Supreme Cultivation System :The Last Survivor

C302 Fairy's Imperishable Scripture

C302 Fairy's Imperishable Scripture

0"Why are you so obsessed with me, beautiful lady? My blood is really not good. And I have a serious infectious disease. " It would be bad if I accidentally spread it to you. "    


Lee Shaoyu naturally wouldn't give his lifeblood essence to the demon. Every drop of lifeblood essence required a large amount of blood energy to condense. If he could condense ten lifeblood essences and give them to the demon, he would probably have to lie down for half a month.    


"If you don't want to die, you'd better do as I say. Otherwise, I will capture you and refine you directly!"    


The demon glared at Lee Shaoyu and said.    


"I have already given you half a Tao Combination Flower. You actually want to use me to refine medicine now? Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"    


Lee Shaoyu saw the demon. I don't like it, she said angrily.    


"Why are you running away if you aren't afraid? Fight me fair and square! If I lose, I naturally won't pester you anymore!"    


A trace of a smile appeared on the corner of the Fey's mouth as she spoke to Lee Shaoyu.    


"Remember what you said!"    


Lee Shaoyu said coldly. With a slight step, he pulled out the Black Sword from his back. A drop of sweat dripped down his forehead. This was caused by excessive nervousness. The demon was different from the opponents he had encountered in the past. She was a young master of the Divine Alliance, a true elite of a first-rate power. He had no advantage in front of her.    


"You can do as you please. I'll let you do it three times!"    


The demon hooked her finger at Lee Shaoyu and said. She didn't hide her contempt at all.    


"Forget it. I won't fight you."    


Lee Shaoyu suddenly put away his sword and stood there. Then, he turned around and prepared to run away.    


"Kid! Do you think you can escape? If there is no result today, I will not let you off even if I chase to the ends of the earth!"    


The Fey threatened Lee Shaoyu.    


You are going to break through to the Spiritual Void Stage soon. I'm only at the Mid Spirit Gathering realm, I'll be at a disadvantage if I fight you. " If you suddenly break through to the Spiritual Void Stage realm, Won't I be caught by you very quickly? "That's why I think it's safer for me to escape."    


Lee Shaoyu started to retreat slowly. He really didn't have the confidence to defeat the demon. If he was at the same level, he might have a chance, but the demon could break through to the Spiritual Void Stage realm at any time. He had no chance at all.    


"So you're worried about this. Don't worry, I'm not at the perfect Spirit Gathering Stage realm yet. I won't break through to the Spiritual Void Stage realm until I obtain the Tao Combination Flower. If you don't attack, Then I'm going to do it! "    


The Fey stepped forward. She followed Lee Shaoyu closely and kept a close distance from him.    


"Good! In that case, I'll use you to test my cultivation base!"    


Lee Shaoyu did not retreat when he heard that. Lightning flashed under his feet and the Black Sword in his hand stabbed at the Fey rapidly. In an instant, he had already arrived in front of the Fey!    


"The Falling Star Sword Technique is indeed worthy of being the fastest sword technique in the world. It indeed has its own uniqueness."    


The Fey's footsteps flashed and she appeared dozens of meters away. Lee Shaoyu's sword did not even touch the corner of her clothes. The Fey also had extreme speed. Seeing that she still had time to comment, it was clear that she had dodged very easily.    


Six blood clouds appeared in Lee Shaoyu's eyes. At the same time, the Wings of Wind and Thunder spread out from his back. The tips of his toes tapped on the yellow sand, stirring up a cloud of dust. His body shot toward the fairy like lightning again. He had no choice but to go all out in the face of the fairy.    


"Second move!"    


A trace of surprise flashed across the Fey's eyes. The tip of her foot tapped on the sand and she leaped into the air, dodging Lee Shaoyu's second move.    


Seven Murders Sword!    


Lee Shaoyu turned around like a shooting star and caught up to the fairy in the air. He used his strongest attack and turned into lightning that shuttled around the fairy.    


"Arcane Art! Flower Dance!"    


The face of the fairy hovering in the air changed. She quickly formed a seal with her hands, and energy flower petals appeared around her body like a rain of flowers. Wherever the lightning passed, the flower petals exploded one after another, producing a powerful energy fluctuation. Lee Shaoyu was forced to stop his attack and retreat at high speed.    


"Didn't you say you would let me attack three times? Why don't you keep your word?"    


Lee Shaoyu landed on the yellow sand. He stared at the fairy in the rain of flowers and said with a smile. He had seen the Arcane Art of the Dispersed Flower Butterfly Dance before. It had killed Liu Taixuan in one blow, and now it seemed to be even more powerful than before.    


"Humph! I have changed my mind now. You're very crafty, kid. I've decided to take you down first!"    


Before the demoness could finish her sentence, she took a step forward. Her body appeared in front of Lee Shaoyu as if she had teleported. She reached out a jade-like hand to grab Lee Shaoyu's shoulder and launched a sneak attack on him.    


Lee Shaoyu had already started to retreat quickly when the fairy moved. The fairy seemed to have the Earth Shrinking Step. She had an extremely fast speed and was not slower than Lee Shaoyu. Therefore, Lee Shaoyu was always on guard. He instantly retreated a hundred meters away. At the same time, the light between his brows shone. A small golden sword made of Lee Shaoyus slashed at the fairy.    


The demoness' palm missed. She saw that the small golden sword was flying towards the demoness. The sprite's palm missed. She could not help but furrow her brows when she saw the small golden sword. She could clearly feel the enormous Soul Power contained in the small golden sword. Just the fierce killing intent released from it made her feel a little uneasy.    


