Invincible Smart-Guy System

C24 The Detention Center

C24 The Detention Center

0When Zhang Yunfeng's parents heard the news and rushed to the branch, Zhang Yunfeng had already been sent to the Third Detention House of Jiangcheng.    


They were burning with anxiety in the branch. They kept asking the police about their son's situation, but no one paid any attention to them. They couldn't even find a person in the Public Security Bureau who could ask about their son's whereabouts.    


Zhang Xingmin thought of an old friend of his who was a police officer in the police station, and this was the only police officer he had a good relationship with. Then he took out his phone and called the person to roughly explain the situation. He begged the man to help him.    


The man was very serious, but because he was from the police station, he could only call the people he knew in his branch. Half an hour later, he received the news from the branch. He called back to Zhang Xingmin and said, "Xingmin, Yunfeng is in big trouble this time! I heard that he beat up District head's son in the school last week and seriously injured him. This case was handled by the branch chief himself. Now Yunfeng had been sent to the Third Detention House, and before the court hearing, he strictly restricts meeting outsiders! "    


Zhang Xingmin was stunned, and couldn't move at all.    


On the phone, his friend was still persuading him. "Xingmin, don't waste your time in the branch office. They will not bother with you. In my opinion, you should hurry up and find a way to find out what is going on, then find someone to help you. If you delay this matter, Yunfeng's life will be completely ruined once he is sentenced! "    


Zhang Xingmin had been a soldier before, and although he was usually honest, however, he had the courage of a soldier. He knew that there was definitely something going on behind the scenes. Otherwise, the people in the sub-bureau would not have completed all the procedures so quickly and sent his son directly to the detention center. The only thing he could do now was to go to the school to understand the situation.    


Zhang Xingmin hung up the phone and said to his wife, "Let's go to No.1 Middle School."    


"What are we going to No.1 Middle School for?" Song Huafang's heart was burning with anxiety. When she found out that her son was brought to the branch office, she wanted to see her son first. Now that Zhang Xingmin said he wanted to leave, she became even more anxious.    


Zhang Xingmin's face was gloomy as he said, "Our son is not here. He was sent to the detention center."    


"What?" Song Huafang immediately collapsed onto the ground. Zhang Xingmin quickly went forward and asked with concern, "Huafang, what happened to you?"    


In the entire branch, there were so many policemen watching Song Huafang collapse. But no one went forward to ask a question. Zhang Xingmin pinched Song Huafang in the middle of the crowd. After wiping the sweat off her forehead, Song Huafang recovered a little. But just as she recovered, her tears fell. She muttered, "Xingmin, what should we do?"    


Zhang Xingmin comforted her, "Huafang, don't worry. Let's go to school first to understand the specific situation. We understand our son. He will not make a mistake of principle."    


At this moment, a young female police officer walked out of the archive room. When she saw Song Huafang lying on the ground, she quickly went up and asked, "Auntie, are you alright?"    


Song Huafang shook her head and said, "Thank you. I'm fine."    


The female police officer felt that something was wrong. Seeing Song Huafang's exhausted expression and the tear stains on her face, she hurriedly said, "Wait for me."    


After saying that, the female police turned around and returned to the archive room to pour a cup of water. She handed it to Zhang Xingmin and said, "Uncle, let auntie drink some water first. You can tell me if you have anything."    


"Thank you. Zhang Xingmin looked at her gratefully and said, "My child was brought here by the police from school this morning. It was only an hour." He was sent to the detention center. We wanted to ask about the situation. But no one paid attention to us."    


"How could that be?" The female police officer frowned and said: "Help her to the archive room to rest first, you can tell me the details of what happened"    


Zhang Xingmin also hoped to know more about his son. Seeing the sincerity on the female police officer's face, he also saw a glimmer of hope. He supported Song Huafang and entered the archive room.    




Just as the policewoman was about to enter the archive room, a middle-aged male policeman called her and called her in front of him. He said in a low voice, "Don't get involved in this matter. Hurry up and send the couple away."    


"Why?" The female police officer frowned and asked, "Even if they are the family members of the suspects, they should have the right to know the situation, right?"    


The male police officer said anxiously, "Why don't you listen to me? Don't worry about this. This case is handled by the higher-ups themselves! "    


The female police officer frowned even more and said, "So what if this is a case handled by the higher-ups? I didn't do anything wrong. " Saying so, the female police officer turned around and left, entering the archive room.    


In the archive room, the female police officer roughly asked Zhang Xingmin and his wife about it, but Zhang Xingmin didn't know the real story of the matter, so he could only roughly tell her what he knew.    


The female police officer was a little annoyed and said, "District head's son is nothing special. Even if your son really broke the law, he had to follow the normal procedure. What they did was simply lawless!"    


Zhang Xingmin sighed and did not know how to say it. At that moment, his phone rang. It was Zhang Yunfeng's headmaster.    


The couple was at work earlier. When they got the news, it was also because Song Mengyao called Zhang Xingmin at the first moment. Just now, Li Zekai found Song Mengyao and told her what happened before Zhang Yunfeng was taken away by the police. Song Mengyao immediately felt that something was wrong, so she quickly called Zhang Xingmin. She said, "Big Brother Zhang, I heard some of the students in the class react to something. There are other secrets behind Yunfeng's arrest. Where are you now?"    


"At the branch office." Zhang Xingmin briefly explained the situation at the branch office to Song Mengyao.    


Song Mengyao blurted out, "Then hurry up and come to school with Eldest Sister. I see that the school's leaders are also strange today. Let's not meet at the school. There is an Uegashima Coffee in the north of the No.1 Middle School's entrance. Let's meet there!"    


Zhang Xingmin said in a hurry, "Okay, Teacher Soong. Thank you. We will go there now!"    


After hanging up, Zhang Xingmin said to the female police officer, "Comrade police, thank you. Yunfeng's headmaster said that Yunfeng's classmates had some hidden secrets from him. I have to go over quickly."    


The female police officer hurriedly took a pen from her desk and wrote down her phone number on the paper. She handed the number to Zhang Xingmin and said, "This is my phone number. My name is Wu Qingya. If there is anything I can help with, please call me."    


Zhang Xingmin accepted the paper and after he and Song Huafang expressed their gratitude to Wu Qingya, they were about to leave. Wu Qingya sent the two of them out of the branch office and called a taxi before she turned around and went back.    


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