow collided with the huge palm.    


A terrifying shockwave instantly swept across the entire arena.    


The surrounding space cracked inch by inch, and the longest crack even extended to a hundred meters long.    


Looking from below.    


It was as if a huge mirror that reflected the sky had been shattered by a single punch.    


That scene was as spectacular as it could be.    


It was extremely enjoyable to watch.    


Just as everyone was preparing their congratulations with smiles on their faces.    




Brahma Holy Lord suddenly frowned, and his expression became serious once again.    




Instinct told him that something unexpected was about to happen.    


As expected.    


The next second.    


Crack... Crack!    


The crisp sound was not loud, but it was loud enough for everyone to hear it clearly.    


That sound... sounded like something was crushed?    


At the same time, the Heaven Upheaval Holy Lord opened its eyes wide.    


That... That divine ability that he had thrown out had been shattered!    


"How is this possible?!!"    


Brahma Holy Lord's question was extremely shocked, and he blurted it out without even thinking.    


The next second.    


The huge black palm dispersed the smoke and dust in the sky and continued to fall on everyone's heads.    


The red hammer shadow that Holy Lord sent out just now had already disappeared.    


The first collision had ended just like that.    


Even an ordinary person who had never cultivated before would be able to see who was stronger and who was weaker.    


Brahma Holy Lord subconsciously turned his head to take a look.    


He was not looking at Ren Xuantian, but at the youth from Upper Realm.    


Motherf * cker.    


The Immortal Envoy was watching from behind!    


He couldn't afford to lose the face of the Brahma Holy Land!    


With this thought in mind, Brahma Holy Lord didn't hesitate anymore.    


A hundred percent Spiritual Force fell out, and the Ancient Flying Fish Hammer instantly glowed with divine light!    


"Hammer the Dragon Python! Devour Heaven and Earth!!"    


When he used this move, not to mention the Spiritual Force, Brahma Holy Lord even used all his strength to drink milk.    


When he swung his two hammers, his old face turned completely red.    


But the effect was also obvious.    


The two Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammers transformed into two crimson pythons, which opened their bloody mouths and bit down hard at the descending black palms.    


This could already be considered Brahma Holy Lord's strongest attack.    


He really didn't believe it.    


One. A Middle Period of Emperor girl could withstand his full strength strike!    


This time, he didn't just want to shatter this bullshit palm.    


Even the curvaceous body of the yellow-haired girl is going to be shattered!    




A muffled explosion sounded out as the two terrifying divine abilities collided once again.    


Its might was more than ten times stronger than the previous one.    


However, when the dust settled for the second time.    


The two giant red pythons did not easily crush the huge palm as everyone had imagined. Instead, they attacked the woman.    


Even the huge black palm failed to crush the two giant red pythons that were blocking their way.    


Two Emperor Level divine abilities.    


One was pressing down.    


The other was pressing down.    


No one could do anything to the other.    


They were in a deadlock in midair!    


Everyone fell into a deep daze once again.    


This... Was this really just a little girl who had just entered the Emperor Stage?    


He casually struck out with his palm.    


She actually managed to resist the two divine abilities of our Holy Lord, who is wielding the Flying Fish Ancient Imperial Hammer?!    


This... this doesn't make sense!    


The upper echelons of the Holy Lands couldn't believe their eyes.    


Brahma Holy Lord was even more unable to accept this fact!    


But he was not Ren Xuantian.    


He was not that conceited.    


Even if he wasn't willing, he still forced himself to accept this fact.    


This silly girl was indeed stronger than him.    


Furthermore, she is much stronger than me!    


Xie Qilan still had a cold expression as she stood in midair with her head held high.    


There was no joy or sadness on her face. Even if she stared into her eyes, it was hard to see any emotional fluctuation.    


This palm that blotted out the sky and covered the sun was really just a casual move of hers.    


Attack with full force?    


Don't flatter yourself.    


This chapter probably didn't even display sixty percent of his strength.    


This Brahma Holy Lord seems to be weaker than I imagined.    


"Master, what should we do with these scumbags from the Sacred Land?"    


Xie Qilan faced the empty place and asked faintly.    



She did not use sound transmission nor did she deliberately lower her voice.    


Everyone present was a cultivator with a high realm. Their five senses were extraordinary, so they naturally heard it clearly.    


At this second.    


The higher ups of Brahma Holy Land were collectively petrified.    




Her master?!    


She was already so terrifying...    


Then her master... what kind of awesome person was he?    


"Kill him. What Master wants is the Ancestor, not the Great Sovereign."    


"A person of no value. You can deal with him yourself."    


An even more indifferent and mellow voice came from below.    


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