Matrilocal Son-in-law Is Supreme

C28 Taotie Doesn't Go Berserk Do You Really Think It's a Kitten

C28 Taotie Doesn't Go Berserk Do You Really Think It's a Kitten

0In the video, the little mischievous brat wobbled as he jumped from the sofa to the floor and walked to the back of the bunch of people. His little mouth opened wide and several black energy streams that were like tentacles flew out.    


That group of people turned around and were immediately scared pale. Before they could even scream out, these black energy beams swept out like lightning and engulfed everyone within, silently turning them into a bloody mist.    


Afterwards, the tentacles wrapped in blood mist returned to the little mischievous thing's mouth. It burped and returned to the sofa.    


The whole process took less than a second. Not even a single strand of hair was left behind.    


"So you ate it." Shen Lang turned around and looked at the little mischievous girl beside him.    


The little mischievous guy slowly rubbed his furry head against Shen Lang, his eyes were filled with pride.    


"Hmm, you seem to be quite sensible and worthy of praise."    


"Meow, meow ~"    


"Don't worry, I will give you a reward."    




"Weng weng — —" Shen Lang's phone vibrated twice.    


He opened it and saw that it was a message from Qin Lixuan. Shen Lang couldn't help but frown.    


"Trash Hall Big Sis, aren't these photos familiar?" You better f * cking wait for me to die! "    


Separated by the text, Shen Lang seemed to be able to see Qin Lixuan's twisted and sinister expression when he sent the message.    


What followed was a photo of Shen Lang and Su Enya secretly taken by Qin Lixuan in the afternoon and evening!    


Shen Lang's eyes turned cold, "Qin Lixuan, you really don't cry until you see the coffin..."    


"Meow —" The little naughty guy stretched his neck and walked in front of Shen Lang's cell phone screen.    


Shen Lang rubbed its head and said: "You don't need to eat this person. It's just a small matter to take care of him. "    


Qin Lixuan was completely unaware of what kind of character he had offended. After he sent Shen Lang messages and photos of him showing off his prowess, Qin Lixuan made a phone call to Qin Yi as he imagined Shen Lang's panicked and uneasy appearance.    


"Uncle, I hope you don't mind me calling you so late at night and asking you to listen with me. You guys are definitely interested in what I have to say."    


"Aren't you guys always hoping for your cousin to divorce that piece of trash? I can grant your wish …"    


"Of course it's true. Whether he's willing or not, I have enough evidence to sue for divorce. Haha, don't worry, I will take out the evidence in front of everyone in the family. It's enough for me to take care of myself before that."    


"I do have a condition, but I think you can accept it. The condition is that after my cousin is divorced, you two will urge her to marry one of my friends."    


"Yes, of course. The husband I chose for my cousin definitely can't be bad. Uncle and Aunt can definitely enjoy the good fortune in the future."    


"Then it's settled. Good night, both of you."    


After the call, Qin Lixuan was in a great mood. Everything was under his control.    


Using this opportunity to ruthlessly beat up Shen Lang to vent the hatred in Qin Lixuan's heart was only one of his goals.    


On the other hand, Qin Mingyue had become too popular recently, and her authority within the family was growing. He was worried that this woman would affect his status in the future.    


It would be better for her to get married after getting divorced, and obediently become the other family's daughter-in-law. This way, she would never have the chance to control the situation in the Qin Family.    


That night, although Qin Mingyue was quite frightened, but Shen Lang secretly gave her some acupuncture points to soothe her nerves, so she still slept soundly.    


The next morning, when Qin Mingyue woke up, she found that all the naughty stuff had been prepared. The little guy was eating cat food in small mouthfuls, and Shen Lang had prepared breakfast for her as usual.    


"I suddenly feel that after having this little guy, the atmosphere in our house has become even warmer." Qin Mingyue said to Shen Lang with a smile.    


"If we had a child, you would feel the same way." Shen Lang casually said.    


Qin Mingyue was stunned for a moment before her cheeks quickly flushed red. "I can't be bothered with your bullshit. I'm going to wash my face and brush my teeth!"    


