I Am Overlord

C3 Five Stars Brilliant Blue Sky

C3 Five Stars Brilliant Blue Sky

0With each passing second, the theories sprung around by the disciples became more and more ridiculous. They were so ludicrous that Zi Changhe's face turned blacker with every passing remark. Furious, he yelled, "All of you shut up! If you don't want to continue watching, then scram!"    


The moment Zi Changhe finished his sentence, silence prevailed the entire ground.    


Nobody dared to antagonize Zi Changhe. After all, there was not a single disciple who didn't fear his might.    


Suddenly, a wail akin to that of a pig being slaughtered resounded in the courtyard. "Aiyah! Oww, oww, OWW! My hand hurts so much!"    


Appalled by the sheer pitch and volume of the cry, Zi Changhe turned around and saw Xiang Shaoyun running around like a madman, all the while jerking and shaking his hand nonstop. It looked like something straight out of a comic.    


Seeing Xiang Shaoyun like this, many disciples wanted to laugh, but absurd rumors floating around made them stifle their laughs.    


"Humph! Can't even endure a bit of pain! Trash!" Contempt filled his eyes as he sat on his majestic mount.    


"So old, yet only a third-grade cultivator. Trash indeed." After pausing for a moment, he continued, "After your stellar cultivation performance, I truly want to see the pearless talent you hide. Go stand in front of the Evaluation Stele, get rid of all unnecessary thoughts, and focus."    


Xiang Shaoyun strutted over with his swollen hand, looking like a smug cat. With every step, he didn't forget to make overreaching and narcissistic claims, which were always a variation of, "I'm genius, and my evaluation would trigger a natural phenomenon."    


Zi Changhe joined his palms together, and it began glowing with a purplish hue. Soon his arms were covered with a purple glow as lightning began coursing on them. The raw power within the lightning arcs enlightened the entire area, presenting everyone with a tyrannical sight.    


"Activate!" Fiendish purple lightning enveloped the Stele and began activating it.    


After the Evaluation Stele received the power required for activation, it became transparent like a sterling gem. It lit up with the purplish glow of lightning akin to a sparkling quasar. Steam began rising from the Stele as the power from within it evaporated the water from the air.    


With the activation of the Stele, some sort of invisible power enveloped Xiang Shaoyun. To his surprise, he didn't feel any discomfort; he felt an indescribable sense of comfort, both physically and mentally.    


Even after what seemed like years, the Stele gave no reaction; this disappointed Zi Changhe to no end.    


No reaction from the Stele meant only one thing—Xiang Shayun was trash. He had no talent for cultivation! Not mediocre, not bad, not even bare minimum.     


"There's nothing on the Stele, like nothing at all!" "This... H-he truly is a piece of trash!"    


"Just who the hell is he? This kind of talent, and yet the Lightning Marquis himself oversaw his evaluation? Is this what true disappointment looks like?"    


"Exactly! Not a single star! One star on the Stele; he would have at least been a talent, albeit a weak one. Not even talking about how two stars on the Stele would already be bright enough. And then there are extraordinary people with three stars while people with four stars would lead the generation! Wonder what a talent with the highest nine stars talent looks like." "On a second note, he is indeed a top-quality... mortal. Haha!"    


"Haha! Just now, he even said that he could trigger a phenomenon. How laughable!"    




The disciples once again began clamoring. They joked and laughed at Xian Shaoyun's expense as they looked down on him with disdainful eyes.    


Just when Zi Changhe was about to grab Xiang Shaoyun and throw him out, the situation changed!    


The Evaluation Stele shone with a bright light, and a ray of light abruptly tore through the clouds as if threatening to shatter the firmament.    


"What? The Stele is responding!" Zi Changhe's gaze jumped.    


Swish! Swish!    


Slowly, the clouds above the ninth heaven began disappearing, and a single shining star came before everyone's eyes.    


"So, he's not a cripple. He has one star talent!" Some disciples exclaimed.    


Yet, as soon as the murmurs died, a second star lit up the sky from the opposite direction.    


And without giving anybody time to react, a third star began shining.    


Undoubtedly, a three star talent was extraordinary. A talent like that could stand out among tens of thousands of individuals. Not only that, but it even guarantees that the cultivator would reach the Astral Transformation stage without a hitch.    


Zi Changhe's gaze trembled slightly. He seemed a bit surprised. "This kid has quite the talent!"     


