Invincible Smart-Guy System

C11 Another Reward

C11 Another Reward

0To Chen Chong, today was an extremely bad day. All day long, he hated Zhang Yunfeng very much.    


Chen Chong always ranked third in the class. There was a huge gap between him and Su Nuoyan. There was also an honest and honest student in the class, Xie Xiaozhu, whose results were also very good. His results were often ranked second. Chen Chong's grades were ranked third after him.    


Since the second year of high school, regardless of whether it was the big or small exam, the first place in the class was always Su Nuoyan. The second place was Xie Xiaozhu, while Chen Chong maintained the third place without any changes. headmaster had once said that these three people were the unchanging iron triangle in humanities class three, but the mock exam for the new semester had just begun. Chen Chong's results dropped to fourth place.    


When Chen Chong brought his report card home today, his father, who had always been strict, saw that he was fourth place in the class. He fiercely scolded him. Although his score was two points higher than the previous exam results, and he told his father that there was a student in his class called Zhang Yunfeng who cheated, that was why his score was pushed to the fourth place. However, his father, who had been an official for a long time, only cared about the ranking of his grades, and completely ignored the scores and other reasons.    


In the afternoon, Chen Chong came to the school with grievance. As soon as class started, the mathematics teacher used ten minutes to excitedly tell the students about Zhang Yunfeng's amazing performance in the office. This made Chen Chong even angrier.    


When school was over, Chen Chong wanted to find an opportunity to invite Su Nuoyan to eat outside the school, but he did not expect Su Nuoyan to go straight to the third floor after class. He hurriedly followed behind her. Only then did he realize that she actually went to find Zhang Yunfeng!    


What he could not accept was that Su Nuoyan and Zhang Yunfeng came to the car shed that was empty. After the two of them talked for a while, Su Nuoyan even gave Zhang Yunfeng something that seemed to be a small gift. Finally, Zhang Yunfeng rode the bicycle and took Su Nuoyan to the canteen before leaving the school. This made Chen Chong even more furious.    


He, who had admired Su Nuoyan for a long time, had always been very attentive to her. He had tried all kinds of methods to chase after her, but none of them had any effect. But Su Nuoyan was actually so attentive to Zhang Yunfeng! This made him unable to accept this matter!    


Chen Chong remembered that he had suffered a heavy blow today because of Zhang Yunfeng. He gritted his teeth and thought to himself. " Zhang Yunfeng, do you think you are very glorious now? You have squeezed me out of the top three, and you are still so close to my woman. If I don't make you pay the price, my surname won't be Chen!"    


Zhang Yunfeng rode his bicycle home. Before he could go upstairs, he heard a pleasant voice in his head. "According to the influence of the photographic memory skill you displayed today, I will reward you with 200 points!"    


Zhang Yunfeng was going up the stairs when he suddenly stopped. He shouted excitedly at the stairs, "Awesome!"    


Zhang Yunfeng did not expect to get a reward by using the photographic memory skill. Today, he used the photographic memory skill in his office to prove his strength to Ma Qiantu and even got a reward from the system.    


Zhang Yunfeng could not help but ask, "As long as I show the photographic memory skill, will I get a reward?"    


The system replied, "This depends on the influence of your display. The influence you have shown today has covered the entire grade and has become a topic of discussion, which is why you are rewarded. If the influence is very small, the chances of you getting the reward are very slim. Even if you get a reward, the number of rewards you get will be very small."    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded and asked, "If that's the case, I'm afraid I won't get a reward if I get this result in the next mock exam, right?"    


The system replied, "That's right. If that's the case, it won't bring any new influence, so there won't be any rewards. Now, all the teachers and students in the school have a new understanding of your ability. Even if you get first place in the mock exam, your influence won't be as great as today. Thus, the System's rewards will also be reduced. "    


Zhang Yunfeng understood what the system meant, but where should he find a better stage? Should he participate in variety shows and show his photographic memory skills to the people of the country? Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly rejected this idea in his heart. If that was the case, he was afraid that he would be studied like a lab rat, and it would not be worth it to use exposing his danger to exchange for points.    


