Godly Stay-Home Dad





The celebration ceremony came to a successful end.    


There was a private car to send Zi Yan and Dong Yan back to their residence. Zhang Han did not drive the car, and Young Master Long accompanied him from the side.    


They were riding in a caravan.    


Along the way, Young Master Long and the others chatted occasionally.    


On the other hand, Dong Yan's attitude towards Zhang Han had changed. She was only giving Zhang Han a glare when there was nothing to do, and from her gaze, it was obvious that she wanted to suppress Zhang Han, so as to not let this guy who had ill intentions find an opportunity to chase after Zi Yan.    


She had a good impression of Zhang Han, but after knowing the truth, she decided to say it.    


"Tomorrow at the end of the week. Director Jiang, Secretary Dong, we agreed to go and relax. How about it?" Zhang Han suggested.    




Zi Yan was distracted a moment ago, but after hearing this, he became stunned.    


"It wasn't easy to complete this list. I have to get a good night's sleep tomorrow, hmph." Dong Yan forbade Zhang Han's nose.    


"What's so good about sleeping?"    


Long Xiang immediately said, "Since we've completed the mission, we'll definitely relax a little. Director Jiang, Brother Zhang, why don't I arrange a place for you?"    




Zhang Han and Zi Yan's gazes met in midair.    


He smiled and said, "I don't know if there are any quiet clubs that play golf. Last time I heard Director Jiang say that her skills were pretty good."    




Long Xiang would definitely cooperate well, "I know of a good place, Bai Li Manor. Have you been there before, Director Jiang?"    


"Nope." Zi Yan smiled and shook his head.    


"Then I'll have to thank Young Master Long. Tomorrow ?" Zhang Han gave him a satisfied look.    


Young Master Long's heart felt extremely comfortable as he smiled. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. It'll be eight-thirty."    


Zi Yan blinked his eyes, "Alright, thank you, Young Master Long."    


"Hey, Director Jiang, don't thank me. I'm here to entertain Brother Zhang." Young Master Long said.    


The atmosphere was very good.    


Zi Yan and Dong Yan were sent to the residential area.    


They got on the elevator.    


"Elder Sister Yan, why did you agree to it? Didn't you say that you don't like to go out and socialize like this?" Dong Yan asked curiously.    


"It's not like I'm having a social meetup this time. Hmm, I've finished my grand show and I've been out for a rest. It's been a long time since I've played golf." Zi Yan said.    


"Elder Sister Yan, what do you think about Assistant Zhang?" Dong Yan asked again.    


"It's pretty good." Zi Yan thought for a while and said: "That's right, it's very special right?"    


"He's plotting against you." Dong Yan pouted and said: "I was just interested in him and just admitted it. Ahh, how boring, with Elder Sister Yan you around, I might have to be single forever."    


"It's not that serious." The corner of Zi Yan's mouth twitched.    


"If it was before, you wouldn't go out like this." Dong Yan muttered to herself, "If you get too close to other men, your mother will teach you a lesson."    


Zi Yan's eyes paused for a moment.    


That was the truth.    


But why did he agree?    


Because of Young Master Long?    


Not really.    


Zhang Han's figure flashed in Zi Yan's mind.    


For some reason, she was always a little curious towards him. She felt very special and intimate, as if she was born with this feeling. He would never treat her badly, even saying that he liked her and pursued her.    


It was a very fair and honorable action.    


Zi Yan asked himself in her heart. When she heard that Assistant Zhang liked the news of her, she was secretly happy. However, she had tried to persuade her before in order to defeat her in reality.    


She had thought about it before. Ever since she was young, she had never once been crazy before.    




Zi Yan's eyes were filled with anticipation.    


He didn't even notice what Dong Yan was saying.    


The two of them chatted in the elevator.    


Similarly, Young Master Long and Zhang Han sat in the back of the caravan and went back to where Zhang Han lived.    


"Brother Zhang, hehehe." Young Master Long laughed: "Bai Li Manor is definitely a good place. The key is to stay far away from them. In the suburbs, we won't be able to come back on the same day. How about it, I will create a good opportunity for Brother Zhang."    


"That's right."    


Zhang Han nodded his head: "You are helping to arrange for the journey to the day after tomorrow."    


"Where are you going the day after tomorrow?" Young Master Long patted his chest. "Leave it to this younger brother."    


