Pill Sovereign Reborn

C5 He Knows How to Refine Medicine?

C5 He Knows How to Refine Medicine?

0If Ye Lan was known as a piece of trash...    


That what about Ye Kuang who lost to him? Was he even worse than trash?    


In contrast to everyone's expectations and Ye Kuang's vow to beat Ye Lan into a pulp, he was instead utterly destroyed by Ye Lan in mere seconds.    


A cultivator in the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm was actually easily defeated by a piece of trash who was unable to cultivate because of his blocked meridians?    


If this matter were to spread around, Ye Kuang would end up losing all face in the Ye Family and become the new laughing stock.    


"Ye Yu, you're far too protective of this brat! To think that you would sneak an attack on me!"    


Ye Kuang suddenly had a thought as he looked at Ye Yu and said in a deep voice.    


At that moment, the surrounding Ye Family disciples all woke up from the initial shock and shifted their gazes towards Ye Yu who was standing behind Ye Lan.    


Ye Yu, the number-one genius in the Ye Family, had already broken through to the First Stage of the Qi Gathering Realm. Furthermore, she was also on the verge of breaking through to the peak of that stage. Ye Kuang could not compare to her in terms of any aspect whatsoever.    


If she wanted to sneak an attack on Ye Kuang, he would not be able to block nor dodge it, no matter what he did.    


"So that's what happened... I really thought it was Ye Lan who attacked him when Ye Yu was the one who did so."    


"Tsk... a piece of trash will always remain as a piece of trash. To think that he would be cowardly enough to hide behind a woman. It seems that he will forever rely on and take advantage of his relationship with her in the future."    


One after another, the disgusted Ye Family disciples mocked him with utter disdain.    


Standing a distance away, Ye Yu wore a calm expression and remained silent.    


Did she actually sneak an attack on Ye Kuang?    




As a matter of fact, she did not do anything at all. Furthermore, why would Ye Yu reveal a shocked expression if Ye Lan was not the one who knocked Ye Kuang down?    


"So... you're claiming that Yu'er sneaked an attack on you just because you couldn't defeat me? I've seen plenty of shameless people in my lifetime, but I've never once seen someone at the same level as you!"    


Ye Lan exclaimed as his mouth curled up into a smile. With a hint of ridicule, he slowly walked forward and sent another vicious kick towards Ye Kuang. Once again, it landed squarely on his crotch.    


A shriek that sounded like a pig being slaughtered once again resounded through the air.    


This time, Ye Kuang foamed at his mouth. His eyes suddenly rolled over as he fainted on the spot.    


"Not only did you fail to land a single hit on me, but you even fainted with a single kick. How boring..."    


Ye Lan brushed his hands as he lost interest.    


"Yu'er, let's go!"    


Having taken care of the annoying pest, Ye Lan proceeded to walk towards the Medicine Pavilion with Ye Yu.    


Afraid of suffering the same fate, Ye Kuang's lackeys did not dare to recklessly attack Ye Lan.    


They were all afraid of Ye Yu who was walking beside Ye Lan.    


"Brother Ye Lan, how did you do that just now?"    


Ye Yu asked curiously as they walked along the path.    


When Ye Lan defeated Ye Kuang with a few attacks, many of the Ye Family disciples believed that she was the one who had sneaked in those attacks.    


However, Ye Yu knew that wasn't the case.    


Thus, Ye Lan's method piqued her utmost curiosity. What exactly did Ye Lan do to defeat Ye Kuang, who was at the First Stage of the Body Tempering Realm, with such ease?    




Ye Lan muttered with a smile.    




Ye Yu was slightly taken aback as even she didn't know what that was.    


"Yu'er shouldn't have learned about it yet. Alright, then allow me to enlighten you. In the human body, there are countless acupoints that connect to the nerves in one's mind. Some of them may be taken advantage of to paralyzed one's entire body while others may cause one to feel as though they have been struck by lightning. Furthermore, there are even ones that cause a person to lose their ability to fight in an instant..."    


Ye Lan explained in detail.    


