Martial Godly Emperor

C38 Beast Tide

C38 Beast Tide

0In the space of two or three breaths, a giant golden beast over a hundred feet tall emerged from the distant rocky area. Its thick legs were as thick as five or six people hugging a large tree. Its lantern-like eyes released waves of red demonic fire from time to time. Elder Li, who was the closest to it, rammed his head over!    


The demonic fire wreaked havoc, burning the ground until it was scarlet red, and the trees turned into charcoal.    


"Golden Fire Lion, another Third Grade Demonic Beast, and it's even more ferocious than the Fierce Wind Tiger just now. Zhu Sheng Xiaoyi, quickly retreat! "    


Elder Li took a look and sucked in a breath of cold air!    


He had asked himself if he could kill that youth in ten exchanges, but with the condition that he had used up a small portion of the essence energy in his body, he was unwilling to directly face this Golden Flame Lion.    


In any case, that youth was already under his control. It was more important to avoid that Golden Flame Lion first.    


The three of them quickly retreated. When Meng Yu and Xia Ting saw that valiant Demonic Beast, their faces turned deathly pale. They did not dare to delay and hurriedly fled to the side.    


"This is the border of the Demonic Beast Mountain Range. Why did we encounter a Third Grade Demonic Beast in a row? Furthermore, there are still three or four Second Grade Demonic Beast running towards us from behind!"    


Both of them were very depressed.    


Xia Ting had read some information and knew that there would at most be one or two Level 2 Demonic Beast appearing in this place. But reality was not as good as she thought.    


The Golden Fire Lion did not chase after Elder Li and the other two, but closely chased after Meng Yu and Xia Ting.    


"What should we do?"    


When she encountered danger consecutively, the girl's Yuan energy was almost depleted. At this moment, she could not help but panic. Her pink lips were tightly pursed.    


Meng Yu held her cold little hand tightly.    


On the young man's stubborn face, a pair of clear eyes shot out a determined light.    




The Ice Kylin that contained a boundless ancient aura was still hanging on Meng Yu's body. At this moment, another Ice Arc was sent out.    


The Golden Fire Lion seemed to have sensed the danger. It opened its mouth and spat out a red demonic flame.    


Ice and fire collided.    


The powerful Ice Arc froze the demonic flame.    


The fiery red fire was frozen into ice crystals, and it was still beating violently. A large piece of it was frozen between the heaven and earth, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. It was like an inner red and outer white egg that stood in the air, magnificent and beautiful.    


However, the demonic fire that the Golden Fire Lion kept replenishing kept attacking the layer of ice crystals. The surface of the ice crystal kept producing sizzling sounds. After a few breaths, it broke down with a 'Chi La' sound.    


Meng Yu and Xia Ting took the opportunity to distance themselves from the Golden Fire Lion.    


However, the Demonic Beast treated them as food and continued to chase after them.    


Xia Ting used the "Lotus Blossoming Step by Step" footwork. With every step she took, a small white lotus bloomed on the ground.    


Meng Yu had yet to learn the footwork when he was pulled by the young girl. The two of them quickly ran forward.    


"Ah!" A shrill scream broke the silence of the night.    


Meng Yu and Xia Ting could not help but turn around to look.    


They saw a lot of Demonic Beast rushing out from nowhere, and they were attacking Elder Li and the other two.    


And the one who screamed just now was the green-clothed girl called Xiao Yi. Her senior brother, Zhu Sheng, was surrounded and attacked by a few Demonic Beasts. One of the Rank 2 Demonic Beast, 'Sharphorn Li Niu', was fiercely rushing towards him. Zhu Sheng was unable to dodge, and in a moment of desperation, he pushed Xiao Yi, who was standing at the side, towards the 'Sharphorn Li Niu'. The sharp horn of the Demonic Beast instantly pierced through Xiao Yi's chest. A bloody mess hung on that horn, and it was a horrible sight to behold!    


"Elder Li, save me, save..."    


