Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Zi Qiang indicated that he could not think of anything.    


But Zi Qingtian and the rest were even more confused!    


Yeah, what's going on? What was going on?    


Liang Li had personally come, yet he had actually ignored the Zi family Lord and welcomed Zi Qiang, who had a very low status, with a smile?    


This caused Zi Qingtian to feel very embarrassed, even Fang Huan's face became gloomy.    


Everyone sat back down and spoke in hushed tones. From time to time, they would look in the direction of the furthest corner.    


"Good morning, Patriarch Liang." Zi Peng and Dong Ling also greeted him.    


Initially, he thought that the Patriarch Liang did not know how to finance himself, but unexpectedly, he replied with a smile:    


"Hey, nice to meet you. You must be Zi Peng and Dong Ling. You don't have to be so polite when you speak. If you're willing, just call me Brother Liang."    


"This ?" The corner of Zi Peng's mouth twitched. Just when he was about to say something ?    


Patriarch Liang looked at Zi Qiang, and said softly: "Brother Zi Qiang, Sister Xu, you two have really given birth to a good daughter."    


Hearing these words again, Zi Qiang was a little confused.    


"Liang ?"    


Zi Qiang wanted to call him Patriarch Liang, but he made himself call him Brother Liang. However, he couldn't bring himself to do so, so he only asked the question in the end, "What exactly does that mean?"    


"Ah?" Don't you know? " Patriarch Liang asked curiously.    


"Know what?" Zi Qiang was even more confused.    


"Your daughter found a human, a dragon!" Patriarch Liang's voice became slightly softer, as if he was telling a secret, "Your daughter's husband, Mr. Zhang, is too powerful, too powerful, very powerful, very powerful."    


"This ?"    


The corner of Zi Qiang's mouth twitched three times, and finally said: "How do you know about my daughter?"    


"I said it!" Liang Mengqi laughed and said: "I ate in the owner's restaurant for a long time, the boss is Elder Sister Ziyan's husband, from the beginning I even liked him."    


"Mengqi? "What nonsense are you talking about?" Patriarch Liang was shocked, and immediately glared at him.    


"Heehee." Liang Mengqi was not afraid as well and laughed, "I only found out afterwards that the Lady Boss was from Elder Sister Ziyan. Uncle Zi, Auntie Xu, you guys didn't know, Boss, no, Elder Sister Ziyan Fu is really handsome.    


Liang Mengqi was more cheerful and lively, his voice becoming somewhat louder when he got to the happiest part.    


This allowed Fang Huan, who was paying attention to this place, to hear faintly the words' Elder Sister Ziyan husband, Zi Yan's hubby '.    


A nameless fire rose in her heart, including the fact that the Liang family people had ignored her.    


The Patriarch is still sitting here! I'm also here, what's the meaning of your Liang family going to my lower class Zi family?    


Thus, when she heard the two sentences, her face darkened and she said:    


"My apologies, but Zi Yan of my Zi family does not have any so-called husband! The rules of the Zi family were very clear. If she dared to start a family on her own, she would be severely punished! Ten minutes to ten! I want to see if she has any rules! "    


As he finished speaking, Fang Huan's tone was close to harshly reprimanding him!    


This made everyone fall silent.    


Zi Qingtian's face was expressionless. After hearing what was said, his eyes flashed, but he did not say anything.    


Although they were acting like this and did not give face to the Patriarch Liang, but they did not give him any face just now!    


He also pondered for a moment, why would they directly find Zi Qiang to sit?    


Then why was Liang family's old man so passionate towards them?    


Listening to their conversation just now, could it be because of Zi Yan? Or her husband?    




Zi Qingtian felt that it was very likely that Liang Hao was closer to him so he decided to specially come over to take care of things.    


Thinking about it, he felt that Fang Huan knew about this too, so he reprimanded Fang Huan right away.    


Fang Huan's words caused many of the people present to turn silent, as they felt that she had a somewhat opposite intention.    


Patriarch Liang frowned slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he snorted and did not say anything.    


On the other hand, Liang Mengqi stealthily rolled his eyes at Fang Huan, went close to Zi Qiang and his side, and said in a small voice:    


"She wants to punish Elder Sister Ziyan? Haha, Uncle Zi Qiang, Aunt Xu, don't worry, the husband of Elder Sister Ziyan dotes on her. Whoever dares to say that she is wrong, the boss can tear this place down, hmph! "    


"Huh?" Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu looked at each other, confused.    


What was going on?    


