I Am Overlord

C10 I Would Smack Even God If He Dared To Stop Me From Eating!

C10 I Would Smack Even God If He Dared To Stop Me From Eating!

0"Brat, you really don't know what's good for you. With 1,000 points, you can fill your stomach for an entire year!" The elder was somewhat speechless.    


"Uh, what do you mean? I'm new to the Hall of Martial Arts as I was accepted just yesterday. My senior brother, Zi Changhe, still hasn't told me anything about the sect!" Xiang Shaoyun exclaimed after hesitating for a moment.​    


When the elder heard Xiang Shaoyun call Zi Changhe his senior brother, his old face couldn't help but tremble.​    


All the elders of the Hall of Martial Arts were mighty individuals. Calling them by their full name alone was already a big enough taboo!​    


"Hall of Martial Arts rewards its disciples with points. They are akin to gold coins of the outside world. They are recorded on a jade token and are not tradable with normal coins. Moreover, no one is stupid enough to trade these points for coins. Because our points can not only purchase you food, but also weapons, combat skills, cultivation mantras... In other words, the more points you have, the more things you can buy. Understood?" The elder tried to explain the best he could.​    


"Why didn't you say so earlier!" Xiang Shaoyun replied and grabbed the jade token. Now... he will feast. ​    


"Why are you in such a hurry? This jade plate can only be used after you have dripped a drop of blood on it for confirmation. Jade tokens only work after bonding with their owners. Drop some of your blood on it to bond with it. And remember, this jade token will be a part of you from now on, so keep it safe!" The elder warned.​    


Only after he was done with his piece did the elder discover that Xiang Shaoyun had long left him. He was standing there alone, babbling like a nincompoop.​    


Feeling a bit bitter, the elder shook his head and said, "Damn, Brat."    


While running towards the canteen, Xiang Shaoyun bit his finger so hard that he nearly chewed off his own finger. But he was happy that it did the job. He brought his now bleeding finger over the token, and it suddenly lit up with archaic runes!​    


"A ripoff of recording jade?" Xiang Shaoyun was confused.​    


Xiang Shaoyun had no strength to think about it. So he simply brought it to the canteen to buy some food.​    


However, the people at the canteen told him that he could not use the jade token here! They only served free food to disciples, and the points could only buy him food in the restaurants situated inside the Hall of Martial Arts.​    


"Damn it! When did eating become such a chore?" Xiang Shaoyun was going crazy from hunger.​    


Low-level cultivators like him required food to replenish their energy. Before today, Xiang Shaoyun used to eat what could only be called generous servings of food. And now? Well, he had gone on an empty stomach for an entire day. Add on to it the numerous beating and arduous training he had to go through, you would get a crazy hungry guy.    


Just as he was about to make his way to the restaurant, three human figures showed up in front of him, blocking his path.​    


"Why the hell are you guys following me like vengeful ghosts?" Xiang Shaoyun asked. If they had brains, they would have noticed the crazed expression on his face and stepped back.​    


At this stage, Xiang Shaoyun would attack anyone who tried to stop him from eating!    


"Hur hur, feeling hungry, are we? Maybe even a slight pinch of dizziness too. Did you really think it would be as easy as going to the canteen and filling that mug of yours?" Gou Zai sneered.​    


"I'll count to three. If you guys don't piss off, I'll make sure that your next meals are in a hospital!" Xiang Shaoyun was thoroughly enraged!​    


"Can you even touch me? Wanna beat me? Other than the cafeteria, we can only fight in the arena according to the outer sect rules," Gou Zai said with confidence.​    


Now it was a waiting game. Whoever took action first would be the one punished.​    


"Three!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted.    


"I'm waiting. Hit me if you dare!" Gou Zai said as he slapped Xiang Shaoyun's face.​    


It was safe now—Xiang Shaoyun made his move!​    






A clear flesh hitting flesh sound rang in the area, followed by a gut-wrenching scream.    


"Oh, I've seen idiots, but you... you are a different breed altogether. I mean, even idiots don't beg for a beating, but you..." Xiang Shaoyun cursed.​    


At this moment, there was already a red palm print on Gou Zai's face; blood was dripping from the corner of lips. It was quite apparent the Xiang Shaoyun didn't give him any "classmate" discount.​    


"Bastard, you dare hit me? Go, cripple him!" Gou Zai shouted in anger.​    


As soon his voice fell, his sixth-grade Martial Entering Stage lackeys began moving towards Xiang Shaoyun.    


