Martial God Conqueror



0"Then tell me, what do you want??    


Observing the Immortal Soul who called himself Zhen Qingchun without any trace, Du Shaofu revealed a look of disappointment in his clear and bright eyes. This man said that he was an expert with an extraordinary background, but he didn't have anything to show for it. This kind of person was most likely a scammer.    


"Because you're lucky."    


Zhen Qingchun looked at Du Shaofu and smiled kindly. The smile was still as ugly as usual, though. He said? "I can see that you only have a grade of two or three Martial Veins. This grade of Martial Veins, in the future on the way of martial cultivation, tsk tsk."    


Zhen Qingchun deliberately paused for a while, showing a sorry look, and then continued to speak to Du Shaofu: "But you don't have to worry about that and feel inferior. I'm here to save you. As long as you have my guidance, even if it's just a grade of two Martial Veins, I can still make you an expert and you can cultivate at a tremendous pace. As long as you have my help, you will be able to stand out in the future."    


"Then what can I do for you?"    


Du Shaofu interrupted Zhen Qingchun's words once again. He knew that there is no free lunch for the guests in this world. A stranger wanting to help you out of their own volition would not do so for no reason. As the Chinese saying goes, a person who shows his kindness to you for no reason is likely to be either a villain or a thief. Thinking about that, and looking at Zhen Qingchun's vulgar expression, Du Shaofu couldn't help but feel some things were not quite right.    


Liar, this wretched guy must be a liar, Du Shaofu thought in his heart. As for his own grade of Martial Veins, Du Shaofu was not concerned about it at all. Anyway, what he was cultivating was the cultivation method of Golden Winged Roc.    


"That?s easy."    


Zhen Qingchun was overflowing with laughter, his perverted and transparent face laughing like a blooming chrysanthemum. He said, "Due to an accident during my cultivation, my primordial spirit needs to recuperate. I need the Profound Qi from your body."    


"You want my Profound Qi?"    


Du Shaofu was startled. He looked straight at Zhen Qingchun. Below his eyebrows, his clear and bright eyes gradually became complicated and interesting    


"Correct, your Profound Qi and??    




Before Zhen Qingchun even finished speaking, a fist whistled over and smashed the illusory and transparent figure into pieces.    


"Bloke, what are you doing?"    


Immediately, the illusory and transparent figure transformed into a wisp of smoke and entered the small floating pagoda. A voice sounded, "Brat, you dare attack me. You have already caused a great disaster for yourself."    


"You really are a swindler, and you actually dared to trick me."    


Du Shaofu reached out and held the small floating pagoda in his hand. He angrily smashed it onto the ground. At the same time, he scolded wildly, "You actually want to meddle with my Profound Qi! I have just narrowly escaped from death, and you dare to cheat my Profound Qi which I have cultivated through great trials.?    


It could be said that Profound Qi was Du Shaofu's lifeblood. Zhen Qingchun even wanted Profound Qi as soon as he asked for, and this was crossing the line.    


Du Shaofu actually felt nervous when he attacked Zhen Qingchun. But seeing Zhen Qingchun who claimed to be the Immortal Soul and tried to trick Du Shaofu for his Profound Qi immediately hide inside the small pagoda, Du Shaofu confirmed the guess in his heart. This fellow was a swindler, an absolute swindler.    


Du Shaofu flew into a rage, picked up the small pagoda that was lying on the ground and smashed it violently again. He scolded, "You say that you are an expert, and you have an extraordinary background. Let's see how you will dodge after I break this pagoda."    


"You really dared trick me. You have lived too long!"    


"You actually dare to ask for the Profound Qi? You really dare to ask for it!?    


"Come out!"    


Du Shaofu ruthlessly threw the small pagoda repeatedly, but the small pagoda remained unharmed and was impossibly hard.    


"Brat, if you dare disrespect to me, you will definitely regret it."    


In this small pagoda, Zhen Qingchun was excited. This was completely different from what he had imagined, and he could not comprehend how it could be like this. Since he woke up, he calculated the timing before coming out. He thought it would develop as he expected. But now, everything was completely different from what he had imagined.    


"This thing is very strange."    


He tried everything he could, even bashing it with a stone. It turned out that the pagoda was still intact, even without any scoring.    


Zhen Qingchun hid in the small pagoda and did not come out. However, he kept threatening inside the small pagoda, which made Du Shaofu helpless.    


"Brat, just give up. This is not an ordinary thing. It is impervious to water and fire, and you won't be able to open it in this lifetime, haha."    


Inside the small pagoda, Zhen Qingchun started to laugh conceitedly. Then, he fiercely said, "Once I recover, I will definitely not let you off."    


"Do you really think I can't do anything to you? If you don't want to come out, then don't come out any more. It doesn't matter what Immortal Soul you are, you're still an evil being."    


