Campus Beauty's Peerless Master

C150 Ancient Fighters

C150 Ancient Fighters

0"Zhang Yang, you are Ancient Fighter?"    


The air in the private room became heavy with Su Su's shocked expression. As for Zhou Qian and Ye Junyan, they had never heard of them before, so they had a curious expression on their faces.    


"No!" Zhang Yang shook his head and asked back with a smile, "You know about the Ancient Fighter?"    


Su Su didn't say anything immediately. She looked straight at Zhang Yang. The current him didn't have the same cold, open eyes and sincere expression from before; instead, he had a clean smile on his face.    


"Su Su, tell me, what is Ancient Fighter?" Zhou Qian, who was at the side, could not help but ask. Ye Junyan also had a face full of curiosity.    


It wasn't that they hadn't seen Zhang Yang fight before, but that pleasant and violent aesthetic had once caused the three beauties to start discussing in private.    


However, the scene just now still left them utterly astonished.    


Zhang Yang was so fast that even they could only see an afterimage being pulled out clearly from the air. They couldn't see his movements clearly. Then, more than a dozen bodyguards fell to the ground at the same time, with Lee Jianglan and Luo Gang tied at the neck.    


Facing the gazes of the two, Su Su hesitated slightly. After being silent for a moment, she finally spoke slowly.    


"Ancient Fighter is also known as the people outside the mountains. These people are very powerful and their speed is very fast. Normal bullets are nothing in their eyes …"    


As Su Su spoke, she looked straight at Zhang Yang. The latter revealed an attentive expression with a slightly curious expression.    


In fact, although Zhang Yang had heard of Ancient Fighter before, this was the first time someone told him about it in such detail.    


"Just now, Zhang Yang's performance was similar to Ancient Fighter's, but there seems to be a difference. I have seen a Ancient Fighter where a handgun struck his body from thirty meters away and all the bullets bounced off. Also, that Ancient Fighter said personally, with his strength, he is not the strongest."    


Zhou Qian and Ye Junyan were shocked by Su Su's words. Their mouths were wide open in shock. They were just ordinary members of a bustling city, how could they have heard of such a secret?    


Zhang Yang also raised his eyebrows with a surprised look on his face. It seemed that the Ancient Fighter in this world was much more complicated than he had imagined.    


Ever since he came to this world, he had never met an expert that could rival him head on. When he fought with Lei Zhan, he thought that the opponent was the so-called Ancient Fighter, but now, it seemed that it was not the case at all.    


"Su Su, is the Ancient Fighter really that powerful?" Zhou Qian seemed to not believe him. After saying that, she blinked her eyes at Zhang Yang.    


"More than formidable!"    


Su Su laughed bitterly, "And this is not the most frightening thing. What truly frightens the entire country is that these people outside the mountain all have sects. There are very few lone travelers, and they all have the inheritance of Ancient Martial Sect."    


After pausing for a moment, she continued, "The Chinese civilization has a history of over five thousand years, and these Ancient Martial Sect have been passed down for at least two thousand years. They don't even dare to offend the government easily, once provoked, it will be extremely troublesome.    


As if she thought of something, a meaningful smile appeared on Su Su's exquisite face. Her pair of beautiful eyes were like crescent moons as she looked at Zhang Yang and jokingly said.    


"Zhang Yang, I heard you have a mysterious master, he should be a Ancient Fighter, right?"    


Zhang Yang nodded and smiled wryly in his heart. In the end, it was because his family had an extraordinary background. Not only did his knowledge and experience surpass those of ordinary people, his vision and mind were also incomparably nimble.    


"I don't know if he's Ancient Fighter or not. He never told me about him. He disappeared after teaching me medical skills and fighting techniques."    


The beginning of a lie required a lot of lies to be used. Naturally, Zhang Yang could not expose his identity as a cultivator. It was not because he did not trust them, but because the time was not right yet.    


After saying these two sentences, he no longer explained anything. If he said too much, he would lose. He left Su Su to guess.    


"That's right, your master is definitely a Ancient Fighter, and an expert at that."    


Su Su's eyes lit up, her tone filled with certainty, "My words might be a little direct, but think about it, from the first year to now, you have always been ordinary, only able to suddenly rise to prominence a few months ago, probably only Ancient Fighter has such abilities."    


The last sentence was somewhat uncertain. After all, even though she had seen the Ancient Fighter before, she did not completely understand them.    


"What do you mean by suddenly rising to prominence? This is the counterattack of the thread."    


When Zhou Qian's voice sounded, the atmosphere immediately relaxed. No matter what status Zhang Yang had, to them, they were just curious.    


"Oh right, Su Su, the national machine is so powerful, why would it be afraid of the Ancient Fighter?" Zhang Yang asked the question that puzzled him.    


Su Su rolled her eyes at him and laughed bitterly, "Ancient Fighter's thinking is completely different from us modern people, it is still the old way of doing things. For example, if a fuerdai were to kill a person and destroy their corpse and remove all evidence, then according to the modern law, if there is no evidence, they cannot be arrested or convicted."    


"I understand, you mean these Ancient Fighter do not talk about evidence. As long as there are clues, they will come to our doorsteps to kill people. But even so, the government can't just let this go, right?"    


"It's not that I don't care." Su Su sighed and said: "They play by the rules of the martial arts world, and the government has no way to stop them. Furthermore, if the Ancient Martial Sect makes a move, they will definitely send out some experts, or even a few experts to fight with them. "Endless!"    


