Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"So beautiful, so beautiful!"    


Meng Meng ran up and down a few times with an excited look on her face and said.    


"This is nothing at all. Wait until the paradise that Daddy built for you is finished, then you will know wherethe most beautiful place is." Zhang Han laughed as he rubbed her cute little head.    


"Daddy is the best." Meng Meng stretched out her arms and went close to Zhang Han.    


"Kiss. Kiss." Meng Meng kissed many times on Zhang Han's face.    


"Hahaha." Zhang Han laughed heartily.    


Everything he had done was for Meng Meng. Seeing the little princess so happy, Zhang Han's heart was filled with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment.    


Such happiness, even when Zhang Han had possessed countless treasures, had never happened.    


It turned out that with a child, things were really different. Zhang Han was so infatuated with this kind of life that he did not even think about other issues. Even if he could not cultivate, even if he could not find treasures, it did not matter as long as he had Meng Meng in his life.    


"Daddy, Daddy, I want the toys in the luggage." Meng Meng paced back and forth a few times before she ran to Zhang Han and called out to him.    


"Alright, alright, alright. I'll get you some toys." Zhang Han shook his head with a smile.    


When he opened one of the suitcases, it was filled with all sorts of toys, most of which were furry little dolls. Meng Meng put some in the living rooms and bedrooms upstairs and downstairs. In the end, no matter where she was, she could grab the toys. Only then did a satisfactory smile appear on Meng Meng?s face.     


"Come, Meng Meng, Daddy will bring you to the supermarket." Zhang Han said.    


"Alright, let's go to the supermarket. Hug. Daddy, hold me and let?s go." No matter where she went, as long as she was with her Daddy, Meng Meng would be happy.    


Zhang Han carried the little princess out, locked the restaurant door, and drove for five minutes to a supermarket not far from the street.    


After parking the car, when he got off the car, on the side street of the supermarket, there was a disabled person lying on a skate scooter. He didn't have any legs and lost an arm, his only hand held a small iron pot, in which there were some small changes.    




Meng Meng, who was in Zhang Han's arms, was frightened. She hid her head next to Zhang Han's neck and whispered, "Daddy, why ? why didn't he have hand or feet? How pitiful."    


"Meng Meng, don?t be afraid."    


Zhang Han stretched out his hand to touch Meng Meng's head and gave that man a faint look.    


"Please show some kindness ?" The man mumbled in a low voice.    


However, Zhang Han ignored him and continued walking forward.    


"Meng Meng, let's not take pity on others, because others might not need pity." Zhang Han said softly.    


"But... Ugh ?But he lost limbs ?" Meng Meng pouted.    


"Whether he lost limbs or not is only his own business. There are no poor people in this world who would become like this without his own reasons, so if Meng Meng ever sees such a thing in the future, just ignore it." Zhang Han said slowly.    


"Oh ?Got it."    


Zhang Han carried Meng Meng into the supermarket.    


The supermarket was a comprehensive shopping mall. The 1st to 6th floor was filled with all sorts of clothing and jewelry stores. The 7th floor was for food, the 8th floor was for entertainment, and the supermarket was on the underground.    


Zhang Han went down from the escalator to the underground and got a cart at the entrance. The cart had a place for the baby to sit, so he put Meng Meng on the seat and began to push her to go shopping in the supermarket.    


Oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar definitely had to be bought. When Meng Meng passed by the snack area on her way to the seasoning area, her eyes lit up.    


"Daddy, I want to eat that. Daddy, I want to eat this ?" Meng Meng pointed at the potato chips and other snacks.    


"Sure, I will take it for you." Zhang Han smiled as he grabbed more than ten bags of snacks in a row.    


This time, Meng Meng was delighted. Zhang Han did not doubt that if the little princess was in his arms, there would be another little kiss.    


Seeing Meng Meng still wanted some more, Zhang Han shook his head slightly and said in advance, "Well, Meng Meng, you can't eat too much snacks. That's enough."    


"Eh?" Meng Meng was slightly stunned and pouted. She said, "Is that all? Not enough, not enough for Meng Meng to eat."    


"I'll buy them again for you when you finished." Zhang Han scratched her cute little head.    


"Ugh ?Okay." Meng Meng reluctantly agreed.    


The little princess was not like those naughty kids who would cry if they weren?t satisfied. It was possible that it was because Meng Meng had never had a father until she was three years old, so now she was able to return to her father's side, she naturally cherished this chance and behave obediently.    


Meng Meng's mood improved very quickly. Only a few steps later, she started to hum a song in a low voice, and her face filled with happiness.    


Arriving at the seasoning area, Zhang Han's eyes scanned back and forth.    


He knew what seasoning he needed, but he didn't know what brand he was going to use.    


However, Zhang Han did not care about that. Basically, it was which one the most expensive that Zhang Han would pick.    


Oyster sauce, cooking wine, seafood sauce, light and dark soy sauce, white vinegar, vinegar, tomato sauce, bean sauce, brown sugar, white sugar, 13 spices, and all kinds of seasonings. Zhang Han took each one of every kind.    


There was no need to buy the staple food like rice or flour. New Moon Mountain had the best rice and wheat in the world.    


