Pill Sovereign Reborn

C7 Daylight Robbery

C7 Daylight Robbery

0Dumbfounded, Ye Ran and his lackeys laid petrified on the ground.    


They could certainly understand if Ye Lan somehow gained the ability to deal with them in a single breath.    


However, suddenly obtaining the strength to subdue Ye Tao with ease was a completely different story!    


After all, they were all familiar with Ye Tao.    


As a cultivator in the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm, he could handle a fight with a dozen ordinary adults by himself without much trouble.    


On the other hand, Ye Lan was a trash who could not cultivate. So how was he able to overwhelm Ye Tao with a single kick?    


If the pain searing through their wounds were not as intense as it was, Ye Ran and the others would have thought that they were dreaming!    


"How is this possible? That trash... when did he become so powerful?"    


Only after a long while did Ye Ran come back to his sense. The look of disdain shot towards Ye Lan was quickly replaced with a layer of shock and fear.    


The gazes of the other Ye Family disciples also changed drastically as they stared at Ye Lan in disbelief.    


*Cough! Cough!*    


Ye Tao's face quickly bleached pale as he coughed out a few mouthfuls of blood.    


His gaze fixed on Ye Lan was filled with deep horror and shock.    


Wasn't Ye Lan... a piece of trash?    


A piece of trash... managed to kick him over with a single kick... and crushed several of his ribs in one breath?    


Ye Tao could not comprehend how Ye Lan, who was infamous for being a good-for-nothing brat throughout the entire Lucid Aqua Town, suddenly managed to become so domineering.    


Could Ye Lan have been faking it all these years? He pretended to be a pice of trash on purpose?    


However, that didn't make sense either...    


Which idiot was actually willing to act like trash and endure years of mockery, insults, and beatings from their own clan members?    


"Alright, let's do some quick math. The gold-painted door that you destroyed was worth five hundred silver coins."    


"The giant redwood table, lilac chairs, sandalwood screens, and many other antiques..."    


"The cost of everything you destroyed adds up to a total of fifteen thousand silver coins!"    


"But seeing how we're all disciples of the Ye Family, I will be kind enough to give you a discount and only take ten thousand silver coins from you."    


Ye Lan stepped firmly on Ye Tao's chest to make sure that he couldn't move.    


He also completely ignored the shocked gazes pointed towards him from all directions.    


He spoke his mind in all seriousness, preparing to extort Ye Tao and the others of their money.    


"You… This is a daylight robbery!"    


Hearing Ye Lan's calculations, Ye Ran roared in anger.    


What golden-painted door? What giant redwood table, lilac chairs, sandalwood screen, and other antiques?    


All of it was simply made up by Ye Lan. In fact, the things they broke were worth at most 5 silver coins.    


On the contrary, Ye Lan claimed that those items were worth a total of 10,000 silver coins!    


Ten f*cking thousand!    


Where would they, mere Ye Family disciples, get so much money from?    


One had to know that ten thousand silver coins was the total profit earned by the Ye Family in an entire month!    


Even if they sold everything in their possessions, they would never hope to gather 10,000 silver coins.    


It was no wonder that Ye Ran would accuse Ye Lan of robbing in daylight.    


"Wow... I never expect someone with the brain of a pig to actually be this smart."    


"You're right, I was indeed just about to rob you."    


"So what? Are you still going to refuse?"    


Ye Lan said confidently.    


With a single sentence, Ye Ran was rendered speechless.    


Would Ye Ran dare to refuse?    


Even his elder brother, Ye Tao, was kicked down viciously by Ye Lan and suffered heavy injuries.    


If he, Ye Ran, refused to pay the price, who knows how Ye Lan would deal with him later?    


Therefore, Ye Ran could only shut his mouth obediently.    


"However, looking at your shabby appearance, I don't actually think you have that much money on you."    


"How about this? If you want me to spare you, then hand over all the money you have on you right now."    


"Otherwise, don't blame me for crippling you!"    


Ye Lan paused for a moment before speaking.    


Without any hesitation, each and every one of those Ye Family disciples reached their hands into their pockets and handed over all their savings to Ye Lan, afraid that he would get seek revenge against them.    


Similarly, Ye Ran had no choice but to surrender all the savings that he had painstakingly accumulated for a year or two to Ye Lan.    


Throwing his physical injuries aside, he felt as if he was bleeding in his heart.    


After all, he had been planning on buying some medicinal liquid for body tempering using the money he saved up.    


But now, everything had been snatched away by that bastard, Ye Lan!    


"What about you? As one of my Ye Family's genius disciples, you should receive quite a large sum of money as your monthly allowance, right?"    


"Hand it over if you know what's good for you. Otherwise, my foot might accidentally slip and break a few more of your ribs. Who knows how long it'll take for them to fully heal?"    


Taking the silver coins away from Ye Ran and the others, Ye Lan counted about one hundred of them in total.    


Then, he lowered his gaze and stared down at Ye Tao, who lied helplessly below his foot, before threatening him coldly.    


