Invincible Smart-Guy System

C19 Plan

C19 Plan

0As a rich and powerful young master, Chen Chong never took a fancy to gangsters, so he didn't recognize them. Now that he urgently needed this kind of person to do things for him, he suddenly felt like there was nothing he could do.    


In the next few days, Zhang Yunfeng still didn't restrain himself. He would often approach Su Nuoyan in public, such as the school canteen and the road after school. Su Nuoyan did not reject Zhang Yunfeng's approach. She would chat with Zhang Yunfeng every time.    


Chen Chong's anger had been suppressed to the extreme. The angrier he was, the easier it was for him to lose his mind.    


This was what Zhang Yunfeng hoped for.    


On one hand, he blamed himself for deliberately getting close to Su Nuoyan, but on the other hand, he was looking forward to the results. He hoped that through his high profile, Chen Chong would not be able to tolerate it. The best thing was that he could provoke him to take the initiative to appear and take revenge on him.    


What he was afraid of was that Chen Chong would not make a move.    


However, Chen Chong was extremely arrogant and narrow-minded. It was impossible for him not to make a move.    


Chen Chong endured until Friday. Friday afternoon, after school, he left the school and took a taxi to the Public Security Bureau in the district.    


The district where the Jiang Cheng Yi Zhong was located was the biggest and busiest Jiangxin District in the Jiangcheng. Chen Chong's father was the Jiangxin District's District head. The deputy chief of the District Public Security Bureau was called Xing Jiaqiang, and he was a trusted aide of Chen Chong's father. He usually had a good relationship with Chen Chong's family. Chen Chong wanted to teach Zhang Yunfeng a lesson, but he could not find a suitable person. He could only think of Xing Jiaqiang.    


But Chen Chong was very smart. He knew that if he went directly to find Xing Jiaqiang, this matter would definitely spread to his father's ears first. Therefore, he went straight to the District Division and found Xing Jiaqiang's driver.    


Xing Jiaqiang was in a meeting. Chen Chong secretly found Xing Jiaqiang's driver, Wu, and went straight to the point. "Uncle Wu, can you help me with something?"    


Xing Jiaqiang's driver, Wu Youxin, had never thought that District head's young master would take the initiative to find him. He was flattered, but also very curious. He asked, "Young Master Chen, what do you want me to do?"    


Chen Chong said, "There is a guy in our school who always goes against me. I want to find someone to teach him a lesson. Uncle Wu, if you can help me find a few suitable people, thank you so much. However, if you can't help me, you mustn't tell anyone about this matter."    


Wu Youxin understood and nodded. As the driver of the District Division Bureau Chief, what kind of hooligans had he not seen? In other words, in the entire City J, especially in the Jiangxin District, which hooligan would not give him some face? Many people even wanted to find the Bureau Chief to give him gifts first. That group of people usually fawned over him. If he asked them to teach a high school student a lesson, they would probably fight for it.    


After that, Wu Youxin deliberately frowned and was silent for a moment. He slapped his thigh and said, "Alright! Young Master Chen, leave this to me. But you must not tell the bureau chief or District head about this. Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to do it."    


"Don't worry." Chen Chong was delighted in his heart and promised," Uncle Wu, if you help me this time, I owe you a favor! "    


Chen Chong liked to say such things. This was what he learned from his father. It was very useful. He never took owing others a favor seriously. That was why he rarely returned favors to others. But to Zheng Xiaohe or Wu Youxin, this would make them very happy. They would do their best to help him.    


Wu Youxin was not a fool. He asked indirectly, "By the way, Young Master Chen, what does the family of that student who offended you do?"    


City J was the provincial capital of Nanjiang Province. There were many officials here. Chen Chong's father was District head. Although he was a very important official in his eyes, there was no need for him to offend someone even more powerful for Chen Chong's son.    


Chen Chong had been influenced by his father at home. He knew what Wu Youxin was thinking. He immediately said, "That person's parents are employees of the Mold Factory. They do not have official positions."    


Wu Youxin immediately said, "Leave this to me."    


Chen Chong remembered that Zhang Yunfeng had been so close to Su Nuoyan these days. He gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Wu, you just need to introduce a few people to me and let them come to No.1 Middle School before nine tonight. I will personally bring them to find Zhang Yunfeng to settle the score. I want him to know. Su Nuoyan is the woman that I, Chen Chong, have reserved. No one but me can touch her!"    


Wu Youxin thought to himself. So it turned out that he was fighting with others for the sake of the girl. However, Wu Youxin remembered that the other party's family background was that of an ordinary worker, so he said, "Young Master Chen, you go back to school first. I will find a few hooligans who are famous in Jiangxin District for you. Ask them to come to the No.1 Middle School to find you before nine o'clock, and they will be at your command. "    


"Okay!" Chen Chong left his phone number, and then he excitedly returned to No.1 Middle School. In his opinion, the anger he had accumulated for a week was going to be completely vented tonight!    


As soon as Chen Chong left, Wu Youxin immediately called the boss of a nightclub in Jiangxin District. When Wu Youxin asked him to borrow a few of his little brothers to teach a high school student a lesson, he agreed readily.    


Before the first night self-study session ended, Chen Chong received an unfamiliar call. The man on the phone was very polite and asked, "Are you Brother Chen? I'm Wu Youxin's friend. He asked me to help you with something. I'm already at the entrance of No.1 Middle School. "    


Chen Chong immediately rushed to the school gate. Outside the gate, he saw the four guys with murderous expressions on their faces.    


These four men did not look like good people. They were definitely not skinny and long-haired gangsters. The four of them had a crew cut, and the leader had two scars about seven or eight centimeters long on his face and forehead. One look and you could tell that it was a scar!    


"Brother Chen, I'm Rat from Aurora Pub. Brother Wu has already told us that the four of us will be at your disposal tonight."    


Rat's heart was as clear as a mirror. Although Rat did not know who this person in front of him was, if he could invite Wu Youxin, then he must not be an ordinary person. That was why Rat politely called him Brother Chen. Rat's boss had always wanted to build a good relationship with Wu Youxin. Now that Wu Youxin took the initiative to ask his boss for help, the boss attached great importance to him. Although they were only here to teach a high school student a lesson, the boss had already given them an explanation. No matter how small the matter was, they had to do it beautifully.    


Chen Chong was very satisfied. These few people were clearly many times stronger than Fat Dragon. Just their looks alone could scare Zhang Yunfeng to death.    


Chen Chong sneered in his heart. Zhang Yunfeng! Today, I will let you know the consequences of touching my woman!    


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