He also bought some soy oil, salad oil, corn oil, and some other supplementary ingredients like garlic and ginger. This time, the purchase of seasonings was more or less done.    


Therefore, Zhang Han paid the bill once, returned the items to the car, and then went back to do a new round of shopping.    


This time it was kitchen utensils.    


Pots, pans, and bowls were absolutely essential. He bought a few porcelain bowls and chopsticks but bought some disposable food boxes and chopsticks. He intended to give customers to use if there were any.    


In addition, the refrigerator paste, wall paste, broom, mop, towel and other daily necessities have been picked as well.    


Just as Zhang Han was pushing the shopping cart over to settle the bill.    


On the left side of the vegetable area, a boy about Meng Meng's age was also sitting in the car. The person pushing the cart was a cold and elegant young woman. Beside her, a grey-haired man in his fifties was picking vegetables.    



As he was picking, the old man's face suddenly turned green, and he started to feel dizzy.    


His right hand clutched at his chest as he panted heavily. His throat wanted to cough out, but he could not. He then fell to the ground, feeling stuffy.    




The woman let out a surprised cry, "Dad, what's wrong? What's the matter with you? Dad, please wake up ?"    


The woman was panicking as she cried out, "Help!"    


The staff member on the other side immediately ran over after hearing the sound. A trace of anxiety flashed across the manager's face as he said with a deep voice, "Don't touch the old man's body. First pinch his philtrum-philtra and press his chest. Quick, I'll call the ambulance right now."    


As he spoke, the man took out his phone and hurriedly made a call to the ambulance.    


Of the two staff members present, one was pressing down on the chest of the old man, while the other was pinching the philtrum-philtra. However, it?s obvious the person who pressing chest was afraid to use strength. He moved cowardly.    


At the same time, the cold beauty and the little boy by the side cried out anxiously.    


"What should we do? What should we do ?" Even though she was a mother, the cold and beautiful woman didn't know what to do.    


"Daddy, hug." Meng Meng stretched out her arms in fear for a hug.    


Zhang Han held Meng Meng in one hand and pushed the cart forward with the other.    


"Daddy, what happened to that old grandpa?" Meng Meng pouted and whispered.    


"Probably sick."    


Zhang Han replied.    


Although Zhang Han was only in the Qi Cultivating Stage, he could still send out a small amount of spiritual energy by touching with hands. It could be said that if let he check the old men, it would be known if there was a problem with his body.    


But Zhang Han did not want to be a busybody.    


There was a faint contempt for life in the back of his eyes, as if to say, I have nothing to do with the life or death of others.    


Zhang Han had cultivated for five hundred years and had seen many birth and death in his life. Ordinary people were just ants, and a major power could destroy a planet with a single palm strike. There were countless people on the planet, and many people didn't deserve to die, but they died at the hands of a major power just because they were as weak as ants. To live or die was decided by the thought of a major power.    


Although Zhang Han had never done such a devastating thing, he had seen some of them before.    


When Zhang Han was passing by the crowd, suddenly, the two staff members who were pressing the old man's chest and the man's acupoints exclaimed and said,    


"His aura is getting weaker and weaker. His hands and feet are beginning to feel cold. What should we do?"    


When the manager heard this, his face paled and he started to feel scared. If there was any human life left, then even if it wasn't related to him, he would still be affected.    


"I'm a doctor, let me see!"    


A middle-aged man in his forties with glasses pushed his way in from the outside.    


After he spoke, the crowd hurriedly made way for him. He walked up to the old man and squatted down. He opened his eyes to take a look at his pupils, then he felt the veins on his wrist and neck, and finally pressed his chest twice.    


He gradually frowned.    


"What happened to my dad? Doctor, what happened to my dad? " The cold and gorgeous woman cried as she spoke.    


"The situation isn't too good. The symptoms might be heart-lung failure. If the ambulance doesn't arrive in 5 minutes, then... Sigh ?" The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.    


"AHH!" The cold and beautiful woman let out a mournful cry and started to wail.    


"Wuu, grandpa, grandpa ? The little boy in the cart finally understood that his grandfather was probably about to pass away, so he cried out in sorrow. A cold and gloomy atmosphere instantly rose up from the field, and from time to time, a soft sigh came from the crowd.    


Zhang Han hugged Meng Meng as he pushed the cart forward.    


After walking a few steps, he realized that there was no movement from Meng Meng. He lowered his head to take a look and immediately noticed Meng Meng, who was about to cry.    


"Meng Meng..." The corner of Zhang Han's mouth twitched. Just as he opened his mouth, Meng Meng had already wrapped her arms around him.    


"Daddy ?" Meng Meng choked with sobs and said, "Daddy, you have to be healthy. You can't be sick. Meng Meng can't be without you ? They are so pitiful ?"    


Tears fell from the corners of Meng Meng's eyes. It was not because of the old man's frightening state, but because of the sad look on the boy's face, which changed Meng Meng's mood.    


What was unknown was that it was because of Meng Meng's tears that he had saved the old man's life.    


"Daddy won't get sick. Don't worry, Meng Meng. Alright, don't cry, be good." Zhang Han rubbed her head and thought for a while. Then he shook his head and said softly, "Meng Meng, don't cry. How about I wake up that old grandpa?"    


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