While they were eating breakfast, Qin Mingyue thought about what happened last night and felt scared. She thought for a moment and said to Shen Lang: "Those hoodlums have already come knocking. They must have remembered our address, otherwise …" We move into the family estate? "With my current status, uncle Qin Feng should agree to it."    


How could she know that those hoodlums would never appear again in this lifetime?    


However, Shen Lang could not tell this to Qin Mingyue. He thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.    


Qin Mingyue would become the master of Qin Family sooner or later. At that time, she would definitely be able to stay in the family's villa.    


Thus, Qin Mingyue called Qin Feng in the morning and made her request.    


Qin Feng didn't have any objections to Qin Mingyue returning to the manor and living with Shen Lang. However, when she said she wanted Shen Lang to live with her, Qin Feng sternly refused.    


This situation was something Shen Lang had expected.    


Qin Mingyue was conflicted for a long time before saying to Shen Lang, "Second Uncle said that since you are my husband, it is already courteous for you to occasionally stay at Qin Family Manor for a night or two … Sigh, forget it, let me continue living here. "    


Shen Lang raised his eyebrows, "You can't bear to part with me?"    


"Humph, that's not it, me …" It's because I'm afraid that you won't be able to take good care of this little mischievous brat! " Qin Mingyue pouted.    


Shen Lang scratched the back of his head. "How about this, you still have to live over there for the next few days. As for the hidden dangers of those hooligans, I'll go to the police station to report a case. Since the society can't let them mess around, the police will definitely be able to take care of them."    


Qin Mingyue hesitated over this suggestion for a while. Only after Shen Lang's repeated attempts at persuasion did she agree.    


As soon as Qin Mingyue left, Shen Lang arranged for people to buy a large warehouse near the district. The little mischievous animal was after all not a cat, it was known for its gluttony in the ancient times, the Taotie, even if it turned into its smallest form, it still had a lot of food.    


Within a short period of time, under Shen Lang's dignity, the little naughty girl could still resist her appetite and pretend to be a normal kitten.    


Shen Lang didn't know what Taotie liked to eat, so he first prepared all kinds of livestock meat for it according to the usual carnivorous diet.    


Soon, under Shen Lang's arrangement, someone drove a van and delivered several tons of fresh meat into the warehouse.    


After the truck left, Shen Lang opened the warehouse door with the little mischievous child in his arms.    



Looking at the meat that took up nearly a third of the warehouse space, the little mischievous one's eyes lit up.    


"Go on, I'll get to know you better so that I can understand how much you need for a meal."    


Shen Lang let go, and the little naughty ran over with a "shua" sound.    


At this moment, Qin Mingyue made a call. Shen Lang picked up his phone and answered.    


"Shen Lang, what are you doing?" Qin Mingyue's clear voice came out of the phone.    


"I'm feeding the cat."    


"Oh …" Give it more to eat, don't starve it, but you also need to pay attention to the balance of nutrition... "Also …" Qin Mingyue was worried that Shen Lang wouldn't be able to take care of the little mischievous one.    


Shen Lang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he didn't interrupt Qin Mingyue's words. He inadvertently turned around with a stunned expression. Just a moment ago, he was still piling up meat like a hill, but now, there was nothing left!    


Only the little mischievous boy sat in the empty warehouse, licking his paws in anticipation.    


"Did you remember all I said?" Qin Mingyue asked.    


"Ah …" Remember, remember. That's what you called to say? " Shen Lang asked as he walked into the warehouse.    


Qin Mingyue came back to her senses after he asked. "I was just thinking about naughty things and I almost forgot to talk about proper matters. There's an important family meeting in the afternoon at Qin Family. Come over."    


"Hmm? Since this is an important meeting, why can I attend it? "    


"This …" Qin Mingyue's voice sounded hesitant, "It was my request. I wanted to see if second uncle could agree. In the beginning, he refused, but to my surprise, Qin Lixuan spoke up for me, so second uncle agreed to let you participate."    


Hearing her words, Shen Lang immediately understood. Qin Lixuan was obviously planning to cause trouble at this important family meeting. This guy is really anxious.    


"Alright, I'll definitely go over." Shen Lang's face was full of smiles.    


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