"To the amusement park." Zhang Han smiled slightly: "Let's play on something exciting."    


"Sure, Xiao Ma. Get someone to contact us. We must make arrangements."    


Young Master Long told the assistant.    




Thus, the route was decided.    


The next day. At seven o'clock, Zi Yan slowly woke up.    


After washing up, she sat in front of the makeup table and looked at herself in the mirror.    


Dressed beautifully, she came back to the cloakroom.    


He took out a set of sportswear, put it on, and looked at himself in the mirror. After a few seconds of silence, he went back to changing his clothes, trying everything out one by one and enjoying himself.    


In the end, he still wore white short-sleeved sleeves, a peaked cap, light blue shorts, white sneakers, and pink socks, revealing some of their adorable and exquisite features. What attracted the most attention were his pair of long white legs.    


She picked out a bag, brought sunscreen and other items, and took out a thin coat.    


Arriving at the living room.    


"Dong Yan, it's almost time."    


"I'm cleaning up."    


After Dong Yan came out, she saw Zi Yan: "She's dressed up so beautifully, you ?"    


Seeing her doubtful gaze, Zi Yan's heart felt slightly dry.    




Long Jie called Dong Yan.    


"Just you wait. Go down immediately."    


Dong Yan hurriedly put on her clothes after speaking.    


Ye Zichen got off the car.    


There was a breakfast on each arm of the chair.    


"Let's eat something first. It's half past eight now. It should be around ten by the time we get there." Young Master Long said.    


"That far?" Dong Yan was stunned.    


"It's in the northern suburbs." Young Master Long laughed: "That place is amazing. My membership cards were all bought with great difficulty from friends, otherwise I wouldn't have the qualifications to receive a member of Bai Li Manor."    


"You can't even get it with your status?" Dong Yan said in confusion.    


"I can't get it." Young Master Long shook his head: "Bai Li Manor is the property of the Ning family, what kind of existence is that? The top three families in Demonic City, are only powerful individuals like the Rong family, although they do not have many industries, nor do they have many personnel, but the most important thing is that the people in the Ning family are all very low-key. I heard that the old man Ning Xiaotian had set a rule that whoever dared to cause trouble, would directly kick them out of the clan, there is no leeway for them, so the position of the Ning family in the upper echelons may not be like thunder, but their strength and background cannot be ignored. "    


As he spoke, Young Master Long peeked at them.    


Beside him, Brother Zhang was too freaking calm. He must have not experienced the terrifying background of the Ning family, and did not know if he and someone of the same generation of the Ning family could chat for a bit.    


As for Zi Yan, his reaction was calm, as if it was none of his business. Dong Yan was a little shocked: "I have heard of Ning Xiaotian, an extremely powerful person."    


"Of course, that's a big shot from the older generation."    


Young Master Long sighed.    


In his heart, he felt that although Brother Zhang's identity could not be compared to the Ning family, he was still higher ranked than him. The main reason was that Brother Zhang had not mentioned this issue recently, was because he wanted to learn how to ride a car.    


After Zi Yan and Dong Yan pretty much finished their meal, Zhang Han started to negotiate with Dong Yan.    


They chatted about the interesting things in the north, south, and south seas.    


With the existence of Young Master Long, the atmosphere in the caravan was quite interesting and relaxed.    


This was the feeling that Zi Yan liked.    


At ten o'clock, the caravan arrived at the Belle Manor.    


From the outside, the entire villa looked like a three-storey building, but its exterior was luxuriously decorated. The mansion's air was fresh, and Zhang Han could feel the traces of an array formation.    


There was a row of guards at the gate.    


"Please show your membership card." A man in a suit came to the car.    


"Here." Young Master Long smiled as he handed it over.    


"Hello, Young Master Long. I would like to invite them to sign their names as well." The suited man handed over the record slip.    


The membership card was written with Long Xiang's name, and below it was the name of the carrier.    


"Brother Zhang"    


Young Master Long handed it to Zhang Han.    


Zhang Han took the pen: "I'll sign all of them."    


Shua shua shua!    


Write three names: Zhang Han, Zi Yan, Dong Yan.    


"I wish you all a good time."    


As they drove into the manor, they were guided to the parking lot, where they got into a professional car and headed for the golf course.    


At that moment, the person at the door looked at the list and picked up the walkie-talkie.    


