Godly Stay-Home Dad

C94 fish seedling

C94 fish seedling

0In the underground lake, there were only three liters of Pure Yang energy left. Water. Under the control of Zhang Han's will, the Thundersun Tree could control all the Pure Yang energy in the surroundings. The water was sucked into the tree trunk from the roots and fused with the crystal's energy.    


Moments later, in the pool of the cave, strands of pure Yang energy flowed out from the roots of the Thunder Sun Tree. Water.    


One litre, two liters, three liters.    


In just five seconds, Pure Yang. The amount of water reached three liters, similar to when he had just absorbed it. However, the pure Yang energy was still flowing through the roots. Water.    


Four liters, five liters ? 10 liters ? Twenty liters ?    


It was only when the water reached thirty liters that it stopped completely.    


Thirty liters!    


Pure Yang. The amount of water finally increased a bit.    


"I can finally do a little more."    


Zhang Han smiled and shook his head. He pressed his palm against the tree and guided it to absorb the ten liters of pure Yang. The water dissected it and turned it into waves of energy that spread out from the roots of the tree, nourishing the soil and water of the territory.    


At this point in time, the energy of a black gemstone came to an end.    


Zhang Han had just withdrawn his palm when Blacky, who was strolling around the pet area, heard something. It then grinned and ran towards Zhang Han.    


"Woof, woof, woof!" Blacky called out twice in the direction of the front mountain, indicating that someone was coming up.    


The person who had arrived at this time was most likely Zhao Feng and the others, the ones who had come to deliver the fish seedlings.    


Zhang Han looked towards the jungle at the foot of the mountain. Twenty seconds later, Zhao Feng's figure appeared on the lawn of the territory, followed by Zhang Li and Zhou Fei, followed by eight or nine people who were escorting the fish seedlings.    




The chance to act cool had come! Blacky scuttled over with a 'sou' sound.    


"Sigh, what a beautiful place!"    


"Damn! She's so beautiful! She's simply a paradise on earth!"    


"This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful place."    


"Phew, the air, the fresh air, it feels great!"    


Everyone was sighing with emotion. This was the first time that people had come, and they were all changing into the appearance of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.    


"Ya, such a big dog?"    


Zhang Li cried out in alarm when she saw Xiaohei's arrival.    


Seeing this, Zhou Fei was even more nervous, her body pressing tightly against Zi Yan, and the others were even more nervous.    


If it was a pet dog with golden fur, they wouldn't be afraid, but seeing such a big and ferocious looking dog, they felt a chill run down their spines.    


"It's okay, it doesn't bite!"    


Zhao Feng waved his hand and said to the crowd.    


As he spoke, Xiaohei also ran up to him. As his words fell, Xiaohei lit up his fangs at Zhao Feng, growling in a low voice as if he was going to do something to him.    


This scene caused everyone's hearts to tighten and Zhao Feng's expression to freeze. He had just said that he would be fine, but Little Black had already bragged and slapped his face!    


"It, does it really not bite?" Zhang Li asked nervously.    


"This ?" Zhao Feng didn't know what to answer. Bite? Not bite? That also depended on the situation. With Zhang Han here, he could be sure that he wouldn't bite anyone. But right now, Zhao Feng didn't know either, especially this guy, whose face was filled with the intent to bite him alone!    


"Aooo ?" Blacky continued to roar as it moved closer to Zhao Feng step by step. Looking at the sharp tiger-like teeth in its mouth, it was truly terrifying.    


"Alright, Little Black, come back." Zhang Han said from far away under Lei Yang.    


The sound wasn't loud, and even Zhao Feng and the others couldn't hear it clearly. However, Blacky's hearing was much better than before. It could clearly hear Zhang Han's shouts.    


Blacky gave a low growl to Zhao Feng and the rest before it turned around and ran towards Zhang Han.    


"Phew ?"    


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.    


"Brother Feng, what kind of dog is this? It feels so fierce, just like a tiger! " One of Zhao Feng's lackeys asked with lingering fear.    


Zhang Li, Zhou Fei, and the others also looked at Zhao Feng.    


Under their gazes, the corner of Zhao Feng's mouth trembled, and in the end, he said in a weak tone, "This dog, even if a tiger comes, it might not be its match. So among the people you guys came today, you absolutely must not come here without me, because if the boss is not here, this dog will bite you to death.    




That lackey's face slightly changed. Zhao Feng never made such a joke. If he said that this dog could bite a person to death, then he definitely had the strength to do so!    


"Is this dog that powerful?" Zhang Li asked curiously.    


"Of course, even if I wanted to deal with it, I would have to expend some effort." Zhao Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head.    


According to Zhang Han, he was not a match for Little Black with his bare hands, but humans were people after all. He would subconsciously take out his weapon even if he could not beat Little Black head on. Zhao Feng was no exception, if he was given a sabre, defeating Little Black would only be a matter of time.    


