Pill Sovereign Reborn

C40 On His Way

C40 On His Way

0On top of the high platform in the Center Arena of Lucid Aqua Town.    


Qin Zhan brought along many Qin Family experts and sat down with an indifferent expression.    


Beside him stood his eldest son, Qin Yijun, and his youngest son, Qin Yiming.    


Just as all of the Qin Family members took their seats...    


Ye Zhenqun, the patriarch of the Ye Family, stepped onto the high platform.    


"Brother Ye, long time no see. How have you been?"    


Seeing Ye Zhenqun, Qin Zhan stood up to greet him with a smile.    


"Brother Qin, thank you for your concern."    


Ye Zhenqun cupped his fist and greeted Qin Zhan politely.    


"No need to act so politely. After all, you Ye Family will soon be related to our Qin Family."    


"It's only natural for me to be concerned about Brother Ye!"    


Qin Zhan laughed.    


Hearing that, Ye Zhenqun was silent as his heart fumed in rising anger.    


After all, Qin Zhan was obviously ridiculing his son, Ye Lan, and hinted that it would be impossible for him to defeat Qin Yijun.    


Before the duel even began, he already considered Ye Yu to have married into the Qin Family with Qin Yijun, according to the original agreement.    


Despite his increasing rage, Ye Zhenqun nevertheless suppressed his emotions and feigned a smile on his face.    


"Brother Ye, Xiao Yu, and everyone else, quickly take a seat!"    


Seeing Ye Zhenqun's lack of response, Qin Zhan no longer pretended to act polite and hurriedly told the Ye Family to take their seats.    


The Qin Family sat on the left side of the huge platform while the Ye Family sat on the right.    


Following the arrival of the two families, many other figures of the big and small martial factions ascended the platform and directly headed over to greet Qin Zhan.    


Immediately after, they took their seats behind the Qin Family one after another.    


On the other hand, they had completely ignored the Ye Family as almost no one went over to greet Ye Zhenqun.    


This was expected as the Qin Family held many more advantages in Lucid Aqua Town. Not only did they manage to raise a martial genius like Qin Yijun, but they even got a hold of an alchemist.    


On the contrary, the Qin Family only managed to raise a good-for-nothing piece of trash. Although that trash may have achieved quite a few unexpected feats recently, he simply amounted to nothing when compared to Qin Yijun.    


Furthermore, the Ye Family did not have any alchemists either. Thus, their foundation was also much weaker than the Qin Family's.    


Knowing these facts, the leaders of various clans who came to spectate the duel all went over to greet Qin Zhan, not placing the Ye Family in their eyes whatsoever.    


This is the reality of the Martial God Continent. Only ones with great strength and background can actually receive any form of respect and flattery from others.    


Those without such qualities would only be ignored or mocked by others.    


"Guardian Tian, I didn't expect you to also show up today. It truly is a great honor for me."    


While Qin Zhan and the other leaders of the martial arts forces were exchanging pleasantries...    


He glanced around the area and noticed a middle-aged man wearing a purple brocade robe. That man was accompanied by a few others who were also dressed in the same attire as they ascended the platform one after another.    


With a single glance at them, Qin Zhan recognized those few middle-aged men to be the Seven Great Guardians of the Myriad Medicines Pavilion, a powerful faction who held great authority and influence in Lucid Aqua Town.    


The foundation of their Myriad Medicines Pavilion was not much weaker than that of his Qin Family.    


The middle-aged man in the lead was the Head Guardian of the Myriad Medicines Pavilion, Tian Yuan. He was expert at the peak ninth stage of the Qi Gathering Realm, on part with Qin Zhan himself.    


Such a big shot was naturally attract Qin Zhan's attention.    


Thus, when Qin Zhan noticed Tian Yuan's arrival with the other six guardians of the Myriad Medicines Pavilion, he hurriedly brought along several of his men over to welcome him.    


"Patriarch Qin, surely, you're exaggerating."    


Tian Yuan cupped his fists in return and acted politely.    


"Guardian Tian, everyone else, please take a seat."    


He extended his hand and invited Tian Yuan and his men over to sit on the Qin Family's side.    


To his surprise, Tian Yuan suddenly turned to the side and led the other six guardians in the direction of the Ye Family.    


"Patriarch Ye, I wonder if we can take a seat here?"    


Tian Yuan walked in front of Ye Zhenqun as he clasped his hands and asked politely.    


His resolute face radiated with a warm smile.    


"I am deeply honored, please take a seat!"    


Ye Zhenqun immediately stood up and returned the greeting with a cupped fist. He then invited Tian Yuan and his men over to their seats.    


Upon witnessing the unexpected scene from a distance, a cold glint flashed in the depths of Qin Zhan's eyes as he felt a sense of irritation in his heart.    


He originally thought that Tian Yuan came over with his men to spectate the battle because they wanted to curry favor with his Qin Family.    


In contrary to his expectations, Tian Yuan didn't give him the slightest bit of face, and instead, went directly to the Ye Family's side to greet Ye Zhenqun.    


How baffling of him to act in such a cordial and courteous with Tian Yuan earlier, for he had voluntarily embarrassed himself!    





Qin Zhan snorted coldly and sat back down.    


