Godly Stay-Home Dad



0At this time, Zi Qiang, Xu Xinyu and his family were on the second floor.    


Zhang Li was really busy at night, he went to the Starmoon Bar after dinner.    


Zhang Li felt very comfortable with this place.    


Yes, very comfortable indeed.    


The equipment used in the night arena were all at the top of the world. The specifications were all in the top three in Xiangjiang, and the table s' designs, aisles, dances, etc., were all specially designed by the experts that Liu Qingfeng had invited over.    


However, Zhang Li was more looking forward to the opening of the DJ Plaza outside, it was just that there were not many people there.    


Zhang Han did not know much about DJ electric dance music, but he did have some ideas.    


He deliberately asked around, but it seemed like Allen Walker didn't show up?    


It's just that Zhang Han had been busy with matters regarding Mengmeng's kindergarten recently, so he didn't have the time or mind to do anything else.    


and Xu Xinyu greeted them.    


Zhang Han nodded and said: "Let's talk while we eat."    


As a result, everyone sat down at the dining table, which was already filled with quite a few plates.    


There are roasted pig's feet, cold mixed okra, red oil potato shredded, roast duck, and so on.    


However, every dish was placed on a plate to prevent the food from getting cold. He directly removed the plate that was placed on top and a fragrant aroma immediately wafted into the air.    


"Wow, so many dishes! There's my favorite food, pig's feet, chicken legs, and chicken wings! Thank you, Uncle Uncle Zhang!" Wang Yihan's eyes lit up, and he laughed as he expressed his thanks.    


"You're welcome. If you like it, then eat more." Zhang Han laughed and said.    


He was easy-going, like a kind uncle next door.    


"Aiya, we'll eat later. We need to turn off the lights first, then light the candles, sing the birthday song, and blow the candles. Wishing!" Mengmeng pouted and said.    


"Alright, then let's place the candles first." Zi Yan said with a smile.    


With that, Mengmeng dragged Wang Yihan's hand and ran to the side of the table.    


The other adults also walked over. Wang Jiawen quickly opened the cake box and placed five candles inside.    


"Turn off the lights." Mengmeng said in anticipation after seeing the candle light up.    


As if it was his own birthday, the little guy's mood was also elated.    


Zi Qiang walked to the side and turned off the light.    


Instantly, the light in the restaurant dimmed.    




The dozen or so Night Pearls emitted a gentle light.    


The soft light did not cover the light of the candle flame, but added a dreamlike beauty to it.    


Seeing these Night Pearls, the corner of Wang Jiawen's mouth slightly trembled.    


Alright, it's really amazing. The Night Pearl can be used as a light bulb now.    


He and Su Yu looked at each other. They both knew that these Night Illumination Pearls were worth a lot and were secretly shocked by the wealth and status of Zhang Han's family.    


But if they found out that there were still a thousand of these Night Pearls in New Moon Mountain, they would probably be stupefied.    


However, as they gradually came into contact with each other, they discovered that Zhang Han and Zi Yan treated them as if they had just met each other. This made Wang Jiawen sigh with emotion, as real people might not be arrogant.    
















"You ?"    


When Wang Yihan made his wish, Mengmeng's melody started to spread.    


The little guy clapped as he sang his birthday song. The standard pronunciation and tender voice made everyone feel as if they were just enjoying it in their ears.    


"Hu hu hu hu ?"    


Wang Yihan opened his eyes and extinguished the candle.    


"Happy Birthday."    


Everyone laughed and said.    


Wang Yihan was extremely happy, he laughed and scratched his head, and said: "Thank you Mengmeng, thank you Uncle Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zi ?"    


The little fat girl thanked him.    


Seeing that, Zi Qiang laughed and shook his head, then said: "Then let's go eat first."    


"Wait a minute, I haven't cut the cake yet." The Mengmeng muttered.    


Thus, Wang Jiawen cut a small piece of cake for the two little girls and they all went back to the table.    


After eating for 10 minutes or so.    


Su Yu looked at Zi Yan, and laughed: I heard from you that your Mengmeng has also gone to kindergarten?    


"Yeah, he went and came back." Zi Yan helplessly shook his head.    


"Because I can't bear to part with you?" Su Yu laughed and said, "It's only been a few days since then, so I'll get used to it."    


Thus, the two of them began to talk about kindergarten matters.    


Soon, after they finished their meal, the two little girls ran to the side to play with their toys.    


When Wang Jiawen went to the bathroom, Su Yu also followed him.    


