Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Mengmeng is not a little pig, Baba is a little pig, hmph! I don't like the Baba anymore. " Mengmeng said unhappily. loved to be pretty.    


"Good, good, good." Zhang Han chuckled as he pleaded for mercy: "It's father that said it's wrong, okay? Mengmeng is not a little pig, daddy is a little pig. "    


"Hehe, Baba is a little pig ?" Mengmeng happily waved his arm, and after saying a few words, he felt that something was wrong. He changed the topic and said, "The handsome Baba is not a little pig."    


"If your Baba isn't Little Pig, then who is?" Zhou Fei teased the Mengmeng.    


"You are right, the Auntie Fifi is the little pig. After eating, he will lie down right here, it's so lazy." Mengmeng replied very seriously.    


Zhou Fei's expression was stiff on the spot, as if a few black lines were floating across his forehead.    


"Puchi ?"    


Zi Yan and Zhang Li couldn't help but laugh.    


Mengmeng doesn't like you at all. I'll give you another chance, tell me, who exactly is Little Pig? Zhou Fei's eyes opened wide, and said with an exaggerated expression.    


"Humph!" Mengmeng slipped her body into Zi Yan's embrace, and she was not afraid of Zhou Fei at all. After snorting lightly, she said, "She is Auntie Fifi, and Auntie Fifi is just a little pig."    


"Alright, then let's see how Auntie Piggy will punish you!" Zhou Fei's arm snuggled up to Mengmeng's body and started to play, causing waves of laughter and chatter inside the house.    


Although the restaurant was open for business for an hour, customers had to queue up for more than two hours before they could leave.    


Furthermore, after several days of brewing, almost everyone who came to eat now had their own cliques, formed specifically for Zhang Han's restaurant. Sometimes, they would come in groups, and they would even come in groups.    


Most of the topics were on food. Thus, the appearance of the new [noodle soup] s at noon caused the people who had eaten to send out messages one after another, triggering quite a commotion.    


The restaurant's per capita consumption was probably above 1,000 yuan, mainly due to the amount of milk. Many people drank more than three cups of milk per meal.    


This was also because the cup wasn't big. After drinking a few mouthfuls, the milk would be gone. No matter how one drank, it felt that it wasn't enough.    


They could also feel that after finishing their meal, the restaurant was full of firepower all day long, but the consumption rate was a bit high, so most people could not eat in the restaurant at every meal.    


As for the news about the noodle soup, it swept through everyone's circle of friends like a hurricane, causing a large number of people to be prepared to come to the dining hall for a taste at night. There were even many colleagues, classmates, roommates, and other friends who had not come to eat.    


All of a sudden, the restaurant seemed to be bustling with noise and excitement.    


After resting for a while, Zhang Li and Zhou Fei volunteered themselves and went upstairs to clean up. On the other hand, downstairs was where Zhao Feng and Zhao Feng had cleaned everything.    


"Aiya, Baba, Mama, didn't we have to go to that Ocean Park to play?" Mengmeng suddenly remembered that he was looking forward to the day's journey, so he sat up and said while staring at Ming Che with his big eyes.    


"Yeah." Zi Yan lightly tapped his forehead, looked at the time, and said: "We're more or less done resting, let's go now?"    


As he spoke, Zi Yan's eyes looked towards Zhang Han. His tone of voice contained an inquiring attitude, just like a well-behaved wife asking for her husband's permission before leaving the room.    


At this time, even Zi Yan did not know that his attitude towards Zhang Han had quietly changed.    


"Then ?" Zhang Han looked at Mengmeng with a smile on his face.    


"Alright, alright. Let's go, let's go to Ocean Park, gege ?" Mengmeng was extremely happy as he stood on the sofa and jumped non-stop.    


Thus, the family of three decided to go out to play. Now came the problem.    


"Zhang Han, what do you think I should wear?" As Zi Yan walked towards his bedroom, words very naturally came out of his mouth.    


"Whatever." Zhang Han replied.    


"Hmph, perfunctory. Then, if I am recognized, we will be surrounded. I need to go and put on makeup first, it's just a simple disguise." Zi Yan said with a light snort.    


"You need more makeup?"    


Zhang Han looked at the time. It was already two o'clock, if Zi Yan wanted to put on makeup, it would probably be too much of a waste of time.    


"Anyway ?"    


Zhang Han's words stopped right at the beginning, as he was about to say that no one knew who you are.    


But Zhang Han felt that if he said those words, it would definitely cause Zi Yan to roll his eyes. Thus, Zhang Han changed the topic and said: "You just have to wear a hat."    


"Will it work?" Zi Yan said hesitantly.    


In her heart, although she was no longer popular, people knew her as a person. Being recognized by others was definitely a troublesome matter.    


"How about this, I'll help you put on your makeup."    


Zhang Han suddenly thought of that useless copper coin treasure. With the illusion copper coin, it would be easy for Zi Yan to change the appearance of others.    


"You? "Then forget it." Zi Yan shook his head, looking like he did not believe him.    


What kind of joke was this? This big and tall man knew how to put on makeup?    


"It's just a make-up." Zhang Han didn't explain anything and grabbed Zi Yan's hand, walking towards his bedroom.    




