I Am Overlord

C4 Xiang Shaoyun, I Chose You!

C4 Xiang Shaoyun, I Chose You!

0The human body was a treasure trove. Depending on potential, one could even have nine stars in their body.    


One star was weak, two stars were bright, three stars were extraordinary, four stars were akin to ascending the heaven, five stars could illuminate the sky, six stars could cover the sky, seven stars could form a dominion, eight stars could traverse the majestic oceans, and nine stars could upend the heaven.    


Each awakened star spoke lengths about one's capability to cultivate.    


Mortals couldn't awake these stars, so the stars would forever be hidden within them. A person capable of waking up one star was considered weak, barely a cultivator. Somebody capable of waking up two stars was like a diamond in the rough. Awakening three stars signified extraordinary accomplishments. Four stars could help a cultivator reach high heaven. Five star cultivators could illuminate the skies with their presence and bring glory everywhere.    


What about cultivators with six stars, you ask? Well, they could only be called legends. However, inside the small borders of Dark Town, a cultivator like that rarely appeared.     


Xiang Shaoyun was showered with the radiance of five stars, and this was a testament to the fact that he had a five star cultivation talent. His accomplishments would be boundless, and he would rise like the morning sun.    


In a place like Dark Town, someone with Xiang Shaoyun's talent was only seen once every hundred years.    


Throughout the Hall of Martial Arts, only one person could stand abreast with Xiang Shaoyun—the number one beauty of the Hall of Martial Arts: Gong Qinyin.    


Xiang Shaoyun had everything. The face, the talent, the support, and now maybe even the girl. So, every disciple standing there couldn't help but feel incensed and jealous.    


As for the elders? All of them were shivering with such excitement that was by no means befitting of their age. All of them were just waiting to jump on him and captu... uhm, take him as their disciple.    


"Kid, what's your name? Are you willing to join my Red Inferno Clan? I have a Heaven Scorching Inferno Incantation with me. It can give you the power to torch the skies and parch the oceans! " An old man with fiery hair said excitedly.    


This was the seventh elder, Lie Yan, who had the most experience in the Hall of Martial Arts!    


"Brat, his Heaven Scorching Inferno Incantation is incomplete. I have the complete Adam's Ale Splinter Incantation with me. It can make you the lord of wind and waves. With a twist of your hand, you could command gales and oceans." This old man was the sixth elder, Jiang Lingzi.    


"Don't listen to them! All of their Incantations and techniques are trash compared to my Unbreakable Diamond Sutra. It can make you invulnerable to everything! Terrifying weapons, smoldering flames, crushing waves—all worthless in front of you!" The golden-haired elder was the fifth Elder, Jin Ye.    


"I have the complete Shadowless Art. It can allow you to disappear without leaving a trace. Furthermore, if you join me, you will have two beautiful sisters willing to sit down with you. Believe me, you have nothing to lose if you join me." A woman, middle-aged but oozing with womanly charm, said with a seductive smile.     


She was the eleventh Elder, He Yinghua, nicknamed Shadowgale Flower!     


Right now, numerous Hall of Martial Arts Elders were extending their support to Xiang Shaoyun, completely forgetting how he was humiliated for having a third grade Martial Entering Stage cultivation.     


Let alone being a Martial Entering Cultivator, even if Xiang Shaoyun were to be a mortal with no cultivation, the elders would still want him because of his terrifying talent.    


The eyes of all outer sect disciples were red with envy!    


Lamentably, they didn't have Xiang Shaoyun's gifts—their talents were painfully inadequate.    


It was a pity that their destinies were too low. They didn't have such great talent!    


"Uhm," Xiang Shaoyun made a sound as if about to speak, but before he could say anything, the Purple Lightning Marquis stepped before him and cupped his hands. "Everyone, I'm sorry. Disciple Shaoyun has already pledged to become my direct disciple. I was only testing his innate talent earlier. It was not my intention to startle everybody here. You have my sincerest apologies."    


"What? He is already under your tutelage?" The seventh elder exclaimed in indignation. "Changhe, you are still young and have a bright future ahead of you. You should not waste your talents by splitting your time between a disciple and your own cultivation. How about I trade this Blazing Lotus for your disciple?"    