Du Shaofu suddenly laughed. That smile evidently harbored evil intentions, and then he threw the small pagoda in his hand to the side of a boulder. He laughed wickedly as he opened his pants.    


"It is said that a child's urine can suppress evil. I would like to see how long you can hide."    


Du Shaofu laughed sinisterly, a burst of pungent water immediately rushing towards the small pagoda.    


"Shameless brat, this is a treasure! A treasure that countless experts are willing to die for! If you take a piss, you will be punished by the heavens! If you dare do this to me, I will not forgive you!" Inside the small pagoda, Zhen Qingchun shouted angrily, but he did not come out.    


At dusk, the sun was shining down. The mountains seemed to be floating above the clouds. Mountains and seas layered on each other. There was no end to the black mountains. The sharp edges of the cliff were like blades cutting through the heavens. All of these were illuminated by the golden sun.    


In a quiet and deep valley, however, it was strangely quiet and gloomy.    




In the deep valley, a woman dressed in an orange tight-fitting clothing walked. Blood flowed out of her mouth, and her face was extremely pale. She looked back from time to time with a dignified expression.    


"What a coincidence!"    


Suddenly, a voice appeared in front of the orange figure, and a youth walked out with a slight smile.    


The girl's delicate body froze, and she looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her. On the pale pretty face, a look of shock suddenly appeared in her eyes, as if she had seen a ghost. She exclaimed, "You, you're not dead?"    


The former was the tight-fitting clothed girl who previously wanted to steal Du Shaofu's Blood Baby Ganoderma. She thought the young man would die when he jumped off the cliff.  Now, she was shocked to meet him again like this.    


"I am a lucky person, so I won?t die so easily."    


The latter was Du Shaofu. He did not expect to meet her one day, and he was even more surprised to see her alone, unaccompanied by the other people from the Flame Demon Falcon Clan. Smiling at the tight-fitting clothed girl, he said, "So I did not die, meaning you have a problem on your hands now."    


"You are not my opponent?"    


Seeing Du Shaofu's unfriendly smile, the tight-fitting clothed girl frowned slightly, pretending to be calm.    


"I know you're very strong, but?"    



The young lady in front of him was indeed very strong, but it was different now. Du Shaofu did not believe the young lady in front of him could be stronger than the King Scale Demon Tiger. He smiled at her and said, "Look behind you?"    


Hearing this, the young girl looked back without thinking much. Her complexion changed, and her beautiful face paled.    




The King Scale Demon Tiger appeared in the girl's sight, towering like a small mountain. Its roar was like thunder, and its ferocious aura was bursting out.    


"You brought the King Scale Demon Tiger!"    


Seeing the responses of the King Scale Demon Tiger and Du Shaofu, she was frightened. It seemed that the King Scale Demon Tiger was brought along by this youth. She didn?t forget that she wanted to rob his Blood Baby Ganoderma before.    


"I've said it before, if you want to take my Blood Baby Ganoderma, I'll take you away to be a maid."    


Du Shaofu laughed. It turned out that this woman was also afraid and weak. However, if there is a revenge, it has to be settled no matter what.    




The tight-fitting clothed girl snorted. She turned and looked at the King Scale Demon Tiger behind her. She leapt forward, and her right hand extended out in front of her. An invisible energy gushed out from her palm. There is an old saying that to catch the brigands, one must first capture the king, so she could only first catch the guy in front of her. She knew that she was no match for the King Scale Demon Tiger.    


Sensing the pressure of the invisible force, Du Shaofu scanned the area as the light talismans around his body flared. He waved his hand carrying a storm-like shockwave and stormed out in front of him.    


Immediately, a powerful and violent energy wave appeared in front of him. It swept out destructively, colliding with the young lady's palm.    




The two palms collided with each other, blowing away a layer of grass in the dense forest. A large number of shrubs were sliced in half, and the tight-fitting clothed girl was shaken out in a straight line with blood in her mouth. Finally, she crashed onto the ground.    




The King Scale Demon Tiger roared, and its tiger paw fell towards the tight-fitting clothing girl like a gigantic boulder. If it were to land on her, her graceful body would become minced meat.    


"Little Tiger, stop."    


Du Shaofu shouted, feeling that something was abnormal. This woman should be stronger than him, but she was unable to match up to him just now. It was obvious that this woman was injured, and not lightly.    


When the King Scale Demon Tiger heard this, it immediately drew back its tiger paw. Du Shaofu walked to the tight-fitting clothing girl. She fainted on the spot, with her eyes listlessly closed.    


At night, in the quiet forest, the bright white moon hung high in the sky, shining its mottled moonlight on the forest.    


"She is badly injured. The claw marks on her back must have been caused by a Demon Beast."    


Du Shaofu looked at the tight-fitting clothed girl who was lying unconscious on the rock in front of him. He found that the tight-fitting clothed girl had been badly hurt by a Demon Beast. The wound was not deep, but it was not shallow either, and it was kind of serious.    


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