Invincible Smart-Guy System

C3 Photographic Memory

C3 Photographic Memory

0The system prompted Zhang Yunfeng that he had mastered the photographic memory, but he didn't feel any changes in his body. In order to test the effect, he couldn't wait to pick up a book. He wanted to see if he could really reach the level of the photographic memory.    


Zhang Yunfeng picked up a textbook and flipped open one of the pages. He only used less than ten seconds to roughly glance at it. Closing the book, Zhang Yunfeng was surprised to find that all the content, including the notes, had been recorded in his mind!    


Zhang Yunfeng was so excited that he almost went crazy. If it weren't for the fact that his parents were still sleeping, he would have roared out loud long ago!    


With the photographic memory skill, he finally had a chance to take the exam! As long as he used the photographic memory skill to firmly remember the contents of the book, his results would definitely be greatly improved! He would be able to obtain a very high score in the exam!    


However, in terms of English and mathematics, relying solely on the photographic memory skill... The improvement of the results was slightly less effective. English had hearing and English compositions. Not only did he need to master the word, but he also needed to master the word. There was also the language. And for mathematics, memorizing the formula was only the first step. The most important thing was to master the usage of the formula. And to truly understand and apply the formula.    


Zhang Yunfeng picked up the mathematics textbook he had read last night. He did not know the questions yesterday. Today, he felt that the questions were a little simpler. When he was doing the questions yesterday, he did not know how to do them. Today, when he was doing the questions again, some of the questions could be easily answered. However, some of the questions were because he did not remember the knowledge points and formulas that he had previously learned. Therefore, he was unable to solve them.    


This should be the reason why he had increased his intelligence by five points. His current intelligence was 12 points, which was almost twice as high as before. Thus, his ability to think had also greatly improved.    


He recalled what the mathematics teacher had told him before. The mathematics teacher had sincerely advised him to revise his mathematics textbooks since junior high. Mathematics was a continuous subject, and once there was a breakup in the middle, it was very difficult to link up.    


Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly opened the bookshelf and looked for his mathematics textbook from junior high to now.    


Although Zhang Yunfeng did not like reading, he had developed a habit since he was young. He loved books. Since he was young, he had covered every book with a cover. The books were also very neat and tidy. These textbooks were neatly placed in the bookshelf in his room, so it was very easy for him to find books at this time.    


Zhang Yunfeng had mastered the photographic memory, and his intelligence had also improved correspondingly. He did not need to memorize it. He had an extraordinary understanding ability.    


Starting from the mathematics textbook in the first day, he finished reading the content of the class. After a bit of thinking, he basically mastered it. When he did the corresponding practice questions, he could basically achieve 100% accuracy. With that, Zhang Yunfeng gained a lot of confidence. He read books and did questions at the same time. It was already past eight o'clock in the morning without him noticing.    


Zhang Xingmin and Song Huafang had discussed Zhang Yunfeng's future for a long time in the room last night. When Song Huafang woke up, it was already seven forty in the morning. She prepared breakfast and Song Huafang gently pushed open Zhang Yunfeng's door. She originally wanted to wake Zhang Yunfeng up to eat, but she saw that Zhang Yunfeng was currently sitting in front of the desk and reading attentively. Her heart warmed. She thought to herself, after yesterday's incident... Her son finally understood.    




Zhang Yunfeng did not know when his mother had arrived behind him. He was shocked when he heard his mother calling him. He quickly turned around and said, "When did you come in?"    


Song Huafang smiled and said, "I did not want to disturb you reading, but breakfast is ready. Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year. When your dad gets up later, we need to go to your grandpa and grandma's place to pay our respects."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and said, "Then let's eat first. Coincidentally, I was hungry. I almost didn't eat anything last night."    


As he spoke, Zhang Yunfeng put his pen in the middle of the page where he was reading the textbook. He then closed the textbook and stood up. Song Huafang looked at it and asked in surprise, "Yunfeng, why are you reading the mathematics textbook for the first day?"    


Zhang Yunfeng said helplessly, "My mathematics is too bad. If I want to catch up with my grades, I have to start from scratch."    


Song Huafang nodded in relief and said, "Good son, although there are only four months left. As long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something. If your grades can be improved by a few points, it will not be a problem for you to get into a bad university."    


Zhang Yunfeng was thinking in his heart, with the photographic memory ability, getting into a bad university was not worth mentioning, right?    


He went with his parents to pay respects to his grandparents until the 16th of the first month. Zhang Yunfeng studied hard every day. He had basically read all the courses from junior high to senior high, and he had understood all of them. Except for the slight deficiencies in English, all the other subjects were basically mastered by Zhang Yunfeng.    


He had firmly memorized all the knowledge in the language textbooks, the paradigm analysis, and history, politics, and geography. He had made great progress in mathematics because he had started learning mathematics from scratch. In addition to the huge improvement in his intelligence, the accuracy of Zhang Yunfeng's mathematical exercises and simulation papers had reached a shocking 99%.    


Zhang Yunfeng only used half a month to master most of the knowledge that could only be learned in six years! This made Zhang Yunfeng full of gratitude and anticipation for the Super Learning System!    


However, he had spent half a month studying hard and continuously using the photographic memory skill, but he only got 20 points from the system. This inevitably made Zhang Yunfeng a little disappointed.    


Zhang Yunfeng had asked the Super Learning System this question before. With this kind of earning speed, when would he have a large number of points to exchange for a higher level skill?    


The system's answer was: "If you only use skills, you can only get a very low amount of points in return. But if you can obtain large amounts of points in return by using skills to obtain my recognition, if you can obtain the entire city's College Entrance Examination Champion in the college entrance examination... I will give you 1000 points. If you can obtain the entire province's College Entrance Examination Champion, I will give you 3000 points. "    


This made Zhang Yunfeng incomparably excited. It seemed like the system did not only acknowledge his diligence, but also hoped that he could use the skills he learned to obtain outstanding achievements. Therefore, it was not convincing to the system that he would work hard to learn in private. However, if he used the knowledge he had learned to achieve achievements recognized by the world, he would be recognized by the System.    


The entire city and even the entire province's College Entrance Examination Champion.    


Half a month ago, if someone told Zhang Yunfeng this, he would definitely think that this person's brain was broken. But now, he was full of confidence and yearning for this title! The temptation of 3000 points was too great!    


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