Invincible Smart-Guy System

C429 The King Who Can Change the World(part Ii)

C429 The King Who Can Change the World(part Ii)

0After the painful lessons of the Consolidated aircraft, the whole world seems to have come to a consensus, the current subsonic aircraft had met the needs of today's travel, and was deliberately operating the supersonic plane. It could only be a fruitless effort.    


There were many drawbacks to supersonic planes. First of all, the research and development cost and manufacturing cost were very high. Secondly, the energy consumption was too high, and the faster the plane flew, the more difficult it was to fly. The greater the resistance, the greater the resistance. It also needs to consume a greater amount of energy. If an ordinary plane is said to be leisurely riding a bicycle, then the supersonic plane is a crazy kick, so, the energy consumption would increase by several times. Once again, the maintenance fees were extremely high, and the supersonic passenger aircraft's maintenance costs were shockingly high. Flying once in the sky was equivalent to being a Transformer. The heat would cause the plane's body to undergo a very obvious change.    


In conclusion, there was no room for the supersonic plane to develop. The cost was too high, and the cost of flying was several times higher. This was something that most consumers could not bear. Compared to so many additional expenses, the time wasted by ordinary aircrafts was not a big problem at all.    


It was also because of this reason that the cooperative passenger plane ended up in a miserable state. After exiting the historical stage, from that day onwards, no careless airplane manufacturing company dared to research and develop a supersonic plane again. Other than that, no other aircraft companies were interested in operating a supersonic passenger plane.    


However, Zhang Yunfeng had publicly announced that Dong Chen was going to develop and operate a supersonic plane. The standard of the plane was even higher than that of the cooperative plane. The cruise speed could even reach 3,600 kilometers. This speed... Even most of the fighter planes could not match up to it! With this speed, what kind of high-end shipping routes were they going to operate? What kind of high-end person would be able to afford such a huge cost of flying?    


Zhang Yunfeng did not care about the doubts of the crowd. He had already made the decision regarding the supersonic plane. The cooperative passenger plane was only the initial prototype of the supersonic passenger plane, and it was also the only generation of supersonic passenger planes. After that, society temporarily stopped developing the supersonic plane, but it did not mean that it would never be mentioned in the future. Society was constantly developing, even if he did not operate the supersonic passenger plane now. In the future, it would still appear again, and... The new supersonic plane is not something that the synergy type of passenger plane can compare with. Dong Chen was confident that he could minimize the disadvantages of the publicly acknowledged supersonic plane. But... At the same time, his advantage was that his speed was fast! Its speed was extremely fast!    


However, what everyone was more interested in was the fact that Dong Chen was going to develop his own passenger plane. And according to the demonstration just now, the whole world was looking forward to Dong Chen's passenger plane. Just the video of Dong Chen's GPS assisting aircraft flying at full speed had shown everyone the future of Dong Chen's plane.    


Zhang Yunfeng said excitedly on the stage, "Up until now, Dong Chen has launched a lot of products. Many new products that lead the world and bring new experiences to society. I believe that Dong Chen will be able to develop and produce passenger planes. He will definitely not disappoint the vast number of users. I think... Before long, everyone will have the opportunity to take Dong Chen's plane to travel around the world. Thank you again for coming today. Thank you. "    


Speaking up to this point, Zhang Yunfeng bowed to the guest. Then he said, "Soon, we will hold the Press conferences indoors. All media reporters who have been invited, please move over. The Press conferences will begin at one o'clock in the afternoon."    


Zhang Yunfeng came to the backstage. Dong Chen's core staff was already waiting excitedly for his arrival. In the biggest backstage room, Long Xiaoyue was holding a large bottle of champagne. She said to Zhang Yunfeng, "Yunfeng, you have shocked the entire world once again today, and your personal wish has also taken a step forward. Today is a good day. This bottle of champagne was specially prepared for you. You can open it yourself. "    


Zhang Yunfeng took the bottle of champagne with a smile, looked around the crowd, and said, "Today is our Dongchen's big day. Today, I have spread bold words to the whole world. The only thing left is how to fulfill these heroic words as soon as possible. I can't do it alone, so I still need everyone's help. I believe that as long as everyone works together, Dong Chen's tomorrow will be even more glorious! "    


Everyone was also excited and enthusiastically urged Zhang Yunfeng to quickly open the champagne. Zhang Yunfeng opened the champagne and poured it down along the pyramid wine glass. After pouring all the wine glasses, everyone raised one glass each. They gathered together and clinked their glasses. Zhang Yunfeng shouted, "Dong Chen, the top of the world!"    


The others also shouted excitedly, the top of the world!    


Everyone clinked their glasses and drank up all the wine. This day was another new peak for Dong Chen. No one in the whole of Dong Chen would be unhappy. Zhang Yunfeng had his own ambition. At this point, he had completed more than half of the mission. The rest were goals that could make the world tremble!    


Dong Chen would continue to walk further on this peak road, so far that all the companies behind him would find it hard to catch up to him. What Zhang Yunfeng wanted to create was a magnate company that no one could surpass!    


