Invincible Smart-Guy System

C4 The New Class

C4 The New Class

016th of January the lunar calendar is the start of school. Zhang Yunfeng was suddenly filled with confidence towards the final semester of his high school life and the upcoming college entrance exam.    


Early in the morning, Zhang Yunfeng carried his empty bag and rode to school. According to the usual practice, on the first day of the new semester, he would receive a lot of new books and schedule. He would officially attend class the next day.    


Zhang Yunfeng studied in the Jiangcheng's No.1 Middle School. This middle school was one of the top high schools in the entire Jiangcheng and even the entire Nanjiang Province. This high school's students had the highest chance of getting into undergraduate in the entire province. College Entrance Examination Champion, who was in the city and even in the entire province, often came from this middle school. This high school represented the highest level of education in the entire Nanjiang Province. Zhang Yunfeng's Cousin and Zhang Yunran were also studying in the Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong.    


Originally, Zhang Yunfeng did not have the chance to study in the City J's No.1 Middle School. Back then, his score for the middle school examination was more than 60 points away from the Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong's score. With so many points missing, even if he paid the sponsorship fee, he would not have the chance to enter the school. He did not have a very strong network and money. Logically speaking, he could only enter the second-rate school of Jiangcheng. He didn't even have the chance to enter a top school in the province.    


But Zhang Yunfeng was miraculously accepted by Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong. Until now, he still didn't know what kind of relationship his honest parents used to make him study in this school. It was just that later on, he heard that his father was helped by an old comrade when he was serving in the army. But as for who that person was, Zhang Yunfeng did not know either.    


However, during the two and a half years that Zhang Yunfeng studied Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong, he received quite a bit of discrimination. His grades were at the bottom of the class and even the entire grade. headmaster Ma Qiantu was very dissatisfied with him. Ma Qiantu thought that his existence affected the average grades in the class. He had always wanted to find an opportunity to let Zhang Yunfeng transfer to another school. However, although Zhang Yunfeng's results were not good, he did not cause trouble in the school. He could be considered a very obedient student, so Ma Qiantu had never been able to fulfill his wish.    


Zhang Yunfeng walked into the third class he was in. Many students had already arrived early. They were sitting in their seats and chatting about interesting things during their winter vacation. Most of the students kept a distance from Zhang Yunfeng when it came to learning Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong. They were afraid of being criticized by their teachers because they were close to Zhang Yunfeng. Therefore, Zhang Yunfeng did not have many friends in the class. He only had a few friends who were very close to him. Their grades were all last in the class.    


Zhang Yunfeng instinctively looked towards the middle of the third row the moment he entered. He was looking for the beautiful figure that lingered in his mind during the winter vacation. As he expected, she quietly sat there. She held a book in her hand. She was reading attentively.    


This girl's name was Su Nuoyan.    


In the entire Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong, no girl's reputation could be compared to Su Nuoyan's. In the eyes of all the boys in the school, Su Nuoyan was the only goddess. Her body gathered the advantages that everyone could imagine. Her facial features were extremely beautiful, and her figure was very good. Her temperament was otherworldly and otherworldly. She had always been the first in the entire grade, and it was said that her family was very rich. In the eyes of ordinary people, the gifts given to Su Nuoyan by the heavens were much more than ordinary people.    


Zhang Yunfeng only stole a glance at Su Nuoyan out of habit. He did not expect Su Nuoyan to suddenly shift her gaze from the book to him at this moment. Their gazes met. In a short moment, Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly shifted his gaze to the side. His heart rate sped up in an instant.    


"Yunfeng." Li Zekai, Zhang Yunfeng's deskmate, stood up from the table as soon as he saw him enter. He waved at Zhang Yunfeng.    


Zhang Yunfeng was feeling awkward and nervous when Li Zekai called him. He hurriedly greeted him and quickly walked away.    


Li Zekai had always had a good relationship with him. The biggest reason was that they had the worst results in the class. Each time they took the exam, they would be the last in the class or the second in last place. headmaster was worried that they would affect other people's studies, so she deliberately arranged for the two of them to sit together at the last corner of the row.    


Zhang Yunfeng came to his seat and just as he sat down, Li Zekai said with a worried look, "Have you heard? This semester, we will be assigned to different classes."    


Zhang Yunfeng asked in surprise, "The school was divided into humanities and science classes when we were in our second year of high school. There is only one semester left, why would the school still do that? "    


"You don't understand." Li Zekai said, "We have twenty classes in our grade, five humanities classes and fifteen science classes. You know that, right?"    


