Godly Stay-Home Dad



0A devastatingly beautiful woman didn't even need to put on makeup. Those who needed makeup in order to become beautiful couldn?t count as a true beauty.    


Speaking of makeup, Zi Yan lost her temper, and unhappily said: "You still have the nerve to say that? I usually only wear minimal makeup and use international high-end brand of cosmetics. Is this why you don't let Meng Meng kiss me? What do you mean! "    


Seeing that Zi Yan had the intention to verbally abuse him, Zhang Han helplessly shook his head, not bothering to argue with her, so he said nonchalantly, "Eat, after dinner we will go to the mountain park."    


"Humph!" Zi Yan snorted and started to eat the delicacies in front of her.    


Ocean Park had two large amusement parks. At the foot of the mountain was a beach park and at the top of the mountain was the peak park, the three of them rode a tourist cable car to the top of the mountain and spent the afternoon at the park.    


As the sky darkened, the family of three left Ocean Park.    


Overall, today's trip was very enjoyable, and Zi Yan's tightly-knit nerves from her tiring job also relaxed.    


"You have a car as soon as you've arrived in Xiangjiang. It looks like your life isn't as bad as I have thought." Zi Yan, who was holding the tired little princess on the back seat, couldn't help but mutter to herself.    


"The car is rented." Zhang Han answered, thought for a second and said, "I'll drive you back."    


"Nonsense!" Do you want me and Mengmeng to take a taxi? " Zi Yan said snappily.    


"I mean, I will send you back. Mengmeng will come with me." Zhang Han added.    


Zi Yan frowned, and her tone turned cold, "What do you mean?"    


"You're too busy to take care of Mengmeng because of your job." Zhang Han thought for a second and said, "I mean, I would take care of Mengmeng. You can just visit her when you have time."    


"Great, great, Meng Meng wants to be with daddy." At this point, even though Meng Meng was tired, she raised her hand and cheered. Compared to having Wang Juan take care of her, she naturally liked being with her daddy.    


"No way!" Zi Yan did not even think about it, and rejected in a stiff tone.    


"Why not?" Zhang Han frowned.    


"Mengmeng is mine!" Zi Yan stared at Zhang Han and said without concession.    


Zhang Han looked at Zi Yan, who was protecting her child, and couldn't help but laugh. His tone became gentle as he said, "I'm not trying to steal Mengmeng, Mengmeng will always be your daughter. I just want to cook some nutritious food for her so that she can grow healthily and happily. Besides, I have almost arranged everything for Mengmeng to come."    


"Mama, how about we stay together with daddy?" Although Meng Meng was young, she was very clever. The moment she saw the opportunity she took it, and kept begging in Zi Yan's arms.    


"Just cook for her?" Zi Yan asked.    


At this moment, she seemed hesitant. Seeing Mengmeng begging her, she could not bear to refuse.    


She really did not have much time to accompany Mengmeng, especially since there was a possibility that she would go out of the city to film her MV.    


She also felt inwardly that it was better for Meng Meng to be taken care of by Zhang Han than Wang Juan. However, she was afraid that Meng Meng would become too reliant on her father and left her.    


"Yes." Zhang Han replied.    


"That's not right!" Zi Yan glared and said, "You liar, anyone can cook nutritious food."    


"When have I ever lied to anyone?" Zhang Han was slightly stunned.    


He had never lied in his life, always said what he thought, and he wouldn?t lie to her.    


However, Zi Yan's reply left him at a loss whether to laugh or to cry.    


"The paradise that you talked of last time wasn?t just to trick Mengmeng? "Now you're talking about cooking nutritious food, can't Aunt Wang cook nutritious food?" Zi Yan snorted and said.    


"Daddy is lying?" No paradise? " Meng Meng blinked, feeling a little sad. She looked like she was about to cry.    


"Yes, how could dad lie to you? I'll take you there if you don't believe me right now, okay?" Zhang Han hurriedly said, looking at Zi Yan reproachfully.    


"Eh?" Meng Meng's expression quickly changed from gloomy to bright. She said, "Really?"    


"Really, dad will take you there now, okay?" Zhang Han said with a smile.    


"Alright!" Meng Meng was happy again.    


Zi Yan was surprised, and wondered:    


Seeing how confident this fellow was, could it be that there was some sort of paradise?    


Seeing Zhang Han was heading towards New Moon Bay, Zi Yan felt that he really did come up with something.    


"Where are you taking us?" Zi Yan finally could not hold back her curiosity and asked.    


"Go, go to paradise!" Meng Meng answered first.    


"Hur Hur Hur Hur." Zhang Han smiled and shook his head. "You'll know when we get there."    


"Hmph, what are you pretending to be mysterious for!" Zi Yan curled her lips and looked outside the window.    


The bamboo pit was not far from New Moon Bay. It was only a 20-minute drive.    


When they passed by New Moon Bay and headed towards New Moon Mountain, Zi Yan wanted to ask another question, but after her lips moved a few times, she still didn't ask anything.    


She knew it would be useless to ask, since he was too stubborn to tell her.    


When they reached the foot of New Moon Mountain, the car stopped.    


"We've arrived. Let's get off." Zhang Han clapped his hands and said.    


"Really?" After all this time, you only brought us to this godforsaken place? " Zi Yan opened her eyes wide.    