"Let's go up." Zhao Feng led the way towards the top of the mountain.    


The others followed closely behind, and couldn't help but exclaim:    


This grass is so soft, look at the back, after you step on it you stand up again, it's so magical, and that tree in front, why is it so big, so tall, ah, like a big mushroom, no, it's like the world tree in a magic game, so cool ?    


Grandma Liu sighed as she entered the garden, and as for Zhang Li and Zhou Fei, their gazes drifted towards the sea of flowers.    


"AHH! HH@@    



"Hmm? Wow! What beautiful flowers! Quickly go and take a look! Quickly go and take a look! "    


The two of them quickly ran over. They were much wilder than Zi Yan, and from time to time, there would be a shout from there:    


"Damn, it's a real flower!"    


"So beautiful. Oh my god, this is simply the most perfect thing I've ever seen."    




Both of them shook their heads and sighed in admiration, looking at Little Red's face. They didn't even notice that Zhang Han, Zhao Feng, and the others were already walking towards the back of the mountain.    


He squinted his eyes and looked over. Because there was still some distance between them, he could not see Zi Yan's appearance clearly, but he could see that the woman was a peerless beauty. Her figure could not be described with words, and her indistinct cheeks revealed a hint of elegance.    


Therefore, Zhao Feng couldn't help but be curious. He looked at Zhang Han and asked, "Boss, the person sitting over there is..." "Lady Boss?"    


"Yes." Zhang Han nodded.    


"It looks a bit familiar." Zhao Feng asked doubtfully.    


Zhang Han shook his head slightly and didn't say anything. Zhao Feng suppressed his curiosity and didn't ask further.    


When the crowd reached the pond, they saw that it was completely surrounded by holly trees. Every few meters, there would be a threshold of about half a meter high holly trees.    


The professional hired by Zhao Feng raised his leg and was about to walk over to get some water from the pond to try.    


He had also heard from Zhao Feng that this water could breed both salted water fish and freshwater fish, so he naturally did not believe it.    


Just as his leg was about to cross over, Zhang Han opened his mouth and said,    


"Wait, the water is more than four meters deep."    


This pond made Zhang Han look like a swimming pool. He didn't want to get deeper and deeper like the beach or the lake.    




The professional was slightly surprised, but he quickly retracted his leg. After thinking for a while, he called the person beside him and pulled his right hand. At the same time, his left hand held an empty water bottle, and filled the pond with an empty bottle of water.    


He looked at the sun for a few seconds, then asked his men to get a microscope and put some water on his glasses.    


He then poured some water into his palm, licked it a few times, and personally tasted the quality of the water.    




The man's eyes widened slightly as he looked at the water in the bottle with surprise. He hesitated for a moment before putting the bottle in his mouth and gulping down the water.    


He wanted to taste it again, but he couldn't stop after the first sip.    


"Gurgle gurgle gurgle..."    


Even the people around him looked at him blankly.    


What are you doing?    


How did he get drunk just like that?    


Under the gaze of the crowd, the professional finished all the water in the bottle in one gulp.    


"Ah ?" He shook his head as he thought about it, "Awesome!" It had been a long time since he drank such delicious water! "This is great! Come, come, come. Hold me. I'll have another bottle."    


At this point, he completely forgot about his work and tasks, and pointed to the water he was taking a few sips of.    


With the help of his companions, he took another bottle and gulped it down.    


"Hahaha, this is great!" It's really delicious, much better than the deep well water in my hometown. This water is too awesome! "    


He gave the crowd a feeling as if he had drank some kind of hundred-year-old wine.    


"It's really delicious? Let me have a taste too. " His companion asked curiously.    


"Then wait a moment, I can still drink half a bottle!" "Come, hold me." Professionals also want to drink half a bottle.    


Unbeknownst to him, Zhao Feng's face was a little embarrassed. He felt as if a few black lines were floating across his forehead. He saw that the professional he found wanted to drink water, so he couldn't help but remind him:    


"Cough cough, that ? Is it time to start working? "    


Zhao Feng opened his mouth and the professional with glasses stopped moving. He glanced at Zhao Feng, then retracted his body and looked at Zhang Han in embarrassment, "Sorry, boss, the water here is too delicious, I couldn't hold it in..."    


"It doesn't matter. If you want to drink it, then drink it." Zhang Han casually waved his hand.    


"Hehe, alright, thank you boss." The professional laughed and refilled another bottle of water.    


He drank half of the bottle and felt his stomach swell. Then he gave the bottle to his companions. After they tasted the water, they all rushed to eat until they were full.    


The professional walked up to Zhang Han, put on a serious tone and said,    


This is great, but I don't think it's possible to raise saltwater fish. So I decided on my own, and all I got were freshwater fish seedlings, because the water in the boss' pond is just over an acre wide.    


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