Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1999 Surrounding wei to save zhao

C1999 Surrounding wei to save zhao

0Therefore, the weak State Of Zhao did not believe that the scouts of the Weiguo were that strong, that they could eliminate all of these thousands of messengers in one fell swoop.    


The only explanation was that the Qi Empire had always been an ally and ally of the State Of Zhao for more than a hundred years.    


However, no matter what goal the Qi Kingdom had, it didn't matter if they were afraid of Weiguo, or even if they wanted to obtain a share of the spoils when Weiguo invaded, State Of Zhao could not have any complaints. Even though all the dukes and officials were cursing at the Qi Kingdom in the palace of the State Of Zhao, the king of the State Of Zhao was very clear that there was no true friendship between nations. All there was was was an eternal interest.    


The king of State Of Zhao knew that he could not rely on the Qi Nation to save him, and the only way was to save himself!    


The king of State Of Zhao immediately roused the entire nation's forces, preparing to fight to the death against the invaders of Weiguo. Even if there would only be one soldier left, they would fight to the end against the invaders of Weiguo.    


This was the last plan of the king of the State Of Zhao. Even if the entire army of the State Of Zhao were to be annihilated at the most tragic time, the invaders of the Weiguo must also know that their State Of Zhao was not a soft persimmon that should be trifled with. Even if State Of Zhao were to be completely wiped out, the only way was to make the aggressor, Weiguo, pay a painful price!    


It was just that reality and imagination often had a huge gap. When Weiguo invaders began to invade the State Of Zhao, during the process of Weiguo invaders invading, some of the State Of Zhao defenders were unable to withstand a single blow from the Weiguo invaders while some of the State Of Zhao defenders simply opened up the gates of the Weiguo invaders, directly surrendering and taking down their weapons.    


It turned out that this group of generals guarding the State Of Zhao had not been optimistic about State Of Zhao before the great battle between the two countries had started, so they had long secretly pledged their allegiance to Weiguo. When the Weiguo invaders reached the city they were guarding, they had directly ordered their soldiers to not resist the Weiguo invaders, and directly surrendered to them in exchange for giving them the chance to display their might when they were citizens of the Weiguo in the future.    


When the king of the State Of Zhao found out about this situation and that so many generals of the State Of Zhao had led their soldiers to betray the State Of Zhao, he could not help but sigh inwardly at the fact that the State Of Zhao had passed away …    


Of course, on the surface, the king of State Of Zhao still had to pretend that he was confident and had victory in his grasp, so as to pacify the generals of State Of Zhao and all the officials and princes.    


However, these generals and princes were all intelligent people, how could they be fooled by the king of the State Of Zhao?    


Other than some of the generals and princes who were loyal to State Of Zhao, many of the generals and princes and ministers were actively contacting the leaders of Weiguo, hoping that after the invasion of Weiguo made it into the capital, they would be able to protect their own lives.    


Of course, if they could get a official position in the State Of Zhao territory of the future, even if they weren't able to show off their talents, the generals and dukes of these nations would be more than willing to do so.    


The further one went to join the Weiguo, the more one naturally couldn't compare to the generals who joined the Weiguo from the beginning. This was something that was worthy of the attention of the Weiguo's leaders.    


And most importantly, after the Weiguo had taken over the State Of Zhao, there was a large number of officials and generals of the Weiguo who had to be bestowed with military rewards, and the number of high-ranking officials and generals of the Weiguo were limited as well.    


The situation in State Of Zhao immediately quietened down. The king of State Of Zhao had been putting on an act and comforting the generals and officials of the royal families, while the generals and officials of the royal families were also putting on an act and accepting the consolation of the king of State Of Zhao every day.    


On the surface, everyone looked friendly and friendly. The generals and officials in the capital all looked loyal and devoted.    


Of course, in reality, the generals and ministers of the State Of Zhao were all waiting for the day the invasion of the Weiguo arrived at the capital before the battle between the State Of Zhao and the State Of Zhao ended.    


As for the generals and ministers of the State Of Zhao, they had long since sent their families out of the State Of Zhao, leaving only themselves to stand guard in the capital, in case the war would affect their families when the Weiguo invaders invaded the capital, which wouldn't be worth it.    


At this time, the generals and officials of the Duke in the capital of the State Of Zhao still retained a certain amount of shame. They knew that in the future, they would definitely be kidnapped into the historical records, and would allow the people in the future to despise them no matter what.    


And all of this was for his own family, for his own family!    


This was the most helpless, most miserable action that the generals and princes and officials left behind in the capital of the State Of Zhao!    


Since these generals and officials who had stayed in the capital of the State Of Zhao would rather leave behind a shameful page in the history book and secretly rely on Weiguo to invade, then that naturally meant that they would have to protect their own families. Since this was the case, it was not strange for these generals and officials who had stayed in the capital of the State Of Zhao to secretly send their own families out of the State Of Zhao.    


