Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C222 The Head of All Calamities in the World

C222 The Head of All Calamities in the World

0Xiao Yun sighed. "You didn't answer, but you already thought of it, didn't you? They were prisoners to begin with. What they could do... Of course it is to rob. After all, they are wanted criminals. It is impossible for them to do anything to earn money. Naturally, they only needed to rob this method. As for robbery, who do you think they will rob? Robbing nobles? There are martial artists guarding the house. Snatching the imperial court? There was an army guarding there. Yes, they could only rob the money and grain of the poor, and they might even start killing because of that. At that time, how many people would be robbed and killed? Will it be more than the number of people you have saved?"    


The woman disguised herself as a man and fell silent.    


However, she was still somewhat unconvinced. She raised her head and said angrily, "Since both sides are wrong, then the most wrong... It is to treat them like people and let them receive inhumane treatment. To experience what happens in the mortal purgatory here! Right, the one who is wrong is you! You are the root of all mistakes!"    


She suddenly felt like she understood, and then she directly pulled out the saber at her waist.    


Xiao Yun looked at the shiny long knife and smiled bitterly. "That... the knife in your hand is sold by me. You don't want to use the knife I made to kill me, do you?"    


The female disguised as a man was stunned. She lowered her head and looked at the knife in her hand. For a moment, she wanted to throw it away, but she could not bear to. She could only say angrily, "To kill a treacherous villain like you, a rebel, a treacherous person, is most suitable to use a weapon that you made yourself! And this is ironic enough! "    


Xiao Yun reached out his hand and said with a bitter smile, "Don't do it! You will die! "    


"Are you threatening me? "    


The anger in her heart rose as she disguised herself as a man.    


Xiao Yun quickly shook his head and said, "No, I mean I will die. If you cut me with your knife, I will definitely die. This way, you will become the biggest sinner in the world."    


"Killing you will be a crime? Hmph, you think too highly of yourself."    


Xiao Yun said, "Cough cough, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the fortifications by the river first. There are at least three benefits to this plan. It can be considered as killing three birds with one arrow. It is quite a good thing."    


The woman dressed as a man said angrily," Nonsense! What's good about this? It's just a symbol of your inhumanity!"    


Xiao Yun said, "Alright, I'll explain it to you in detail. First of all, there is no doubt about the first benefit. Every year, the Imperial Court needs to invest a large amount of manpower and resources into building bridges. I'm afraid that forty percent of the Imperial Court's income will be placed here, but it's still not enough. For example, regarding the cleaning of the river, as you nobles see... However, the river looked a little cleaner, no smell, and no mosquitoes. When the civilians see it, there is no reaction at all. They even feel that this kind of work and financial loss is meaningless. "    


" Of course it's like this, other than looking a bit better, the water is cleaner, Wang Yao said. What else can it be? Just for you guys who are standing at the top to look more comfortable, you are sending so many people to die? Where is it not good to spend that money? Can't you use that much energy in other places?"    


Xiao Yun helplessly rubbed his forehead and sighed." You saw the power of the previous locust plague, right? After all, there are very few calamities that spread to the vicinity of the capital city. In recent years, this is the only thing that has allowed you to see what a natural disaster is. "    


When the locust plague was mentioned, the woman disguised as a man obviously felt a lingering fear. She said with a trembling voice, "That's really... It's too terrifying. "    


Xiao Yun said, "But do you know? If one were to talk about the impact of calamities on Great Qin Country, the locust plague could only be ranked third. In front of it is the drought! After years of drought, without harvest, the people were homeless, and they sighed in disappointment. The losses caused every year. It was like a soft knife that killed people. However, it does not give you any hope to escape! "    


"Drought? Is it really that terrifying?"    


"Let's not talk about abstract things. From a direct point of view, those who died in the locust plague today... In fact, there are tens of thousands of people who die in the drought every year. There is already such a number! The locust plague only appeared once every many years, but the drought was different. Almost every year."    


"That's really terrifying."    


" Yeah, very terrifying. However, in the face of the first type of calamity, these two types of calamities can only be described as child's play. "    


"What is that?"    


"The flood!"    


Xiao Yun said in a deep voice, sounding like the gloominess of the underworld.    


This caused the woman, who was disguised as a man, to tremble.    


Xiao Yun continued, "From the moment there is civilization in this world, people will have to compete with the flood. No, to be precise, it was caused by the flood. This is something that cannot be avoided. Some people say that fire is the origin of civilization. It was actually water. Almost all civilizations were built on water, beside rivers and lakes. There was even more fertile soil and sufficient fresh water. There was a pleasant climate and abundant aquatic products, but... there was a flood! While enjoying all of this, one also had to bear the crisis of convenience. In a certain year, when the rain became heavier, the river water would spread out, and the water would flow for thousands of miles. It destroyed all the civilizations near the river, and the lives and deaths of the civilians. It all depended on luck. They could only leave temporarily. After the flood retreated, they'll come back and continue to build their civilization. "    


"Why don't they go somewhere else?"    


The woman disguised herself as a man and asked her question.    


Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Because the mud at the bottom of the river will be left on the land where the flood happens. This will make the land there extremely fertile."    


"Just... just for the land to be more fertile, you risk your life to live there? !”    


The woman dressed as a man was even more shocked.    


Xiao Yun sighed and said, "Then do you think it is very easy to live? Most people in this world, just by living, have to use all their strength to fight with their lives on the line."    


"So... So that's how it is."    


The woman dressed as a man lowered her head, feeling a little guilty.    


At the same time, she asked, "But what does this have to do with cleaning the canal?"    


Xiao Yun said, "How did the flood come about?"    


"Of course it's because there's too much rain."    


"No, it's only because there's too much rain. It has something to do with the flood, but it's not the cause."    


"Then what is the cause?"    


The woman dressed as a man thought Xiao Yun's words were very strange.    


Xiao Yun said, "The cause of the flood is the amount of water. It is the largest amount of water that exceeds the river!"    




"Every river, every canal, look at the flowing water. It seems endless, as if it can contain all things, but in reality, there is a limit to it. Because of the height of the terrain, there is a limit to the flow of time, because of the width and depth of the canal. Because of the width and depth of the canal, the flow of water is limited. "    


"So that's how it is!"    


The female disguised as a man suddenly came to a realization. She turned her head to look at the canal and fell into deep thought.    


This was information that she had never known before.    


However, it did not stop her from inference and understanding it with her daily life experiences.    


But even after a long time, she still couldn't find any similar information.    


Xiao Yun seemed to have seen through her thoughts and said softly, "This is like pouring water with a teapot. The opening of the teapot is only that big. It is fixed, pouring water steadily. The speed is just like that. If the body of the teapot is slightly raised, the speed will be slightly faster. This is the effect of the terrain, but... if you want it to be faster, even if you lift up the entire teapot... It is impossible for it to become faster. After pouring a pot of tea, it will still take a long time."    


" Oh!"    



The female disguised herself as a man and finally understood. She turned her head to look at the riverbed. If she treated it as the mouth of a pot, it would be much easier to understand.    


Xiao Yun continued, "But if the teapot poured water at the same time, and a pot of water was poured into the mouth of the pot, what would happen if the speed of the water was faster than the water flowing through the mouth of the pot?"    


The female disguised herself as a man naturally replied, "Naturally, it would flow out from the mouth of the pot. It would flow all over the table."    


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