The staff pushed over the food that had been prepared in this largest room. Dong Chen's core staff, Zhang Yunfeng's parents, Su Nuoyan and her mother Nie Minhui, as well as Lei Xinlei and her mother. They all attended this somewhat shabby celebration banquet. Zhang Yunfeng said before the meal, "Because there is still a press conference at one o'clock, this celebration banquet is just a warm-up. After finishing all the tasks for today, we will all go to the manor tonight. There, I have already prepared for tonight's celebration. No matter who it is, there is only one task for tonight, and that is to have fun and have fun to our heart's content!"    


There was a burst of excited cheers in the room, and a bunch of reporters wanted to catch some exclusive news from afar. However, they could not get any chance to take a step forward, and could only obey the arrangements in the end. They went to the reception hall, where Dong Chen also prepared food for the reporters. After eating and playing, the press conference immediately began.    


The process of Zhang Yunfeng answering the reporters' questions had always been a process that the global audience loved to watch. Zhang Yunfeng always did not play according to the routine, shocking the entire world time and again. Even his words, his tone, and his actions were out of tune with all the merchants in the past. It was such a person who could bring everyone extraordinary surprises in front of the media.    


After lunch, Zhang Yunfeng rushed to the venue. All the reporters were already waiting there, waiting for Zhang Yunfeng to come. At one o'clock, Zhang Yunfeng appeared in front of everyone on time and then sat on the platform alone.    


In the past, Zhang Yunfeng would even bring a few of Dong Chen's higher-ups to the stage. However, all the reporters were focused on Zhang Yunfeng. Usually, when a press conference was held, the reporters would ask Zhang Yunfeng questions the whole time. In order to not make the higher-ups of Dong Chen feel awkward, the press conference this time... Zhang Yunfeng might as well go to the press conference alone.    


Seeing Zhang Yunfeng come up, the reporters were extremely alert. The six staff members held their microphones around the reporters. Once they started to ask questions, Zhang Yunfeng pointed to which media and which media were qualified to ask questions. After all, there were too many media outlets present today. If they were to take turns asking questions... Zhang Yunfeng simply could not handle it.    


The press conference officially began. Zhang Yunfeng pointed at the reporters at the central station. After all, it was an international press conference. The first person to ask questions was definitely the top media in the country.    


After the reporter from Central TV got the microphone, he stood up and asked, "Mr. Zhang, today's press conference shocked all of us. I think the current Dong Chen has already led the development of the entire society to a large extent. Then, I would like to ask you, your ideal Dong Chen. What kind of qualities do you need? Or, what kind of development does Dong Chen have to be able to satisfy you? "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said," Dong Chen has long become the most successful company in the world. Whether it is scale, revenue, or influence on the world, it is all like this. In many people's eyes, Dong Chen has already reached the top. However, this is not the case for me. "    


After saying that, Zhang Yunfeng said, "The peak that I pursue is not the same as the other peak. It's not that everyone stands below ten thousand meters, but I feel satisfied when I stand at ten thousand meters. My anticipation towards Dong Chen does not include any comparisons. The entire process of me being Dong Chen will not be compared to any company. I will not compare myself to a BMW or Mercedes-Benz, I will not compare myself to a 3-star Apple, and I will not compare myself to a Boeing Airbus. I know what heights I want to reach. I only care about impacting the heights that I am looking forward to. As for how many other companies I have fallen behind. That's not my problem."    


Speaking up to this point, Zhang Yunfeng said indifferently, "I think that Dong Chen is still a little bit away from the height that I want. Therefore, before I'm satisfied, Dong Chen will not stop. I am also unable to tell exactly what height I want. Follow my heart. I think it is the best choice. "    


Then, Zhang Yunfeng chose the CNN reporter. After the CNN reporter got up, he asked, "Mr. Zhang, you were a strategic partner with Boeing. At that time, Dong Chen's knowledge of Civil aviation aircraft was limited to the engine part. At that time, we also saw the intimacy between Dong Chen and Boeing. Then... Now, Dong Chen himself is also going to enter the Civil aviation aircraft manufacturing industry, which is equivalent to... Dong Chen replaced the previous passengers and became the current competitor of Boeing. Then... I would like to ask Mr. Zhang if you will become a competitor because of Boeing. What about ending your partnership with Boeing? "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said," I can't rule out such a choice. After all, competition is cruel. If Dong Chen was from Google, then the current Dong Chen... It's no different from leaning towards the direction of Apple. We hope that our core technology will only be used on our own products. Just like Apple never publicized its IOS system to any other company. Of course, this was just an idea, whether or not to push forward according to this plan... I can't guarantee you that, but we will try our best to coordinate with Boeing in the most healthy competitive mode. "    


The CNN reporter couldn't help but say, "I have another question. I don't know if you can answer it."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Please say it."    