After returning back to his seat, Wang Jiawen looked at Zhang Han and said: "Mr. Zhang, if you all feel that it's very difficult to attend kindergarten in Mengmeng, you can have Yihan accompany her for a few days. With a friend accompanying her, it shouldn't be that difficult to resist from the start."    


"This is indeed a good idea." Zhang Han nodded, and said: "I just don't know if it will be convenient for you two, but isn't Wang Yihan also in school?"    


"She has just entered the middle school, at the Bao Shan kindergarten. The kindergarten bar isn't really a school, so it's fine to delay her teaching for a few days. She can let Su Yu take a look at the tutoring later, and let Yihan experience the teaching methods at the Sacred Luo." Wang Jiawen laughed and shook his head, then said: "Initially, we were prepared to go to Saint Rowe's kindergarten the year before yesterday, but Yihan was a little mischievous when it came to playing small, and his English wasn't very good.    


Hearing that, Zhang Han's expression changed, he looked at Wang Jiawen and Su Yu and said:    


"How about I contact a servant to arrange a place for Yihan at the Holy Luo?"    


"This ?"    


Wang Jiawen was startled, his gaze moved.    


After all, going to the Saint Rowe's kindergarten represented choosing a primary school at will after graduation. From a development perspective, it could be said to be the best choice.    


But ?    


To go to Saint Rowe's kindergarten, this was simply too much of a debt.    


But for the sake of Wang Yihan's future development, Wang Jiawen's heart was moved. He was a little uncertain in his decision, and his gaze looked towards Su Yu.    


"Isn't that going to be troublesome?" Su Yu looked at Zhang Han with a troubled expression.    


It wasn't so much a dilemma as an embarrassment.    


"It's no trouble." Zhang Han laughed and shook his head.    


It could be said that Zhang Han, Zi Yan, and Wang Jiawen had similar thoughts.    


After two minutes of discussion, the matter was settled.    


"I'll call and ask."    


Zhang Han laughed, got up and walked to the secondary room, found Luo Shan's number from the contact list, and called him.    


Du, du, du ?    


After the third ring, the phone was answered, and Luo Shan's passionate voice came out:    


"Good evening, Mr. Zhang. I heard that you had a big emotional reaction this morning. Is there a problem?"    


There was a trace of apprehension in the warm tone of his voice, but what Zhang Han said next made him feel at ease, and he was even a little overjoyed.    


"Indeed, there are some problems. My daughter is attached to me."    


After saying that, Zhang Han grinned. The Mengmeng stuck close to him, making him very happy.    


"Mengmeng has a good friend here, he's around four years old. I want her to accompany Mengmeng to the kindergarten at Baoshan kindergarten. I wonder if it's convenient for Mr. Luo to attend."    


Ah!" Is that it? Convenient! "How could it be inconvenient? Hahaha, isn't the kindergarten supposed to educate the children? Of course we'll welcome it." Luo Shan laughed twice, then said: "Mr. Zhang, please send me that student's name and parent's information. I will have someone to complete the procedures right now, they will be able to come to school normally tomorrow.    


"Alright, then thank you, Mr. Luo."    


"You're welcome, Mr. Zhang."    


After chatting for a bit longer, they ended the call. They could completely feel the happiness in Luo Shan's tone.    


Just by helping him for a bit, he had gained a favor and with this favor, Luo Shan sat on the throne at the core of the Luo family.    


Obviously, Luo Shan could accept Zhang Han's kindness even if the kindergarten was not destroyed.    


But for Zhang Han, for the sake of the Mengmeng, nothing else mattered.    


Walking out of the bedroom.    


"Just write down Wang Yihan and all of your messages and send them over. Tomorrow, you can go straight to school." Zhang Han handed over his phone.    


"Okay, really... I'm a bit embarrassed. "    


Wang Jiawen laughed, and took the phone. The person who was about to send the message was called Luo Shan.    


The Chairman of the Saint Rowe's kindergarten...    


One phone call would be enough, and he could go to school the next day ?    


The Mr. Zhang was too powerful.    


Wang Jiawen was shocked in his heart as he sent some information about himself, Wang Yihan and his name over.    


Less than a second after sending it, the other side conveniently replied that they received it.    


Efficiency really made Wang Jiawen feel weird.    


Right at this moment.    


The voices of the two little girls who were sitting on the sofa became slightly louder.    


"Wow, I really like this gift. Mengmeng, you're so nice ?" Wang Yihan passed her lips over, wanting to kiss Mengmeng's face, but...    


"Aiyo, I feel like I've been electrocuted!"    


"Yah, Mengmeng, you can still generate electricity."    


Wang Yihan looked at Mengmeng in shock.    


