Martial God Conqueror



0"Come chase me if you can."    


Du Shaofu's entire body was wrapped in golden light. Under the stupefied gaze of the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing, he leaped off the cliff, sinking into the thick cloud and mist.    


In the end, the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing was a second too slow. Her beautiful figure stood at the edge of the cliff, stomping her feet in anger. She couldn?t chase him there. That bottomless cliff had no place to land, and it was shrouded in clouds. Even Flying Demon Beasts would have difficulty rushing down to find their targets.    




On the back of the Flame Demon Falcon, several figures hurriedly landed behind the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing. An old man in a yellow robe, who seemed to be in his fifties, said:" Is this boy courting death? If he jumped off the cliff when he's at the Innate Stage, he would definitely die. Swallowing the Blood Baby Ganoderma directly would also kill him! No one will care about whether he would die or not, but why does he recklessly waste God's good gifts??    


"Elder Huang, can we go down and find him?" The girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing turned to the cliff reluctantly. She never thought the young man would choose to devour the Blood Baby Ganoderma and then jump down the cliff like a maniac. He was risking his life. That young man was a lunatic. A normal person would never do such a thing. For the sake of the Blood Baby Ganoderma, he had even given up his own life.    


The yellow robed old man shook his head at the girl and said, "Grand Princess, the fog down there is too thick, and even the Flame Demon Falcon would not be able to find that brat. But we can be sure that that brat will definitely die, it's just a pity that we lost the Blood Baby Ganoderma."    


"Let's go. People of the Profound Talisman Sect, Celestial Snake Sect, and Profound Hell Sect have all arrived here at the Barbarian Beast Mountain Range, but we haven't seen any experts leading them. I'm afraid something important must have happened inside, so let's find a way to investigate it first."    


After a moment, the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing could only let it go, and they all jumped onto the Flame Demon Falcon and left the cliff.    


Beneath the bottomless cliff, Du Shaofu felt as if he had fallen from the Nine heaven. With lots of gravels "rumbling" from the sky, his entire body was like a ball rolling down, hitting the rocks and the walls again and again.    


When he finally tumbled down the cliff, Du Shaofu did not seem to hurt much. He immediately stood up, his entire face and his eyes red, as though his entire body was about to explode.    


If the girl dressed in the tight-fitting clothing and the others had seen this, they would have been dumbstruck. Leaping off a cliff almost virtually unharmed was simply impossible.    




Du Shaofu screamed out in pain as his entire body expanded and trembled. He could only feel a surging energy in his body that was about to burst.    


"The energy of herbal medicine contained in the Blood Baby Ganoderma is too strong."    


Du Shaofu knew what had happened. When he forced himself to swallow the Blood Baby Ganoderma, the energy contained within the Blood Baby Ganoderma was too strong, and his body felt like it was about to explode. He was suffering severe pain while his body was trembling.    


"Refined Golden Feather!"    


Du Shaofu clenched his teeth, and redirected the Blood Baby Ganoderma's immense energy into the muscles in his body, lest he would explode from the force. Working with the Body Training Method of the Golden Winged Roc, his entire body repeatedly smashed into the cliff wall. The impact drilled a burst of fiery pain into his body. Under such intense pain, he felt as if the place being impacted was becoming numb.    


"Go on!"    


The pain was excruciating, but Du Shaofu did not dare slow down at all, and continued to ruthlessly smash himself against the large rock, as though he didn?t regard himself as a human.    


After such a painful and numb impact, the energy of the blood baby Ganoderma would flow rapidly at the impact place. Under the stimulation of the impact, the skin and muscles began to absorb the energy, and streams of energy started to fuse into his skin and muscles. Du Shaofu could feel that although he was in extreme pain, his body was slowly hardening.    


Beneath the cliff, on a gigantic hidden rock, a huge tiger covered in king-level scales was looking down at Du Shaofu from afar. Its eyes were filled with curiosity.    




After every single strike, Du Shaofu would let out a painful wail as his face was contorted. Fortunately, no one could hear his cries of pain. And the screams of pain and the thumping of impact were heard all over the cliff.    


It took a full three days and nights before the painful screams under the cliff gradually subsided.    


Below the cliff, the rocks piled up into small hills, and a large piece of rock was smashed into dust. Du Shaofu laid on the rocks, his entire body bruised and swollen. He had reached his limit, and he collapsed powerlessly.    


"No, I can't fall down. The medicinal power needs to be refined."    


Du Shaofu struggled to get up, and sat cross-legged on the pile of shattered rocks. Although the majority of the blood baby Ganoderma 's medicinal power had diffused throughout the skin and flesh of his body, there was still an enormous amount of medicinal power in his body.    


Using the Golden Winged Roc's Body Training Method, Du Shaofu transformed the remaining medicinal power of the blood baby Ganoderma into profound qi and he absorbed it into his Shen Que, then he started to immerse himself in the process of refining.    


