Pill Sovereign Reborn

C6 Spirit Summoning Liquid

C6 Spirit Summoning Liquid

0After returning to his room, Ye Lan took out a medicinal stove and prepared to boil the medicinal liquids.    


His past self was quite the unfortunate one indeed, for he did not know a single thing about the path of martial arts, much less the art of alchemy. Thus he could not do anything about his blocked meridians whatsoever.    


Furthermore, he currently did not have the proper equipment for refining the medicinal liquids. While one required a proper cauldron to refine them, he could only rely on his sole medicinal stove — usually used to refine medicinal herbs — to refine the medicinal liquids.    


Often succumbing to various illnesses due to his weak body, Ye Lan would often boil some medicine for himself using the medicinal stove.    


If not for that fact, with his infamous reputation in the Ye Family, he probably wouldn't be able to get his hands on such a common item.    


"Haiz... my past life was quite the pitiful one..."    


After setting up the furnace and lighting the firewood, Ye Lan started fanning the fire.    


As the clear water in the cauldron started showing signs of boiling, he shook his head and sighed bitterly with a depressed expression, thinking about his past pathetic self.    


Only after the water in the cauldron began to boil intensely did Ye Lan proceed to throw in all kinds of spirit fruits that he had taken from the Medicine Pavilion into the cauldron to be refined.    


This time, Ye Lan sought to refine a kind of medicinal liquid known as the "Spirit Summoning Liquid."    


This exact solution is capable of effectively opening Ye Lan's blocked meridians.    


Of course, with the knowledge of the number-one alchemist from his previous life, he certainly had ten of thousands of other formulas that were even better than the Spirit Summoning Liquid.    


But as the saying goes, you can't get anywhere without the proper equipment and resources.    


The spirit fruits and other elixirs required to refine the more effective medicinal liquids could not be found in the Ye Family.    


Moreover, Ye Lan was currently a pauper with no access to money whatsoever, meaning that he could not gather any of those required items for the time being.    


As such, Ye Lan could only take a step back and choose to refine the Spirit Summoning Liquid, one of the lowest grade marrow cleansing liquids.    


After a long while, the clear water within the furnace gradually turned viscous. At the same time, the liquid had changed into a fresh green color as it emitted waves of intoxicating medicinal fragrance.    


"This amount of Spirit Summoning Liquid should more or less be enough to open up my meridians."    


Looking down at the Spirit Summoning Liquid, Ye Lan picked up the medicine stove and poured it into a large bathtub in one go.    


Taking off his clothes, he then jumped into the bathtub with an expression of pure satisfaction.    


Upon entering the bathtub, the greenish liquid surrounded his entire body and seeped into the pores all over Ye Lan's body. As a result, it quickly began to eat away at the filth in his meridians and gradually opened them back up.    


Soon, the leaf green Spirit Summoning Liquid slowly turned jet-black as the filth flowed out from Ye Lan's meridians.    


At the same time, the original medicinal fragrance had turned into an extremely foul stench.    


"Ah... this feels great..."    


As the Spirit Summoning Liquid cleanses the filth from his meridians, Ye Lan felt extremely refreshed as if his physical body had been reborn.    


In a short period of time, his body sparkled with cleanliness as the bruises around his body had completely disappeared.    


His skin became as tender as an infant's while his previously sallow face now surged with vigor.    


His pair of dark eyes shone brightly, a faint glow flashing across them.    


With that, Ye Lan dried himself and put on his training clothes. Sitting cross-legged on the bed, he closed his eyes and began to silently cultivate the supreme mental cultivation technique from his previous life — the Heaven and Earth Creation Art.    


That exact cultivation technique played a pivotal role in assisting Ye Lan to become the strongest cultivator in the Martial God Continent in his previous life.    


Once he cultivated the technique, the rate at which he absorbed the Spiritual Qi of the Heaven and Earth became several times faster than that of a normal cultivator.    


By doing so, he broke through the realms of cultivation at an inhuman speed.    


The Heaven And Earth Creation Art was obtained by his past self through sheer luck, turning him into the person he is now.    


"The disparity between Heaven and Earth, balanced by the existence of the Yin and Yang, ultimately giving birth to all living things in this world."    


"The First Form of the Three Illusionary Dharma, Eight Trigrams Aura Clearing Technique."    


Ye Lan recited the scriptures that he memorized in his past life related to the Heaven and Earth Creation Art like the chanting of a thousand buddhas, in a solemn and dignified manner.    


By doing so, the dense Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth fluctuated in his surroundings and gathered around his body.    


It entered Ye Lan's body in a steady stream and flowed throughout his dantian using his now-opened meridians as their pathways.    


The Spiritual Qi circulated around his dantian and gradually formed into a white whirlpool.    


That whirlpool of Spiritual Qi, also known as the Qi Vortex, would usually be formed after one comes to realize the true meaning of heaven and earth, absorbs the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, and refines the Genuine Qi in their dantian.    


The formation of that Qi Vortex indicated that one had stepped into the Body Tempering Realm and officially become a true martial cultivator.    


Furthermore, the Qi Vortex had a total of nine stages.    


The existence of a single Qi Vortex indicates the power of a cultivator at the first stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Upon the creation of the second Qi Vortex, the cultivator would have broke through to the second stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


This process goes on until nine of those Qi Vortexes has been formed.    


After doing so, one would receive the option to combine all nine Qi Vortexes and condense them into their Core Essence using Genuine Qi, resulting in the breakthrough to the Qi Gathering Realm.    


