Pill Sovereign Reborn

C14 Family Banquet

C14 Family Banquet

0"It's certainly a pity that cultivators of the Body Tempering Realm can only consume a Body Tempering Pill once in their lifetime. Otherwise, I would have refined another one and used it to break through to the Qi Gathering Realm with the help of the Heaven and Earth Creation Art."    


"At my current pace, let alone a whole month, I will be able to defeat that bastard Qin Yijun tomorrow!"    


Instead of bursting with excitement when his cultivation level increased by three whole stages, Ye Lan looked rather unsatisfied.    


If the other young disciples of Lucid Aqua Town learned about his dissatisfaction, they would definitely receive the urge to slap Ye Lan in the face out of anger.    


After all, this brat, Ye Lan, had broken through from the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm all the way to the seventh stage, surpassing three whole stages with a single breath. Despite that, he still wants to complain? He's simply provoking the hatred of other cultivators at this point.    


With that, Ye Lan's figure vanished into thin air as he appeared in the courtyard.    


But as the saying goes, one should not try to run before they could walk.    


The path of martial cultivation resonated greatly with that exact saying.    


If a cultivator strived to reach the peak of martial arts, they would have to walk forward one step at a time and get stronger at a steady pace. Only through experiencing multiples hardships and tribulations can one truly become an expert of their generation.    


Ye Lan naturally understood this point.    


Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to become the strongest cultivator in the Martial God Continent in his previous life!    


"Fists as swift as the wind, attacks as fierce as a tiger."    


In the midst of the courtyard, Ye Lan proceeded to display a series of martial techniques.    


His movements, though as nimble as the wind, appeared to be roaring like a tiger at the same time.    


The instant his fist struck out, an invisible force pierce through the air like a bolt of lightning, surging with gusts of violent winds.    


Each gale that emerged slashed through the air stronger and swifter than the last.    


This was the martial technique known as the Eight Extremes Fist, a fist technique that Ye Lan learned in his previous life.    


The Eight Extremes Fist was a high-grade yellow-rank martial technique. With Ye Lan's current cultivation at the peak of the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm, it was actually quite easy for him to display the series of attacks.    


The series of attacks seemed like gales of winds. Each of its eight attacks contained an explosive of invisible force that would instantly destroy its target's meridians and bones — an extremely brutal technique that could ruin a cultivator's life.    








As soon as Ye Lan used the Eight Extremes Fist on a three-meter-tall boulder before him, it suddenly exploded and turned into dust.    


From this display alone, one could tell just how powerful the martial technique that Ye Lan used was.    


At his current cultivation level, Ye Lan could easily kill an eighth stage Body Tempering Cultivator and even heavily injure a ninth stage Body Tempering Cultivator through the use of this fist technique.    


"Steps of a flashing shadow, formless before the naked eye."    


After using the Eight Extremes Fist, Ye Lan displayed yet another movement technique.    


From the eyes of a spectator, his figure fluttered about the courtyard with extreme speed, akin to that of a ghost. Only leaving behind numerous afterimages that ones below Ye Lan's cultivation level could not keep up with.    


Even a cultivator in the eighth stage of the Body Tempering Realm would find it close to impossible to track his movements.    


This particular movement technique was called the Flashing Shadow Steps. Similar to the Eight Extremes Fist, it was also a high-grade yellow-rank martial technique that Ye Lan obtained in his previous life.    


With his current cultivation level, Ye Lan managed to executed the Flashing Shadow Steps with ease.    


"With the Eight Extremes Fist and Flashing Shadow Steps, I will be able to easily defeat someone in the eight stage of the Body Tempering Realm. Perhaps I will even stand a chance against one in the ninth stage of the Body Tempering Realm."    


As Ye Lan's afterimages vanished into thin air, he appeared in a single spot and revealed a satisfied smile.    


"Brother Ye Lan."    


A gentle voice sounded from outside the courtyard.    


Ye Lan shifted his gaze towards Ye Yu with a sweet smile.    




Ye Lan exclaimed as he quickly walked in her direction and looked at her with a silly grin.    


"Father told me to look for you and tell you to attend the family banquet."    


Upon noticing Ye Lan's expression, Ye Yu could not help but blush slightly.    


She subconsciously lowered her head, embarrassed to meet Ye Lan's gaze.    


At this moment, her heart pounded at a rising rate as she spoke with a silky soft voice, looking like a shy daughter-in-law.    


"A family banquet? That's weird... aren't they usually held during festivals? Why is a family banquet being held today?"    


Hearing Ye Yu's words, Ye Lan could not help but ask out of curiosity.    


"This festival is being held to celebrate Elder Feng and the other apothecaries' discovery of the Essence Recovery Pills with healing effects greater than that of the Qin Family's Vitality Replenishing Pills."    


"Their discovery will allow our Ye Family to remain competitive in the market, free from the suppression of the Qin Family."    


"Thus, Father decided to host a banquet today in order to celebrate Elder Feng and the other apothecaries' efforts."    


Ye Yu answered truthfully.    


Hearing her clear explanation, Ye Lan finally understood.    


"Alright, let's go!"    


With a gentle smile, Ye Lan held onto Ye Yu's soft hand and walked towards the Ye Family's Banquet Hall.    


In the evening, at the Ye Family's Banquet Hall.    


At this time, all of the higher-ups and disciples of the Ye Family gathered together.    