In his previous life, not only was he the strongest cultivator in the entire Martial God Continent, but he was also the number-one alchemist who possessed an extremely deep understanding of the acupoints in the human body.    


Since he possessed such profound knowledge and experience of the acupoints, Ye Lan was able to easily defeat Ye Kuang, who was supposed to be an entire level above him.    


After all, one did not need to awaken their Fighting Soul, not did they need to utilize Genuine Qi to take advantage of another person's acupoints.    


By mastering the Acupoint Technique, even an ordinary person could easily deal with a cultivator in the first or second stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Of course, if there was a great disparity in strength, the Acupoint Technique would naturally not be of much use.    


Earlier in the previous battle, Ye Lan struck down the acupoint in Ye Kuang's fist and paralyzed his right hand instantly. As such, he ended up rolling on the ground in unbearable pain and lost the ability to fight.    


Listening to Ye Lan's lesson about the Acupoint Technique, Ye Yu was stunned as she quickly lost herself in thought.    


After all, she had never heard, let alone thought of utilizing acupuncture in fighting before.    


But now, she was even more confused, for she could not figure out how her Brother Ye Lan knew so much about it.    


According to her knowledge, the old Ye Lan had always harbored great hatred for martial arts since he couldn't cultivate. Thus, he never took the time to study it.    


Although she was certainly curious about he sudden change, Ye Yu nonetheless did not dig too deep into the situation.    


She only needed to knew one thing... that her Brother Ye Lan now was no longer the Brother Ye Lan of the past!    


Who knows? Her Brother Ye Lan might really be able to defeat Qin Yijun during the duel a month later.    


By the time she came back to reality, Ye Yu had already arrived at the Medicine Pavilion with Ye Lan.    


When the guards standing at the gate noticed Ye Lan, they originally wanted to stop him. However, when they saw that Ye Yu was accompanying him, they could only obediently stay at the side and watch as the two of them walked slowly into the Medicine Pavilion hand-in-hand.    


The Medicine Pavilion was one of the most important places in the Ye Family.    


Within the pavilion were many types of medicinal items looked after and created by the apothecaries. These pills could be used to refine other kinds of liquid medicine that were used to raise one's cultivation.    


Aside from the medicinal pills, the apothecary is an extremely common profession in this world.    


As long as an ordinary person had some knowledge about refining medicinal liquids, they would be able to land the job as an apothecary.    


The reason is that apothecaries only knew how to refine medicinal liquids. They did not have any knowledge of pill refining unlike that of alchemists.    


Consequently, in the Martial God Continent, medicinal pills were undoubtly the most important resource for any cultivators.    


This was also the reason why apothecaries were much inferior to alchemists.    


After all, alchemists did not only know how to concoct medicinal pills, but they naturally knew how to turn those pills into medicinal liquids.    


The apothecaries, on the other hands, only knew how to create medicinal liquids using the pills refined by the alchemists.    


This was the main difference between an alchemist and an apothecary that resulted in the huge difference in status between the two of them.    


The moment they stepped into the Medicine Pavilion, Ye Lan saw many apothecaries and their apprentices busy brewing various kinds of medicinal liquids.    


"Two Golden Grass, One Silverthread Fruit, Two Fragrant Water Flowers..."    


Amidst the Medicine Pavilion, an old man kept uttering the names of medicinal herbs.    


One after another, the apprentices followed the elder's instructions and brought in all kinds of spiritual herbs and spirit fruits in an attempt to refine them into medicinal liquids.    


"God damn it! It failed again. Where exactly did it go wrong?"    


The old man watched as the medicinal liquid within the cauldron melted into a pile of waste amidst the flame.    


He could not help but reveal a deep frown and curse aloud.    


The old man was the most well-known apothecary in the Ye Family. Utilizing his abundance of knowledge regarding medicine, he assisted the Ye Family in refining many popular recovery medicines. As a result, he was highly sought after by many cultivators in Liquid Aqua Town.    


