Beast Piercing The Heavens

C1998 Relieving the dried sheep to recuperate the gangue

C1998 Relieving the dried sheep to recuperate the gangue

0And the technique that the disciples of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, s and Man Divine King s had used, "Inhumane nature is just like a stray dog", was precisely created by the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam when he was repairing his prison by combining the methods of his Mysterious Gate Of Wonders.    


"Heartless Heaven and Earth!"    


"All Things Ruminant Dog!"    


"Everything in this world is just like a stray dog!"    


The two Divine King disciples, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s transformed into two cone-shaped tornadoes, and attacked Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan from both sides.    


The cone shaped tornado tore through space, completely tearing apart the empty space between the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s, one on the left and one on the right. Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was unable to shrink his body, and could only hide inside!    


As a result, just as the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam who created the joint attack of the 'Inhumane World is just like he expected,' when the Earth Divine King and Divine King, the two Divine King disciples from the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, used the combined attack of 'Inhumane World is just like a weak dog', they easily sealed off Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, the traitor's retreat.    


There was nowhere for the traitor Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to run, no place to hide, and there was no escape for him either. He could only choose to take on the combined attacks of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples, the Earth Divine King and the Man Divine King.    


"Such a fast speed?"    


When the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan saw the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples from the Human Divine King turn into two tornados and attack him, his eyes focused, his heart was filled with shock.    


Actually, the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had always been paying attention to the movements of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Divine King s. They had also always been on guard against sneak attacks from Divine King s and Divine King s.    


Although the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was not restricted by this, because he had to be on guard against the and, the two disciples of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan still found it hard to let go.    


It was precisely because of this that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was suppressed in the disadvantageous position in his battle with Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam.    


However, even though Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had always been at a disadvantage in his battles with Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, he did not believe that Earth Divine King and Human Divine King, these two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, would be able to successfully ambush him.    


And the strength of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Human Divine King s, were indeed very different from the strength of the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan s. Even though the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had to pay a little more attention to the two Divine King s' and the's disciples, the amount of attention still had to be limited.    


Thus, even if Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had guessed that the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s, would sneak attack him, he still maintained sufficient vigilance towards the two Divine King s, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s. He even believed that the two Divine King s, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s, would never be able to harm him.    


It was just that the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had never expected that the two disciples of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s, would actually attack him with such might!    


"This Qi is so strong!"    


Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan looked at the conical hurricane that was quickly sweeping towards him, and knew that the combined attack of the two disciples of the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam, Earth Divine King, was already qualified to harm him.    


"It actually sealed off my dodging space!?"    


In that instant, the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan saw clearly that when the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's disciples, the's and the Human Divine King's disciples, used the 'heaven and earth are inhumane, but only you know dogs' combined attack method, they formed a miraculous complementarity, actually making up for the gaps in the combined attacks of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam's disciples, the Earth Divine King's and the Human Divine King's.    


This made it impossible for the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to easily avoid the combined attack of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Human Divine King s.    


"Earth Divine King, Human Divine King, you two despicable people are truly scheming!"    


In just an instant, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was ambushed by Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King, the two Divine King disciples. The ruthless power of the heavens and the earth burst forth from Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's body, causing him to fly backwards.    


"What morals do I have to face a traitor like you?!"    


However, the moment Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan landed, he started swearing at the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s. However, Earth Divine King s and Man Divine King s didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed.    


Not to mention it was a sneak attack on the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, even if it was a poison attack or an assassination attempt on the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, it was something that was absolutely necessary. After all, a traitor like the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, who was prepared to subvert the Cold Realm Universe, was naturally someone that one could kill.    


"Good, good, good …"    


The Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was flustered and exasperated. He said three words in succession and shouted angrily at the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King, "For a traitor like me, there is indeed no need to care about morality!"    


Since Earth Divine King and Mortal Divine King's Divine King's disciples did not need to follow the morals of a traitor like him, then he, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, would no longer need to show mercy to the Divine King's and Mortal Divine King's disciples.    