"You'll know when you get off the car."    


Zhang Han revealed a mysterious smile and got off the car first.    


Zi Yan curiously followed him with Meng Meng in her arms. After walking forward for two minutes, they arrived at the edge of the New Moon Mountain.    


It was already late in the night, and the moonlight shone brightly on the ground. Even if there was no light, they could still clearly see their surroundings. However, the forest in front of them was pitch black.    



There were so many trees that they blocked the moonlight. The pitch black made Zi Yan feel a little scared.    


"Where are we going?" Zi Yan asked nervously.    


"Up the mountain!" Zhang Han answered simply.    


"Up the mountain!" Meng Meng let out an excited cry, but she was also afraid of the dark. She looked at the forest and said with her child?s tone, "Daddy, it's too dark. Meng Meng is afraid."    


"Come here, daddy will carry you so that you won?t be afraid." Zhang Han took Meng Meng who was holding out her small arm from Zi Yan?s arms.    


Zi Yan was indeed a little tired after holding her for a few minutes, so she directly put Meng Meng into Zhang Han's arms.    


"Do you want dad to call out a playmate for you?" Zhang Han asked with a smile as he held the little princess.    


"Alright, what playmate." Meng Meng said with a cute expression.    


At this moment, even Zi Yan was curious as to what Zhang Han was trying to do.    


Zhang Han took two steps forward and shouted, "Xiaohei!"    


"Woof, woof, woof, woof ?"    


From New Moon Hill came the barking of a dog.    


"Dog?" Zi Yan was slightly stunned.    


In less than two minutes, she heard some rustling sounds coming from the bushes in front of her.    


Suddenly, a black shadow dashed out!    


Xiaohei's body resembled an adult Tibetan mastiff, and Zi Yan wasn't able to see it clearly for a moment. She glared at it and let out a cry of surprise, "Ah!"    


"Wow!" When Meng Meng heard her shout, she nervously followed.    


"Aooo ?" "Howl!"    


The two shrieks scared Xiaohei. It was running at 180 mph, but it suddenly stopped and crawled forward on the ground. There was still a bit of grievance on its face.    


If it could speak, it would say:    


"What, it came to pick you up out of kindness, why are you making such a terrifying sound!"    


"What ? what kind of dog is this?" Zi Yan grabbed Zhang Han's sleeves and asked.    


"Ironbag Golden Emperor Dog." Zhang Han softly replied.    


"Emperor dog?" Zi Yan was stunned.    


"Wow, what a beautiful dog." Meng Meng said lovingly, "Daddy, can I touch it?"    


"Sure, go head." Zhang Han bent down to let the little princess reach Xiaohei.    


Xiaohei wagged its tail happily when it saw this. Standing up, it lowered its head slightly and approached Mengmeng.    


"Mengmeng, don?t touch!" Zi Yan said, "Who knows if it will bite yet, and there are a lot of bacteria on the dog's body, so you can't touch it."    


Although Zi Yan also liked furry dogs, dogs did carry bacteria, it was better not to get too close to dogs, even more so for children.    


"It?s fine." Zhang Han laughed lightly and said, "It's called Xiaohei, and it also drank the water you drank before. It doesn't have any of those bacteria on it, and it usually doesn't shed hair, nor does it have any odors. Even its mouth won't stink, don't worry and play with it, you can also touch it, Zi Yan."    


As he spoke, Meng Meng who was in Zhang Han's arms touched Xiaohei's head a few times.    


"You're lying again, there is no such a dog in this world?" Zi Yan snorted and said.    


Her tone more or less had a hint of a woman's charm to it that she didn't even notice.    


"Why would I lie to you?" Zhang Han was speechless.    


"Then I'll believe you for the time being." Zi Yan smiled at Zhang Han slightly, something she rarely did, and she stretched out her hand to stroke Xiaohei's head. She felt that Blacky's fur was very smooth and felt very comfortable touching it.    


"Alright, let's go up the mountain. Xiaohei, lead the way." Zhang Han said.    


Hearing its master's order, Xiaohei stuck out its chest and raised its head, wagging its tail and butt as it walked forward.    


Step by step, it walked slowly, leading the way for the family.    


Zhang Han held Meng Meng while Zi Yan held his sleeve, walking into the pitch-black jungle.    


It felt dark on the outside, but it wasn't too dark on the inside. They could clearly see the trees in front of them by the faint moonlight.    


After walking for five minutes, everything in front of them suddenly became clear.    


Zi Yan and Meng Meng also became the first guests of the New Moon Mountain territory.    


"Wow, what a beautiful place." Zi Yan said in surprise.    


Here, she could see the scenery of the front mountain, patches of verdant grass, and the sweet fragrance of the air. It made Zi Yan yearn for this kind of idyllic life in her heart.    


However, it was a bit dark now and she couldn't see the flowers on the other side. If she could, Zi Yan would be much more excited, as a woman loved beauty like flowers.    


"Wow, such a beautiful place!" Meng Meng said by imitating Zi Yan?s dramatic tone. Suddenly, the little princess caught sight of that extremely dazzling Lei Yang tree on the mountaintop!    


"Daddy, daddy, look there! What a big tree!" Meng Meng stretched out her arm and said.    


"Huh?" Zi Yan looked over and immediately exclaimed in shock, saying, "What kind of tree is that? "So strange ?"    


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