Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Zi Yan's home was in a community named Yun Yin Garden of the east district.    


In the past, she was a famous celebrity and had a high price. So naturally, the house she bought was also a luxurious mansion.    


The house was a high-rise duplex building of the Yun Yin Garden. The upper and lower floors had a total area of more than 400 square meters. In other words, one floor was over 200 square meters.    


When she first bought it, the price was 150,000 yuan per square meter. This house with decoration and furniture cost a total of nearly 70 million yuan. It could be considered as a mansion anywhere in the mainland.    


Although she had a lot of savings in the past, after she left the company, she spent quite a bit of her savings. Currently, she only had around 10 million yuan in savings.    


Perhaps this money could be spent on ordinary people for a lifetime; but in Zi Yan's opinion, it was far from enough.    


She wanted to give Mengmeng a good life, which was one of the reasons why Zi Yan had returned.    


Of course, the bigger reason was still her dream of becoming a celebrity. The dream hadn't come to an end yet, so she didn't want to give it up.    


Back home.    


"Mengmeng, did you have fun with Auntie Wang?" Zi Yan said with a smile.    


Seeing Mengmeng, the pressure in her heart lessened. Only when she saw Mengmeng did she let go of the coldness on her face and put on a gentle and sweet smile.    


Aunt Wang was a professional nanny hired by Zi Yan with a high salary. Her name was Wang Juan, and she was responsible for taking care of Mengmeng as well as cleaning the house.    


"Sh, not bad, but it wasn't as happy as staying with Daddy. I'm thinking of Daddy now." Mengmeng pouted.    


"You'll see your Daddy if he can get his business done."    


Zi Yan said in a bad mood.    


Her little daughter had already become somewhat reliant on Zhang Han after staying together for just five days. What would happen if they were to stay together for a long time?    


At this moment, Zi Yan was already thinking about that she shouldn't let Mengmeng come in contact with Zhang Han too often.    


Control, yes, control.    


Zi Yan was taking care of her daughter happily, while Zhang Han, on the other hand, was lying on the sofa and opened his eyes in a daze.    


"Un..." Eight o'clock? "    


Zhang Han sat up. He had slept from noon to eight in the evening, and he was still tired even after sleeping for such a long time.    


"Gu Gu ?"    


Zhang Han's stomach growled twice, reminding Zhang Tian that it was time to have dinner.    


Coming to a restaurant downstairs, Zhang Han directly asked for some blood nourishing delicacies.    


Black-bone chicken soup, fried spinach with pork liver, and even specially ordered a large cup of brown sugar water.    


The black-bone chicken soup was very fresh, but when the picky Zhang Han ate the black-bone chicken, he knew that the black-bone chicken was not an authentic home-kept chicken.    


The home-kept chickens were also known as stupid chickens. They were raised at home and didn't eat those industrial fodder. The chickens and ducks that ate the fodder were bigger and didn't have that much nutrition. There were even some chemicals that were harmful to the body.    


On the other hand, the home-kept chickens were different. They were much better than the fodder chicken in all aspects, especially the taste, which was more fragrant and tender.    


In other words, the chicken which bought from the market would normally be rather messy (fully cooked) after being stewed in a pot for an hour, while the home-kept chicken stewed in a pot for an hour would still be rather hard. In essence, the fodder chicken would be much worse. (Those who are interested can give it a try.)    


Therefore, the price of stupid chicken was usually above one hundred yuan, while the fodder chicken was around twenty yuan. The rest of the chickens sold in the market whose price was fifty or seventy each one was basically all fake.    


Zhang Han was currently eating a black chicken. On the menu, it was written that it was a home-kept chicken, but it didn't taste like that.    


Zhang Han didn't care about this. He could wait for a proper opportunity of planting the Thunder Sun Tree, then he could raise chickens some for himself. Before that, he might as well suffer a little grievance.    


Because he had lost too much blood, Zhang Han managed to eat all of the black-bone chicken and drank all of the soup. He drank all of the brown sugar and drank all of the pork liver. Finally, he really felt somewhat bloated.    


After dinner, he sat in the cafeteria to rest for ten minutes. Zhang Han paid the bill and left. After calling Zhang Li, he set out to her rented apartment.    


The rental house was 88 square meters in all, and over 60 square meters of it had been put into use. It included two rooms and a living room. The decorations were quite warm, and the two girls had taken care of the house well.    


" Zhang Li, do you know anyone in the Lands Department?" (It was called the Lands Department in Xiangjiang, and it was called the Bureau of Lands in the Mainland)    


Zhang Han asked while they were in Zhang Li's bedroom.    


"I don't know, brother. Why are you so pale? Are you sick? " Zhang Li asked in concern.    


"Maybe I'm cold from sleep, but it doesn't matter." Zhang Han shook his head with a faint smile.    


"What are you asking the Lands Department for?" Zhang Li asked curiously.    


"I want... Rent a mountain."    


"Puff ?" Zhang Li almost choked on her saliva at that moment. She glared at him and said in disbelief, "Did I hear wrong, brother? Why do you want to rent the hilltop? "    


"Don't make a fuss." Zhang Han lightly patted Zhang Li's forehead and said, "I just want to grow some things there."    


"There's no need to rent a mountain, is there? In Xiangjiang city, it's impossible that you can rent a mountain whenever you want, and even if you can, it would definitely be outrageously high. Brother, you're really too much of a prankster. " Zhang Li said in an exasperated tone.    


"You'll know when the time comes. I'll definitely rent the mountain. Do you have any friends in the Lands Department?" Zhang Han asked casually.    


"I don't know anyone in the Land Administration Department. Wait! I'll go ask Li Ana. " Zhang Li said before she hurriedly ran out.    


