Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Burp. I drank quite a lot today, so I won't continue. How about I drink it some other day?" Chen Yang said with a smile.    


Xiao Man did not want to continue playing. His face darkened slightly as he said, "Come, let's go in."    


"How many people do you think I can order to watch this place?" Chen Yang smiled.    


"Bro, do you want to try?"    


Suddenly, a man wrapped his arm around Chen Yang's shoulder. He could feel that there was something hard in Chen Yang's pocket.    


Was it a swing or a dagger?    


Feeling the latter, Chen Yang's scalp tingled.    


"What are you guys doing?" Zheng Dan was afraid, and her voice was rather loud.    


Chen Yang was also very nervous. If the other side had been bullied by them, he would have been too late to regret and do something impulsive.    


"The scenery here is pretty good. The effect of the photography is also very good."    


Chen Yang reminded them not to act rashly when there were surveillance cameras.    


Then he said, "Big brother is in a good mood, so I'll accompany you for a drink. But she can't do it, so we have to return to class to report."    


If the other party was willing to let Zheng Dan leave, then that would mean that the matter wasn't too serious. If he didn't, he would retaliate.    


With the surveillance cameras here, there was nothing he could do about the other party daring to act rashly.    


Chen Yang was able to calm down even in a critical moment. He did have this kind of courage.    


"It's enough with you."    


Xiao Man chuckled and waved her hand.    


Zheng Dan looked at it a few times before quickly running away. When they were dozens of meters away, she stared at them. When they entered the Crown Prince's KTV, Zheng Dan quickly ran over to the school, preparing to call the students in front.    


Walking into the KTV, Chen Yang heaved a sigh of relief.    


Looks like it won't be a big deal.    


However, he soon smiled bitterly.    


He might have to suffer some physical pain.    


Fortunately, he was relatively resistant to beatings.    


On the third floor of the Hall of Crown, there were still seven or eight people inside.    


The one leading them was a man in white. It was their Brother Guang. He could be said to be hugging on both sides as he played.    


"Why did you bring an outsider here?" Brother Guang said as he looked at Chen Yang.    




Xiao Man couldn't hear him clearly and waved her little brother to turn down the volume of the music. She walked over and said, "This kid, he was the hero that saved the beauty a few days ago."    




Brother Guang suddenly had a playful attitude. He pushed away the woman on the left and picked up a glass of wine. "Come, brother, let's drink."    




Chen Yang was extremely nervous, but he still maintained a smile on his face. He picked up his wine cup and downed it in one gulp.    


He cursed in his heart, "This foreign wine is so f * cking bad."    


"Oh, it was quite fun." Big Bro Guang had an expression of surprise: "Not afraid?"    


"I'm afraid I won't be coming out to mess around." Chen Yang said in a relaxed manner as he sat at the side.    


Pah pah pah!    


Brother Guang clapped, "Well said."    


"For that, brother, we must toast?" Xiao Man immediately picked up a cup of wine.    


Seeing that Big Brother Guang is interested, then let's drink the wine opposite us first.    


"Do it."    


Chen Yang didn't want to drink it, but he knew in his heart that he had to stall for time.    


"Drinking this little wine is boring."    


Another burly man with tattoos on his arms stood up, walked to the door and shouted, "Waiter! "Come here, ten boxes of beer."    


The wine was quickly brought in.    


"How many?"    


"Open them all." The tattooed man spoke with a hint of ruthlessness.    


It took some time to open the cap.    


Chen Yang was somewhat stupefied when he saw this.    


Don't tell me you're allowed to drink all of this?    


"Here, brother, one bottle."    


The fierce-looking man with tattoos on his arms had a cold expression as he picked up a bottle of wine.    


Chen Yang didn't say anything further and just picked it up.    


After drinking half of it, he felt like vomiting, but he resisted the urge to drink the rest up.    


Lifting his head, he saw that the other party had only taken a small sip.    


"F * ck!"    


Chen Yang cursed inwardly.    


He was clearly beginning to bully others.    


"Bro, let's drink another bottle."    


The tattooed man raised the bottle again.    


At this moment, a few seductive women with thick makeup were watching the scene with smiles on their faces. Some of them leaned on Big Brother Guang and whispered, "Who is this bumpkin?"    


Brother Guang ignored her. In fact, even though the music was very quiet, Chen Yang still heard it.    


"Zheng Dan, are you f * * king reliable? If you don't come now, I'll break here."    


Chen Yang smiled wryly on the inside.    


He forced himself to drink.    


On the other end.    


Zheng Dan ran as she took out her cell phone to call the boy.    


