Pill Sovereign Reborn

C11 Stealing from the Robber

C11 Stealing from the Robber

0"Why are you making such a ruckus out here? Do you not want to work here anymore?"    


Just as Zhou Nan was about to escalate the situation with Ye Lan, an angry voice suddenly sounded from within the Taoist Artifacts Hall.    


Looking in the direction of the voice, Ye Lan saw a rather familiar face and figure. At that moment, a single tear forced its way out for his tear duct as he felt a great sense of warmth enveloping his entire being.    


It was a teenager around the age of seventeen, a year older than Ye Lan.    


Dressed in an embroidered white robe, the young man wore a handsome face, possessed a fit body, and even had a courteous temperament. With the word, "nobility," written all over his body, anyone who saw him would inevitably engrave his image in their minds, whether they wanted to or not.    


That young man was none other than Ye Lan's sworn brother, Yin Shaoge. In Lucid Aqua Town, both he and Ye Lan were known as infamous trash. One did not have any talent for cultivation while the other was cursed to remain weak for the rest of his life.    


No matter what Yin Shaoge tried, he would not be able to break through the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


When they saw the young master of Taoist Artifacts Hall rushing over aggressively, Zhou Nan and the others' faces distorted with the utmost disgust as even their eyes surged with deep contempt for him.    


As Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples, they naturally knew about Yin Shaoge. However, he was just a piece of trash who had been demoted to the small branch in Lucid Aqua Town by the main Taoist Artifacts Hall in the Imperial City. After all, he was no longer the peerless genius whose name shook the entire Dragon Abyss Empire in the past.    


Although Yin Shaoge had followed orders to come here to Lucid Aqua Town and manage this branch of the Taoist Artifacts Hall, he didn't have much prestige nor influence here whatsoever.    


The elders in the hall would often look down on him, and he would sometimes even be bullied and humiliated by the disciples.    


Thus, when Yin Shaoge suddenly appeared at the scene, Zhou Nan and the other Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples did not show much respect towards him at all.    


"What a rare sight! To think that the two cripples of Lucid Aqua Town would both appear at the same time! How terrifying!"    


At that moment, as Zhou Nan saw Yin Shaoge standing in front of Ye Lan with a gloomy expression and staring coldly at him, he turned around towards the crowd and put on a frightened expression while exclaiming aloud.    


His face was filled with scorn and ridicule.    


Upon hearing Zhou Nan's words, his companions all burst into gales of laughter.    


The cultivators who passed by the Taoist Artifacts Hall stopped in their tracks and watched the show unfold before them as a sort of entertainment.    


They wanted to see just how the two infamous cripples of Lucid Aqua Town, Ye Lan and Yin Shaoge, would challenge the other Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples.    




Seeing Yin Shaoge standing in front of him to confront Zhou Nan and the other disciples sent a surge of warmth down Ye Lan's heart.    


How could he not feel this way? The sworn brother, who he knew was undergoing such pain under his facade, was currently standing up against the other disciples for him. Now that he thought about it, Yin Shaoge had always been like this even during his previous life. No matter how dire or unfavorable the situation was, he would never back down and fight against what he thought to be right.    


Even when he was covered in countless wounds, he would never give up on his own beliefs.    


"Don't be afraid. Those bastards won't dare to trouble you with me here!"    


Yin Shaoge swept his gaze towards Ye Lan and revealed a gentle smile.    


Hearing that, Ye Lan smiled and nodded.    


Even if Yin Shaoge was not here to defend him, Zhou Nan and his lackeys would not have been able to do anything to him.    


"Yin Shaoge, I haven't taught you a lesson for a while. Did your bones itch again? Are you looking for another beating?"    


Hearing how Yin Shaoge hate the guts to call them bastards, Zhou Nan's face turned livid with anger.    


"You'll have to go through me if you want to bully a brother of mine. You bastards, step up and fight me if you have the guts!"    


Yin Shaoge glared at Zhou Han and the others as he said in a cold tone.    


"A duel? Alright, that's fine by me. Let's see whether or not the peerless genius from the past has made any progress in his cultivation."    


Zhou Nan sneered.    


With that, his figure vanished into thin air as he flashed towards Yin Shaoge.    


Concentrating his Genuine Qi into his palm, Zhou Nan sent a palm strike flying towards Yin Shaoge's chest.    


In response, Yin Shaoge's face darkened as he quickly reacted. Immediately lifting his arms up into a cross, he just barely managed to block Zhou Nan's attack.    


Despite his successful block, Yin Shaoge was unfortunately stuck at the third stage of the Body Tempering Realm, so he could not retaliate with any counterattacks.    


After all, Zhou Nan's strength was a full stage above his.    


Although Yin Shaoge may have more experience in battle and duels such as this one, he nevertheless found it difficult to keep up with someone a whole stage above him, let alone fully contain the force of the incoming attack.    


As his body staggered backward, his face bleached pale as he had already expended a large portion of his Genuine Qi to block that one attack.    


"Peerless genius? You're just so-so. From the looks of it, you don't seem to have made any progress, huh?"    


Zhou Nan stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at the pale-faced Yin Shaoge and mocked in contempt.    




At that moment, a muffled sound suddenly reverberated through the air.    