Even if he, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, died in the hands of the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Earth Divine King disciples of the s, or the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples of the s, who were stalking mantis and stalking cicada catching oriole, he, Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, would also bring the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples of the Earth Divine King s, Earth Divine King and Man, to accompany him in death.    


"Be careful, Dao Fan this traitor must want to perish together with us!"    


The disciples of the Earth Divine King s and the Mortal Divine King s looked at each other, sending alert sound transmissions to each other.    


At this time, the Divine King and the Human Divine King's Divine King's disciples saw the painful expression on Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's face, and immediately thought that they had guessed what the traitor Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was thinking, which was why the and the Man Divine King's disciples were able to send sound transmissions to each other, telling them to be even more wary of the traitor Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan.    


"Earth Divine King, Human Divine King, you guys be careful!"    


Although Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam had already controlled all of the Cosmic Power s that came from the depths of the Cold Realm Universe and he believed that he would definitely be able to defeat Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan, if he were to say that he wanted Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan to win as easily as if it were light, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam actually knew his own limits and knew that it was impossible for him to do so.    


Therefore, when the two disciples of the local Divine King and the Human God King launched their sneak attack on the Five Elements God King, the Frost Realm's Celestial Emperor was extremely happy. This was because the Celestial Emperor Han Realm knew that the two disciples of the Earth God King and the Human God King might have all sorts of considerations in their hearts.    


Thus, when he saw that Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan had been sneakily attacked by the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam s, Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam couldn't help but secretly cheer in his heart. When the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam saw the ominous glint in the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan's eyes, he immediately knew that the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was planning to kill the Divine King's and's disciples.    


Therefore, the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam immediately launched an attack on the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan. On one hand, it was to rescue the two Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples, the Man Divine King disciples and the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam disciples, and on the other hand, the way the Heavenly Monarch of Cold Relam directly attacked the Five Elements Divine King Dao Fan was also considered to be taking care of the two Divine King disciples, the Man Divine King disciples.    


To use an ordinary proverb, this was called surrounding Wei and saving Zhao.    


In this mortal world, there was a very long history of an ancient country. In one part of the history, there were many small countries within the boundaries of this ancient country.    


Amongst them, there was a hegemon called Weiguo. Its successive kings all had the goal of conquering other nations for the fun of, and uniformly overhauling all the lands of ancient countries.    


In Duke Wei's generation, King Wei Hui had targeted the State Of Zhao with its weak national power and brazenly attacked it. All the troops within the Weiguo were unleashed, wanting to destroy the weak national power in one strike and take it back as the loss of the Weiguo.    


Since the beginning of their lives, regardless of whether it was the king of State Of Zhao, or the masters or generals of State Of Zhao, they were all extremely afraid of the onslaught of Weiguo.    


This was because these people were extremely clear about the national power and military strength of their Weiguo, and also extremely clear about the national power and military strength of their own State Of Zhao.    


He knew that if he were to fight with his weak State Of Zhao, the weak State Of Zhao would definitely not be a match for the strong Weiguo. After the war, it wouldn't be long before the weak State Of Zhao would be defeated and defeated by the strong Weiguo.    


Then, the weak State Of Zhao would completely collapse, the middle line would open up, and they would be devoured by the powerful Weiguo.    


Since they were forced to, the weak State Of Zhao could only find the Qi Nation which had always been on good terms with their State Of Zhao to rescue them.    


However, when the letter for help from State Of Zhao was sent out, there was no response from the Qi Nation. Regarding State Of Zhao, they could only guess, that if his messenger was not captured by the people from Weiguo on his way out of the country to seek help, or if the Qi Nation received their own State Of Zhao's letter for help, they would be willing to come to their rescue.    


Therefore, the Qi Kingdom had never given any response regarding State Of Zhao.    


Actually, the princes and ministers from State Of Zhao didn't really believe the analysis of the first point.    



After all, the number of messengers sent out from the capital might be more than a thousand, or at least a few thousand.    


Moreover, these thousands of messengers were normally ordinary citizens, not nobles or officials. When they went abroad to ask for help from the Qi Kingdom, they did not even need to disguise themselves anymore.    


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