Even though they were quick on their feet, but Xiang Shaoyun was faster. Despite being faster, he didn't attack and retreated instead.​    


He wasn't escaping. He was actually picking a brick from the ground without alerting the group.    


At this moment, the two youths chasing him had already begun their assault.     


As outer sect disciples of the Hall of Martial Arts, they had learned combat skills. Although it was only the lowest level ones, it still allowed them to put on a good show.​    


Without any hoopla, one of them went straight for Xiang Shoyun's face. While the second one decided to take a more subtle approach by attacking his legs.​    


"Those who stop me from eating die!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted in surprise. His figure dodged the two people's attack like a swallow and arrived beside one of them. The brick was like a peerless weapon and directly smashed onto that person's head.​    




Xiang Shaoyun moved with lightning-like swiftness and smacked the head of the first guy with the brick. His eyes rolled back; he flew away while spurting blood everywhere.    


A little shocked, the second attacker steeled his heart and continued his attack.​    


Witnessing the swift disposal of the first attacker, one might think that these attackers were weak. But their attacks were powerful. So powerful that the kick from the second attacker caused the air around him to make a trilling sound.    


Had it been the Xiang Shaoyun of the past, the one who still hadn't broken through the sight grade, this kick would have spelled disaster for him.​    




The sound of bones breaking reverberated as the kick finally hit its target.    


No surprises. The second attacker was the one being pushed away. Instead of Xiang Shaoyun, he was the one bouncing like an idiot while holding his leg. "My foot! Damn! It is fractured!"​    


Xiang Shaoyun was a concrete wall right now. Why wouldn't he be? Just minutes ago, he had broken his physical limit in the Hall of Limits. Add to that the fact that he was taking baths in elixirs for nine years straight. I mean, why was that even a doubt?​    


In all honesty, let alone a sixth-grade cultivator, no one in the Martial Entering Stage was Xiang Shaoyun's opponent in terms of physical strength. ​    


This guy was straight up bashing his leg on a wall. How can anyone blame Xiang Shaoyun for that?​    


Xiang Shaoyun carried his brick and smacked the attacker with it. Okay, maybe—and I'm saying maybe—this was on Xiang Shaoyun.​    


The second attacker soon followed the footsteps of the first attacker and fainted.    



In the blink of an eye, he had already taken care of two opponents of the same level. Can't say much about his other abilities, but he was quite proficient with the brick, wasn't he?​    


Well, all this proficiency came from a difficult childhood. As a rich young lord, he often had to teach disobedient souls with, you guessed it, a brick!    


Gou Zai was dumbfounded.    


He did not expect that his two companions would faint just like that!    


Looking at Xiang Shaoyun, who was approaching him. Gou Zai, with trepid sinisterness, shouted, "Y-you just got lucky and knocked them out. I'm at the peak of seventh grade. Do you really think you can defeat me? You are too naive!"​    


Blazing Air Fist!​    


Energy gathered over his fists as he rapidly threw punches that could ignite the surrounding oxygen.    


Gou Zai's punches were strong enough to break boulders weighing hundreds of pounds.​    


Xiang Shaoyun took a deep breath and also punched out.​    


Like I said before, a competition with him on physical strength was dumber than considering air an opponent.    




The two fists collided, and someone cried out in pain.    


Once again, no surprises. Gou Zai was the one wailing like pigs. ​    


However, Gou Zai didn't faint like his lackeys. He was smart enough to see the danger and swerved his fists away from Xiang Shoyuns punch. This effectively saved his fist from a full-force attack of Xiang Shaoyun. Only then, and luckily so, did he get out without broken bones.​    


Even so, his hand was in soEven so, his hand was in so much pain that it was hard for him to lift it up. much pain that it was hard for him to lift it up!    


"A mere lackey like you has dared to challenge me again and again, so today I will teach you some respect in your master's stead!" Xiang Shaoyun shouted. The brick, as if it had a mind of its own, was now resting on Gou Zai's face. This would leave an imprint.​    




Blood spurted out from Gou Zai's mouth and nose.​    


Xiang Shaoyun didn't stop there. He smacked him with the brick over and over again.​    




He kept on it until the brick itself broke into half.    


"He sure has a thick skull. Even the brick broke." Xiang Shaoyun finally stopped. He looked at Gou Zai with scorn, who had been beaten into the shape of a dog.​    


"Y-you... Young Master Wu won't let you off! Woo, woo," Gou Zai cried from the pain.​    


Xiang Shaoyun stood up, threw the broken brick away, and said, "Believe me, I would smack even God if he dared to stop me from eating!" ​    


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