The king of State Of Zhao was not an idiot, he was well aware of the movements of these generals and princes and officials.    


Although some of the generals and officials who secretly relied on Weiguo invaders were respectful on the surface and did not expose any flaws in front of the king, these generals and officials who secretly relied on Weiguo invaders had also surfaced after sending their families away from the capital, letting the king know that these generals and officials who sent their families out of the capital were not of the same heart as his own State Of Zhao.    


It did not take long for the king of the State Of Zhao to know that these generals and ministers who had originally been hiding but had already secretly pledged allegiance to the invaders of the Weiguo were already beginning to sell out the kingdom.    


The king of the State Of Zhao was even more desperate, and he did not punish or retaliate against these generals and officials who had sent their families out of the capital of the State Of Zhao.    


Because at this time, the king of State Of Zhao had already begun to despair …    


So much despair that even these generals and ministers who had already secretly pledged allegiance to the invaders of the Weiguo could no longer have any thoughts of punishing and retaliating against them.    


From the king of State Of Zhao to the nobles and ministers and generals, from the citizens to the peddlers, pessimism spread throughout the entire State Of Zhao.    


But just when the entire nation of State Of Zhao was filled with pessimism, just when the king of State Of Zhao thought that his nation was about to perish, the invaders of Weiguo had actually retreated!    


They had actually withdrawn!    


The entire nation of State Of Zhao did not know why the invaders would suddenly retreat when victory was in their hands, but the citizens of State Of Zhao did not want to care about it.    


The king of State Of Zhao was also very happy.    


Because if it was like this, then he wouldn't be the ruler of the nation that was destroyed, and the hundred years of State Of Zhao wouldn't be destroyed by himself.    


It was only after the entire capital of the State Of Zhao had celebrated for three days and three nights that the king and officials of the royal families finally received the news and knew that the Qi Kingdom had saved his life.    


And the way the Qi Nation saved the State Of Zhao was to gather a portion of their great army, and then directly advance towards the empty Weiguo of the nation, and directly attack the capital of the nation with their Weiguo.    


This part of the army was small, not even one percent of the army of the Qi Empire. However, because Weiguo were to take down the weak State Of Zhao this time, the entire nation's army had come out in full strength. Even the Weiguo army that guarded the capital only had a few thousand people.    


On the other hand, although the armies of the Qi Empire that had advanced to the Weiguo were not numerous, and were not even equal to 1% of the armies of the Qi Nation, there were still tens of thousands of people. Although there were still several tens of thousands of people in the armies that guarded each city and capital, and were not inferior to the armies of the Qi Kingdom that had made their way into the capital of the Weiguo, the tens of thousands of people in the armies of Weiguo were scattered throughout the various cities throughout the entire nation.    


The tens of thousands of troops of the Qi Kingdom, upon entering the Weiguo, naturally had unstoppable momentum. They advanced boldly all the way until they reached the capital of the Weiguo.    


If the invaders of Weiguo dared not to withdraw their troops from the State Of Zhao, then the armies of the Qi Kingdom would pursue them and directly advance towards the capital of the Weiguo.    


The Weiguo occupied the State Of Zhao, and the Qi Kingdom occupied the Weiguo.    


The State Of Zhao s were weak and the Weiguo s were strong. Powerful Weiguo s naturally possessed more land, and weak State Of Zhao s had a small area of land.    


If Weiguo gave up its own country to occupy the State Of Zhao, and the Qi Empire seized the opportunity to occupy the capital of the Weiguo, then the one who would suffer a loss would definitely be Weiguo.    


They had no choice but to withdraw their troops and defend against the Weiguo.    


On the surface, it seemed as if the Qi Nation had done a useless deed, but the Qi Nation had also gained quite a few benefits from killing and looting the various cities in the Weiguo, and had completely compensated for the losses of the army this time.    


Currently, within the Heavenly Prison Space, Ye Qinghan, the Dvine Emperor of Creation Emperor, was able to see through the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's movements with a single glance.    


When Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam saw the pair of eyes of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan s looking at the two disciples from Divine King, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, he knew that the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was already planning to kill the two disciples from Divine King s, Earth Divine King and Divine King.    


Adding on the two Divine King's disciples, Earth Divine King and Man Divine King, and the sneak attack on Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, the result would definitely cause Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to suffer from internal injuries, and he would probably perish together with the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's disciples from Earth Divine King and Man Divine King.    


Other than that, when Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam launched his attack towards Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, it also carried the intent of a sneak attack, all he wanted to do was to kill Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan immediately.    


"Formless Great Dao!"    



The instant the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam smashed onto the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, his body immediately turned into a transparent shape, like a True Body's Cold Realm and Heavenly Dao's formless and formless, or like a waterfall that fell from the sky, it directly enveloped the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, causing the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to be directly submerged within the waterfall that fell from the sky.    


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