Invincible Smart-Guy System

C427 A King Who Can Change the World(part I)

C427 A King Who Can Change the World(part I)

0This is the grandest Press conferences in the history of Dong Chen. The venue of this press conference was chosen to be held in the best stadium bird nest in China. The entire bird nest would be built on a large stage comparable to a star concert. On the stage. On the left and right side, there were two super-large and high-resolution display screens. This time, many of Dong Chen's shocking aspects had to rely on these two huge screens to complete it.    


For this press conference, one set and four sets of the central station would be broadcast live at the same time. Other than that, several major websites had obtained Dong Chen's copyright permission. They would broadcast live on the Internet, and many national television stations in the world would receive Dong Chen's free live broadcast authorization. It could be said that this Press conferences would allow at least three billion people in the world to watch the live broadcast. Initial estimates showed that at least 1 billion people would be in various channels and platforms. They would watch the livestream of the Press conferences.    


The equipment used for the broadcast was top-notch at the Olympics. The outside of the bird's nest was filled with satellite broadcasting vehicles from various television stations. At eight o'clock in the morning, there were still two hours before the press conference. Outside the bird's nest, hundreds of reporters were already reporting live on their cameras. The audience watched this Press conferences differently. Therefore, everyone had different expectations for the contents of the Press conferences.    


At 8: 30, the ten thousand guests and reporters who had been invited started to enter the venue in an orderly manner. The upgraded roof of the bird's nest was completely closed. Apart from the seats and the light from the passageway, there was also the entire venue. Everything else was shrouded in darkness, and there was not a trace of light on the stage. No one knew what kind of visual impact the central stage would bring to people once the press conference began.    


At 9: 30, all the guests were present. Zhang Yunfeng was preparing backstage. Today, his family, his friends, and all the key employees of Dong Chen were present to watch. Su Nuoyan and Lei Xinlei, the two girls, took on all the needs of Zhang Yunfeng backstage and chased the other employees out of the dressing room backstage.    


Lei Xinlei had not seen Zhang Yunfeng for many days and her heart was filled with longing for him. At this moment, the three of them were together. Lei Xinlei did not care about the awkwardness and kept surrounding Zhang Yunfeng. Like a young wife, she carefully put on stage makeup for Zhang Yunfeng. Su Nuoyan started to tidy up the clothes Zhang Yunfeng was about to wear when he appeared. It was a black suit personally customized by a top tier London suit tailor master.    


Lei Xinlei put on makeup for Zhang Yunfeng as she asked, "Yunfeng, will you be the only one in the press conference later?"    


"Yes." Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Other than the staff, I am the only one."    


Lei Xinlei still nodded and said, "When the time comes, not only will there be more than ten thousand live audiences watching you, it is said that there are at least one billion people watching the live broadcast on TV and on the Internet."    


Su Nuoyan smiled and said, "One billion people is a conservative estimate. In fact, there are at least seven to eight hundred million people watching in the country. This morning, many companies had already sent out a notice to organize the employees to watch the live broadcast. Even government agencies and government agencies were the same. All the mobile media and outdoor display media in the country were also doing live broadcasts at the same time. I estimate that at least 1.5 billion people in the world will be watching the live broadcast of this press conference. After all, to them, Dong Chen is too impactful and influential. "    


Lei Xinlei stuck out her tongue and said, "Yunfeng, you must perform well in a while. A billion people are watching you. If it were me, I would rather die than go on stage..."    


Zhang Yunfeng winked at Lei Xinlei. When Lei Xinlei was putting on makeup for him at a close distance, he leaned forward. His body. He kissed Lei Xinlei lightly on her lips. Lei Xinlei was stunned for a moment. Zhang Yunfeng made her blush and she could not help but blame him, "Look at you, the lipstick you just applied on my mouth is already on my mouth."    


Zhang Yunfeng smiled and said, "What kind of lipstick do you guys want to apply? It has no meaning in the first place."    


"It's a stage costume." Lei Xinlei said, "Under the stage lights, there's no makeup at all. People look very strange. Instead, it's more natural to put on makeup."    


Su Nuoyan who was at the side also nodded and said, "You better obediently let Lei Xinlei draw the shape for you. In less than half an hour, you will be on the stage."    


"No." Zhang Yunfeng said lightly, and said, "The opening ceremony starts at ten o'clock on time, but I have carefully prepared an opening video for them. The length is about ten minutes."    


"Oh." The two of them nodded. They did not know the specific arrangements of Zhang Yunfeng, but since there was an opening video, it meant that Zhang Yunfeng's appearance would be delayed by ten minutes.    


After Lei Xinlei finished putting on the makeup for Zhang Yunfeng, Su Nuoyan hurriedly called Zhang Yunfeng and said, "Quickly put on the suit and let Lei Xinlei help you tie the tie. There is not much time left."    


The two of them helped Zhang Yunfeng change his clothes, put on the tie, and adjust every detail of his clothes. At this time, there was an extremely grand music outside, and then the music weakened slightly. What replaced it was the roaring sound of the plane's engine.    