Li Ana was another tenant of the house. She had attended Xiangjiang University for four years, had graduated two years ago and worked as a clerk in a large company. She had many friends.    


Anna Li was about 1.6 meters tall. She was short and had a cute expression. When she saw Zhang Han, who was 1.8 meters tall, the eyes of her, who liked tall boys, lit up as she greeted him.    


"Hello, Big Brother Zhang."    


"Hello." Zhang Han nodded.    


"I heard you want to rent a mountain? Have you taken a fancy to a mountain? " Li Ana asked with a smile.    



Even if she liked being tall, it didn't mean that she would fall in love the moment she saw a tall person. There wasn't so much possibility of falling in love at first sight in this world. So after a simple greeting, she started to work.    


"The New Moon Mountain."    


"The New Moon Mountain?" The answer she received was somewhat out of her expectations. Her tone became heavier, and she said: "The New Moon Mountain is not simple, I don't even know if Xiangjiang Government has any plans to develop the New Moon Mountain. After all, it is close to the New Moon Bay, and even if they wanted to develop it, they would be to bid for the land. If you want to contract it yourself, to tell you the truth, but it's really somewhat impossible."    


"What about the short-term contraction? No less than 1 year and no more than 5 year, that's enough." Zhang Han frowned slightly.    


Not to mention anything else, just the spiritual water of the New Moon Mountain alone, Zhang Han would not give up.    


If it doesn't work, I will take over the mountain and make myself the king of it. How can I, an exalted Immortal Frigid Sun, be restricted by the laws of the mortal world?    


Of course, this thought only flashed through his mind. He, the exalted Immortal Frigid Sun, had to be honest.    


"Short-term?" Li Ana was slightly surprised and said, "If it's short term, then I'll help you ask my friend."    


"Thank you." Zhang Han nodded.    


Anna Li took out her cell phone and made a call to ask about this matter. Her sincerity in helping him was great. She was a very warm-hearted person.    


After the call, Anna Li smiled and said:    


He said that tomorrow you could contact him at seven in the morning for this matter. It seems like there's a chance, Brother Zhang. You should take down his number, so tomorrow morning you can contact him directly. His name is Liu Meng, and his phone number is xxxxxxxx. "    


"Ok, thank you. Did Anna have dinner tonight? I'll treat you to a midnight snack? " Zhang Han said with a faint smile.    


The polite words and the sunny smile made her first impression of Zhang Han very good, but she still shook her head and smiled,    


"I won't be eating midnight snack. It will make me fat to eat tonight. Big brother Zhang, you don't have to be so polite. I have a good relationship with Zhang Li."    


"Enough, don't be so formal, I'm going to work. Brother, do you want to stay here?" Zhang Li asked.    


"I'm going back to Milan community."    


Zhang Han stood up and said.    


After bidding farewell to his sister downstairs, Zhang Han drove the purplish-blue Wrangler back to his house in Milan district.    


Passing by the supermarket, Zhang Han bought brown sugar and red dates. After arriving home he soaked them in water and had drunk three cups before going to bed. These were all things that could replenish his blood.    


He went to bed early. At seven o'clock the next day, Zhang Han called Liu Meng and explained the situation to him directly. The two of them arranged to meet at Starbucks near the Milan community at eight o'clock.    


"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Liu Meng arrived on time. After meeting him, he enthusiastically stretched out his hand.    




Zhang Han nodded slightly. Zhang Han glanced at Liu Meng after shaking hands with him. Liu Meng was dressed in formal attire, with a dark and skinny build. It was obvious that he was an experienced person.    


"I heard that Mr Zhang wants to rent the New Moon Mountain?" Liu Meng asked.    




"New Moon Mountain is probably going to be developed in the near future. Have you considered other mountains?" Liu Meng said with a smile.    


"No, I just want to ask if the New Moon Mountain can be rented." Zhang Han said directly.    


"Then I would like to ask what your plan is to rent New Moon Mountain?" Liu Meng asked.    


"Planting some things." Zhang Han said with a faint smile.    


"This matter is not easy to handle; but you are Anna's friend, so I can ask for you. And if you really want to rent it, there are many limitations, such as not being able to cut down or modify trees, can you accept these conditions?" Liu Meng said.    


"I can accept." Zhang Han nodded and said, "If you have any other requests, feel free to mention them."    


What Zhang Han had said hit the right note with Liu Meng. After all, Liu didn't want to help for free. So the following conversations were much more cordial. After a while, when it was almost nine o'clock in the morning, Liu Meng got up to leave and told Zhang Han he would give him the accurate news in the evening.    


In the morning, Zhang Han bought some fine beef, kelp, wooden ear and other foods that could be used to make up for blood. Then he went to the traditional Chinese medicine store to buy some medicine for replenishing blood. During the day, he planned to rest at home to replenish his body. When the Thunder Sun Tree was planted, it would still absorb a lot of his blood.    


Of course, he had to make up for it in the next few days. After all, he didn't want to die from losing too much blood before the tree being planted, which would become a huge joke.    


On the other side, at the Imperial Entertainment Company, Zi Yan and Zhou Fei were still in the listening room.    


Listening to and picking up one by one -- this was a very tiring task.    


The fundamental reason was that the songs in the library were too common, and most of them could even be called trash.    


But there was no other way around it. The resources were here, no one would care about whether they choose or not choose.    


Thus, they could only choose to rely on Zi Yan's high-quality voice to improve the quality of the songs. This road was very difficult, but Zi Yan still persisted.    


During the entire day, they had only chosen 30 songs; they still didn't think much of these songs. When they were about to pick out 100 songs, they would pick the ones that were slightly better among the 100 inferior songs.    


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