Ye Tao's face turned livid as an undying rage surged in his heart.    


When had he ever suffered such great humiliation?    


Not only did several of his ribs get shattered by Ye Lan, but he was now even openly threatening to rob him of his money!    


"What? You still want to act tough with me?"    


Seeing how Ye Tao remained silent, Ye Lan exerted a little more strength under his feet. At that instant, Ye Tao's face bleached pale as he let out an agonizing shriek.    


Thus, he had no choice but to hand over his two hundred silver coins to Ye Lan.    


That amount was the total that he had saved up for more than a year!    


"As expected of a genius disciples of my family, your monthly allowance is indeed not little."    


"Alright, you may go now!"    


Ye Lan revealed a smile before kicking everyone out of the door one after another.    




Ye Ran staggered as he stood back on his two feet before immediately supporting his brother up.    


With a pale face and blood tricking out from the corner of his mouth, Ye Tao seemed to be in an extremly sorry state.    


"I forbid anyone to speak of what happened today. Did you hear me?"    


Ye Tao said coldly after catching his breath.    


He had only come here today to vent his anger on behalf of his younger brother, Ye Ran.    


However, he never expected to suffer such humiliation before he even had the chance to respond to Ye Lan's attacks.    


If the other disciples of the Ye Family learned the news that he, Ye Tao, had his ribs broken by that piece of trash, Ye Lan, in addition to how Ye Lan threatened him and robbed him of over a year's worth of savings...    


He would most likely end up as the laughingstock of the entire Ye Family!    


As such, Ye Tao would definitely not allow Ye Ran and the others to spread the news of today so as to avoid losing face.    


Hearing his words, Ye Ran and the other nodded their heads frantically. How could they possibly spread the matter of them losing face?    


"Let's go for now... we'll deal with that bastard, Ye Lan, in the future!"    


After a long while, Ye Tao said with a dark expression.    


Today's incident had been imprinted deeply into his mind. With that, he vowed to wipe away all the shame he had suffered today by getting revenge against Ye Lan in the future.    


"Two hundred silver coins, huh? I'm afraid it still won't be enough to buy medicinal herbs and other Body Tempering Pills..."    


After kicking the group of troublemakers out from his room, Ye Lan sat on the bed and counted the two hundred silver coins that he had stolen with a bitter expression.    


Finally, he turned around and looked at the remaining Spirit Summoning Liquid in the bathtub.    


"Hmmm... perhaps this might actually be of use to me. Although the ingredients used to make the medicinal liquid are a bit low in quality, the liquid can nevertheless be used to refine a few Qi Replenishing Pills. If I decide to sell it, I should be able to earn a sufficient amount of money to buy the ingredients required to make the Body Tempering Pills.    


Ye Lan revealed a wicked smile as he stared at the dark and foul bathwater.    


With the experience gained from refining pills in his previous life, he considered the bathwater that contained the Spirit Summoning Liquid to actually be quite useful at this moment although it may be nothing but trash in the eyes of others.    


Standing straight up, Ye Lan walked to the garden outside the house and casually grabbed a handful of Viola Grass.    


The Viola Grass was not a type of medicinal ingredient but pure grass. It could be seen everywhere in Lucid Aqua Town and was the only choice used by every family to feed their livestock.    


This type of grass contained exuberant life force and was known to bloom in large amounts during the season of spring.    


It paled in comparison to low-grade spiritual herbs and possessed little to no value whatsoever in the eyes of an alchemist.    


However, in Ye Lan's eyes, this Viola Grass possessed the effect of neutralizing the Spirit Summoning Liquid and condensing it into Qi Replenishing Pills.    


Qi Replenishing Pills weren't exactly medicinal pills.    


In spite of that, this exact pill could be used by ordinary cultivators in the Body Tempering Realm to recover ten percent of their Genuine Qi in one breath's time.    


After picking out the Viola Grass, Ye Lan filtered all the nasty water in the bathtub and removed most of the waste products within. Next, he used the medicinal stove to start refining the Qi Replenishing Pills immediately.    


After a night's time, Ye Lan successfully refined a total of fifty Qi Replenishing Pill.    


He had no other choice but to do so due tohis limited options.    


While Ye Lan may possess unparalleled knowledge of alchemy, he did not have the necessary equipment to refine pills. Furthermore, his cultivation and Soul of Blazing Flame were not strong enough either.    


Therefore, he could only refine a total of fifty Qi Replenishing Pill in one night using the dregs of the Spirit Summoning Liquid.    


Even so, if news of Ye Lan's actions were to spread around town, it would definitely create uproars throughout Lucid Aqua Town or even the entire Dragon Abyss Empire.    



After all, Ye Lan's method of combining a type of weed like Viola Grass with the leftover residue of the Spirit Summoning Liquid in a medicinal stove to concoct fifty Qi Replenishing Pills was certainly a revolutionary feat!    


Who in their right mind would come up with that formula, let alone experiment with it?    


There was probably no one else in this world who would do so other than Ye Lan!    


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