At this moment, the Qi Vortex in Ye Lan's dantian whirled viciously until a second vortex appeared next to it.    


Taking another breath, a third... and a fourth one suddenly appeared one after the other!    


It wasn't until the fourth Qi Vortex appeared that their rotations calmed down, having saturated all of his strength.    


Upon opening his blocked meridians, Ye Lan managed to break past several realms consecutively before finally coming to a stop at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Ye Lan opened his eyes and revealed a satisfied smile.    


Had he not known of the Heaven and Earth Creation Art, it would have been impossible for him to enter the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm in a single go.    


"Since I have already stepped into the Body Tempering Realm, my Fighting Soul should also have appeared."    


Pondering that exact thought for a while, two Fighting Souls suddenly appeared behind him.    


One was known as the Soul of the Blazing Flame while the other was the Eye of Crimson.    


Fighting Souls are innate abilities awakened by anyone who manages to take their first step into the Body Tempering Realm. They serve as one of the main weapons of a cultivator and guide the cultivators down their destined paths.    


One's Fighting Soul would essentially determine the potential of their growth as a cultivator.    


Furthermore, there are even various kinds of Fighting Spirits such as the Beast Souls, Artifact Souls, Elemental Souls, and the Unique Souls    


Some examples of Beast Souls include the Soul of the Ferocious Tiger, the Soul of the Violent Beat, etc.    


Weapon Souls include the Soul of the Sword, the Soul of the Sabre, etc.    


Elemental Souls include the souls of various elementals such as fire, ice, lightning, etc.    


The Unique Souls, like the one that Ye Lan currently possessed, holds great destructive potential if nurtured and used correctly.    


In his previous life, one of the factors that allowed Ye Lan to rise to the top of the Martial God Continent included his Eye of Crimson as he utilized it to kill every single of his enemies.    


This Unique Soul allowed him to see through his enemies' movements and find the flaw in them. Moreover, he could even analyze his own movements and slowly reach the level of absolute perfection.    


However, with his current weak body and lack of Spiritual Qi, Ye Lan still could not use his two Fightin Souls to their full potential.    


Only after closing the gap between the current him and his previous unparralleled self in terms of strength could Ye Lan slowly be able to grow stronger with his two Fighting Souls.    




During his cultivation, the door to his room was suddenly kicked open by someone.    


In the next instant, a few figures barged in aggressively.    


The person in the lead looked to be a young man around the age of eighteen. Clad in white, he possessed handsome features that contrasted with his current gloomy expression.    


This young man was Ye Tao, one of the Ye Family disciples in the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Amongst the younger generation of the Ye Family, his strength and talent could only be considered average at best.    


Following behind him were a few other Ye Family disciples that Ye Lan just so happened to recognize. They included Ye Ran and his other lackeys whom Ye Lan had beaten up in the mountain behind the Ye Family's backyard recently.    


Without even needing to ask, Ye Lan knew very well that Ye Ran had brought people with him to cause trouble and get revenge.    


After all, Ye Ran had nearly lost his opportunity of becoming a father. With his temper, he would naturally not let the matter rest.    


"Do you need something from me?"    


Ye Lan asked as he took his sweet time standing up. He then shifted his gazes from one gloomy expression to the other with a bright smile of his own.    


"You damned trash, you actually dared to kick me in the crotch back at the mountain today. Now, I will teach you a lesson!"    


Ye Ran said angrily.    


Thinking back to how he almost lost his precious son, Ye Ran could not quell the rage fuming in his heart.    


"So what? You went crying to Brother Ye Tao? To think that you actually needed to ask your big brother for help just to deal with a piece of trash like me."    


"If I were you... I would have long since committed suicide from shame!"    


Ye Lan said playfully.    


His tone was filled with ridicule.    


"Stinking brat, you still dare to mock me? I will cripple you today!"    


Ye Ran boiled with extreme anger.    


At that moment, he gave a signal to the other Ye Family disciples and dashed towards Ye Lan.    








Just as they were about to pounce on him, Ye Lan flicked them away one by one as if he was swatting away a bunch of annoying flies. Collapsing heavily on the ground, they wailed in agony as they clutched down at the place where they were hit.    


When Ye Tao witnessed how easily Ye Lan dealt with Ye Ran and the rest from the side, his eyes narrowed as a hint of surprise flashed in the depths of his eyes.    


After all, he knew that Ye Lan was a mere useless trash who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians. Normally, he would also act cowardly and timid since he did not have much ability to back his words up.    


On the other hand, Ye Tao's initial expectations of him had shattered completely. Was the youth standing before him really that useless coward from before?    


Was he really still that trash who could not cultivate?    


How could a trash like him who could not cultivate send Ye Ran and the others flying away so easily?    


"Brother did you see it? That stinking brat is actually quite strong. We're not his match whatsoever, so you must definitely teach him a lesson in my place!"    


After a long while, Ye Ran called out.    


"It's useless even if your brother comes to help!"    


Suddenly, Ye Lan laughed.    


In the blink of an eye, he flashed towards Ye Yao like a bolt of lightning before Ye Tao even had the time to react.    





With a dull thud, Ye Lan landed a kick squarely in Ye Tao abdomen and proceeded to stomp down on him ruthlessly.    


The sudden turn of events stupefied Ye Ran and the others as their faces turned bleach pale in utter disbelief.    


Ye Tao had just been defeated with a single kick before he even had the time to fight back!    


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