At this moment, more than ten thousand people who had already taken their seats were looking at the huge screen playing the video and the deafening sound effects. They were surprised to find out that after the video showed Dong Chen's logo, the video was switched to New York International Airport.    


A plane he had never seen before was currently parked in front of the runway of New York Airport. The size of this plane was about the same as Boeing 787. However, it was taller, thinner, and its front end was sharper. It was not as smooth as an ordinary passenger plane. It looked more like a cooperative plane.    


The plane had a total of four engines, and the ventilation port of the four engines was flat in shape. At this moment, the airway of the plane could see a wave of heat coming out of the airway, distorting the light. And the sound of the engines at the scene also came from these four engines.    


After a moment, the plane suddenly accelerated and began to sprint at the starting point of the runway. As the speed of the plane increased, the plane lifted up the front wheel, followed by the rear wheel. The landing gear was kept in its belly and rushed into the clouds.    


The scene switched to the cockpit. The audience shockingly discovered that... There was no pilot in the cockpit. The speed meter of the plane was clearly visible. 1000 kilometers, 2000 kilometers. When they reached the cruise speed, the plane's speed had already reached an astonishing 3,600 kilometers per hour, which was about four times that of ordinary commercial airplanes.    


At this time, the time on the video was 6 in the morning. Immediately after, the video was fast-forwarded. In less than a minute, it was 10 in the morning. Everyone was surprised to find that Yanjing was already in front of them!    


The plane did not fly to the airport in the northwest direction, but to the northern part of the Olipique Park. At this time, the speed of the plane had already slowed down, and the bird nest was getting closer and closer.    


Suddenly, the angle of view changed. The angle of view was no longer looking at Yanjing from the inside of the plane. Instead, it was as if the plane was floating in the sky above the Yanjing. All the buildings were presented in a three-dimensional model in front of everyone. However, everyone could tell that this was not a video. It was a simulated 4D 3D visual effect. However, this effect... It instantly gave people a strong sense of science and technology. The image was exquisite and the 4D effect was very good. It looked incomparably delicate and shocking.    


Soon, someone reacted and blurted out, "Could this be Dong Chen's 4D map?"    


As soon as these words were said, most people were instantly jolted awake. And at this moment, in the video, the center of the view was shuttling back and forth between the buildings. Suddenly! If this was the Dongchen 4D map... Then this map could be said to be able to instantly kill all the current map service in terms of visual effects and experience.    


The view was floating. Although it seemed to be aimlessly, it was getting closer and closer to the bird nest. Until the moment when it began to dive towards the bird's nest, the vision began to become somewhat blurry due to the increase in speed. Then, the light on the screen became darker and darker until suddenly... There was a loud bang on the scene. Dazzling and magnificent cold flames instantly shot out from the stage. Zhang Yunfeng suddenly jumped out of the elevator. All the lights on the stage were focused on him.    


At this moment, Zhang Yunfeng's image appeared on the big screens on both sides of the stage. Zhang Yunfeng smiled at the camera and walked to the front of the stage. With a portable microphone, he said, "Welcome to Dong Chen's press conference. This time. To Dong Chen, it was an unprecedented event because today... Many of Dong Chen's products, many of Dong Chen's future ideas, and development direction will be presented to the people of the world today. Therefore, everyone, please raise your spirits. From now on, let me introduce to you all, Dong Chen's own satellite positioning system. It's also the Dong Chen GPS system that has just completed the global coverage! "    


As Zhang Yunfeng spoke, he snapped his fingers, and the staff immediately played a video on the big screen.    


This video was filmed by Dongchen himself during the test, and it was personally filmed by a top international advertising company and a famous advertising director.    


At the beginning of the scene, on the western desert road of the United States, a Dong Chen C3C off-road vehicle was speeding on the road. The interaction system of the car suddenly popped up and said in a very cold tone, "There's a new mission."    


The scene instantly switched to the driver, and everyone was surprised to find that the driver was the famous actor Jason Stanson.    


Jason Stance was dressed like a tough man and wore a pair of black Harley sunglasses. He looked like the cold killer in the movie "Mechanic, and Jason Stanson said calmly, Please read the mission."    


The system said, "In 30 minutes, you will arrive at the designated location. You will find a woman there. Take her to the car. The coordinates have been received. Would you like to input the coordinates into Dong Chen's navigation system?"    


Jason Stanson nodded and said, "Enter and start the navigation."    


The central control screen instantly changed. An extremely detailed map was displayed on the screen. A red arrowhead was constantly moving on the road, and at the end of it was a green dot in the desert.    


Jason Stanson turned the steering wheel and drove the car out of the road. The camera switched to long-distance aerial shots as they sped across the desert. C3C pulled up a cloud of sand and dust in the vast desert. It looked like... It was just like a Hollywood blockbuster.    


The scene quickly switched to the interior of the car. Only then did everyone see the data displayed on the central control panel clearly. There was still 64 kilometers and 523 meters to the target point. 34 meters, and this data was constantly shrinking in units of centimeters. The car's speed was 116 meters per hour. 668 kilometers per hour.    