At the same time, on the lower side of the round plaza, there were even more people walking around. They chatted as they observed the situation on the platform.    


On Zi Feng's side, a junior of the Zi family said with shock:    


"Why did Old Liang and the others run over to the rear end to greet him?"    


"Eh? What was going on? Patriarch Liang was sitting behind Zi Qiang? "That's impossible."    


"Nothing is impossible!" Zi Feng's gaze suddenly focused and said.    


There was a hint of anticipation in his eyes. He was looking forward to the day when the family rules were broken!    


With a prosperous family, they should be able to take the throne, not some shitty side branch!    


As a side branch of the, he had always been cautious and diligent, but he could not appreciate anyone. He had suppressed himself for far too long, and seeing the Liang family's demeanor, he discovered a trace of hope.    


At this moment.    


A group of more than ten people walked out of the plaza's entrance. All of the disciples looked over.    


"It's the Zhao Family. He came due to the Patriarch, right?"    


Many people were discussing.    


Very quickly, they reached the platform. Just like Liang family, most of the people stayed at the plaza, while only three people went up the platform.    


"Brother Qingtian, I heard that you called a gathering today, so I came uninvited. Please forgive me." Patriarch Zhao laughed.    


"Eh? How could that be? It's too late to welcome them. " Zi Qingtian stood up and welcomed him, smiling as he said: "Brother Zhao, please come in!"    




The group was invited to sit down.    


They had just chatted for a bit when a few truly heavyweight characters came over one after the other.    


"North District's Qi Haoran, head of the Qi family is here!"    


"Mr. Liao from Haotian Science and Technology is here!"    


"The South Island Head of the Bag is here!"    




A series of heavyweight characters were mostly heading towards Zi Qingtian's faction. On the other hand, the main seat at the side of the hall was almost full of people who were all smiling and talking to each other.    


This caused Fang Huan's eyes to become complacent, and he looked towards the back with some disdain at Zi Qiang's side.    


There was only one Patriarch Liang!    




Would a Liang family be of any use?    


Regarding this, Fang Huan could not help but sneer.    


Gradually, ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye. Soon, it was already ten o'clock.    


Just then, Fang Huan glanced at the people at the back of the crowd, and knew that his own sect had more or less made contact with them, but there were also many people in the other factions, but compared to them, they were still too lacking.    


But ? Why wasn't Fan Clan here?    


They had already agreed to start at ten o'clock yesterday!    


Fang Huan and Zi Qingtian were a little doubtful.    


He wanted to wait for a while, but Fang Huan looked at the time. 10: 02 PM.    


She never liked waiting for people!    


But Fan Clan is strong, after all. She can endure it, but what's going on with you, Zi Yan?    


Therefore, her eyes swept across Zi Qiang, frowned, and said coldly:    


"Zi Qiang! Xu Xinyu! "Come here!"    


Shua shua shua!    


All eyes were on him.    


Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu were startled, they got up and walked over.    


At this time, many of the people behind Zi Qingtian revealed mocking gazes. It was already time, the main character of the gathering was not here yet, it was getting interesting.    


"Zi Qiang, Xu Xinyu, what's going on with you two? What time is it? Where was he? Shall we all wait here? "    


Fang Huan reprimanded in a cold voice:    


"Are there any more rules? Are you guys living too comfortably? "I'll tell you guys ?"    


These words, caused Zi Qiang's face to turn green and then red; he was extremely angry.    


Patriarch Liang who was sitting at the side frowned. Just now, he had stood up.    


Suddenly, a loud and clear registration voice came from the plaza.    


"The from the Liu Group of China has arrived!"    


Swish swish!    


Many gazes instantly landed on the plaza, only to see Liu Qingfeng, the male bodyguard and the secretary of the linden walking up the stage with large strides.    


Although Liu Qingfeng was not as rich as the Zi family, he was a legendary businessman, his connections were wide, and only needed a strong shield to go up to the next level, he was a character that no one would look down upon.    


Hearing the words, Fang Huan gave up reprimanding them, and both of their gazes were filled with suspicions.    


Why is Liu Qingfeng here?    


The Zi family didn't have any sort of cooperation with him.    


Zi Qingtian stood up and walked over.    


"Hello, Chairman Liu." Zi Qingtian smiled and said: "Welcome."    


"Greetings, Zi family Lord."    


Liu Qingfeng smiled and nodded as he looked at the arena with some suspicion. Just now, he had also felt something from the distance.    


"Come, this way, please." Zi Qingtian said politely.    


