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C19 Garbage Man!

C19 Garbage Man!



How could this person be so unreasonably oppressing?!    


Upon hearing his sudden warning, Su Ba's face darkened slightly.    


The guards standing before the gate were already at the three-star advanced stage, almost comparable to Chief Instructor Yan Hua from Huanye School. Thus, Su Ba will definitely have a disadvantage if they were to fight it out.    


Moreover, it was his own fault that he lost the student recruitment medallion, justifying the guard's strict treatment. Thinking about it, Su Ba took a deep breath and once again repeated his words.    


"I am indeed here to participate in the advanced assessment. You will find out if you contact Lord Xia Hang."    


"I told you to scarm! Did you not hear me?!"    


The crude guard's expression did not mean well as he impatiently waved his hand and stated, "Every year, there are always people like you who want to sneak into our Martial Mansion. What kind of place do you think Yun Meng Martial Mansion is? Do you think that this Martial Mansion is a place that allows one-star trash like you to enter?!"    


"If you don't get the hell out of my sight now, I'll beat you up!"    


Having argued with his wife the previous day, the guard was naturally in a bad mood. In addition to that, he now saw a brat in the one-star mid-stage daydreaming about entering Yun Meng Martial Mansion. Using this as an excuse, he scolded Su Ba to vent his anger.    


The thin guard on the right knew that the crude guard was not in a good mood. Even though he found his words unpleasant, he did not stop him.    


From his point of view, if it was a child from an ordinary family, with only the strength of a one-star middle stage martial warrior, it would be impossible for him to be chosen by the representative from Yun Meng Martial Mansion.    


"Are you really going to look down on me based on my cultivation stage?"    


Su Ba squinted his eyes and said indifferently.    


Since the crude guard didn't treat him nicely, there was no need for him to be polite with him either.    


"Brat, what did you say?!"    


The rough guard's eyes widened and in a flash, half of the sword in his hand left its sheath. The portion of the blade that was unsheathed emitted a ghastly chilling light aimed towards Su Ba.    


Su Ba no longer wanted to act politely with this person.    


Thus, he walked to the side with his hands behind his back.    


In this world filled with humans, there will inevitably be trashy bastards filled with negative emotions who need to find someone to vent their anger towards. When that someone happens to be you, you'll, unfortunately, be faced with such injustice.    


In Su Ba's eyes, this crude guard was that kind of trash!    


With that, Su Ba could not find a reason to waste another breath on this bastard.    


In any case, even if he was not allowed to enter now, he could just wait in front of the gate and wait for Xia Hang to come back from his recruiting session. He will then personally apologize for losing the medallion himself.    




He actually dared to ignore him!    


Faced with such disrespect from Su Ba, the corners of the crude guard's eyes twitched. He, not in a good mood to begin with, suddenly felt a surge of anger gushing from his chest to his head.    


"I told you to scram, did you not hear me? Get lost now!"    


The rough guard took a lunge forward and arrived in front of Su Ba. Raising his hand ferociously, he shot it towards Su Ba's unguarded face.    


At that instant, a sharp whistle resounded in the air!    


Su Ba's expression turned as cold as a blizzard.    


He never thought that this guard would actually be so crazy, to actually dare to make a move on the streets of Fengwu City!    


With things escalated to this point, however, Su Ba had no other choice but to fight head on and defend himself.    


A one-star middle stage martial warrior versus a three-star advanced stage martial warrior!    


Do you think I'm afraid of you?!    


The veins on Su Ba's forehead popped out as the Nine Suns Genuine Ki revolved crazily around his body in an effort to retaliate and defend himself.    


As long as he could withstand this attack, with the combat experience and battle technique of a grandmaster gained in his previous life, he might actually be able to have an equal match with this ordinary guard.    


At this moment...    


A light gleam suddenly flashed in front of Su Ba like lightning. Before he knew it, Su Ba realized that a small white object had hit the crude guard in his chest.    




Crying out in pain, the crude guard staggered several steps backwards before eventually collapsing on his knees.    


"Woof woof woof!"    


That little white object was actually the snow-white dog that he had encountered previously.    


After charging and crashing into the crude guard's chest, it straightened its hind legs and slightly bent its forelimbs, assuming a fighting stance. It then bared its sharp fangs at the rough guard and howled like an alpha wolf.    


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