Zhang Yang frowned slightly. If that was true, then these Ancient Fighter were really troublesome. According to his judgement, the Ancient Fighter that could fire bullets, as mentioned by Su Su, was probably not weak compared to him in terms of physical strength.    


Of course, he wasn't afraid, he was just preparing for a rainy day. He could feel that sooner or later, he would come into contact with these Ancient Fighter s, and he had no choice but to treat them seriously.    


After chatting for a while, the few of them left the private room with different thoughts running through their minds.    


The people Lee Jianglan and Luo Gang brought with them had already left. When everyone went downstairs, the hotel staff were busy in the corridor, ignoring them.    


He walked to the door of the Heavenly Fortune Hotel and saw a few police cars parked in the distance. Following Zhang Yang's departure, the police cars started up one by one and sped away.    


It was as if nothing had happened.    


Zhang Yang heaved a sigh of relief. He was in a good mood. All the troubles had been solved, and he had earned two hundred million yuan for nothing. That way, the 60 million yuan for the renovations was no longer stressful.    


The subject of the afternoon college entrance exam was mathematics, which was even less stressful for Zhang Yang. He was good at studying, especially mathematics. He had been addicted to it for a long time.    


However, he still did not take it lightly. First, he created a picture in his mind, and then he began to filter out the information and make comparisons. Only after he was completely accurate did he start to write.    


The bell rang. Looking at the neatly written test paper that was filled to the brim and handing it over, he felt extremely proud of himself.    


Thus, the two and a half days of college entrance examination ended quickly. Regardless of which subject it was, Zhang Yang had fully prepared himself to rush into the fabled blessings of the human race … Uh, it's the national top scholar.    


"T-Zhang Yang …"    


Just as he walked out of the classroom, he heard a timid voice. Looking in the direction of the voice, he saw a pretty girl standing there with her head slightly lowered and her hands twisted around her clothes. It was Lee Xiaorou.    


"Heh heh, hello." Zhang Yang walked up to Ye Zichen with a smile and said, "You did well on the test."    




Lee Xiaorou was slightly surprised and was a little confused, but she quickly reacted and bent her waist down, bowing deeply to Zhang Yang.    



"Thank you!"    


After the end of the first day of exams, there was a strong and robust bodyguard by her side. Apart from eating and sleeping, the 24 bodyguards had disappeared, all the way until the end of the college entrance exam.    


Ye Zichen felt grateful towards Zhang Yang from the bottom of his heart.    


"You're welcome."    


Zhang Yang smiled. He had paid attention to Lee Xiaorou in these two days of exams. This girl's grades were pretty good, especially her English. After comparing her with his English, Zhang Yang realized that none of her questions were wrong.    


The two of them followed each other out of the school gates, where a sea of people were welcoming the examinees. Beside them, the examinees were also excited as they put in all their effort for three years, finally removing the heavy burden on their shoulders.    


Some people were happy while others were sad. The students gathered in groups of three or five to communicate with each other. The atmosphere was extremely noisy and boisterous.    


After separating with Lee Xiaorou, they didn't see Su Su and the other two at the school gate. Instead, it was the big guy, Tia Xiong, who stood there with exceptional attention.    


It had to be said that after the hellish training, the baldy and his group's temperament had completely changed. They no longer had the slick, oily tone that they once had; they were all just refined and incomparably valiant.    


In addition, they did not have the ability to control their auras and were treated as fiendish existences wherever they went.    


Just like now, Tia Xiong who was at least two meters tall had tanned skin, his strong body looked extremely sturdy, and the place he stood at was completely empty. Although normal people could not use Spiritual Power, that kind of subconscious danger made them unconsciously distance themselves.    


Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether it was good or bad.    


"Elder Brother Yang!"    


Seeing Zhang Yang walk over, Tia Xiong greeted him in a muffled voice as if he was still training. There was even a trace of fear on his face, but it quickly turned into respect, causing everyone around him to look towards Zhang Yang's direction.    


"Elder Brother Yang, where should we go next?" Tia Xiong followed behind respectfully, his sturdy body standing straight.    


"No need to be so serious." Zhang Yang laughed and scolded him. He looked at the time and saw that it was already 5 PM. He said, "Let's contact the brothers and have a meal together!"    




Tia Xiong chuckled and scratched the back of his head. Tia Xiong was very honest and straightforward. Although he wasn't as sharp as baldy and the rest, he was absolutely loyal to Zhang Yang.    


Zhang Yang purposely let Tia Xiong follow him because of this reason. From a certain point of view, people with this kind of character would benefit greatly from cultivation and not have any random thoughts.    


Tia Xiong happily took out his phone and informed the baldy, while Zhang Yang slowly followed behind him. Recently, the development of various businesses had been very smooth. All the trouble had been settled, and he was once again thinking about how to improve his strength.    


Although it was Earth Level, but on this planet where the Star Power and the elemental energy were extremely sparse, it was still extremely difficult to advance. He had no choice but to start from the Pill side.    


The college entrance exam's parking lot was on the right side of the school. At this moment, there were quite a few people walking in and out of the parking lot.    




Zhang Yang, who was deep in thought, suddenly opened his eyes. Without any hesitation, he pushed his legs forward.    




Almost at the same time, there was a whistling sound that pierced the air. Waves of distorted air brushed against his forehead and hit the ground. A bottomless pit appeared on the ground, emitting a few wisps of smoke.    


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