"Captain, there are three strangers here today. One of them is surnamed Zhang, one is surnamed Zi, and the other is surnamed Dong. The database has two taboo words."    


There were not many strangers who came to the Bai Li Manor every year, and their system had a few words that were forbidden by surnames. According to the rules, once they appeared, they had to report, such as' Zhang ',' Zi ', and' Rong '.    


Everyone knew that it was Rong family, but they didn't know what Zhang He and Zi represented.    


"Got it." After the intercom ended, the captain reported, "The list has just been sent out."    


"Got it."    


The supervisor opened the computer table, took a look at the name on it and prepared to compare.    


On the computer's name list, number one: Zhang Hanyang, Zhang Han, fierce person Zhang, Zhang Yu Meng, Mengmeng, Zi Yan ?    


"Check the list."    


The supervisor searched for a bit and a tag suddenly appeared on the computer.    




He inhaled a breath of cold air: "Zhang Han, Zi Yan, occupied, occupied two? Not good, quickly inform the Patriarch. "    


Very quickly, the present Ning family Lord received the news:    


"What did you say?" Zhang Han and Zi Yan? You go, you personally entertain me, do not neglect it, understand? "    


He took out his cell phone and called the Ning family's old man: "Dad, two people called Zhang Han and Zi Yan came to the manor."    


"What did you say?" Just you wait, I'll rush over right now. You go and entertain me personally, don't be negligent in the slightest! "    


When the Ning family Lord heard these familiar words, he was stunned.    


After all this talk, he still had to do it himself.    


He hurried downstairs, got in his car, and drove quickly to the Manor House.    


As for all of this, Zhang Han was naturally not clear about it.    


They had just arrived at the golf course.    


"Your handwriting is not bad."    


Zi Yan praised her just now.    


"I'm fine." Zhang Han laughed: "Why don't you try fighting me?"    


"Come on, if you lose to me, your salary will be deducted." Zi Yan said.    


"What if I win?"    


Zhang Han's eyes suddenly burned with passion.    


This caused Zi Yan's gaze to freeze.    


It was a shock, so strong that she didn't know how to answer.    


"If I win, let's have lunch together." Zhang Han laughed.    




Zi Yan laughed, and the number of times their eyes met increased.    


Dong Yan didn't know what to feel as she watched from the side, but she felt that there was something fishy going on.    


"No, Assistant Zhang."    


Just as Dong Yan was about to say something ?    


"Eh? Secretary Dong, I have something that I want to ask you to help me with.    


He grabbed Dong Yan's arm and dragged her far away.    


Only Zhang Han and Zi Yan were left on the arena.    


Hiss ? Hu ?    


Zi Yan felt a little strange in his heart.    


Bang, bang, bang.    


It took a moment for her to relax.    


"You fought very hard." Zi Yan said.    


"Not bad. I'm going to win. I'll show you my ability to advance with this spear."    


"Bullsh * t." Zi Yan chuckled.    




Sou ?    


The white ball drew a beautiful arc in the air.    



He didn't even fall to the ground and directly entered the hole.    




Zi Yan was dumbstruck.    


"This sort of ball depends on one's mood and luck. The main thing is one's mood. When one's mood is good, everything one does will go according to one's heart." Zhang Han laughed.    


"Is that so? "I don't believe it, but I'm in a good mood too, so why can't I?" Zi Yan asked.    


"Of course, you also have some tricks up your sleeves. Let me tell you something."    


Without waiting for an explanation, Zhang Han walked over with large strides.    


"Stay in position."    


Zi Yan made his preparations.    


Suddenly, he felt the man behind him approaching, as if he wanted to hug her.    




At this moment, Zi Yan was extremely nervous.    




How could he refuse?    


Her body was rigid, as if she were disobeying orders.    


His heart beat at a much faster rate.    


If he put his arms around her, she would definitely push him away.    


Fortunately, he didn't do that. He just stood to the side.    


"Move your left leg a few centimeters to the left. That way, you will be able to exert a better strength. You are a little thin, your arm is also thin, and you can still breathe. How about this, your hand ?"    


He was teaching her elegantly, but he still held his hand and adjusted his posture.    


Tsssssss! *    


It was like an electric current.    


It made Zi Yan's body go slightly numb, and even his mind went blank.    


The impact of such a masculine aura made her feel suffocated.    


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