Pill Sovereign Reborn

C17 The Golden Rule

C17 The Golden Rule

0As Ye Zhenfeng and the other higher-ups pressured him to investigate the matter, Ye Zhenqun revealed a slight frown, obviously feeling quite unpleased.    


In spite of that, he could not refute them, for he did not want to give these selfish fellows any opportunities to seize his position as patriarch of the Ye Family.    


Besides, Ye Zhenqun was rather curious about whether his son really was capable of defeating Ye Kuang or not.    


"In that case, Lan'er, show everyone what you can do once more. Do you really have the ability to defeat Ye Kuang?"    


Ye Zhenqun said, staring at his son.    


At that moment, he secretly winked at Ye Lan, hinting at him to not be too serious. Otherwise, even he, the patriarch, won't be able to clean up his mess!    


However, Ye Lan turned a blind eye to his father's hints.    


'You want me to not be serious?'    


'How could I possibly do so?'    


'If I don't display my skills here today, Ye Xuan and those bastards will see me as an easy target to bully!'    


"Alright, come at me! Let's not make the others wait any longer!"    


Ye Lan looked at Ye Xuan with a playful smile.    


"Humph! I had every intention of doing so since the beginning!"    


Seeing how Ye Zhenqun and the other decided to not interfere, Ye Xuan smiled sinisterly.    


Activating his Genuine Qi, his body erupted with a terrifying aura.    


With a tap of his toes, he jolted forth towards Ye Lan.    


Concentrating the Genuine Qi in his right fist, he then sent it flying towards Ye Lan's face.    




At that moment, a wave of Genuine Qi reverberated in the shape of a ring, quickly followed by a blood-curdling screech.    


But that scream was not emitted by Ye Lan, but instead, by Ye Xuan.    


Everyone in the vicinity clearly saw how Ye Xuan's punch had missed its target. On the other hand, Ye Lan had dodged his attack swiftly and retaliated with a punch that landed squarely in his face. With the sound of a crack, Ye Xuan's nose shattered as blood spurt uncontrollably from his nostrils.    


Ye Xuan's body curved into an arch as he flew backwards and smashed heavily into a huge stone pillar in the Banquet Hall.    




At that moment, Ye Lan activated his newly-learned movement technique, Flashing Shadow Steps.    


Almost moving as fast as the speed of sound, numerous afterimages appeared in Ye Lan's tracks. His movements were so quick that many of the Ye Family disciples could not keep up with him.    


In the blink of an eye, he suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and stomped heavily on his chest, breaking several of his ribs and rendering him incapable of any further combat.    




With that, the Banquet Hall turned dead silent.    


Everyone stared at the scene before them with their mouths agape, unable to believe what they had just witnessed with their very own eyes.    


One punch!    


Ye Xuan was defeated with a single punch!    


Among the Ye Family's younger generation, Ye Xuan, a cultivator in the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm, was naturally ranked in the top ten of all disciples. However, the supposed genius of his generation was defeated by that piece of trash, Ye Lan, with a single attack!    


How could this ridiculous turn of events not come as a deep shock for everyone in the Banquet Hall?    


"One... One punch? Ye... Y-Ye Lan actually defeated Ye Xuan with a single move?!"    


Amongst the Ye Family disciples, Ye Tao and Ye Ran suddenly jolted up from their seats in total shock, their eyes drowned in utter disbelief.    


Having thought that Ye Lan's cultivation would be at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm at best, they believed that Ye Xuan would definitely be able to suppress him without much trouble.    


However, this reality before them proved otherwise as Ye Xuan ended up being the one completely oppressed by Ye Lan!    


Ye Lan's cultivation must have exceeded that of the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm by now!    


The two brothers had been hoping for Ye Xuan to teach Ye Lan a lesson for them.    


But their efforts had all been for naught.    


"What the hell?! Isn't Ye Xuan in the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm? How did Ye Lan injure him severely with a single attack? Does that mean Ye Lan has already surpassed that stage of cultivation?"    


One of the Ye Family disciples woke up from his stupor and exclaimed with deep astonishment.    


The other disciples were also shaken by the unexpected outcome and could not clam themselves down for a while.    


After all, the impact of the scene that took place before them was simply too intense, so much so that they found it difficult to accept this reality.    


How could the timid and spineless coward, Ye Lan, suddenly become so powerful?    


"From the looks of it, the rumors spreading around Lucid Aqua Town today appeared to be true!"    


Recalling today's rumors, another disciple shouted in astonishment.    


Hearing that, many other disciples felt a sudden cold shiver down their spine.    


Today, the news about how Ye Lan destroyed Zhou Nan with a single punch at the Taoist Artifacts Hall had already spread throughout the entire Lucid Aqua Town, causing massive uproars to erupt in several parts of town.    


However, everyone who did not see the scene for themselves quickly brushed it off as fake news. Even the Ye Family disciples did not initially believe those rumors, for Ye Lan had always been known as the infamous piece of trash who could not cultivate!    


But even if they did not want to believe it, they no longer had a choice to do so.    


Since Ye Lan had just proven that he could overwhelm Ye Xuan with a single attack, how could he not do the same to Zhou Nan, who was only in the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm?    


"Brother Ye Lan is so awesome!"    


At the corner of the Banquet Hall, Ye Yu exclaimed in shock after witnessing Ye Lan's dominating performance.    


She was initially quite worried for Ye Lan. But from the scene she had just witnessed, she could no help but shake her head and laugh. It seems that her previous worries were completely unnecessary.    