"Destroy it for me!"    


The demoness let out a loud shout. The space between her brows shone, and a resplendent lotus flower appeared. It directly collided with the small golden sword released by Lee Shaoyu. The two collided in the air and produced a metallic sound. Neither of them could do anything to the other.    


In the end, the golden sword collapsed, and the lotus flower shattered. The two of them were evenly matched in terms of mental strength.    


"Worthy of being someone who consumed medicinal Tao Combination Flowers! With your cultivation realm, medicinal Soul Powers can actually be equally matched with me. Looks like what Big Brother said is indeed correct. Every cultivation realm should be cultivated to the Perfect Realm before being able to be the strongest!"    


The Fey was not shocked but delighted instead. Because only this could prove that the medicinal Tao Combination Flowers' effects were indeed heaven defying. After Lee Shaoyu consumed the medicinal Soul Powers, the medicinal Soul Powers increased greatly. That was why he was on par with her, a peak Spirit Gathering Stage. She wanted to capture Lee Shaoyu even more firmly.    




A ray of black light suddenly pierced through the broken golden sword and the broken lotus flower and appeared in front of the Fey. It was incredibly fast. The Fey was caught off guard and changed its direction. However, the black crescent moon chased after the Fey as if it had eyes.    


"Sword-management Skil!"    


The demon looked at Lee Shaoyu and said. A snow-white long sword appeared in her hand and slashed at the crescent moon. She had already recognized that Lee Shaoyu was using the unique skill of Sword-management Villa, Sword-management Skil. It was impossible to get rid of it by just dodging it. She could only block it.    


* Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi... *    


Five more flying swords appeared around the demoness. This was the maximum number of flying swords Lee Shaoyu could control at the same time. Against a person like the Fey, flying swords that were too weak wouldn't have much of an effect.    


Ding, ding, ding, ding...    


Demons... The sword in Yao Jing's hand was also very fast. In an instant, he had already slashed out dozens of times. All of the flying swords around his body were sent flying.    


Falling Star Slash!    



Lee Shaoyu's figure suddenly appeared in the sky above the Fey. His body shone with dazzling lightning as he slashed at the Fey! The flying sword attack was meant to distract the sprite. This well-prepared Falling Star Slash was the real killing move!    


The sprite raised her left hand and her fingers shone. A blue shield appeared above her head. It looked like a very good defensive spiritual artifact.    


Thunder Sword!    


Lee Shaoyu slashed the shield with his sword. The Power of Thunder and Lightning attached to the sword transformed into dozens of lightning snakes that followed the shield and smashed down on the fairy. The fairy was instantly drowned by endless lightning, and crackling sounds could be heard in the air.    


"Arcane Art! Red Lotus Explosion!"    


A gigantic red lotus flower formed from elemental energy suddenly appeared around the Fey's body. A layer of Holograms enveloped her entire body, and the flower petals formed from energy exploded around the Fey. Countless lightning snakes were directly shattered by the violent energy. A huge explosion occurred above the yellow sand. A huge crater appeared, and endless yellow sand was lifted into the sky. It was as if a huge sandstorm had been created.    


Lee Shaoyu did not feel good either. Three of his ribs were broken by the powerful aftershock of the explosion. His body was thrown far away, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. However, a smile appeared on his face.    




A black crescent moon suddenly emerged from under the yellow sand under the Fey's feet. It instantly pierced through the Fey's chest and through the Fey's heart.    


This was the greatest killing move that Lee Shaoyu had prepared!    


In terms of his most powerful weapon, it was undoubtedly the waning moon. Using the price of his injury to injure the Fey was undoubtedly worth it. The only thing stronger than the Fey was probably his physical defense and recovery ability. With the Xuanhuang Indestructible Scripture in his body, his recovery ability was extremely strong. Even if he were to risk his life, he would be able to exhaust the Fey to death!    


Lee Shaoyu circulated the Xuanhuang Indestructible Scripture and quickly recovered from his injuries. Then, with the Black Sword in his hand, he approached the Fey step by step. This was because he saw a large amount of blood flowing out of the Fey's chest, soaking her clothes red. Her combat strength would definitely be greatly reduced. He must seize this opportunity to capture the Fey in one go.    


"You've truly angered me this time!"    


Just when Lee Shaoyu was less than 30 meters away from the fairy, the fairy suddenly raised her beautiful face. However, her eyes were filled with coldness at this moment.    


"Don't force yourself. The injuries on your body are not light. It's better for you to give up."    


Lee Shaoyu said to the fairy.    


"You must die!"    


The sprite responded. There were only these four cold words. Then, his entire body began to glow. The blood energy in her entire body rumbled as the wound on her chest began to rapidly heal, scar, and fall off. In an instant, it had recovered to its original state. The wound that was originally dripping with blood revealed a layer of snow white and tender skin.    


Xuanhuang Indestructible Scripture!    


Lee Shaoyu was immediately shocked. He was very familiar with the technique that the demon used. It was the Xuanhuang Indestructible Scripture technique that the divine envoy had given him when he first arrived in Heavenly-sword Continent!    


Could it be that the Fey was also a chosen one? However, it was impossible from her identity as a first-rate power. This was because all the chosen ones came from the lowest level of power. This seemed to be a hidden rule. If a Fey from a first-tier faction was also a candidate, then it would be too unfair to a person like her.    


Divine Emissary! Divine Alliance!    


There must be some connection between the two!    


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