The guests who understood the GPS all exclaimed in disbelief. Was Dong Chen making this video for the concept or reality? If it was the latter, then the accuracy of Dong Chen's GPS system... It would be terrifying!    


Jason Stanson said as he drove, "Display the altitude data."    


As soon as he said that, the screen displayed the altitude data in red. The current altitude was 132. 34 meters.    


The car was getting closer and closer to the target point. Jason Stanson was driving at the same time. He looked at the scenery in the desert. Suddenly, after circling around a sand dune, a few beautiful red figures appeared in his field of vision. Three women were standing side by side. Between them, the distance between their shoulders was less than 10 centimeters.    


Jason Stanson slammed the steering wheel and cursed, "Sh * t! Are you f * cking playing with me? Didn't you say there was only one woman? "    


The System replied:" There is indeed only one woman, please follow the coordinates and find your final target "    


Jason Stanson could only say," Enlarge the map! "    


The map instantly began to enlarge. When Jason Stanson was less than a hundred meters away from the three women, on the screen, there was a distance of ten centimeters between two points.    


With such precision, the original red arrowhead of the car turned into the shape of a car. Jason Stanson began to slow down and no longer looked at the three women. Instead, he stared at the green dot on the screen, constantly slowing down. He kept getting closer and closer to the green dot.    


The GPS showed that he was still 20 meters, 10 meters, 5 meters, and finally 3 meters away from the coordinates. Finally, he entered the range of 1 meter.    



At this time, Jason Stanson said, "Please move my position to the passenger's door."    


The interaction system immediately responded. Originally, the location of the car was in front of the middle line of the entire car. It was the position of the central control panel. However, when Jason Stanson requested to change the location, although the system could not change the actual location of the location module, it could change the distance from the location to the door. Conversion was equivalent to calculation. The passenger door of the passenger car was used as a fixed point.    


At this time, the two coordinates were already very big on the display screen. The car was about the size of a matchbox, so it could clearly see every part of the car. The red dot kept blinking at the front door, getting closer and closer to the green dot.    


The three women in red all had long hair, and because of the strong wind in the desert, their long hair brushed past their faces, making it impossible to see their faces clearly. Jason Stanson, on the other hand, used the slowest speed to move forward bit by bit, and passed the first woman. The coordinate was still in front of him, passing the second woman. The coordinate was still in front of him. When he realized that the two coordinates had almost overlapped, he stepped on the brakes and stopped the car. He looked up. He pulled the lock of the passenger's car, but did not push it open. He only opened a small gap.    


At that moment, the woman outside the door opened the door and sat up elegantly. After getting into the car, she tilted her head and stretched out her hand to tidy up her messy hair. It was only then that everyone was surprised to find that the woman with a smile... It was actually China's female movie star soup!    


After getting into the car, the head of the soup raised Dong Chen Unel in his hand and said in fluent English, "In another three minutes, you will be late."    


Jason Stanson said unhappily, "How did I know there would be three women here?"    


Tang Wei smiled and said, "No matter how many women there are, the one you're looking for is the only one."    


The scene instantly turned black, and then a string of words appeared on the video in English.    


"You don't need to share a coordinate with anyone anymore!"    


The next line was: "Dongchen GPS, the accuracy is less than 1 centimeter. No matter where you stand, you are the only one!"    


The video was played and the scene was dead silent!    


At first, everyone thought that it was just a concept video. However, when the final subtitles came out, everyone woke up. It turned out that what Dong Chen was playing was not a concept. Dong Chen had really reduced the precision of his positioning to an astonishing one centimeter. This was also in line with their slogan, 'No matter where you stand'. You are the only one, that's right! There could only be one person in the area of one square centimeter at most. No matter how many women Tang Wei is wearing the same dress as her, Tang Wei has the only coordinate.    


Oh my god!    


A few minutes later, there was a loud round of applause. If the positioning could really reach this precision... Then humanity's need for satellite positioning would be completely changed. It would no longer be bringing you to a certain area, but directly to a specific point. This kind of positioning precision is simply powerful to the extreme!    


Thunderous applause rang out. Zhang Yunfeng was like a king on the stage as he enjoyed the fanatical applause of over ten thousand people below the stage. This was the basis of winning as king. Through the short film just now, they understood the core essence that Dong Chen wanted to convey. They were shocked. They were also conquered.    


Zhang Yunfeng stood in the midst of the applause with a smile on his face. The applause lasted for a few minutes. Finally, it came to an end. Zhang Yunfeng said, "I think everyone has already understood what we want to convey. I can tell you with certainty that this is not a microfilm. It is not a concept short film. It shows all the functions. They are all practical functions, the satellite positioning system of Dong Chen. The global coverage provided a localization service with less precision than one centimeter. From today onwards, your lives will undergo a tremendous change, this change, let's start with the Dongchen GPS! "    


The audience burst into applause once again. Compared to the GPS, which could easily be calculated by meters, the GPS was much more accurate. This system was many times stronger than the GPS system. Once the video of Dongchen's demonstration was released, the GPS instantly fell from the altar in everyone's mind. Abandoned at the first possible moment!    


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