Pill Sovereign Reborn

C9 Crush Claw

C9 Crush Claw

0"Stop right there!"    


Seeing how Ye Lan was about to take his leave, Qin Yiming immediately shouted coldly and led his men to chase after him.    


At that moment, Qin Yiming's men quickly moved one after another and surrounded Ye Lan.    


Each one of them revealed cold and wicked expressions.    


"Looking for more trouble?"    


The corners of Ye Lan's lips raised slightly as he looked around at Qin Yiming's men surrounding him. Finally, he swept his gaze towards Qin Yiming and could not help but sneer.    


"That's right, we are looking for trouble. But so what? If you know what's good for you, then hand over that stack of silver notes. Then, kneel in front of me and bark like a dog."    


"Who knows? I might spare your life if you do so."    


"Otherwise, I will make you wish that you were dead!"    


Qin Yiming threatened with a cold expression.    


Qin Yiming was clearly irritated by how Ye Lan insulted him previously, calling him a dog. Had it not been for the presence of the Guardian of the Myriad Medicines Pavilion, he would have long since ordered his men to attack Ye Lan earlier.    


But since the Guardian had already left with his men, there was no longer anyone preventing him from doing so.    


Taking advantage of the opportunity, Qin Yiming immediately ordered his lackeys to stop Ye Lan in his tracks and prepare to snatch the stack of silver notes away from Ye Lan. Then, he planned to ruthlessly punish and humiliate Ye Lan in front of everyone.    


"You pieces of dregs dare to make me wish I was dead?"    


Ye Lan smiled. His tone was icy cold, which sent shivers down the surroundings men's spines.    


Hearing his words, the faces of the Qin Family followers twisted into an ugly expression.    


What an arrogant brat! He dares to call them pieces of dregs?!    


One had to know that they were all cultivators who had cultivated in the Qin Family Dojo for more than a decade. Although their talent was not high, their strength was still at the peak of the first stage of the Body Tempering Realm, so defeating a few ordinary people was not a problem.    


Together, they could even deal with someone at the second stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Yet, Ye Lan, a mere brat, actually dared to look down on them.    


Naturally, those Qin Family followers could not calm their anger and looked as if they were about to erupt and beat Ye Lan up.    


"Arrogant brat, although I may not be able to see your face, judging from the sound of your voice, you shouldn't be older than me."    


"A mere brat like you dares to call my men a bunch of dregs? I really wonder where you confidence came from?"    


Fuming with rage, Qin Yiming ended up laughing like an absolute maniac upon hearing Le Yan's insults.    


With that, he gave a signal with a wave of his hand.    


At the same time, all of the Qin Family followers activated the Genuine Qi in their bodies. Clenching their fists tightly, they stepped forward and brazenly rushed towards Ye Lan.    








In the next instant, a series of muffled sounds resounded through the air.    


The Qin Family followers who were charging towards Ye Lan were suddenly sent flying back as they crashed heavily into the walls and onto the ground, followed by several agonizing wails.    




Upon witnessing the scene, Qin Yiming stood petrified in utter disbelief.    


He never even considered that the mysterious youth in front of him would actually possess such overwhelming martial strength. Contrary to his initial expectations, the youth had defeated several cultivators at the peak of the first stage of the Body Tempering Realm with ease.    


At this moment, Qin Yiming finally understood why the young man dared to look down at his group of men and even called them pieces of dregs. With his current strength, the few Body Tempering Cultivators in front of him were indeed mere weaklings.    


They were nothing but a bunch of scums that could be easily dealt with.    


"Not bad, I see that you certainly have the strength to back up your words. It's no wonder you acted so arrogant and even dared to call this young master a dog in public!"    


"However, don't get too complacent just yet. Even if you can easily defeat my followers, you may not be able to defeat me so easily."    


"Now, this young master will show you the true strength of a Peak Third Stage Body Tempering Cultivator!"    


Qin Yiming's gaze once again descended onto Ye Lan as he announced with an ashen expression.    


Immediately after, the Genuine Qi in his body started to fluctuate as the Soul of the Fierce Tiger appeared behind him.    


Then, a ray of yellow light surged upwards from Qin Yiming's body and enveloped his entire body.    


"Howling Tiger Fist!"    


Qin Yiming clenched his right fist and shouted aloud as he executed the yellow-grade martial technique — Howling Tiger Fist.    


Martial techniques are skills used by cultivators to effectively guide and utilize the Genuine Qi in their bodies, resulting in the significant increase in their fighting abilities.    


In the Martial God Continent, martial techniques are divided into three main categories: offensive martial techniques, defensive martial techniques, and movement martial techniques.    


They are further separated into different ranks, which include the yellow-rank, black-rank, earth-rank, heaven-rank, and divine-rank. Moreover, each rank is then divided into upper, middle, and lower levels.    


Naturally, the higher the grade of the martial technique, the more powerful the abilities of each respective technique will be.    


Correspondingly, the higher the grade of the martial technique, the more difficult it will be for one to comprehend it. Only through persistent cultivation will one be able to fully grasp and display the powerful techniques.    


The Howling Tiger Fist was a martial technique that originated from the Qin Family. Although it may only be a low-grade yellow-rank martial technique, it nevertheless paired well with Qin Yiming's Soul of the Fierce Tiger as they complemented each other.    


Upon unleashing the technique, astral winds would billow and howl like that of a tiger. With Qin Yiming's current cultivation level, it would even be easy for him to deal with a Fourth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator.    