Just as Zhou Nan continued to mock Yin Shaoge in an aloof manner, Ye Lan took action and threw a heavy punch towards Zhou Nan's face.    


Having lost his patience, Ye Lan sent his fists flying towards Zhou Nan in a fit of rage, purposely waiting for Zhou Nan to have his guard down.    


Immediately, Zhou Nan was sent flying into the distance and fell heavily onto the ground. Writhing on the floor uncontrollably, he then spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with his broken teeth as his face swell up into a large lump.    


Shrieks of agony resounded increasingly.    


Zhou Nan covered his face and grimaced in pain as his whole body twitched.    


Staring at Le Yan who stood in the distance, he could not help but reveal a dumbfounded expression.    


At the same time, the other Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples and Yin Shaoge stood petrified in shock. Even the cultivators who were spectating in the vicinity stood dumbstruck by the ridiculous turn of events.    


Everyone shift their gazes towards Ye Lan simultaneously as the depth of their eyes were filled with disbelief.    



Ye Lan actually sent Zhou Nan flying with a single punch?!    


How was this possible?!    


Wasn't Ye Lan infamous for being a piece of trash in Lucid Aqua Town?    


How did someone who supposedly could not cultivate send Zhou Nan, a cultivator in the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm, flying into oblivion with a single punch?    


"You... know martial arts?!"    


Only after a long while did Zhou Nan recover from his shock as he looked at Ye Lan with an ashen face.    


"What? Did I surprise you?"    


On the other hand, Ye Lan remained calm and composed. He looked at Zhou Nan's wonderful expression and replied with a playful smile.    


"Damn it! You piece of trash, how dare you hit me! Today, I will teach you a lesson!"    


Zhou Nan declared as his face twisted in fury.    


"Go and f*cking kill that bastard!"    


With a single wave of his hand, Zhou Nan ordered his lackeys to deal with Ye Lan together.    


Having yet to fully recover from Ye Lan's attack, Zhou Nan knew that he probably wasn't in a condition to fight against Ye Lan. Thus, he ordered his lackeys to deal with him first while he catches his own breath from the side.    


Upon hearing Zhou Nan's orders, the Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples beside Zhou Nan all released their Fighting Souls and charged up that Genuine Qi before rushing towards Ye Lan.    


Spectating from the side, Yin Shaoge's face bleached with anxiety and worry. Although he wanted to step up to help, the blood in his body was still churning uncontrollably from Zhou Nan's previous attack, rendering him useless.    


"Ye Lan, be careful!"    


Helpless, Yin Shaoge cheer for Ye Lan from the side.    


"Don't worry!"    


Ye Lan replied with a smile.    


Immediately after, he flashed like a bolt of lightning towards the group of Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples.    


Those few disciples were much weaker compared to Zhou Nan. As a matter of fact, the stongest one was only at the second stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


From Ye Lan's perspective, they merely served as fodder for him.    


Flashing from one position to the next, Ye Lan moved unpredictably and preventing those disciples from getting close to him.    


Having played around with them enough, he threw out a barrage of kicks and jabs, sending every single one of them flying away.    


In just a few short breaths...    


The group of Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples whose cultivation was either at the first or second stage of the Body Tempering Realm collapsed heavily onto the ground as they wailed non-stop.    


This unexpected scene stunned everyone watching from the side.    


Ye Lan actually had such strength?!    


In a mere few seconds, he had easily defeated several cultivators at the first and second stage of the Body Tempering Realm as if he was flicking away a few annoying ants from his arm.    


Not to mention Zhou Nan, who was at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm, being sent flying into the distance with a single punch.    


Piecing the puzzle together, his cultivation must definitely not be any weaker than the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm, meaning that he was much stronger than the majority of the young disciples in Lucid Aqua Town!    


Was he really still the infamous piece of trash known throughout Lucid Aqua Town?    


"Alright, why don't we settle the score right now? Those with money... give everything to me now! Otherwise, don't blame me for what happens next!"    


Ignoring the stunned gazes of Zhou Nan and the other cultivators, Ye Lan revealed a bright smile on his face.    


At that moment, he walked towards the few Taoist Artifacts Hall disciples.    


Having just felt the wrath of Ye Lan, how could still they dare to disobey his words?    


At that instant, every single one of them quickly reached their hands into their pockets and handed over all their savings to Ye Lan. They could not imagine what would happen to them if they refused to do so.    


"What about you? Are you not going to take out your money and pay your respects to me?"    


Ye Lan turned around and walked in front of Zhou Nan. Lifting his foot, he stomped heavily on Zhou Nan's chest and broke several of his fragile ribs.    


The agonizing made caused cold seat to break out from the pores of Zhou Nan's skin. His entire body quivered like a leaf, and he could not stop screaming.    


Only after a while did he finally give in and hand over all his savings to Ye Lan.    


At this moment, Zhou Nan's resentment for Ye Lan surged.    


Originally, he and his few companions planned to steal Ye Lan's money and teach him a lesson at the same time.    


In contrary to their initial expectations, they ended up being the ones robbed of their money instead!    


How did things turn out this way?    


Zhou Nan wanted to tear Ye Lan into a thousand pieces to vent the undying rage in his heart.    


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