"Eh?" What kind of electricity? " Mengmeng was stunned, she did not know what she was talking about.    


At this moment.    


"Mengmeng, Yihan, come here for a moment." Zi Yan smiled and waved towards the two little girls.    


"He's coming."    


Mengmeng got down from the bed obediently and ran over with Wang Yihan following behind him.    


"Yihan, I heard that you've been in kindergarten for a long time. Is it fun there?" Zi Yan asked.    


"It's fun! They are all little kids inside, teacher even brought us to play games, and there's even Little Red Flower. If we get Little Red Flower, then it's amazing, the daddy will praise us, and teacher even took us out for a spring outing, a picnic, and a lot more. " Wang Yihan replied.    


Hearing her words, Mengmeng's curiosity towards kindergartens deepened.    


"Mengmeng, do you want to go to kindergarten to play with your children?" Zi Yan looked at Mengmeng and asked.    


"I don't want to." Mengmeng pouted and said, "I want to go with Baba."    


"Sigh, Mengmeng, kindergarten is so fun. We can play in kindergarten during the day and go home at night." Wang Yihan said.    


"Then I want to ask Baba to accompany me to kindergarten." The Mengmeng said in a somewhat downcast tone, "The kindergarten doesn't allow Baba to go."    


"The kindergarten only takes five days a week, and we'll be able to be at home on the weekends. After school every day, Mother daddy would come to pick us up." Wang Yihan said.    


At this moment, she had completely forgotten how much she had cried on the first day of kindergarten.    


"Five days?" Mengmeng lowered his head, looking at his finger as he calculated the time.    


There was hope!    


Zi Yan's eyes lit up, and said: "Moreover, it's eight-thirty in the morning to four-thirty in the afternoon, a total of eight hours, and it will be over very quickly. Furthermore, Mengmeng, if you can get Little Red Flower, Baba will be especially happy."    


"But I don't want Baba to leave the Mengmeng."    


"Why did Daddy leave you?" Zhang Han smiled gently and said: "Father will always guard you. I'll take you to school in the morning, pick you up in the afternoon, and I'll even prepare lunch for you in the afternoon."    


"But I ?" Mengmeng pouted, revealing an aggrieved expression.    


Before he even finished speaking, Zi Yan hurriedly said, "Then why don't you let Yihan go to school with you?"    


"Eh?" Mengmeng was suddenly startled, and his attention became slightly attracted.    


"Ah?" Mengmeng also wants to go to school together. That's great, Mengmeng you can come and play with us. Your English is so good, you can definitely get a lot of little red flowers. " Wang Yihan said happily.    


However, what she did not know was that she and Mengmeng had gone to another school together, so she thought that Mengmeng had gone to her own school.    


Regarding this, Wang Jiawen was not worried, because the few classmates that she had good relations with were all in her own community. She would play together when she had nothing to do, and it wouldn't matter if they didn't go to school together.    


"What's a little red flower?" The Mengmeng pouted and asked.    


"It's the little red flower that the teacher used to praise me with. If there's a little red flower, it's proof that I'm powerful." Wang Yihan said with a slightly proud expression, "I already have twenty-two little red flowers."    


"Mengmeng, are you and Yihan good friends?" Su Yu asked with a smile.    


"Yes." The Mengmeng replied.    


"Then you should go to school together with Yihan. You should be able to play together during the day and go home with the daddy in the afternoon."    


"Mengmeng, just come with me, I guarantee that it will be especially fun."    




After being persuaded by everyone from all sides, Mengmeng was confused.    


He looked at Zhang Han, looked at Zi Yan, then looked at Wang Yihan, and lastly looked at his finger, with a forced tone:    


"Fine, fine."    


Hu ?    


The few adults smiled at each other.    


The stone in his heart fell to the ground.    


It really wasn't easy!    


Since the little fellow was willing to accept it, it meant that he was prepared to accept it in his heart.    


"Then you guys can go play. Yihan, tell Mengmeng about what happened in the kindergarten." Su Yu said with a smile.    


"Un, got it. Mengmeng, let's go to the sofa to play. Let me tell you, there are a lot of them in the kindergarten ?"    


Upon seeing this, the few adults also began to chat with one another in a relaxed manner.    


Until almost ten o'clock, when Wang Jiawen and his family finally left, Zi Qiang and Su Yu also left at the same time.    


Back in the bedroom.    


Zi Yan then told Mengmeng some things about going to kindergarten.    


After a series of words, the little guy nodded in agreement. Although it was a bit forced, he had already accepted the matter of going to kindergarten.    