Unfortunately, ever since the Qin Family managed to recruit an alchemist, the business of the Ye Family had only been getting worse with each passing day. The main reason was that the alchemist knew how to refine a type of Vitality Replenishing Pill that could heal a cultivator's injuries faster than any other medicine in town.    


If the situation continue down this path for a long period of time, the Qin Family would ineivitably dominate the entire town.    


Knowing that fact, the higher-ups of the Ye Family had assigned this old man with an extremely important task.    


The task involved him racking his brains to create a recovery medicine that was even more effective than the Vitality Replenishing Pills.    


Despite his greatest efforts over the past few months, the old man was still unable to succeed in creating another type of medicine known as the Essence Recovery Liquid.    


Furthermore, his continuous failures caused him to feel extremely dejected.    


After cursing his mind out, the old man turned around and went to another part of the Medicine Pavilion to look for the ancient scripture regarding the refining of the Essence Recovery Liquid.    


"Elder Feng, I would like to get some elixirs."    


Ye Lan walked up to the old man and said in a respectful tone.    


"I don't have time right now! If you need any elixirs, go get them yourself!"    


Constantly flipping through the ancient scriptures related to the Essence Recovery Liquid, Elder Feng responded in a somewhat impatient manner.    


"Thank you, Elder Feng."    


Ye Lan thanked with a smile.    


With that, he walked towards the cabinet containing all kinds of medicine and retrieved the elixirs that he wanted.    


"Elder Feng, you can refine the Essence Recovery Pill by adding a Heart Congealing Stone to the Essence Recovery Liquid. The pill can allow one to recover their injuries in a single breath."    


After getting a hold of the elixirs, Ye Lang said with a smile.    


He knew full-well that during this period of time, Elder Feng had been experimenting non-stop in an attempt to create an even more effective recovery medicine. His efforts were all for the sake of the Ye Family.    


Therfore, as one of the disciples of the Ye Family, Ye Lan was not stingy when it came to giving a few pointers to Elder Feng.    




Hearing Ye Lan's words, Elder Feng nodded his head without concern.    


After all, he knew that Ye Lan was known as the infamous trash of the Ye Family. Let alone learning martial arts, he probably didn't even know anything about refining medicine. Thus, how could he possibly listen to Ye Lan's words?    


"Master, quickly take a look!"    


As soon as Ye Lan and Ye Yu took their leave, one of Elder Feng's apprentices rushed towards him with a white pill the size of a pigeon's egg in his hand.    


Upon seeing this pill, Elder Feng was immediately dumbfounded.    


"Where did this come from?"    


"Earlier, one of the disciples carelessly threw a Heart Congealing Stone into the Essence Recovery Liquid. As a result, the liquid condensed to form this medicinal pill."    


This Medicine Pavilion apprentice answered truthfully.    


"A Heart Congealing Stone?"    


Astonished, Elder Feng was suddenly reminded of the words that Ye Lan uttered before he left.    


You can refine the Essence Recovery Pill by adding a Heart Congealing Stone to the Essence Recovery Liquid. The pill can allow one to recover their injuries in the span of a single breath.    



Originally, Elder Feng did not pay much attention to those words. However, seeing the truth laid out before his eyes, how could he possibly still think that Ye Lan's were utter nonsense?    


"Quick! Let's test the effectiveness of this pill!"    


Regaining his composure, Elder Feng immediately gave out the order.    


At that moment, he instantly gathered his apprentices to test the effects of this Essence Recovery Pill. Just as Ye Lan had told him, the medicinal pill could indeed heal a cultivator's injuries within the time of a single breath.    


This miraculous discovery caused Elder Feng and the other apothecaries to burst into a series of cheers.    


They truly believed once this Essence Recovery Pill was made known to the public in Lucid Aqua Town that it would definitely be able to turn the tides against the Qin Family's Vitality Replenishing Pills. In other words, the Qin Family's medicinal pill could not compare with the medicinal pill that they happened to discover!    


Upon knowing this result, Elder Feng was even more astonished. He was now extremely curious as to how Ye Lan knew about this formula that even he had no way of knowing about.    


Does he actually know how to refine medicine?    


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