"Lie Huo, you don't have any shame! You actually want to exchange an Inferior Grade Spirit medicine for a five star talent? How can you not drown in shame before even uttering such brazen things?" Jiang Lingzi said in disdain before giving Zi Change a flattering smile. "Changhe, I know your cultivation relies on the lightning element. I just so happen to come across this middle-tier medicine. I trust that you can find some use for it. So, how about this in return for that boy?"    


Zi Changhe quickly replied, "No need, this kid has already gone through the ritual of apprenticeship. Now that he has—officially—accepted me as his master, giving him to you would be inappropriate."    


Facing all these elders, Zi Changhe faced quite a lot of pressure. However, for a five star talent, he was willing to offend all of them.    


Xiang Shaoyun, who was standing behind Zi Changhee, muttered to himself, "See? I already said that you would fight to take me in as a disciple. Even with all that talent and brain, you still decided to ignore my warning. Hehe. Are you finally able to comprehend this young master's talent now?"    


Upon hearing Zi Changhe’s words, the elders could not help but feel disappointed. They knew that fighting him for the boy would be an arduous task.    


At this time, Qing Xiu coughed lightly and said, "Changhe, this kid was not only able to bring out the power of five stars, but also decimate the Evaluation Stele while doing so. Do you know what this means? Before the Stele could even appraise his talent, it was destroyed by the sheer pull that his true talent commanded. The Stele broke at five stars, but that does not mean that he only has a five star talent. Under your guidance, his talent would be wasted!"    


A single statement from the cyan robed cultivator created an uproar among the outer disciples.    


"V-vice president... The vice president himself wants to take him as his disciple? I know that justice is blind, but it still has a mouth and an ear, right? JUSTICE, you bastard, have you gone dumb and deaf too?"    


"He has the destiny of a star and the will of heaven. With a five star talent, let alone Dark Town, even the experts in the Cloud Edge City would gladly take him as a disciple."    


“Indeed. If the president himself was here, he would also fight over this disciple! It’s a pity that he has some business in the city. No one knows when he’s coming back either.”    


"He's brought into the world a virtuoso. We should simply buckle down; maybe we will have some extraordinary achievement someday."    




The hearts of many outer sect disciples ached!     


They practiced all their lives just for the chance of becoming an inner disciple, yet this third grade Martial Entering Stage brat had gained the recognition of not only the elders but even the vice president himself. This was life... real life.    


Zi Changhe unhappily replied, “Vice president, I’m only taking him as a disciple on behalf of my master. In truth, he can be considered my junior brother, and he will come under my master in the future.”    


Hearing Zi Changhe, Qing Xiuhe’s expression slightly changed. Following that, he lightly sighed and said, “Since this is the case, forget it. He’ll be a disciple of the Hall of Martial Arts from now on, so allocate some resources to him. Everybody disperse!”    


Even though they were all unwilling to let Xiang Shaoyun go, the elders left the area one by one after hearing Qing Xiuhe.     


The outer disciples also proceeded to go about their own business again.    


But from now on, the scene of Xiang Shaoyun attracting the power of five stars would remain deeply etched within their minds.    


People possessing this level of talent would definitely not turn into some commoner in the future; hence, if they could not befriend him, they definitely could not offend him.     


After the crowd had dispersed, Zi Changhe heaved a sigh of relief.    


“Hehe, I told you that you’d fight to take me in as a disciple! Now you know of my prowess!” Xiang Shaoyun said, his smile full of pride.    


Before he had even finished talking, Zi Changhe hit him on the head. “What’s there to laugh about? From now on, you will call me senior brother, if not master. Just at the third grade of Martial Entering Stage, what is there to be proud of? You’ll be under me from now on. If you aren't up to the standards I set for you, see how I’ll deal with you!”    


“Damn, since when did I have a fierce senior brother like you?” Xiang Shaoyun said, dissatisfied.    


“Hoh, so you think you can disregard everyone because you have a five star talent? Let me tell you, it’s the geniuses who fall the most easily. If you don’t listen to me, then don’t blame me for anything that happens to you in the future!” Zi Changhe coldly said.    


“Okay, okay. From now on, I will definitely work hard to become the number one disciple in the Hall of Martial Arts!” Xiang Shaoyun said seriously, his face absent of any previous arrogance.    


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