Zhang Yunfeng returned home and his parents made a big table of good dishes. His father even specially bought a bottle of good wine that cost more than 200 yuan per bottle. He accompanied his father to drink a few glasses. The family had never been so happy before. Zhang Yunfeng found from the joy on his parents' faces that they seemed to suddenly be filled with hope for the future.    


But after a moment, Zhang Yunfeng understood. In fact, in his parents' eyes, his future was the future of this family. His parents poured all their hopes on him.    


Zhang Xingmin drank a little too much tonight. He could only drink half a kilogram, but today he drank seven taels. After dinner, Song Huafang and Zhang Yunfeng sent Zhang Xingmin back to his room to rest.    


Zhang Yunfeng wanted to help his mother clean up the leftovers, but his mother did not agree. His mother insisted that Zhang Yunfeng go back to his room to study. Zhang Yunfeng insisted on washing the bowls and chopsticks for his mother before he went back to his room.    


Zhang Yunfeng thought of the USB Su Nuoyan gave him. He hurriedly turned on his old desktop computer and inserted the USB into it.    


16 gigabytes of USB were all the learning materials that Su Nuoyan gave him. The TOEFL and IELTS's teaching materials had the largest storage space. These materials were very clear and were accompanied by videos of the English subtitles. Zhang Yunfeng tried to read one episode. 40 minutes of teaching for one episode. Although Zhang Yunfeng memorized the contents of the forty minutes, he could not master the language just by memorizing it. Even if he had the photographic memory, if he wanted to learn English well, he still needed a long time.    


The baby could only master one language from birth to his teens, just like the teenagers around Zhang Yunfeng. Although they could speak fluent Mandarin, not many of them could truly understand this language. From their writing, it could be seen that many of them had lived to forty or fifty years old. They spoke 45 years of Mandarin, but their writing was as straightforward and long as primary school students. Could it be that they had really learned Mandarin well?    


No, this definitely could not be counted as them learning Mandarin well.    


If it was to deal with the examination, then learning English was not too difficult. But just to deal with the English test papers issued by the people of China, what was the actual meaning of this to the language discipline of English?    


Zhang Yunfeng fell into deep thought. English was currently the mainstream universal language in the world. It would be very helpful to him in the future if he could master this language. Therefore, Zhang Yunfeng thought about it for a long time. He decided not to use this kind of method to deal with the exam to learn English. He decided to use 200 points to exchange for English skills in Super Learning System.    


Zhang Yunfeng now had 440 points to use, and he did not seem to have any other skills that he urgently needed to learn in a short period of time. To him, using 200 points to learn a language was very cost-effective.    


Entering the system, Zhang Yunfeng chose the language option from the daily life skill option, and then found the English column. Immediately, he decisively chose to exchange for it.    


"Exchange successful. Deducting 200 points, you have now mastered the English skill."    


Zhang Yunfeng clearly felt that a lot of information had appeared in his mind. He casually said a sentence in English. He was instantly shocked by his own pure American pronunciation! Furthermore, no matter what English he thought of, he could blurt it out. Using English was as easy and casual as using his mother tongue.    


Zhang Yunfeng hurriedly turned on his computer. There was a movie folder in it. He found a movie called pulp fiction. After he opened the file, he clicked the right button of the mouse and chose to close the subtitles. He then focused on watching the movie.    


This time, Zhang Yunfeng was even more shocked!    


In the past, he had relied on subtitles to have a deeper understanding of this movie. But now, when he looked at it again, he realized that in the subtitles, there were many places where the translation was only the surface meaning, and the profound meaning contained within the language could only be understood by people who truly used English as their mother tongue. And at this moment, he could clearly understand every line and the hidden meaning behind the lines!    




Zhang Yunfeng was inexplicably excited. If he were to talk to the Americans now, the Americans would not pick out anything wrong with his speech, because his pronunciation was extremely standard in American pronunciation.    


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