I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C307 Success and Failure It All Depended on This

C307 Success and Failure It All Depended on This

0Under Shen Jun's powerful Spiritual Force, Ren Xuantian gradually floated up into the air.    


He struggled, screamed, and screamed at the top of his lungs.    


"Shen Jun! You never trusted me! What did I do to make you so biased!? Make you so dismissive of me!!"    


" It has always been like this since I joined your sect. You never trusted me. You never wanted to teach me the most powerful divine ability, the most powerful Great Dao!! "    


"How could I, Ren Xuantian, be inferior to others? What right do you have to treat me like this?!"    


"You want to take back my Great Dao of greed? Dream on!"    


"For the past few hundred years, I've devoted myself to cultivation. The Great Dao of Greed has long since merged with my bones and blood. Even if you're a Golden Immortal descending to the mortal world! There is nothing you can do... No! How is this possible! How is this possible!?!"    


No matter how much Ren Xuantian struggled, no matter how much he used the Spiritual Force to resist.    


In the end, it was still unable to shake Shen Jun's absolute strength.    


Strands of Power of Great Dao were gradually extracted from his bones and blood.    


The other disciples also walked out from the Time White Tower and witnessed this miserable scene with their own eyes.    


However, there was no sympathy in their eyes.    


Shen Jun recorded the entire process of interrogating Ren Xuantian and threw him into the Time White Tower so that the disciples could watch it in real time.    


They only walked out of the white tower after watching the scene.    




In the hearts of the disciples, there was no pity, only anger!    


Was Ren Xuantian miserable now?    


The Great Dao that he painstakingly cultivated for so many years had been forcefully stripped away. There was probably no more crueler punishment in this world than this.    


But was he pitiful?    


Not pitiable.    


Everything was his own fault.    


If he made a mistake, he would have to pay the price for it.    


He couldn't blame his master, and he couldn't blame anyone else.    


"Crippling your path of greed is only a punishment for betraying your sect"    


Shen Jun looked calmly at the frenzied Ren Xuantian in the air.    


He said indifferently, "From the moment you betrayed your sect, I have nothing to do with you anymore."    


"If you just stay in Brahma Holy Land and cultivate, then this matter will be fine."    


"But you betrayed your fellow sect members and my disciple... I can't tolerate you."    


"Go back to where you came from."    


The last syllable fell.    


Shen Jun gently struck out a Daoist seal.    




The raging black flames instantly wrapped around him.    


It was the black flames that contained the power of the Devil God Bone.    


Not to mention the physical body, it could even burn a hole in the void.    


After Shen Jun broke through to the Ancestor Realm, the Devil God Bone that had already merged with him had also evolved.    


As for the black fire that was born from the Devil God Bone, it was naturally strengthened greatly.    


"Ahhhhhhhh!!! ”    


Within the black flames, Ren Xuantian's miserable scream resounded through the clouds.    


With his Peak of Half Emperor cultivation base, he naturally couldn't withstand the burning of the black fire.    


He was unwilling to accept this!    


He was unwilling to accept this!    




I, Ren Xuantian, swear here that if anyone can let me live again, I will use my blood... No, I will swear my loyalty to him with my life!    


I want to become stronger!    


I want to become the world's number one, I want revenge!    


Ren Xuantian roared in his heart.    


And in the next second.    


There was actually an ethereal voice that responded to his thoughts.    


"Kid, are you sure?"    


Ren Xuantian, who was in pain, instantly woke up.    


He immediately grabbed onto this life-saving straw and impatiently asked, "Who are you? Can you really save me?"    


"I can let you escape from the pain of being burned by this raging fire, and I can also make you a true powerhouse... At least, you're not a powerhouse that these ants in front of me can shake."    


"If you're willing to pledge your loyalty to me, I can reward you with all of these."    


The ethereal voice stated all kinds of conditions, filled with fatal temptation.    


"Who exactly are you? Why are you helping me?!"    


"Hahahahaha, I'm from the Upper Realm, you just have to call me Immortal Lord!" The ethereal voice laughed loudly.    


