Godly Stay-Home Dad





With a murderous look on his face, the middle-aged man rushed forward with his saber in hand.    


Zhang Mu was currently in the early stages of mastery.    


Relying on the many moves that Zhang Han had taught him, fighting this middle stage disciple was an easy task.    




Immortal Lord Lingxi was a little confused, "He knows a lot of moves, and his growth rate is very high as well. He's the Immortal Monarch Han Yang, the stone hammer." "Hmph, but don't think that I have nothing to teach you. Let me tell you."    


"That brat from the Immortal Monarch Han Yang who had only been famous in the Immortal Cultivation World for a few years was a person who had secretly cultivated a single explosive move. I am different, I have been in the ninth level of the tribulation for six thousand years, the things I know are all above me, I have countless powerful abilities, don't think that I have become conceited after learning a few years from the Immortal Monarch Han Yang, but in front of me, I am nothing more than trash! "Un, scum!"    


The expressions of Mu Xue, Zhao Feng and the rest were numb.    


The displeasure in Immortal Mizar's heart could be seen with the naked eye. This was because she had been beaten up by her master, so she still had to pay attention to this.    


Zhao Feng wiped off his cold sweat, "We will definitely learn from Master Ling."    


Everyone called her Master Ling, but she hadn't taught anyone anything yet.    


At the same time, they understood that whatever they were teaching surpassed what Zhang Han was teaching.    


This fact made Immortal Lingxi unhappy.    


How valuable were the things that she had placed in her chest? She did not even easily teach them, and in the end, the number of disciples she had received was quite extraordinary.    


After all, he's the grandfather of the Immortal Monarch Han Yang, it's normal for him to do so.    


Immortal Mi's heart skipped a beat. She had seen enough. "Come back. Someone else, go and call him."    


Zhang Mu nodded slightly. After repelling the opponent, he flew up into the sky, directly towards the place where Immortal Mi and the rest were concealed.    


"Hu ?"    


The middle-aged man was furious, "What ability do you have to run after the fight? If you have the ability, fight another three hundred rounds! "    




A few seconds later, Zhang Guangyou flew over, and she was also looking for him.    


"I am Zhang Guangyou, in the early stage of perfection."    


Bang bang bang bang ?    


Another beating.    


"He knows a lot too. Change people."    


Immortal Lord Lingxi sighed lightly. She was going to teach him some secret arts again. She felt extremely displeased.    


Zhang Guangyou flew away.    


The middle-aged man let out a breath and thought to himself: What a fierce and f * cking person.    


But he couldn't lose his tone, "Why are you running? If you have the ability, continue fighting!"    




A woman came down.    


"Rong Jiali, peak of the Body Fusion."    


Ha ha-ha, I'll definitely be able to beat this one.    


The middle-aged man snickered.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The battle was very hard to determine.    


The opponent's speed was unimaginably fast, it was simply impossible to catch his shadow.    


This caused the middle-aged man to go into a frenzy.    


"Change people, continue changing people." Immortal Mizar pointed at someone, "You go."    


Ah Hu was excited: "Yes!"    


The current Ah Hu had also just broken through the early stage of Grand Perfection.    


"Why did you run away again!?" "Get down here!"    


The middle-aged man was originally furious.    


He extended his hand out and released a set of sacred art, wanting to pull Rong Jiali who was flying back over.    


This didn't matter.    


He suddenly saw the other party transform into a man in a flash.    


What was going on?    


"I am Ah Hu!"    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


"I am Xu Yong."    


Bang bang ?    


"I am Lao Meng."    


"I am Zhao Feng."    


"Chen Changqing."    


"Mu Xue."    


"Cough, just call me Sect Leader Jiang."    


"I am Yun Feiyang."    


"Remember, Kong Ling'er, pass through the first level of Tribulation."    


As a result, the middle-aged man was thrown into disarray by the wind.    


Even transcending tribulation and coming to find him to fight?    


After a good beating, she left as well.    


"Hur hur, what are you running for?"    


Middle-aged said weakly: "Kill me if you dare!"    


Very loud.    


However, he had lived until the end, safe and sound, because his sect had already lost on the entire battlefield.    


"It's finally over."    


The middle-aged man heaved a sigh of relief, stood up and left from the side, preparing to take a detour to meet up with the people from his sect who were running away.    


In the air.    


"I know your overall strength and techniques."    


"Let's head to another planet for a walk."    


He had to relax.    


She realised that for these people that the Immortal Monarch Han Yang had taught her, they would need to give her some good moves. If she did not use them, wouldn't she lose to the Immortal Monarch Han Yang?    


Hmph, the guy who beat me up only a few years ago can't lose to him.    


Immortal Mi glanced at the scattered people around her and gave her some cultivation techniques and secret arts.    


"All of you should temporarily cultivate these techniques."    


"As for all of you."    


Her gaze landed on Zhang Guangyou and the others, "Let's wait and see for a while, there's no rush."    


As such, they roamed the various parts of the Star Realms at an extremely fast speed. Every planet that they visited was probably only a little more than ten minutes.    


In the entire Star Realm, there was not a single person that Fairy Ling Xi had set her eyes on.    


So they continued on their journey. They rode the Golden-winged Great Peng and traveled through the starry sky at an extremely fast speed.    


On Zhang Han's side.    


Finally, from the outermost region of the sea of stars, they arrived at a slightly bustling area.    


"This is the Qian Feng district, there are frequent storms in space."    


Zhang Han said.    