That night, Zi Yan agreed to let Mengmeng sleep by Zhang Han's side.    


After hearing the story, she snuggled up to Zhang Han's side and fell asleep a moment later.    


Zi Yan slightly smiled, leaned on Zhang Han's other side and slowly fell asleep.    


The next morning, it was almost eight o'clock.    


Wang Jiawen left Su Yu and at the entrance of the dining hall to go to work.    


At this time, Zhang Han and Zi Yan walked out of the dining hall with Mengmeng. They had already arranged to go to school together.    


So Zi Yan sat in the front seat, Su Yu and the two little girls sat in the back.    


"Mengmeng, we are not going to my school, we are going to another kindergarten together!"    


Wang Yihan said somewhat excitedly: "I'm going to a new place to play."    


It was obvious that Su Yu and Wang Jiawen had made sufficient preparations last night.    


"But, I still want Baba to accompany me." Mengmeng muttered.    


"daddy and Mommy can't be at the kindergarten. The day will be over soon, and they'll come to pick us up at night." Wang Yihan said.    


"Hm." Mengmeng responded.    


Very quickly, they reached the Saint Rowe's kindergarten once again. There were still many cars in front of the door, and Zhang Han found a place to park his car.    


"Alright, we're here. Let's get off." Zhang Han said as he opened the car door and got out.    


He carried Mengmeng out of the car and arranged a schoolbag for the little guy, then praised:    


"So beautiful."    


"Hmph." Mengmeng pouted and snorted. After being silent for two seconds, she called out, "Baba."    


"What's wrong?" Zhang Han replied with a light laugh.    


"I'll definitely get the little red flower." Mengmeng looked up at Zhang Han, her bright big eyes filled with determination: "I want to make you happy, I want to make you happy, I'm sure I can get Little Red Flower."    


Crash! *    


Looking at the little guy's expression, in an instant, waves of warmth flowed into Zhang Han's heart.    


His nose felt a little sore.    


Being cared for and cared for by her daughter.    


This feeling.    


Zhang Han felt that it was very special.    


Happy, happy, gratified, and there was something else that was unclear.    


Maybe this was the love between a parent and child, causing Zhang Han to feel like the entire world had lit up.    


"Father will wait for your little red flower. For every little red flower you take, Father will promise you one thing." Zhang Han stroked Mengmeng's little head.    


In fact, if there wasn't any Little Red Flower, Zhang Han would agree to everything in Little Princess.    


But hearing that, the Mengmeng was overjoyed: "Really?"    


"Of course it's true."    


Zhang Han smiled gently.    


While talking, Su Yu and Wang Yihan also got out of the car.    


Because there were still a few people taking photos from the other side of the street, Zi Yan did not get off the carriage.    


Seeing Zhang Han together with Mengmeng, as well as Wang Yihan and Wang Yihan, made her feel inexplicably uncomfortable.    


But just at this time, Su Yu and Zhang Han spoke a few words, then opened the back of the carriage and got into the carriage.    


It was obvious that she was also a person that she was happy about, or perhaps she would think about something else.    


Thus, Zhang Han brought the two little girls into the school.    


They were still gathered at the small square not far from the door.    


Lu Guo, who was in the distance, saw them and walked over.    


"Mr. Zhang."    


Lu Guo greeted Zhang Han first, then smiled and looked at Mengmeng, laughing and saying: "Mengmeng is here, there are many children here waiting for you, they want to meet you and play games together, this is Wang Yihan right?"    


"Hello, teacher." Wang Yihan greeted.    


"Teacher, her surname is Lu and she is called Teacher Lu." Mengmeng introduced himself, "You should be called Teacher Lu."    


"Good day to you, Teacher Lu." Wang Yihan laughed and said.    


"Mhm mhm, nice to meet you all. Mengmeng's memory is so good, come quickly, we'll be going to class soon." Lu Guo said with a smile.    



"Baba, you must come and pick me up quickly."    


Mengmeng looked at Zhang Han and said with a pitiful expression.    


"Father will definitely come on time to pick up Mengmeng." Zhang Han said as he nodded his head.    


After saying that, Lu Guo brought along the two girls who were holding hands and walked towards the group of students.    


Mengmeng turned his head back three times in a single step, his gaze completely unwilling to part with Baba.    


"Wait, wait. Teacher, please come over."    


Zhang Han suddenly thought of something and said.    


Lu Guo was startled, he turned and walked back: "What happened to Mr. Zhang? Did you forget to tell me something? "    




Zhang Han looked at Mengmeng and asked softly:    


"Do you have any red flowers here?"    


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