"This... This..."    


Dumbstruck, Ye Zhenqun could not believe his own eyes. The shock he felt was simply immeasurable.    


He hurriedly rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had been dreaming all along.    


No matter how much he did so, he still wasn't waking up from his dream. Thus, he had no choice but to believe that everything had just taken place in reality.    


Only after a long time did Ye Zhenqun wake up from his daze, quickly replaced by an ecstatic expression.    


Since his son had just defeated Ye Xuan with a single punch, who would dare call his son trash ever again?    


But as fast as it came, his moment of elation was immediately eneveloped by a sense of gloominess.    


Since his son had just heavily injured Ye Xuan in public, wouldn't it indirectly prove that his son was indeed capable of injuring Ye Kuang?    


Since that was the case, Ye Xuan's previous words might have certainly been the truth!    


'That stinking brat... only knowing how to show off. Didn't I tell him not to take things too seriously? God damn it! How am I going to clean this up for him?'    


Ye Zhenqun thought to himself with a frown and immediately started to list out possible options to prevent Ye Lan from getting punished.    


"One punch?"    


At the side, Ye Zhenfeng's eyes narrowed as a cold light flashed in th depths of his eyes, accompanied with an indescribable look of surprise.    


After all, he was someone who only believes what he sees with his very own eyes.    


At first, he did not think that the piece of trash, Ye Lan, would actually have the ability to defeat Ye Kuang. But now, he really had no choice but to believe it.    


His nephew was no longer the trash of the past!    


Judging from the aura the Ye Lan had just unleashed upon activating his Genuine Qi, Ye Zhenfeng could tell that his cultivation was currently at the peak of the seventh stage of the Body Tempering Realm.    


Thus, it made sense that Ye Lan could defeat Ye Xuan with such ease.    


As a result, Ye Zhenfeng felt a jolt of lightning shocking past his heart.    


The Peak of Seventh Level of the Body Tempering Realm!    


Since when did the good-for-nothing Ye Lan become so powerful?    


All sorts of thoughts and doubts lingering around Ye Zhenfeng's mind as he tried to come up with a hypothesis.    


Meanwhile, the other higher-ups in the vicinity had also witnessed how Ye Lan defeated Ye Xuan with a single attack.    


For a long time, absolute silence lingered through the air.    


*Cough! Cough!*    


Lying helplessly on the ground, Ye Xuan's complexion turned pale as he coughed out mouthfuls of blood. His eyes struck with utter shock as he stared at Ye Lan in disbelief.    


If Ye Lan was a piece of trash...    


Then what was the current him? Was he worse than trash? Or was he the trash among all trash?    


Second stage of the Body Tempering Realm?    


Someone of that stage was actually able to defeat him, who was at the seventh stage, with a single punch?    


Had Ye Lan ever needed Ye Yu's protection?    


What a joke! Even if Ye Yu did not protect Ye Lan, he, Ye Xuan, would never be able to deal with him in the first place!    


Recalling his arrogant words and various conjectures from before, Ye Xuan noticed a searing pain on his cheeks and felt extremely embarrassed.    


At this point, he had no choice see the rumors spreading around town as the truth.    


Since Ye Lan was already able to defeat him with a single punch, wouldn't beating up someone at the fourth stage of the Body Tempering Realm simply be a walk in the park?    


"What? Do you not have anything to say?"    


Ye Lan stepped down on Ye Xuan and looked down at him from above with a terrifying smile.    


Hearing those mocking words, Ye Xuan could not help but vomit out even more blood.    


'You wants me to say something?'    


'What else can I even say?'    


'Today, I ended up being overwhelmed by a piece of trash in public and lost all face. What could I still possibly say?'    


"Oh, right. Didn't you say how you wanted to turn my into a cripple earlier?"    


Suddenly, Ye Lan spoke.    


Hearing those words, Ye Xuan's heart froze for a moment as he felt a faint sense of unease.    


"You… What do you want to do?"    


"Nothing much. I'm simply a man who values fairness. As stated by the Golden Rule, do to others as you would have them do to you."    



"Since you wanted to cripple me, then shouldn't I, at the very least, do the same to you?"    


"Otherwise, I'm afraid that the others will continue to look down on me."    


Ye Lan smiled.    


He raised his foot and stomped down.    






An ear-piercing scream reverberated through the entire Lucid Aqua Town as Ye Xuan's nuts had been crushed by Ye Lan.    


At that moment, Ye Xuan face contorted as his body curled up like a worm at death's door. An unbearable pain surged through his entire body as he twitched uncontrollably.    


The pain of having his nuts shattered was a punishment worse than death itself.    


Witnessing this scene unfold, the male disciples in the vicinity quivered and instinctively grabbed onto their pelvic region as if they could feel the same pain.    


All of them suddenly felt a great sense of fear towards Ye Lan's cruel methods. To think that he would crush people's nuts the moment they offend him!    


Surely, that was far too cruel of a method!    


Standing at the side, Ye Zhenqun held his forehead and thought that everything was over for his son. Even if he's the patriarch of the Ye Family, he did not have enough power to clean up the mess that his son made!    


As for Ye Zhenfeng and the other higher-ups of the Ye Family, their faces turned ashen as they glared at Ye Lan.    


To think that Ye Lan would act in such an arrogant manner in front of so many higher-ups of the Ye Family. Not only did he injure Ye Xuan, but he even dared to crush Ye Xuan's crotch. How impudent!    


It was clear to them that Ye Lan did not care one bit about their presense in the hall!    


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