"Immortal Lord? Could it be that you... you are Immortal Lord from the Upper Realm's Brahma Immortal Palace?!" Ren Xuantian suddenly had a flash of inspiration and instantly reacted.    


"That's right!" The ethereal voice admitted it without hesitation, "If you are willing to pledge your loyalty to Brahma Immortal Palace, I will help you get out of this Inferno Hell!"    


Ren Xuantian instantly became excited.    


His guess was right!    


This voice really came from the Brahma Immortal Lord of Upper Realm!    


As for why he could contact him...    


It must be because of the Returning Origin Pill that he had consumed.    


Hmph, I knew that there was something done to the pill when I consumed it. I was still thinking about how to get rid of it.    


He hadn't expected this.    


This pill had actually helped him survive a hopeless situation!    


Right now, there were only two paths in front of Ren Xuantian.    


The first was to pledge loyalty to the true master of Upper Realm, Immortal Lord of Brahma Immortal Palace.    


The second was to die.    


Was there even a need to think about it?    


No matter what, he had to save his life first!    


"Master Immortal Lord! I, Ren Xuantian, am willing to make a solemn vow with my divine soul. If you can really save me, I will pledge my loyalty to you! I swear my loyalty to Brahma Immortal Palace! "    


Ren Xuantian instantly made a decision and shouted loudly in his heart.    


In order to gain Brahma Immortal Lord's trust, he even used his divine soul as the price to make a solemn vow.    


"Alright! Then this Immortal Master will save your life!"    


The ethereal voice immediately replied....    


In the outside world, the raging black flames not only devoured Ren Xuantian, but also the youth from Upper Realm.    


To Shen Jun, it was meaningless to keep them alive.    


However, just as their last thread of life was about to be cut off...    


An extremely terrifying force suddenly burst out from the five-colored divine pagoda!    


At the same time, the Divine Weapon pagoda instantly dimmed.    


As if its life force had been depleted, the candle flame blew out.    




In just an instant, that terrifying power had created a huge hole in the black flames that filled the sky.    


The next second.    


The youth from Upper Realm and Ren Xuantian were wrapped up by the power and turned into a ray of light that shot into the sky.    


In the blink of an eye, they had covered a thousand miles.    


All of this happened in the time it took for a spark to fly off a piece of flint.    


It happened so suddenly and so quickly that even Shen Jun was unable to react in time.    


The other disciples were even more shocked.    


This was too sudden.    


How could two people whose cultivation bases had been sealed, who were about to die, unleash such terrifying power?!    


"This is... immortal energy?"    


Shen Jun looked in the direction where the two of them left, his eyes slightly narrowed, like an eagle about to pounce on its prey.    


A few days ago, he had conducted a soul search on the two youth from Upper Realm.    


From their memories, Shen Jun also understood the existence of a high level "Immortal Force."    


Although the group of disciples didn't know what the Immortal Force that Master spoke of was, they had the same question.    


"Master, are we not going to chase after them?" Xie Qilan asked anxiously.    


"They are going back to Upper Realm. How are we going to chase them?" Shen Jun sighed slightly.    


"Return to Upper Realm?!"    



The disciples were shocked again.    


"Yeah, if that energy is really immortal energy, then their destination is probably Upper Realm." Shen Jun looked in the direction where the two of them were heading and said in a flat tone.    


"This damn Ren Xuantian! He really escaped!"    


"He actually hid in Upper Realm! What a shameless fellow!"    


"When I think that such a traitor is still alive, I feel disgusted! Bah! "    


All the disciples were filled with righteous indignation, and they wished for nothing more than to personally kill this fellow who betrayed their sect.    


Xie Qilan also had a cold expression on her face. It seemed that she had also suppressed quite a bit of anger.    


Only Shen Jun could not help but be not angry. Instead, he let out a cold laugh.    


"Run? That will depend on who is the luckiest one among them and us!"    


"All of you, get closer to Master! Remember every word I say next!"    


"Success or failure... will depend on this!"    


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