A three star talent was something that was rarely seen in the Dark Town. Not only was Xiang Shaoyun qualified to become an outer court disciple of the Hall of Martial Arts, but he could also become an inner court disciple in the near future.    


Swish! Swish!    


Just when everyone thought that the spectacle had come to a standstill, a fourth star from another direction brightened the sky.    


When everyone paid attention to the fourth star, they were flabbergasted to find that it wasn't a single star. Yes! In its place, two stars were shining brightly! The glaring starlight illuminated the entire Hall of Martial Arts! The whole sky shone with a cyan tint, and everyone in the Dark Town bore witness to it. It was a phenomenal sight.    


Everyone only had one thought in their mind: if a four star talent could be called a Monarch, then a five-star talent would, without a doubt, be called an Emperor.    


When the five stands of starlight bore into Xiang Shaoyun's body, he felt like five stars were residing in his body. The tyrannical strength and raw power restrained within the cosmic stars filled every corner of his body with boundless vigor. In mere seconds, his cultivation jumped to the fifth grade of Martial Entering Stage.    


"A five star Brilliant Azure Sky? A five star talent has actually appeared in Dark Town! Who is this heavenly genius?" Within the Hall of Martial Arts, an elderly man in blue grab exclaimed while staring at the bright stars in the sky.    


Like a flash of lightning, he disappeared from his original spot and appeared in the sky, heading towards the outer court.    


The phenomenon was also being reflected on the murky eyeballs of another old man. As if roused from a deep slumber, his eyes become clear like pearls, and he said, "Five star Brilliant Blue Sky... A sign of great fortune! A five star talent has appeared in this generation."    


After contemplating what this meant for the future, he decided to pay the outer court a visit.    


Just like these two cultivation behemoths, numerous other powerful cultivators were also making their way towards the outer courtyard, all in wonder.    


"Five... five star Brilliant Blue Sky? I-I'm not seeing things, now am I?" Zi Changhe exclaimed as he lost his composure.    


A massive amount of star force was being absorbed by the Stele. It was acting like a sieve. It would purify the star force and then transfer it to Xiang Shaoyun. Unfortunately, before the star force could even be completely absorbed, the Stele cracked.    




Xiang Shaoyun, who was still in a daze, was shocked by the sudden influx of raw star force and ran from his spot.    


"The heck! Why do I have to suffer when I was only evaluating my talent?" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed.    


"T-the Evaluation Stele... broke down? What's happening?"    


"There can only be one explanation. The five star phenomenon was caused by the Stele malfunctioning and not because of this trash's talent."    


"Right, right! How can trash like him have five star talent? Even in the entirety of our Martial Arts Hall, only Senior Siter Gong Qinyin was able to bathe in the splendor of five stars. She's the number one genius of our Dark Town for a reason, you know."    


"But all of us definitely saw the power of the five stars descend upon him, showing that he has a five-star physique, did we not? Could this be incorrect too?"     





The thousands of disciples who had just witnessed the phenomenon had a hard time believing their own eyes.     


A five star talent. It was something that would be able to crush them to the point where they wouldn't even be able to breathe!    


By this time, Zi Changhe had already come back to his senses. He made up his mind and said in his heart, "I must take this kid as my direct disciple!"    


Just as he was about to say something, numerous shadows appeared one after another right in front of them.     


"The Evaluation Stele is broken! What is going on?" An old man asked.    


This old man was one of the vice hall masters of Hall of Martial Arts, Qingxiu. An expert at the peak of the Astral Transformation stage!    


The disciples present did not dare hide anything and spoke at once.    


All of them spoke at once. It made discerning what was being said very difficult.    


"Shut up! You. Come here and speak!" The cyan robed cultivator shouted in dissatisfaction and turned to one of the disciples.    


Before the disciple could answer, Zi Changhe stood up and said, "Vice Hall Master, allow me to explain!"    


Thus, he explained what had just happened to Qing Xiu.    


At first, he wasn't all that excited about explaining to them what had just happened, not until he had taken Xiang Shaoyun under his direct tutelage. However, due to the scale of the commotion caused, he knew that this matter could not be kept under wraps for long.     


"Are you saying that this kid caused the five stars Brilliant Azure Sky to appear?" The green-robed cultivator gawked at Xiang Shaoyun.    


Not only him, but even the other elders' eyes were also burning with excitement.    


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