Following that, the Sect Master of the Celestial Wolf Sect, Yuv Tianlang, and his other men ascended the platform and greeted Ye Zhenqun. Taking their seats on the side of the Ye Family, they completely disregarded the Qin Family. As a matter of fact, they didn't even seem to acknowledge the existence of the Qin Family, treating them as if they were air.    


After the Celestial Wolf Sects's arrival, the supervisor of the Taoist Artifacts Hall, Fang Ruyu, also showed up with many of other experts.    


Similar to how he greeted Tian Yuan before, Qin Zhan took the initiative and stepped forward to greet and invite Fang Ruyu over for a seat on their side of the Qin Family's side of the platform.    


But as it turned out, despite his courteous acts, Fang Ruyu immediately walked past him with the other Taoist Artifacts Hall experts and walked straight towards the Ye Family. After paying respects to Ye Zhenqun, they proceeded to take a seat on the Ye Family's side.    


These simple acts and seating arrangement immediately caught the attention of the thousands of cultivators around the arena.    


"How strange... Why did the members of both the Myriad Medicines Pavilion and Taoist Artifacts Hall decide to sit down in the area of the Ye Family, not the area of the Qin Family?"    


Someone amidst the crowd questioned in surprise.    


After all, the Qin Family was rising in prominence within Lucid Aqua Town and was on the verge of becoming the number one martial family in town.    


Not only did they manage to raise a martial genius, but they even recruited an alchemist.    


In terms of the foundation and future potential, the Qin Family definitely far surpassed the Ye Family.    


Logically speaking, the people of the Myriad Medicines Pavilion and Taoist Artifacts Hall should have taken their seats in the area of the Qin Family in order to properly build a closer relationship with them.    


But to their surprise, both the Myriad Medicines Pavilion and Taoist Artifacts Hall had treated the Qin Family with a cold shoulder and sided with the Ye Family instead.    


Naturally, the surrounding cultivators were puzzled by the unexpected outcome.    


Everyone tried to think of a reason for their actions, but no matter how much they guessed or speculated, they simply could not figure it out.    


"The Myriad Medicines Pavilion and the Taoist Artifacts Hall... I didn't think that you would actually ignore and humiliating me in such a fashion."    


Sitting on the high platform, Qin Zhan shot a cold glare towards Tian Yuan, Fang Ruyu, and the others who were chatting merrily with Ye Zhenqun. The anger in his heart grew even stronger.    


"Father, there's no need for you to be so angry. After all, the inevitable day will come when our Qin Family surpasses the Myriad Medicines Pavilion and Taoist Artifacts Hall. When that time comes, I will make them regret their dumb actions today."    


"I will let them understand that the Ye Family is far weaker than our Qin Family. Having produced a piece of trash like Ye Lan, their downfall as a large family is simply inevitable."    


On the side, Qin Yijun said calmly.    


"Alright, in that case, you must let everyone see your true talent and strength today. Prove to them just how much potential you have as a genius martial cultivator!"    


QIn Zhan nodded in agreement with his son's words.    


With a confident smile, Qin Yijun immediately stood up and flashed onto the huge Center Arena.    


Immediately after, he swept his eyes towards Ye Zhenqun and exclaimed in a clear voice, "Patriarch Ye, may I ask where your young master is? Why is he still not coming out to fight?"    


"Young Master Qin, please wait for a moment as my son has yet to arrive."    


On the high platform, Ye Zhenqun replied.    


Hearing that, Qin Yijun revealed a deep frown, feeling quite frustrated in his heart.    


'He has yet to arrive?'    


'That damn bastard challenged me to a duel, yet he dares to be late?'    


'He even wants me to wait for him?'    


"Brother Ye, surely, Young Master Ye couldn't be scared out of his wits now, right?"    


On the high platform, Qin Zhan feigned a smile and asked mockingly, clearly displeased by Ye Lan's late arrival. He never expected him to actually make his son wait for him in the Center Arena.    


"My son's words are absolute, for he is a person who always fulfills his promises. Since he had personally challenged you to a duel, he will definitely show up today. Besides, why would he be afraid of the fight?    


Ye Zhenqun replied with an indifferent expression.    


"Patriarch Ye, even if you claim that your son isn't afraid to fight..."    


"If he doesn't show up today, am I still supposed to wait for him here the entire day?"    


Qin Yijun replied with a deep voice.    


His response rendered Ye Zhenqun speechless.    


"Alright, I will wait for him... but only for the duration of a stick of incense. If he doesn't arrive when the incense finishes burning, then we will conclude the duel with his forfeit and defeat. Of course, your Ye Family will still have to keep your promise. How about it?"    


After a long while, Qin Yijun spoke again.    


"Alright, I'll accept those conditions!"    


Ye Zhenqun replied after thinking for a moment.    


As soon as he accepted the conditions, someone on the high platform lit the incense.    


"Isn't the brat, Ye Lan, one of the main characters for today's occasion? To think that he would actually be late..."    


Sitting in the restaurant, Yin Shaoge couldn't help but hold his forehead and start crying, for he was rendered by his brother's unseemly actions.    


At this time, back at the Ye Family.    


Ye Lan had just finished washing up. Dressing himself up, he leisurely walked to the back of his kitchen and grabbed a drumstick.    


Gnawing on the drumstick, he casually sauntered his way to the Center Stage.    


Anyone would find it difficult to think that someone with such a relaxed expression was on his way to an important battle. Instead, he seemed like someone who was going to attend a party instead!    


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