On top of the pile of shattered rocks, a faint golden light spread out from Du Shaofu's body. Streams of profound qi spread out from his body, and then lingered around him before continuously entering Du Shaofu?s body. It was very mysterious that the cycle was endless.    


In his body, Du Shaofu felt that his own physique was already exceptionally strong as a result of the transformation by the stone coffin within the Ancestral Shrine of Du Family, and his acupoints and meridians channels were much stronger than ordinary people.    


Now that he had cultivated the Body Training Method of the Golden Winged Roc, his physique was even stronger, like a Demon Beast. The acupoints and meridians in his body were also getting stronger, and he was able to contain a higher amount of profound qi, and his Shen Que was wider than others? as well.    


As he refined the medicinal energy of the blood baby Ganoderma in his body, the profound qi continuously surged into his Shen Que, and the profound qi within Du Shaofu's Shen Que was rapidly expanding. After an unknown period of time, the Shen Que was soon saturated with profound qi and it couldn?t increase anymore.    


At this moment, the seal on Du Shaofu's hand changed, the golden light around his body rang, and his entire body released a blinding golden light. Numerous runes spread out and condensed into a phantom of the Golden Winged Roc behind him.    


On a huge hidden rock on the cliff, a giant tiger looked at the phantom of that Golden Winged Roc. Its huge body trembled and it crawled.    




A soft muffled sound rang out from within his Shen Que, and the phantom of the Golden Winged Roc formed by the Talisman Secret Marks on Du Shaofu's back immediately transformed into Talisman Secret Marks and they landed inside his body, and the golden radiance surrounding him slowly receded.    




When everything calmed down, Du Shaofu spat out a mouthful of rancid air and opened his eyes. His bright eyes were golden and revealed Domineering Breath.    


"The Innate Stage Mystery."    


Sensing the changes in his body, Du Shaofu's face broke into a smile. The previous exhaustion in his entire body had disappeared, and he now was an optimistic, high-spirited person. He did not expect to be able to have the opportunity to break through from the beginning of Innate Stage to the Innate Stage Mystery.    


Suddenly, Du Shaofu seemed to feel something. He instantly stood up from his cross-legged position, vigilantly raising his head.    




The tiger's roar was like thunder. Above the cliff, a huge flying tiger with a wingspan of over twenty feet descended. It flapped its wings and shattered rocks below the cliff violently. The air swept out like a storm.    


"King Scale Demon Tiger."    


Du Shaofu was shocked. The huge flying tiger was the King Scale Demon Tiger that had fled in fear when they were fighting for the blood baby Ganoderma in the Earth Spirit Gorge. He did not expect the King Scale Demon Tiger to appear here.    




The King Scale Demon Tiger folded its wings and landed in front of Du Shaofu. Under Du Shaofu's surprised gaze, it crawled on the ground. The tiger raised its head and looked at Du Shaofu. Its lantern-like eyes was docile without any evil intent, and its mouth snarled, as though it wanted to say something.    


Du Shaofu was shocked. He could feel that the exceptionally fierce King Scale Demon Tiger was not dangerous at all, and the gaze in its eyes seemed to show submission.    


"Do you want to follow me?" Du Shaofu suppressed the doubt and surprise in his heart and asked the King Scale Demon Tiger in front of him.    





The King Scale Demon Tiger growled and nodded, as if it understood Du Shaofu's words.    


"Can you understand me?"    


Du Shaofu was shocked. The King Scale Demon Tiger, the Demon Monster King in this mountain range, had clearly possessed psychic abilities. It was rumored that experts of Demon Beasts were psychic and could understand human?s language. The stronger Demon Beasts could even speak human?s language.    


Du Shaofu once heard a legend of terrifying demon beasts reaching a certain level, and they could shape-shift between a monster form and a human body. Finally, they would form into a human. However, those terrifying demon beasts that could turn into a monster and change into a human form only existed within the legends.    




The King Scale Demon Tiger nodded its head again. It looked at Du Shaofu with reverence, and its eyes submitted obediently.    


"In other words, have you already reached the Pulse Spirit stage?"    


After Du Shaofu recovered from his shock, he became excited. This King Scale Demon Tiger had really reached the psychic level. Every single one of the psychic-level Demon Beast had at least reached the Pulse Spirit stage. Demon Beasts of Pulse Spirit stage were even stronger than the Martial Cultivators of the Pulse Spirit stage. As for the Martial Cultivators of Pulse Spirit stage, there was not a single one left in the entire Stone City. For many Martial Cultivators, the Pulse Spirit stage was an unreachable existence.    




The King Scale Demon Tiger nodded again, confirming that it was a cultivator of Pulse Spirit Stage.    




Du Shaofu gulped down his saliva in his throat. A Demon Monster King of the pulse spirit stage suddenly appeared in front of him, saying that it was going to submit to him. Was it his wise and powerful spirit that attracted the King Scale Demon Tiger?    


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