Godly Stay-Home Dad



0"Burp, burp!" "Awoo, awoo, awoo, awoo ?" The Blacky turned and ran.    


He remembered his master's words: if the dog disobeys him, he will be roasted.    


The Da Hei also stopped in its tracks. It stared with its eyes wide open, and scratched its head. "Oh, oh, oh, oh?"    


"How would I dare to move without Master's order? This is Master's order." Zhao Feng smiled bitterly as he explained.    


"Oh!" When the Da Hei heard him, its mouth twitched and it ignored him. But before it returned, it extended its palm towards Zhao Feng.    


Zhao Feng's body staggered back seven steps, almost falling to the ground.    


"Ha Chi Ha Chi ?" The Da Hei disdainfully laughed twice, then turned around and walked back.    


Zhao Feng's expression was a little stiff, he turned around and returned to the thunder sun tree.    


"They... What were you doing just now? " Lin Xue asked a little fearfully.    


"They are just joking with me. Our relationship is very good. If there's nothing else, we'll just cause a ruckus." Zhao Feng replied without a blush.    


"This, really has intelligence." Lin Xue shook his head, looked at the gold, and said meaningfully: "All of this gold is very pure, but it's such a huge quantity, rarely seen in the hands of other people."    




"I'll examine the antiques and diamonds." Lin Xue took a few professional instruments and began to inspect them.    


Roughly an hour later, Lin Xue stood up and pondered for a while before giving her conclusion:    


"There are a total of thirty-two antique objects. Among them, twenty-six are real, three are imitations, and the remaining three I can't tell. I'll need to bring them back for some appraisers to take a look, so there shouldn't be any problems with these diamonds."    


"Well, what's the estimate?" Zhao Feng nodded and asked.    


"Estimating the amount, the transaction price should be around 1.3 billion. The amount is too big, I have to ask my father." Lin Xue said as he took out his phone.    




Lin Xue took his phone and walked to the lakeside, admiring the beautiful flowers as he dialed his father's number.    


"What's wrong, Xue'er? Dad's still in a meeting, so if there's nothing else, I'll call you back later. " Father Lin said.    


"Dad, there's a huge deal." Lin Xue answered straightforwardly.    


"How much?" Father Lin asked.    


"I estimate it to be over 1.3 billion!"    


"How many?" Father Lin's voice became slightly louder.    


1.3 billion is not a small number, if you suddenly hear this news, you can imagine Father Lin's mood, it has to be known that his liquid assets are less than 2 billion, wanting to buy such a high amount of goods, it is not a simple matter, it will disrupt his recent arrangements, but ? Everything depended on the benefits. If he earned too much, he would definitely take it. However, he still had to ask a few questions regarding the goods.    


"It's worth 1.3 billion, it has a few tons of gold, a small box of diamonds, 26 antiques, and three that I can't see, they are all bronze artifacts. If they are real, then their value is not low either." Lin Xue said in detail.    


"So many ?" Mr Lin's eyes narrowed as he asked, "Whose goods are you talking about?" How could there be so many? "Are you from a clean background?"    


"I don't know about that. There's just a batch of goods that I just finished inspecting. How about you bring Dad here to take a look?" If we can take down this batch, we'll have a lot of benefits. " Lin Xue said softly.    


"Alright, I'll bring my people over now. Where are you?"    


"I'm at a... It's a paradise. "    


"Huh?" Father Lin was perplexed.    


"I don't know either. I'll go ask later." Lin Xue said with a smile. After returning to the thunder sun tree, he asked Zhao Feng and told his father that he was at New Moon Mountain. After arranging a time, Lin Xue hung up.    


Roughly an hour later, Father Lin brought seven or eight people over to once again inspect the goods. All of the things Lin Xue had verified previously were accurate, and the three bronze artifacts that she did not realize were all authentic.    


"Cough, cough!" Father Lin coughed lightly, looked at Zhao Feng, and asked: "Forgive me for asking, but where did these goods come from?"    


"You don't need to know where he came from." Zhao Feng waved his hand and said straightforwardly: "I want to know if you can eat these goods."    


"I wonder how much you'll pay for these goods?" Father Lin pondered for a moment before asking.    


"I've asked around to ask how much these goods are worth. Just state your price, I think we can directly trade." Zhao Feng said very happily.    


"This ?" Father Lin pondered for a moment. He frowned and pondered for two minutes. Finally, he spat out a few words, "This batch is worth 1.32 billion."    


"Deal." Zhao Feng chuckled, then nodded his head.    


Zhao Feng had found someone who was estimated to be worth between 1.2 billion to 1.3 billion, and could sell for 1.32 billion. Zhao Feng was quite satisfied, after all, he stole all these, and even he did not expect Tang Zhan's assets to be so huge.    


"Trading is fine, but I need to sign the contract another way." Father Lin thought for a moment and said, "I don't want this batch of goods to be taken away by the authorities the moment they are retrieved, so after the transaction, we will sign a contract. Within a month's time, there will be no problems with this batch of goods and the funds will be transferred to your account.    