However, Ye Lan stood silently on the spot. Facing Qin Yiming's Howling Tiger Fist, his expression remained as calm as water.    


Without even flinching under the black bamboo hat, his eyes swiftly turned bloodshot, lacking that of any emotions.    


His pair of crimson eyes exuded a demonic and bizarre aura.    


Anyone who stared straight into his eyes would definitely feel their soul trembling in fear. Each strand of hair on their body would shoot straight up like the Queen's royal guards. It felt as if one's soul would even be sucked away once they looked into those blood-red eyes, causing one to feel extremely uneasy.    


The Eye of Crimson was Ye Lan's most powerful Fighting Soul.    


Upon being released, Ye Lan could easily see past his enemy's movements.    


Qin Yiming's Howling Tiger Fist was certainly enough to shake up a Fourth Stage Body Tempering Cultivator. As a matter of fact, the speed of his fists might even be too quick for a cultivator of the mentioned stage to react in time.    


On the other hand, the speed of Qin Yiming's Howling Tiger Fist was as slow as a snail in Ye Lan's eyes. Furthermore, his movements were full of flaws.    


At that moment, Ye Lan opened his right hand into a claw while concentrating his Genuine Qi within it.    


This martial technique, known as Crush Claw, was a technique invented by Ye Lan during his previous life. Although it may not some profound technique, it was still strong enough to shatter its enemy's meridians and turn them into a cripple.    




After utilizing the Eye of Crimson to swiftly dodge Qin Yiming's Howling Tiger Fist, Ye Lan stretched his hand out and grabbed Qin Yiming by his right arm.    


With a loud crack, the bones in Qin Yiming's right arm shattered on the spot. Furthermore, the meridians in that arm were also crippled by the sharp Genuine Qi in Ye Lan's claw-like hands.    


Qin Yiming shrieked in agonizing pain as his face twisted into an ugly expression.    


Before he could do anything else to defend of counterattack, Ye Lan sent out a barrage of swipes with his claws at an inhuman speed.    


Using Crush Claw one time after the other, he shattered all of the meridians in Qin Yiming's body without showing him any mercy.    


Finally, Ye Lan jabbed his fist into Qin Yiming's lower abdomen and shot out a wave of Genuine Qi into his dantian's Qi Vortexes.    




With a muffled thump, a sharp wave of Genuine Qi rushed into Qin Yiming's Qi Vortexes and caused havoc within, directly destroying each Qi Vortex in his body.    




With all his meridians shattered and his Qi Vortexes destroyed, Qin Yiming spat out a bucketful of blood as his body flew out like a cannonball. His body curved into the shape of a charged bow and crashed heavily into the ground.    


Coincidentally, his face just so happened to land squarely on a pile of dog feces on the ground.    


The cultivators in the vicinity heard the commotion and immediately dashed over to see what was going on. Upon witnessing the scene of Ye Lan severely injuring Qin Yiming with a single move, they could not help but gasp in shock. After all, Qin Yiming was a cultivator at the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Similarly, Qin Yiming's lackeys were dumbstruck and intimidated by the powerful strength displayed by Ye Lan.    


"What terrifying strength! To think that Qin Yiming, a cultivator at the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm, would be defeated with a single move! In that case, that mysterious young man wearing a black bamboo hat must at least be at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm."    


After a moment of silence, one of the cultivators came back to his senses and could not help but exclaim.    


Hearing the man's words, the other cultivators silently nodded their heads and shifted their gazes towards Ye Lan as their eyes filled with the utmost reverence.    


"So, you were hiding your true ability all along? Who would've known that eating dog sh*t was your trump card? I have to admit... that was quite an amazing secret technique. You managed to surpass all my initial expectations!"    


After severely injuring Qin Yiming and crippling him with a single move, Ye Lan looked at Qin Yiming, whose head was smashed into a pile of dog sh*t, and said with a mocking smile.    


Upon hearing Ye Lan's words, Qin Yiming fumed with rising anger as his eyes filled with intense killing intent.    


With great difficulty, he turned his head to look at Ye Lan. His handsome face, smeared with dog sh*t, was now boiling with a great sense of malevolence and hatred.    


"You... How dare you shatter my meridians, destroy my Qi Vortex, and cripple my body? You even dared to humiliate me like this in front of so many people?!"    


Qin Yiming stared furiously at Ye Lan, wishing that he could tear him into a thousand pieces.    


However, his body and cultivation had both been crippled, so how could he be a match for Ye Lan?    


"You threatened to make me suffer a life worse than death. Naturally, you got what you deserved."    


"Oh right... I've also heard many things about you, Qin Yiming. Not only do you often go around town in a drunken state while looking for girls to play with, but you even dare to commit various kinds of crime in broad daylight in Lucid Aqua Town."    


"Tell me... if I were to incapacitate your genitals right now, wouldn't I simply be doing a favor for the town's people?"    


Ye Lan replied.    


Hearing those words, Qin Yiming's face turned bleach pale as a great sense of fear struck down on his heart.    


It was one thing if he had his entire body and cultivation crippled and ended up becoming trash.    


However, if Ye Lan really did incapacitate his genitals now, he would not be able to play around with women in the future. Wouldn't he become trash among all trash? At that point, wouldn't it be better for him to die instead?    


"You... You wouldn't dare!"    


Harboring such thoughts, Qin Yiming immediately glared and shouted at Ye Lan.    


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