"Where are we going next?" Yue Wuwei asked.    


Along the way, Zhang Han wasn't the only one who devoured the rarest of them, he had also encountered nine other secret realms and seven of them had even experienced it himself.    


Even he himself would often sigh with emotion. It was truly strange for one to rely on one's own cultivation to grow stronger.    


"There's a branch of Cloud Sky Palace in the Qian Feng District."    


Zhang Han said, "Cloud Sky Palace is a force that has information on missions and the sea of stars. They usually have information on the appearance of secret realms, other experts, treasure lands, and even some planets that have rare metals."    


"Are we going to buy information?" Yue Wuwei said.    


"No, go join them." Zhang Han laughed, "Cloud Sky Palace, after the exam, starting from a one star envoy, the highest level is a six star envoy. The higher the envoy's level, the more missions they can accept and the more information they know."    


"Is Cloud Sky Palace very powerful?" Mengmeng curiously asked as he lightly patted the Da Hei's stomach.    


"It's quite impressive. I once knew that there were more than a hundred Palace Masters in Cloud Palace who could pass through the ninth level of the tribulation." It's quite impressive, I once knew that there were more than a hundred Palace Masters in Cloud Palace who could pass through the ninth level of the tribulation.    


"As for envoys, they are similar to the people who work for them, which is equivalent to temporary jobs. If you want to take on missions, you can go there, and within ten years, you will have to do missions assigned by Cloud Sky Palace, which means that there is nothing much to do. Besides the Asgard Mistress, there are also the various Palace Masters of Cloud Cloud Palace, and then, they have their own set of management system, such as Deus, Hall Master, and Deacons."    


"You've been there before?" Zi Yan said.    




Zhang Han shook his head, "However, I have also bought some news, right now, waiting for Immortal Monarch Lingxi to come back, will probably take a few decades. Joining Cloud Palace will allow me to be more efficient in my cultivation, and as for you two, selecting the secret realms to train in, and then, actually not needing any sort of experience, it would be enough if I met you guys on the way back."    


Flying in the dry wind region, the entire area was incomparably vast, comparable to the center galaxy.    


Riding on the jump star, they finally arrived at Cloud Sky Palace's branch hall.    


He monopolized a planet, his name was Cloud Sky Palace's 311 star palace.    


The space station could be seen with the naked eye, there were more than a hundred spaceships in this area, coming and going, it was very lively.    



"It seems like we'll have to wait in line for a long time." Yue Xiaoxiao curled her lips. "I don't like queues the most."    


"It's not good to be impatient." Yue Wuwei said.    


Three days in line.    


They then rode on the flying shuttle from Cloud Sky Palace and headed towards the surface palace.    


On the planet, there were a total of 35,000 halls.    


They were assigned to the seventy-eighth palace.    


A great hall was comparable to a bustling city, and there were many people passing by on every road.    


Around the main hall were all sorts of city buildings. They surrounded the outside, and not only were there the envoys of Cloud Sky Palace, there were also many hotels, and they were all occupied by cultivators waiting to receive their missions.    


At the task window, the queue lasted the entire day.    


Finally, it was their turn.    


"I want to handle the envoys." Zhang Han said.    


Amongst the few of them, only Zhang Han could handle them, the others did not need to as well.    


"Wait a moment."    


"Fill out the form."    


"Enter your identity."    


"Authentication ID."    


"One hundred million crystals."    


"Please select the experiential learning mission within one minute. Please pass the mission and become a one star emissary. If you fail the mission, you will be disqualified. The crystals will not be withdrawn."    


After a series of procedures, he only gave them one mission form, which was 100 missions.    


"Assassinating a rank 4 Magus."    


"He's in the Flowing Sea area looking for Immortal Gourmet's dog."    




Zhang Han's ID was entered into the Level 4 Tribulation Realm, and after the system's screening, he was pretty much at his level.    


Amongst the hundred missions, there were quite a few trivial ones.    


But very quickly, in ten seconds, Zhang Han had locked onto someone.    


"In the Korialstrasz Abyss World of the Safen District, I've brought back three Level 7 or higher Red Snow Gems."    


Red Snow Gem?    


It was a metal gem that contained a rare energy. It had a wide range of uses, but was very rare.    


This quest was the best one out of a hundred.    


"Got it."    


Zhang Han said.    


"Here are the details of the mission as well as the basic set you need for your experiential learning."    


Hand over some things and Zhang Han and the rest will leave.    


He returned to the space station on the flying ship and set out for the Safen District, a neighbor of his who wasn't too far away.    


"What's the situation with the mission?" Chen Chuan asked curiously.    


Thus, Zhang Han activated the jade slip and released the information.    


"Red Snow Gems, rare metal gems. There are a small number of them in the Korialdo planet's Abyss Realm."    


"In the center of the Deep Sea World, there are Level 9 tribulation cultivators guarding. There are often Level 3 or 4 cultivators wandering around the outer regions, so the probability of finding a red snow gem in the outer regions is very low."    


"Wear the entire uniform set throughout the mission. It can cover clothes, and the smart bracelet must be worn."    


The mission set was a set of black clothes, similar to a pair of pajamas. As for the AI bracelet, it had to record the scene of the completion of the mission.    


In the end, Zhang Han chose to ignore her and leave the dimensional ring alone.    


After Yue Wuwei read through the news, he fell silent.    


"A mere entry level mission can directly face the ninth level of the heavenly tribulation?"    


"Isn't this too terrifying?"    


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