"One month?" Zhao Feng frowned slightly.    


"One month is a long time. We need about three to four months to sell this." Lin Xue added with a smile.    


"One month is too long. Half a month, right?" Zhao Feng thought for a while and said.    


It was understandable that they were worried. After all, the origins of these treasures were unknown.    


"Half a month..." Father Lin thought for a moment before nodding his head in agreement.    


"Wait, I have another condition." Lin Xue saw that the matter was settled and quickly interrupted.    


"What condition?" Zhao Feng asked.    


"I want a restaurant membership, 1.3 billion, your boss can give me a membership card, right?" Lin Xue pursed his lips and laughed.    


"Membership card ?" Zhao Feng was a little speechless, and said: "First Miss, you can totally buy one for yourself ah!"    


"That won't do. Buying is different from gifting. What's more, that's 10 million. My dad is usually stingy, and isn't willing to give 10 million to others." Lin Xue rolled his eyes at Father Lin as he spoke.    



"I can't decide on that, so I'll give my boss a call." Zhao Feng immediately took out his phone and called Zhang Han.    


Regarding this, Zhang Han only replied:    




Zhao Feng smiled bitterly as he told Lin Xue the result.    


"Humph!" Stingy! No man! With so much money, you don't even need to send your membership card! " Lin Xue pouted and muttered.    


On the other hand, Father Lin looked at his daughter strangely, and couldn't help but be curious about Zhao Feng's boss in his heart, and ? What membership card costs ten million?    


However, he did not inquire further. He took the goods away and signed a contract with Zhao Feng at the company.    


Zhao Feng signed the contract and left. Father Lin did not have any intention to celebrate, he would be busy with the operation of these goods for a while.    


If everything was planned well, he could sell them for 1.5 billion, and the profit would exceed 200 million.    


However, the commotion over here, was immediately heard by Bureau Chief Dong Xiangchuan, he did not give out any orders, the Security Service had already given out the news, and the higher ups would be coming to New Moon Bay to handle the matter, all he could do was monitor Zhao Feng and the restaurant.    


As for Zhao Feng selling it, he did not have any thoughts on it, but if he took it back, then it would be the same as taking back the money he sold it. If Zhao Feng did not run away, then he would not move, and everything would wait for the higher ups of Security Service to decide.    


After leaving the company, Zhao Feng and Lin Xue returned to the dining hall together.    


It was just after eleven-thirty, lunchtime.    


Returning to the dining hall, Zhang Han was in the kitchen preparing lunch while Mengmeng was lying on the sofa playing with toys.    


"Boss." Zhao Feng walked into the kitchen and whispered to Zhang Han: "The goods have been sold. 1.32 billion, but it will take half a month for the money to reach my account."    


"Yes." Zhang Han did not even raise his head as he prepared the ingredients.    


"That, does the boss use your bank card to trade?" I haven't given them my card number yet. " Zhao Feng asked.    


"No need. You handle this matter by yourself." Zhang Han said plainly.    


It was as if the 1.3 billion was only thirteen in his eyes.    


However, Zhao Feng knew that this was the truth.    


Even when he received the 1.3 billion, he was not very excited, because... His standards had changed. Money was nothing more than dung.    


Zhao Feng nodded and returned to the dining table.    


By his side, Lin Xue stood up and walked in front of Zhang Han after they finished talking, curiously sizing him up.    


"What's the matter?" Zhang Han looked at her strangely.    


What was this girl trying to do?    


"Hmph, I'm the person who traded with you. Business is good, you don't even give me a membership card?" Lin Xue snorted.    


"I won't send you my membership card." Zhang Han answered immediately.    


"Stingy." Lin Xue rolled his eyes, his gaze looked towards the kitchen counter, and asked: "Then is there any member's food at noon?"    


"Six roast ducks." Zhang Han replied indifferently.    


There was no need to mention the meat quality of the ducks in New Moon Mountain, but they definitely surpassed some AA. Zhang Han thought about it for a while and decided to roast duck.     


Zhang Han was a person from Shang Jing, and was naturally very familiar with Shang Jing's Roasted Duck (North). What Zhang Han frequently ate were the three classic Roasted Duck Restaurant in Shang Jing, one of them being the Gathered Duck Restaurant, which was famous for its traditional reputation and its crafts. The other was the Cheap Shop, which was characterized by the stuffy stove technique, mainly selling nutrition plates, and the other was Roasted Duck.    


"Gu du ?"    


Lin Xue secretly swallowed his saliva as a sweet and delicious roast duck floated in her mind. Her stomach growled twice, and when she saw the calm Zhang Han, she snorted and said:    


"Alright, alright, you win, okay? I'll buy this member! Hmph, stingy boss! How are we going to trade? "    


"Follow me." Seeing that, Zhao Feng laughed, got up and brought Lin Xue to the counter of the laptop and took out Zhang Han's bank card from the drawer.    


After a few days of business, the drawer was filled with money. Lin Xue looked at the messy money and curled his lips.    


"Transfer the money." Zhao Feng handed over his bank card.    


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