Who knew that after calling two people in Chen Yang's dorm, he actually didn't pick up.    


She quickened her pace.    


"Someone, come!"    




"Zi Han! "Hold on!"    


Suddenly, she saw Lu Zihan and called out to him.    


"Someone called out to me." Lu Zihan paused and looked behind him. "It's Zheng Dan."    


"Why are you in such a hurry?" Yue Xiaoxiao said on the side.    


Lu Zihan, Mengmeng and Yue Xiaoxiao could be considered to be walking rather slowly and leisurely. There were a few students in front of them.    


Zheng Dan arrived before him and hurriedly said:    


"Something happened! Chen Yang was taken away by a hooligan!"    


"What?" Lu Zihan was shocked.    


"Who took him?" Mengmeng was also stunned.    


"We were caught by a few hoodlums in the KTV, let's quickly call for help."    


"Call the police." Lu Zihan's face turned pale.    


Mengmeng frowned, the spiritual sense covered everything, and he immediately saw Chen Yang's situation.    


"Oh, it's nothing. Let's go pick him up."    


Mengmeng said very easily.    


"We can't, those people are very fierce." Zheng Dan was extremely anxious.    


Mengmeng said with a stern face: "In today's society, bullies are already out of date, let's go, if I say we can bring people out, that's fine."    


"This ?"    


Zheng Dan was just about to shake his head.    


"Aiya, stop fooling around. Hurry up and go. What do you want to do if we can't meet your big brother Chen?" Yue Xiaolou said impatiently.    


Pulling Zheng Dan along, they walked back quickly.    


Lu Zihan, who was beside her, took a few glances and felt a little guilty. Four little girls, going to steal people from a hoodlum?    


Walking into the KTV, Zheng Dan was stunned.    


"No, Mengmeng, we can't do it." Zheng Dan said unconfidently.    


"Alright, you guys wait here. Chen Yang will be coming down soon."    


"Let's go together." Zheng Dan mustered the courage to follow him.    


L? Zihan also followed immediately, looking more concerned about Class Rep Chen Yang.    


"You all ?"    


"From the Hall of Crown." Without waiting for the waiter to say anything, Yue Xiaolou flatly said.    


He entered the elevator and headed to the Hall of Crown.    


"How did you know it was there? "Don't go to the wrong place." Zheng Dan said with concern, "Why don't we ask the waiter first?"    


"Little bullies usually stay in the Hall of Crown." Yue Xiaoxiao replied in a perfunctory manner.    


He pushed the door open and entered.    


The music inside was very quiet.    


There was a thick miasma in the air. With a quick glance, six or seven people in the group were smoking.    


The lights were also brighter.    


When they saw Mengmeng and the others.    




Guangge gasped.    


The others were stunned as well.    




"A few beauties have come."    


"Quick, please have a seat beautiful woman."    


Several people were excited.    


At this time, Chen Yang was still drinking his wine, but when he saw that only the four of them had arrived, he was stunned.    


"Puff ?"    


Chen Yang spat out a few mouthfuls of wine and spat them all over the floor. His eyes were glazed and he looked slightly drunk as he mumbled softly, "Does the heavens want me to die? "No, Zheng Dan, are you going to kill me ?"    


If he was looking for someone, he definitely had to look for a boy. Why did he have to look for a few girls and even a monster like Zhang Yumeng?    


Initially, he thought that if he drank too much, he would be thrown out by them.    


But now, it seemed that there was no way for it to be good?    


"It's quite lively here?"    


Mengmeng waved his hand: "It's too suffocating, I've pinched all the smoke."    


"Didn't you hear me? Little Beauty said that he was smoking. " Brother Guang said under his stern opponent.    




The group of people immediately put out their cigarettes.    


"Come, beautiful woman, sit."    


Brother Guang patted the seat beside him.    


This position was made by a girl who had just pushed open the door.    


"Drinking." Mengmeng said with a smile.    


This smile was extremely intoxicating. It was so beautiful that it could cause a country to collapse. The beautiful eyes that curved into crescent moons could be seen, exuding a beauty that would cause one's heart to palpitate.    


However, no one noticed the trace of amusement in her eyes.    


Maybe only Yue Xiaoxiao understood.    


As they spoke, Mengmeng and the rest sat down on a small sofa at the side.    


Lu Zihan was the most nervous, and also the most nervous. His hands were clasped together.    


Zheng Dan also became listless.    


Yue Xiaoxiao sat casually on the bed.    


"Drink to cheer us up." Brother Guang smiled and said, "Beautiful lady, do you want a drink?"    


