I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C11 His Master Was Gone

C11 His Master Was Gone

0These two men who came from afar were naturally Shen Jun's two disciples.    


One was ___'s disciple. The other was a twenty-year-old Divine architect who had a good reputation as the Craftsman God.    


The other was Old Thirty-Six, the president of the Central State's Formation Master Guild, and also the number one formation genius in Central State - Lee Hongyu.    


The two of them stepped on the void with the tips of their toes, and walked down from the flying boat.    


When they stood on the ground in front of Shen's Tomb, the flying boat gradually became transparent until it disappeared.    


The two of them had solemn expressions on their faces. They respectfully knelt down and kowtowed nine times towards the mausoleum before opening the entrance to the underground Imperial City.    


The two brothers descended and quickly arrived at the outer city gates of the Imperial City.    


"Hongyu, the situation isn't right." Wang Jingyu furrowed his brows.    


"Someone has come, and there are more than one wave of people." Lee Hongyu's eyes were filled with anger and killing intent. "Judging from the traces left on the way here, there are at least thirty to forty people who have entered the tomb, and not at the same time."    


"Ten years ago, when everyone came to pay their respects, everything was still normal. It seems like this group of people had their eyes on Master's tomb during these ten years." Wang Jingyu began to think. "Who exactly is it? Ordinary people do not have the courage to do so."    


On the day the Shen's Tomb was built, many of the senior and junior brothers had reached an agreement.    


Ten years was a period of time. No matter where they were, they would definitely gather in front of the mausoleum to pay their respects to their master.    


"Could it be that some senior and junior brothers came to pay their respects and accidentally touched it?" Wang Jingyu asked.    


"You said it yourself. This tomb is the blood and sweat of all our fellow disciples." Lee Hongyu replied with a question, "Who do you think is stupid enough to fall into a trap in their own house?"    


Wang Jingyu nodded. Indeed, eight hundred years had passed. His fellow disciples were too familiar with this mausoleum. Even if they walked with their eyes closed, they would not trigger so many restrictions and formations.    


Very quickly, the two of them passed through the outer city and arrived at the first layer of the inner city's formation.    


Lee Hongyu's face suddenly sank!    


"Damn it!"    


After cursing in his heart, Lee Hongyu quickly removed the restriction and flew towards the central hall!    


Although Wang Jingyu didn't know what was going on, he immediately followed behind.    


"Hongyu, what happened?!" Wang Jingyu followed beside Lee Hongyu and asked anxiously.    


"A day ago, someone used a great divine ability to seal all the formations and barriers in this place. All of the defenses in this mausoleum were removed by that person!" Lee Hongyu's voice was low and terrifying. The killing intent in his eyes skyrocketed!    


"What did you say?! "Wang Jingyu's expression changed dramatically as well.    


"Someone who has such power must be at least a Late True God. The two of us might not even be able to defeat him!" Lee Hongyu said hatefully.    


Shen's Tomb was indeed a golden mountain.    


However, only those few items in the main hall could make such a huge commotion.    


In the blink of an eye, the two of them crossed the inner city and rushed to the front of the main hall.    


And here, there were actually traces of outsiders barging in!    


This made the two of them practically go crazy!    


Even if the entire Imperial City was destroyed, they wouldn't care too much about it. Rebuilding it was only a matter of time.    


But within the main hall lay the remains of their Master!!    


If there really was someone who dared to disrespect their Master's remains... they would definitely suffer the crazy revenge of all their fellow disciples at all costs!    


Even the heavens would have to dig a hole in it!    


Kill without mercy!    


After pushing open the door, everything in the hall returned to normal. The divine coffin and the treasures were still there.    


Wang Jingyu heaved a long sigh of relief and said, "The items are still here. Hongyu, your Nine Dragons Eight Trigrams Formation has made a great contribution."    


Lee Hongyu's expression was still incomparably solemn. Without saying a word, he quickly patrolled the main hall, not missing a single corner.    


"The Nine Dragons Eight Trigrams Formation has been triggered. A few people have died here, but..."    


"I just feel that something is not right. Something is definitely missing in this hall."    


Lee Hongyu frowned. He knew that something must have gone wrong, but he couldn't find the exact location.    


"Ai, it's fortunate that nothing has happened in the hall." Lee Hongyu walked up to stop him. "Jingyu, you have been sensitive ever since you were young. Why can't you change it after so many years?"    


"Let's give Master a few kowtows and consolidate the formation and restrictions in the mausoleum."    


Wang Jingyu scanned his surroundings again, but still did not find anything wrong. He could only nod his head. "Alright, we will listen to senior brother."    


The two tidied their clothes and slowly knelt in front of the divine coffin. Just as they were about to kowtow and pay their respects.    


Lee Hongyu's expression suddenly changed.    


The Spiritual Force suddenly erupted. With a flash of his body, he rushed to the top of the divine coffin!    


Then, he pushed out with his palm!    


"Lee Hongyu! Are you f * cking crazy?! That was Master's divine coffin! "    


Wang Jingyu was furious, but everything happened too quickly, and he had no time to stop it.    


The lid of the divine coffin was pushed open by Lee Hongyu's palm.    


"Lee Hongyu, you son of a b * tch, you are... Where is Master? Where did Master's body go?!"    



Wang Jingyu was stunned for a moment, then he went crazy!    


The divine hall was empty.    


Master was gone!    


Lee Hongyu naturally didn't mind being scolded by his senior brother. Right now, he was like an ancient ferocious beast that was about to devour someone.    


A terrifying aura exploded from his body, and the killing intent in his eyes was extremely strong.    


"Senior brother." Lee Hongyu's body trembled, but he still maintained his calm. "There must be some clues in the hall. Search!"    


In an instant, Lee Hongyu seemed to have changed into a different person.    


The two of them immediately searched the entire main hall, not sparing a single inch of land.    


If the main hall didn't have any, they would search the entire inner city.    


If the inner city did not have it, they would search the entire underground imperial mausoleum.    


If he really couldn't do it, he would call back all his fellow disciples. Even if he had to turn the Central State upside down, he would have to find the person who stole his master's body!    


Two hours later, the two of them returned to the main hall once again. They searched the entire inner city once, but found no trace of him.    


Their faces were so gloomy that water could drip out of them. Boundless killing intent filled the entire Imperial City.    


It was as if a storm was coming, and a storm was coming. It was a sense of danger.    


"Hongyu, who would be interested in Master's body?" Wang Jingyu asked in a deep voice.    


"Master's physique is the strongest and most terrifying I have ever seen in my life. It's even stronger than some divine weapons, but Master is already dead..." Lee Hongyu pondered for a moment and suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly said, "But if it is to those Lords of Sacred Lands!"    


"What do you mean?!" Wang Jingyu immediately understood the meaning behind Lee Hongyu's words.    


"That's right! To those people, the remains of their master is the greatest treasure in the world!" Lee Hongyu said while gnashing his teeth in anger.    


If that person was really eyeing the mausoleum, then everything made sense.    


Damn it!    


"So what if it's the Lord of the Sacred Land?!" Wang Jingyu shouted angrily, "I will go and find my fellow disciples right now. Even if I have to slaughter the entire Central State, I will bring back the remains of my master!"    


"Senior brother, please wait." Lee Hongyu pulled Wang Jingyu and frowned. He looked at the entrance of the tomb and said, "Someone is coming. The defense mechanism of the outer city has been destroyed."    


"Again? These bastards really treat this place as a canteen!" Wang Jingyu was so angry that he laughed instead.    


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