Liu Qingfeng's status was considered top-notch, but his contacts in China were shocking. If he had any connections with Liu Qingfeng, it would be much easier to open up a market in China, and it could be said that Liu Qingfeng's position in the ocean was much higher than in China.    


Only, facing Zi Qingtian's invitation, Liu Qingfeng did not move.    


This made Zi Qingtian a little surprised, could it be that he himself was also ??    


Just as he had that thought, he saw Liu Qingfeng asking with a bold tone:    


"May I know who is brother Zi Qiang?"    




Everyone's eyes turned towards Zi Qiang.    


Seeing that, Liu Qingfeng's eyes became serious.    


It could be seen that Zi Qiang's position in Zi family was not high, to think that he was being targeted.    


"Hahaha." Liu Qingfeng laughed heartily, directly went past Zi Qingtian and walked to his side. He held's hands and said passionately: "Brother Zi Qiang, Sister Xu, Qingfeng greets you all!"    


"?" Everyone present was stunned.    


Especially Zi Qingtian, he had an indescribable feeling in his heart.    


What was going on? Could it be that I can't even compare to Zi Qiang?    


In the face of Liu Qingfeng's greeting, Zi Qiang felt a little overwhelmed by it and nodded:    


"Hey hey, don't be so polite. Please come to Chairman Liu."    


Zi Qiang took the lead and walked towards the rear seats.    


At this time, Patriarch Liang also sat back down with a trace of sneer in his eyes.    


From the looks of it, the show was about to begin!    


Zi Qingtian's bloodline, might even be destroyed because of this ridiculous family rule!    


Just as they were about to sit down, Fang Huan's face darkened as he said:    


"Zi Qiang! "I just said that your daughter doesn't know the rules. It seems like I haven't finished speaking and haven't asked you to go back yet. Why don't you have any rules?"    


Zi Qiang's expression froze, and his gaze at Fang Huan turned cold.    


Do you think that I, Zi Qiang, don't have the slightest temper after being reprimanded by them over and over again?    


His expression was one of fury. Just as he was about to speak, Liu Qingfeng, who was beside him, spoke in an even more boorish voice:    


"When will this kind of family gathering be held? A single woman can even make a show of showing her fangs and brandishing her claws?" Your Zi family has truly broadened my horizons! "    


When the ridicule in his words was put on the surface, it made the faces of everyone change, especially Zi Qingtian's group.    


On the other hand, Patriarch Liang almost laughed, and thought:    


Liu Qingfeng was indeed like the legends, true nature!    


At this time, Zi Qingtian's expression was somewhat ugly, and with a heavy expression, he stood up and coldly said:    


"This is the Zi family, what qualifications do you have to be talking nonsense here? No one has invited you here. If you don't want to stay, then get out! "    


The moment this was said, the atmosphere in the stadium turned cold.    


In such a tit for tat situation, even if it was between Zi family and Liu Qingfeng, they would probably become enemies.    


Regarding this, how could Liu Qingfeng care.    


He looked Fang Huan up and down, and casually said:    


"Who are you? Do you think I'm here to give you face? "    


After laughing mockingly, he looked towards Zi Qiang again. With a straight face, he said: "Brother Zi Qiang, Big Sister Xu, please sit."    


"Alright, alright."    


Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu felt a little dizzy, so they sat down.    


"Zi Qiang! "Come here!"    


Just then, Fang Huan spoke out angrily.    


"What do you want to ask? Come over here yourself, do you have legs or do you have a butt that's too heavy?"    


Liu Qingfeng stared at Fang Huan, and said: "Brother Zi Qiang, don't be so accustomed to people, if it doesn't work, why don't you come to my group as my Vice President and see? Brother, as long as you nod your head, I will draw up the contract now. "    


Hearing Liu Qingfeng's words, everyone felt dizzy.    


What is this and what is this!    


What was going on?    


Zi Qiang was also completely dumbstruck. Looking at the serious face of Liu Qingfeng, he felt that if he nodded, Liu Qingfeng would really let him be the Vice President.    


"Chairman Liu, you ?" Zi Qingtian's face was a little awkward now as he squinted his eyes and slowly said, "Isn't it a little impolite?"    


"It's not polite at all. I came here especially from Lin Hai today because I want to ask for your hand in marriage. Brother Zi Qiang, as your father-in-law, how can you all point fingers here?" Liu Qingfeng said straightforwardly.    


The moment the words left his mouth, many people's gazes froze.    


Mr. Zhang?    