"If I want to drink, this little bit of wine is not enough." The Mengmeng said.    


"Is that so?" Brother Guang laughed out loud. He clapped his hands and said, "Go, get ten more boxes of wine."    


"Let me see how many people there are." Mengmeng's gaze swept across them. "Give me another fifty boxes."    


"Fifty boxes?"    


Xiao Man raised her eyebrows slightly.    


Was he playing with someone?    


Heh heh, you look very bold. Just wait to be played.    


Fifty boxes meant fifty boxes.    


He had the waiter bring the wine up.    


"Let's have a drink first. Let's drink together." Mengmeng picked up a bottle of wine.    


"Come, come, come."    


Guang Ge's interest was piqued as he took the initiative to pick up a bottle of wine.    


The others followed suit.    


"Chen Yang, you idiot!"    


Zheng Dan said in a low voice.    




Chen Yang looked at the bottle in his hand, feeling a little suspicious of life: Did I just pick it up?    


I don't seem to remember.    


He silently put down the wine cup, stood up and walked to the side to sit beside Zheng Dan.    


At this time, no one paid any attention to him.    


"Cheers, everyone."    


Mengmeng said with a smile.    


Gurgle gurgle ?    


Without even pouring the wine into his mouth, he slipped into the dimensional ring.    


He gulped down the entire bottle.    




Mengmeng picked up the second bottle.    


"No, you drink one bottle each, we'll take turns to toast everyone." There was no point for Yue Xiaolou to sit there, she just wanted the whole world to be in chaos.    


Another bottle.    


Mengmeng followed: "A bottle for everyone."    


"No, let's take a break."    


Xiao Man drank two bottles consecutively and seemed to have reached the limit of her endurance after drinking the wine just now.    


"Don't, let's continue drinking."    


Mengmeng smiled.    


Without being noticed, Xiao Man could only feel a sudden surge of power coming from her body. She naturally picked up the wine and gulped it down. He swore that he did not want to drink it, but his hand did not listen to his orders.    




Xiao Man finished drinking and shook her head. "I'm going up?"    


Why didn't he drink a bottle of it?    


"Come, everyone, come. Let's have another bottle. The atmosphere is really good." Yue Yang laughed out loud and followed Mengmeng's example, controlling those who didn't want to drink to drink to their heart's content.    


That included Brother Guang.    


"It's my turn. Let's drink another bottle."    


Mengmeng said while laughing.    


"This bottle is my honor, you are all good men!" Yue Xiaoxiao said grandly.    


"Let me toast all handsome men." Mengmeng raised another bottle of wine.    


One round made a dozen bottles, and drank seven or eight rounds.    


They were all a little confused.    


However, Zheng Dan, Chen Yang, and Lu Zihan were also dumbfounded.    


Heavens, Zhang Yu Meng and Yue Xiao's alcohol consumption was that high?    


Ten minutes later ?    


Some of the people present had white foam shooting out of their noses.    


"This bottle..." Yue Xiaolou thought for two seconds. "I respect your handsomeness."    


"This is my first time meeting you and everyone is very happy to know me." Mengmeng opened another bottle.    


"I ?" Brother Guang's eyes were glazed: "I don't want to drink anymore."    


"No, you want some." The Mengmeng said.    


Brother Guang felt that he drank too much. He couldn't control himself, so he gave another bottle.    


"Another bottle." Yue Xiaolou said.    


"I really don't want to drink it." Brother Guang said vaguely as he spat out the wine.    


"What, you're not giving any face to the young mistress?" Yue Xiaoxiao glared at him.    


Everyone drank a bottle in unison.    


"It's my turn." Mengmeng said while grinning.    


"I can't do it, I can't do it, I'm going to vomit blood if I keep drinking."    


"You're not giving me, Zhang Yumeng, any face?" Mengmeng snorted coldly.    


Unable to control themselves, everyone started to drink another bottle.    


"I toast everyone." Yue Xiaolou said.    


"Sis, mistress, I really don't want to drink anymore."    



"No, you want some."    


"Come on, let's do it." Mengmeng said.    


"Sister Meng, Aunt, I really can't drink anymore. Please spare me." Guangge cried.    


"You definitely want more to drink, don't lie to yourself." The Mengmeng said in all seriousness.    


"It's my turn again ?"    


He looked at the chaotic scene, which was mixed with pleas for mercy.    




Chen Yang shivered in shock.    


Why does it feel like ? Yue Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yu Meng were more like hooligans than hooligans!    


Oh no, are these two devils?    


How terrifying!    


Were all the beauties nowadays this amazing?    


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