The CNN reporter said, "We just saw a few sections of Dong Chen's satellite positioning system in the civil area. One of them was Dong Chen's own mobile device. One was holding a GPS terminal, and the other was the vehicle's GPS. You mentioned the term civil, and the civil version deliberately castrated its high support in terms of altitude. Does this mean that Dong Chen has also developed a military version of the GPS system for the military? "    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "Even if I deny it, you will never believe it. So I can only admit that we castrated the civilian terminal to support the altitude. The main reason is to not put pressure on the defense of China, and since we have this system... There's no reason not to open it to our national defense department."    


The CNN reporter nodded and thanked him before sitting down. Then, the Geely Country BBC reporter asked, "Mr. Zhang, what I want to ask is, will the commercial positioning module of the Dongchen GPS be authorized to other manufacturers? Will it be the same as the GPS, and allow the authorization of the module to be released? Can it be used on any brand's mobile phone, navigation system, and GPS terminal? "    


Zhang Yunfeng shook his head decisively and said, "No, this is the core technology of Dong Chen. So... Dong Chen would limit the modules, making it convenient for civilian use. Dong Chen's GPS modules would only be used in Dong Chen's products. This can be confirmed. "    


The BBC reporter could not help but say, "If that's the case, I think many companies in the same industry will face a life and death choice. Isn't this a little too cruel?"    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "There's nothing cruel about this. It's our unique technology. We use it ourselves. If this is considered cruel, then... So what's not cruel? Our protection of property rights is also to increase the competition of Dong Chen's products. Furthermore, we do not want to lower the standards and scale of our products. To put it simply, if I authorize the Module, do you think the other phone manufacturers can operate such precise GPS and GPS services? Not to mention that we have the 4D map function, ordinary smartphones don't have enough data processing and image processing ability. If I authorize them, it would be no different from lowering Dong Chen's requirements for the product."    


There was a helpless expression on the audience's faces. What Zhang Yunfeng said was true. Dong Chen's system was something that ordinary smartphones and hardware could not handle. The difference in processing ability was not just one level. Dong Chen's high-precision GPS system. The data processing ability and response speed must also be able to completely keep up, which is not something that ordinary processors and chips can achieve.    


Zhang Yunfeng's words basically announced the death penalty for all the GPS terminal manufacturers in the world. The veteran GPS manufacturers like Gade and Caillet, as well as many companies that specialized in navigation hardware, would almost all face bankruptcy and bankruptcy. This was a definite fact. Although it looked cruel, Zhang Yunfeng would never show any mercy. This was not because he had dealt a blow to these companies, but because these companies would eventually be forgotten by consumers.    


A reporter from a media company in Hong Kong asked a question. It was a woman in her twenties who looked quite cute. The first thing she said when she stood up was to ask Zhang Yunfeng in a crisp voice, "Mr. Zhang, I have never understood Dong Chen's restriction on Hong Kong Airlines. The special district and the mainland are one. Why did many countries get their hands on the Dongchen Engine? But Hong Kong is still within the limited sales area? "    


The entire venue looked at the girl, but she was not nervous at all. Zhang Yunfeng waited for his big eyes to stare at Zhang Yunfeng, then he laughed. He said, "If the items are not enough to be sold, I will naturally divide them into different areas. Arrange them in order and start selling them one by one. Whether it is in terms of the scale of the market or in terms of population, hong Kong could not even be ranked at the front. If they were to use the first letter to sort them out... Hong Kong's X is ranked very low. I didn't say I wouldn't sell it to you. Why are you in such a hurry? "    


The female reporter angrily said," You are taking revenge for the milk powder purchase limit in Hong Kong! "    


Zhang Yunfeng could not help but laugh," Taking revenge is not considered revenge, but there is a certain degree of punishment involved. This is what I want to express to my compatriots in the special district. You can look down on me. Then I can also look down on you. Since you feel that you don't need me most of the time, then one day when I become useful, you'd better not think about me... The feelings between people are mutual. If you fall in love with someone who's cold to you for too long, you won't get any benefits other than getting hurt. I think everyone can understand this, but why don't you? "    


The female reporter was speechless by Zhang Yunfeng's words. After a while, she said angrily, "The situation on both sides is completely different. We also have our own difficulties! You are unreasonable! "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "I also have my difficulties. Furthermore, I do not like to reason. I like to talk about strength. Now I will talk reason with you. That is already an exception. If I really don't talk reason with you... With my command, I will be able to completely seal off the supply of Dong Chen to the special district market. When the time comes, you can say that I am unreasonable. I will be very generous and admit it. "    


The female reporter was really speechless. Zhang Yunfeng did not give her any way out. Furthermore, he spoke very ruthlessly, and even carried a bit of a threat. If she continued to argue with Zhang Yunfeng at this moment, this person who had come up with such an uneasy plan might very well get angry because of her momentary happiness. Who was he to vent his anger on the entire Hong Kong market? He was the person who had banned Australia, Japan, Korea, and caused these three countries to suffer so much pain that they wished they were dead. In front of him, the Hong Kong area had no ability to resist at all. This person was the king of the business world. He was a dictator and a tyrant. But he also makes it impossible for you to reject and provoke him. It was no different from courting death!    


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