Could it be that the husband that Zi Yan found had some background?    


At this time, Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan also started to think.    


"Brother Zi Qiang, being able to take on the Mr. Zhang is my good fortune, and is even luckier to be one of his partners. So what I said just now is the truth, if Brother Zi Qiang is interested and can become the vice president of my group, what do you think?" Liu Qingfeng's eyes were filled with anticipation.    


Originally, this trip was a gesture of goodwill, but he didn't expect Zi Qiang to have such a low status in the Zi family and not reprimand him on the spot.    


This made Liu Qingfeng's eyes light up.    




The chance had come. If they let Zi Qiang be the Vice Chairman, with the personality of the Mr. Zhang, his Liu Group would definitely soar to the top, and finally be able to break through and ascend to the next level!    


At this time, Fang Huan actually sneered.    


"Father-in-law? Liu Qingfeng, aren't you talking too early? "    


"If you want to marry off my Zi family, you must first obtain her consent! Moreover! The main reason for convening this gathering today is to form an alliance with the Fan Clan. Yesterday, we had a good discussion with the Patriarch Fan and we made a decision ? "    


At this time, the people finally understood that it was as if they had heard of it. Zi Yan had a boyfriend, the Zi family would not admit it, and they had a relationship.    


In fact, thinking about it, being able to cooperate with Fan Clan was the most suitable situation for Zi family.    


However ?    


Fang Huan had not finished speaking when a stern reprimand resounded throughout the entire plaza.    




Almost everyone turned to look.    


Seeing who it was, Fang Huan's expression became stiff!    


The people of Fan Clan are here!    


But that reprimand just now came out from the mouth of Fan Clan's old man, Fan Congfeng!    


He ?    


"Fan Clan's old man is here too!"    


The crowd went into an uproar.    


"He hasn't appeared in a long time! I didn't expect that the great elder would come personally today! "    


In the plaza, Zi Feng's pupils contracted, and he became extremely bewildered:    


"Fan Clan's old man, Fan Congfeng, has a much higher status than his own old man. Why did he come personally, whose face is it to?"    


He knew even more that Fan Congfeng was a person with a high position in the Martial Grandmaster!    


During the period when people were in shock.    


Fan Congfeng took the lead and walked onto the platform.    


Other than Fan Congfeng and Patriarch Fan, the rest of the people of Fan Clan stayed in the plaza.    


There was one thing that Zi Qingtian couldn't understand.    


The outstanding Fan Zizi of the younger generation of Fan Clan had not come, but why did the Fan Clan Old Man come instead?    


Seeing the old man walk over, Zi Qingtian suppressed the doubt in his heart and took the lead to greet Fang Huan and the Zi family members of his faction.    


"Welcome, Elder Fan. Please take a seat." Zi Qingtian said respectfully.    


"What do you want to sit for?"    


Fan Congfeng glared at him, snorted, and directly walked past him towards the side.    


He had passed him again! He moved to the right again!    


The eyes of everyone present gradually widened.    


Could it be ? was it because of Zi Qiang again?    




With that thought, he saw Fan Congfeng casually walk over, and said with a smile:    


"Zi Qiang, Xu Xinyu, you two really gave birth to a good girl."    


"Uh, Elder Fan is flattering me." Xu Xinyu seemed to have guessed something, and said quickly as his eyes lit up.    


"Hahaha, I will go and chat with Brother Jiang Shan, you youngsters can talk here, I will visit the Mr. Zhang later."    


Fan Congfeng said, and then left with a smile.    


This scene caused everyone to be dumbstruck.    


Wasn't it the same when Old Liang came over?    


Liang family, Liu Qingfeng, Fan Clan!    




Thinking about it, many people's faces changed.    


Thinking carefully, he was extremely terrified.    


This was because they had noticed that these few waves of people had all said one word: Mr. Zhang!    


Everyone could vaguely feel that, it seemed like ? The Zi family was about to welcome a big shot!    


Could it be that the man Zi Yan was looking for was especially strong?    


Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan were also shocked, and didn't know what to say.    


He sat back down on the chair.    


All eyes were on the right corner.    


"Patriarch Fan, please take a seat."    


Zi Qiang smiled and cupped his hands.    


"Please sit, please sit as well." The Patriarch Fan said.    


Anyone could see from his actions and attitude that the Patriarch Fan had defined his own position under Zi Qiang!    


Patriarch Fan looked around, then greeted Patriarch Liang, Liu Qingfeng, Zi Peng and Dong Ling.    