In less than a few breaths after Xiao Yi died, Zhu Sheng was once again hidden underground. The black crocodile that suddenly crawled up from the ground bit him. He only had time to say a few words. The crocodile tried its best to bite Zhu Sheng, and its sharp teeth pierced through Zhu Sheng's body. Hot blood spurted out like a spring. Many internal organs, intestines, and pieces of flesh fell from his body.    


Elder Li had no time to care, because he was also entangled by many Demonic Beasts. Fortunately, his Cultivation Level was profound, and he could still handle it in a short period of time.    


But right at this moment, a series of rumbling sounds rang out one after another.    


The ground was shaking.    


The trees were jumping.    


Meng Yu and the others could hear the roars and cries coming from time to time.    


In the distance behind the rock area where the golden fire lion had jumped out earlier, a huge black fog that blotted out the sky and covered the sun had appeared on the horizon. It was rapidly spreading in this direction.    


There were many tall figures in the huge fog. They had cow heads, horse faces, and snake bodies. They let out many howls.    


Meng Yu and Xia Ting's hearts instantly dropped to the freezing point.    


The most primitive fear from their bodies occupied their bodies, causing the legs of the two young men who were running to soften.    


"Beast tide. That's a beast tide!"    


Their faces instantly turned deathly pale.    


In the history of Yuanmiao Continent, there had been many beast tides. There were a few of them that were extremely large and nearly razed the entire continent to the ground.    


The Naiyang County was close to the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, and there had been many beast tides. Even the city walls of the county had been flattened by the surging Demonic Beast, and there were countless casualties both inside and outside the county.    


Until now, no one understood the reason for the beast tide.    


Looking at the tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts that were charging towards them and the Golden Fire Lion that was spitting out demonic flames, Xia Ting summoned the Silver Shark Martial Soul. The Silver Shark Martial Soul spat out a huge water line in front of them.    


If the water met the swamp, it would form a small whirlpool there. As long as they avoided these small whirlpools, they would not be trapped in the swamp.    


Meng Yu and Xia Ting ran even faster forward.    


"Junior brother, I can't hold on much longer."    


Xia Ting said, "Don't worry about me. You can go by yourself."    



Meng Yu grabbed the young girl's small hand and looked behind him. He said, "Although there are many Demonic Beasts, they are very far from us. Right now, what we need to worry about is this Golden Flame Lion. "    


As Meng Yu spoke, he transferred some Yuan Power from the Heavenly Spirit Bead and injected it into Xia Ting's body.    


Xia Ting's face immediately flushed red.    


The girl's "Lotus Blossoming Step" once again displayed her footwork. The two of them became faster.    


They ran for a while.    


"Junior brother, do you still remember the map on that letter?" Xia Ting said.    


"I remember. Didn't you say that the location was near the Blue Spirit Fruit Tree? You also said that it should be a cave. But the terrain of the Fallen Swamp is mainly flat plains, where did the mountains come from? " Meng Yu said suspiciously.    


"Besides, we don't have time to find any caves now. Fleeing is more important."    


"Are you stupid?"    


The young girl gasped for breath and said, "From the conversation between Elder Li and the others just now, it seems like the thing on the map is a Purple Iron. This thing is very precious."    


Meng Yu simply shut his mouth.    


Xia Ting glanced at him and knew why Meng Yu did not want to speak.    


So she said, "It's already at this time. No matter how precious the Purple Iron is, I won't take it to heart. I'm just saying that we can hide inside the cave after we find it. Besides, I have a defensive formation here. Once we find the cave, we'll place it at the cave entrance. That way, we'll be safe."    


That was a good idea.    


Meng Yu agreed without thinking.    


But how could he find it?    


"If the map is correct, the cave we are looking for is not far ahead."    


The girl ran forward, looking ahead with her beautiful eyes.    


Meng Yu was also looking forward.    


But what kind of mountain was there?    


There were many hills and forests.    


"Let's go into the woods to find it."    


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