Zi Yan was startled at first, but then his face immediately flushed red.    


How could this person be so domineering?    


Zi Yan wanted to retract her hand, but in the end, he didn't do so.    


"Volvo, what are you doing!?" "Aiyaya, in the middle of the day, you have to go to the bedroom and do bad things. How shameful." Zhou Fei could not help but shout out when he saw this scene from the stairs.    


Right now, she truly wished for Zi Yan and Zhang Han to be together, and it was not solely because Zhang Han had conquered her stomach. She felt that if the two of them were to be together, it would be better for Mengmeng.    


Zhou Fei really liked the Mengmeng. At the same time, he also felt that Zi Yan and Zhang Han ? The more they interacted with each other, the more it seemed like a pair.    


"Cluck, cluck, cluck ?" Zhang Li did not say anything, he only covered his mouth and chuckled.    


"Not a bad thing." Mengmeng stood on the sofa and jumped as he said, "Baba wants to put on some makeup for Mama."    



"Oh, oh!" Zhou Fei laughed sinisterly: "It's already developed to the point of makeup, it's so fast!"    


Hearing the shouts from behind, Zi Yan ignored them, and did not even raise her head, because her face was already blushing red, Zi Yan's charming and moving expression, was simply as beautiful as a blossoming flower.    


After entering the bedroom, Zi Yan shut the door, but this time, she regretted it. The moment she closed the door, it was as if she and Zhang Han were really doing something shameful in the bedroom.    


When he thought of this, Zi Yan couldn't help but retract his hand. His beautiful eyes turned white as they looked at Zhang Han, pouting, "It's all your fault, they're all laughing at me!"    


"What's that?" Zhang Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Wasn't it just for the sake of making up his face and saving some time? It wasn't like he was going to do anything.    


"Give me your makeup bag." Zhang Han looked at Zi Yan's somewhat embarrassed appearance, and said in amusement: "I'll give you a simple transformation, other people will definitely not be able to recognize you. Let's go quickly, if not we'll be late, Mengmeng will be unhappy."    


"Why do you only know how to take care of Mengmeng?" Zi Yan said in a bad mood. She wanted to say why did he not treat her the same way, but after she said this, she felt that she was arguing with her daughter over how to be jealous. Thus, she quickly stopped and changed the topic.    


"That... Do you really know how to put on makeup? "    


"Why would I lie to you?" Zhang Han shook his head slightly, and said: "Go and get the makeup pack, you'll know whether or not you'll know after a while."    


"Alright then." Zi Yan replied as she pouted her lips. Then she turned and walked towards her luggage and took out her makeup bag.    


"Come, sit here." Zhang Han walked to the round bed and patted the mattress in front of him and said.    


Zi Yan very obediently walked over and sat down. In his heart, he was also a bit worried about whether Zhang Han could make it or not.    


However, when Zhang Han took out an eyebrow pencil from his makeup bag, his posture looked quite proper, so Zi Yan felt that he really might have the ability to make up.    


However ?    


When Zhang Han's gaze swept over, and his body got closer and closer to her, he instantly tensed up, and only felt as if his heart was like a little deer that was bumping around.    


"Then I'll start now, come closer with your face." Zhang Han held up his eyebrow pen and reminded her.    


Zi Yan pursed his lips slightly, somewhat distracted, and subconsciously moved his head closer. As they got closer, Zi Yan could even feel Zhang Han's breath.    


For a moment, she only felt the presence of a man approaching her. She could not help but close her eyes nervously. Her long eyelashes constantly trembled. Anyone could tell how nervous she was right now.    


"Relax, don't be nervous. It'll be fine very soon."    


Zhang Han said softly, at the same time, she gently lifted Zi Yan's chin with her left hand, causing her face to slightly rise.    


The two of them faced each other, Zhang Han looked at Zi Yan's beautiful face and was slightly stunned.    


Her gaze, from her forehead, eyes, and nose, gradually shifted to Zi Yan's pink lips. Her mind couldn't help but think of that night's worth of memories and an urge to kiss him arose in her heart.    


Just like that, Zhang Han looked around, and gradually, Zi Yan noticed the abnormality, and slowly opened his eyes.    


When she discovered that Zhang Han's gaze was focused on her red lips, her heart started beating even faster, and her heart became more and more nervous.    


"You, you can begin ?"    


Zi Yan's mosquito-like voice reminded him, and he quickly closed his eyes.    


"Eh ?." Alright, let's begin. "    


Zhang Han coughed lightly as he prepared to begin.    


As for Zi Yan, she closed her eyes and answered with a weak and ambiguous hum. Her face became redder and redder due to her nervousness.    


'He ? he wants to kiss me.'    


In that moment, Zi Yan saw through what Zhang Han was thinking, which was why she was so nervous. It was because there was a problem, and she did not know what to do.    


'If I do kiss, what will I do... '    


'I can't just accept it... '    


"But... "But ?"    


Suddenly, as she was thinking, she felt something touch her lips.    


Instantly, Zi Yan's delicate body trembled, as though she was a Mama surging into her heart.    


'He ? he kissed me ? '    


Just as this thought was about to rise, suddenly, the 'thing' on his lips moved.    


As the feeling became deeper, Zi Yan finally understood what it was.    


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