Furthermore, there were also the apothecaries recruited by the Ye Family.    


Elder Feng and the others managed to successfully refine an Essence Recovery Pill, allowing the Ye Family to escape the constant suppression of the Qin Family. With their new product, they could finally compete with the Qin Family's Vitality Replenishing Pill.    


Everyone in the Ye Family could not help but burst into elation.    


Even Ye Zhenqun, Ye Zhenfeng, and the other higher-ups celebrated in joy with bright smiles.    


"Elder Feng, it must have been hard on you during this entire period. If it wasn't for your constant hard work, my Ye Family's business would have eventually collapsed due to the suppression of the Qin Family.    


"Here's a toast to your great achievement!"    


At the main table, Ye Zhenqun lifted his glass and stood up for a toast as burst into gales of laughter.    


Everyone in the Banquet Hall proceeded to raise their wine cup in response as they stood up with smiles on their faces and paid their respects to Elder Feng and the other apothecaries.    


"Patriarch Ye, surely, you're exagerrating too much. At the end of the day, this old man is merely one of the apocatheries of the Ye Family. It's only natural for me to put in such effort."    


Elder Feng responded with a smile.    


He also raised his glass and stood up for a toast.    


"Elder Feng, and everyone else, please take a seat."    


After the toast, Ye Zhenqun relieved everyone.    


With that, everyone sat down and began to taste the fine wine and delicacies.    


In the midst of the Banquet Hall, the Ye Family disciples were chatting in groups of three to five.    


"Have you guys heard the news today? That trash, Ye Lan, went to the Taoist Artifacts Hall and defeated Zhou Nan with a single punch!"    


In a corner of the Banquet Hall, a well-informed Ye Family disciple said in a low voice to his companions who were beside him.    


"Are you serious?"    


When the few Ye Family disciples heard this, their faces were filled with disbelief.    


After all, they knew that Zhou Nan of the Taoist Artifacts Hall was a cultivator at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Thus, how could a piece of trash like Ye Lan, who could not cultivate due to his blocked meridians, suddenly be able to defeat someone like Zhou Nan with a single attack?    


"Of course, it's true. There are countless people in Lucid Aqua Town spreading rumors about this matter as I speak right now!"    


The Ye Family disciple responded.    


"Hmph! I will only believe what I see. How could mere trash that can't cultivate actually defeat someone in the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm, much less with one attack?"    


"That rumor is definitely fake. To think that even you would fall for it!"    


A cold snort sounded from afar.    


The few Ye Family disciples looked over in the direction of the voice and saw a youth around the age of eighteen who spoke with doubt.    


The youth possessed a sharp mouth and cheeks of a monkey. Furthermore, he had a scrawny figure and looked extremely weak.    


However, when those Ye Family disciples saw the youth, they did not dare to retort in fear of angering him.    


This was because they recognized that youth.    


His name was Ye Xuan, currently in the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm. Born as a martial genius in the Ye Family, he rose up to the top ten rankings amongst the Ye Family's young generation.    


Therefore, he held both high status and prestige within the Ye Family and was highly valued by the family's higher-ups.    


"That's right. How can a piece of trash like Ye Lan be so powerful? If he were to fight against me, I would be the one defeating him with a single punch instead!"    


Aside from Ye Xuan, another burly young man added with a face filled with disdain.    


The voice belonged to Ye Kuang, the one who was beaten up by Ye Lan previously.    


As one of Ye Xuan's follower, Ye Kuang naturally kept trying to please him.    


Since Ye Xuan was belittling and ridiculuing Ye Lan, he continued flatter him.    


Having been beaten into a pulp by Ye Lan yesterday, he was still fuming with rising anger in his heart.    


With his undying resentmet towards Ye Lan, Ye Kuang would not let go of the opportunity to mock Ye Lan behind his back.    


"Hoh? You calim to be able to defeat me with a single punch? When did you, Ye Kuang, become so good at talking sh*t?"    


"Alright, come. This young master will give you a chance to defeat me with a single attack today!"    


Just as Ye Kuang was bragging, a voice suddenly came from afar.    


At that moment, the Ye Family disciples turned their gazes towards the source of the voice and saw Ye Lan holding onto Ye Yu's hand as they slowly walked into the Banquet Hall.    


Ye Lan's gazes was fixed deadly on Ye Kuang with great contempt.    


In the next instant, the corners of his lips curled up into a sinister smile.    


Upon seeing Ye Lan's appearance, the Ye Family disciples in the Banquet Hall paused in their discussions and glared menacingly at Ye Lan as they too revealed a cold smile.    


Similarly, when Ye Xuan noticed Ye Lan's entrance, he also revealed a scornful look. Especially when he saw Ye Lan holding Ye Yu's hands, his face instantly turned ashen as his eyes flushed crimson in rage.    


Initially stunned upon seeing Ye Lan, Ye Kuang quickly regained his senses before his fury surged.    



At that instant, he suddenly shot up from his seat.    


"You trash, to think you actually still have the guts to show up!"    


Ye Kuang said with a furious tone.    


Recalling the moment he was kicked in the nuts by a piece of trash like Ye Lan yesterday, the anger accumulated in his chest erupted like a volcano.    


"Stop spouting utter nonsense! Hurry up and show everyone just how you're going to beat me up with a single punch!"    


Ye Lan looked at Ye Kuang with a cunning expression.    


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