"I know. What's wrong?" Zhang Yunfeng frowned and asked.    


Li Zekai lowered his voice and said with righteous indignation, "In order to strengthen the learning atmosphere of this semester, the school has to separate the students who are ranked last in each class. Each of the five humanities classes will send ten people to form a new class. Each science class will send five people, and another class will be formed. "    


Zhang Yunfeng frowned and said angrily," The school is discriminating against us! The school has divided the students with poor grades into one class. This is too much! "    


"There is no other way." Li Zekai curled his lips and said, "Students like us are a black sheep in front of headmaster. If we are kicked out of the class, the average grades in the class will not be held back by us. Furthermore, after the college entrance examination, the school will have to test the results of the students in the class that headmaster taught. With us around, not only will we affect the school's evaluation of them, and how much of their bonus is affected."    


Li Zekai sighed and patted Zhang Yunfeng on the shoulder. "Brother, we need to transfer ten people out of our class at once. In the last semester's final exam, I was last in class. Your result was second last. It seems that we will definitely be assigned to the new class. "    


Zhang Yunfeng felt rather indignant in his heart. He hated some teachers who treated their students differently based on their results. In the past, it was just the teachers who were prejudiced against students with poor grades. But now, even the school had made such a decision. This was clearly discriminating against students with poor grades. He could not accept it in his heart.    


As Li Zekai spoke, headmaster, Ma Qiantu, strode in. He strode to the podium with his sparse hair and put on his glasses. Seeing that his classmates were almost there, he said, "Students, the new semester will start from today onwards. The college entrance exam has also entered the final countdown phase, the final semester. I hope that everyone can take out 200% of their energy to prepare for the college entrance examination. Strive to get a good result! "    


After Ma Qiantu finished speaking, he continued, "In this new semester, the school will launch some new policies. I will name the names first. After I have named the names, I will tell you the specific instructions of the school's leaders. "    


Ma Qiantu took out a list of names from the information in his hand. According to the list, there were eighty-three people in the class. Zhang Yunfeng was the eighty-second person to be called, and Li Zekai was the last one to be called.    


Li Zekai said angrily, "Even the name list is based on the ranking. The teachers clearly discriminate against students with poor grades!"    


Ma Qiantu finished his name, put down the roll book, and said to the students in the class, "Students, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the first mock exam of this semester. This mock exam will be carried out at the same time as the whole grade. For this exam, the first and second grade students will be postponed to two days before the start of the semester to provide an examination venue for us. Furthermore, all the teachers in the first and second years will be invigilating together with the teachers in the third year department. The strictness of each examination venue is the same as the college entrance exam. You are not allowed to bring any books, materials, and communication tools into the examination venue. Once the above circumstances occur, you will be judged as cheating. Cancel your results for this subject."    


All the students in the class cried out in surprise. They did not expect the mock exam to begin at the beginning of the new semester. And it seemed like the school was going to create a high-pressure and high-intensity learning environment at the beginning of the new semester. They wanted to return the students from their winter vacation state to their learning state as soon as possible.    


Ma Qiantu gestured for the whole class to stop talking. He said excitedly, "This exam is of utmost importance to all the students, because the results of this exam will determine whether each student will leave this class or stay in this class."    


Just as the entire class was in shock, Ma Qiantu announced the rules of the school's class division. The rules were exactly the same as what Li Zekai had said.    


For a moment, the expressions and reactions of the students in the class were polar opposites.    


The students who did not make it into the last 20 were basically all excited and excited. To them, the class classification was to chase those students who did not have good grades out of the classroom. This was an extremely good thing, and those students who scored in the last twenty felt a sense of crisis.    


Although each humanities class only chose the last 10 students from the class to enter the Class 21, no one dared to guarantee that they would not be listed in the last 10 names in the new round of mock exam.    


After that, Ma Qiantu called out the ten people who were last in the class. He asked them to follow him to the school's warehouse to move the textbooks for the new semester, which made Li Zekai even more furious. He whispered to Zhang Yunfeng, "Ma Qiantu only let students with poor grades do physical work. He really went too far. If I am assigned to the Class 21, after I finish my studies, I must beat Ma Qiantu up to relieve the hatred in my heart. "    


Zhang Yunfeng looked at Li Zekai's angry face and said helplessly, "You should study hard. If you get a good result, you will make Ma Qiantu feel awkward."    


Li Zekai sighed and said, "How can I get a good result? I am not good at studying. Your grades are about the same as mine. We'll be going to the Class 21 soon, and there's no way we can stay here."    


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