In front of his seat, his gaze looked at Zi Qingtian.    


"Before sitting down, there is something I need to clarify. Zi family Lord, how did I hear that your Zi family has a marriage alliance with my Fan Clan? The target of the marriage alliance was Zi Yan? This is ridiculous! It was completely illusory, I hope the Zi family Lord can investigate it properly, and find out who the rumours were! Zi Yan is a talented woman of this generation, I hope everyone will not listen to rumors and not speak carelessly, or else, you will be my Fan Clan's enemy! "    


With that, the Patriarch Fan sat down.    


On the platform, however, there was a moment of silence.    


Fang Huan's face turned ugly, and he felt like he had been slapped in the face!    


As for the others, they felt a strong sense of suffocation.    


An enemy of the Fan Clan!    


These four words were too heavy!    


Who exactly was the god that could cause the Fan Clan to have such an attitude?    


Who exactly was that Mr. Zhang!    


At that very instant, almost everyone could keenly feel that on the eve of the fierce dragon crossing the river, the huge waves that were stirred up made people feel chills go down their spines.    


Even the many juniors below in the plaza were silent, their gazes all focused on Zi Qiang.    


Patriarch Liang, Old Liang, Patriarch Fan, Old Fan, Liu Qingfeng, these were all heavyweight characters! Even if the few of them added up, it was still better than all of the people behind the Patriarch tied together!    


This was truly shocking.    


Amongst them, Zi Feng, who was standing beside them, was so excited that his hands constantly trembled, and his heart seemed to be roaring:    


The rules were finally going to be broken!    


Very quickly, Zi Qingtian reacted. Facing the Patriarch Fan, he had still lowered his body by half a body's height in the end.    


"This is indeed a rumour. I will thoroughly investigate afterwards and give Patriarch Fan an explanation after whoever spread this out."    


Finished speaking, the Patriarch Fan ignored them, and started chatting softly with Zi Qiang and Xu Xinyu with a smile on his face.    


This caused the corner of Zi Qingtian's mouth to slightly tremble, and the depths of his eyes curled up into a ball of fury.    


He is the Patriarch of the Zi family! They were people who only had power over life and death!    


Why would a destitute faction treat you like this? Why?    


At this time, the old man sitting to Zi Qingtian's left muttered to himself.    


As an elder of Zi Qingtian's faction, he felt that he had to do something now. Thus, he stood up, looked at Zi Qiang a little, and said with a smile:    


"Patriarch Fan, Patriarch Liang, Chairman Liu, old man Zi wants to ask you guys for help with some things, may I come over for a chat?"    




Everyone present looked over.    


Was he trying to rob his contacts in the open? "..." Those people were not Zi Qiang's connections!    


"No need, it's quite comfortable sitting here."    


Liu Qingfeng did not beat around the bush and rejected the offer.    


Patriarch Liang smiled as he shook his head, "If anything happens to Old Master, I will pay him a visit later."    


"I'm sorry, Brother Zi Qiang and I still have things to say." The Patriarch Fan said straightforwardly.    




The three of them immediately refused, causing everyone to whisper to each other.    


Hearing the sounds of discussion, the old man from Zi family who stood up sat back down.    


Zi Qingtian and Fang Huan, on the other hand, did not look too well either.    



At this moment.    


"Huang Family's Patriarch, Singapore Merchant Guild's President, Huang Yuan has arrived!"    


"Lu Xuan Lu Family Head is here!"    


"The chairman of Dongsheng Group, Mr. Gu, is here!"    


"Mr. Bai from the Haoyong Group has arrived!"    


"Translator/Editor: Mr Voltaire    


As these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone present changed again and again.    


Looking over, they saw five people walking over under the escort of a large group of people. When they reached the platform, there were only five people.    


However, all of their powers were not weaker than Zi Qingtian's! It could be said that their company occupied half of the land in the Singapore, and these five people were the five big shots of the company.    


And today, the five of them had actually come to the Zi family together?    


All the juniors in the plaza were dumbfounded!    


This scene was way too grand. Even many of those who didn't enter the stage with them were all in high positions!    


The group of people on the platform quickly stood up.    


As Zi Qingtian took a step forward, he stopped in his tracks.    


He was a little worried that they were here for Zi Qiang again, right?    


If that was the case, then where would the Patriarch's face be?    


"Hiss ?"    


Zi Qingtian took a deep breath and walked over.    




Brother, uh, the unshakable thing has become the third fragment of the night, and there's a chapter tonight, about eleven o'clock.    


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.