Godly Stay-Home Dad



0Zi Yan lied on his bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.    


Of course, this was also because she had just entered a relationship or was about to enter one. She was aware of this fact, but she had always been waiting for it.    


If that stinky fool didn't give her a romantic and warm courtship, then she wouldn't agree.    


This was also the only thought in Zi Yan's mind. In the end, even though Zi Yan's heart was mature, he had never been in a relationship before. He had never experienced the path of love, and he still had a girl's heart.    


After lying on the bed for more than ten minutes, Zi Yan's cheeks twitched, she angrily took the phone and opened Zhang Han's WeChat, typing:    


"Idiot, did you sleep?"    


"I'm asleep."    


"Bastard, you can even type in your sleep?" Zi Yan replied and added on an emoji with his teeth bared.    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk ?"    


"What do you mean?"    


"He's asleep."    




Zi Yan's head shrank, he suddenly felt a little scared, and used the blanket to cover his face, only revealing his big eyes to look towards the door.    


The entire room was silent. Other than the faint sound of Mengmeng's breathing after she had fallen asleep, there was no other sound.    


"This bastard!"    


Zi Yan muttered angrily as he turned on the bedside lamp.    


"I'm angry!" Zi Yan typed in his reply.    


"Alright, alright, this is just a small joke."    


Zi Yan looked at the screen, but did not reply.    


Thirty seconds later, Zhang Han sent another message.    


"Are you really angry?"    


"Are you afraid of the dark? How about I come and accompany you? "    


"You wish!" Zi Yan finally replied. "I can't sleep."    


"Let's go to the living room and have a chat."    


"No, I don't want to move."    


"Then what should we do?"    


"I want to hear your story."    


"I'll go over now." Zhang Han typed happily in reply.    


"No, it's on WeChat. You send the voice message and I'll listen through the headphones." Zi Yan finished replying and took his earphone from the side and put it on.    


"What kind of story do you want to hear?"    


"Just like what you told Mengmeng last time, we talked about the dark forest."    


"Alright." Zhang Han replied with an OK emoji.    


After about 20 seconds, a voice message was sent:    


"The Dwarf King originally thought that this was an ordinary forest, but he didn't know that this was a cursed dark forest with many mutated beasts inside. They ?"    


Listening to Zhang Han's gentle voice, Zi Yan's eyes flashed with a look of satisfaction.    


After an unknown period of time, just as Zi Yan was half asleep, the story in his earphones suddenly stopped. Replacing it was Zhang Han's soft question:    


"Are you still there? I forgot to tell you, take off your headphones when you need to sleep, or you'll feel uncomfortable wearing them for a long time. "    


"Are you asleep?"    


After hearing these two sentences, Zi Yan was in a daze and did not have the intention to move anymore. He just let the headphones be on his ears and could not even be bothered to turn off the bedside lamp.    


After less than a minute, the door opened and Zhang Han walked in.    


Zhang Han?    


Zi Yan who was in a half asleep state gradually became more clear-headed.    


What was he doing here?    


Zi Yan was a little nervous for some unknown reason.    


Zhang Han smiled as he looked at Zi Yan who was lying on the bed.    


Zi Yan at night gave him a different feeling than when he was in the daytime. He felt that she was more charming, more lively, more cute and weird. In the daytime, Zi Yan was very rational.    


Of course, in Zhang Han's opinion, it was also because she had to come into contact with outsiders during the day.    


"I really haven't taken off my headphones."    


Zhang Han muttered to himself as he walked over slowly to stand beside the bed. Zhang Han gently took off the headphones and placed the phone on the bedside table.    


Looking at Zi Yan's delicate face, Zhang Han's gaze softened. She extended a finger and gently caressed her white and tender cheeks.    


When his fingers touched Zi Yan's skin, Zi Yan's body inexplicably trembled.    


This caused Zhang Han to be stunned, and a hint of amusement appeared in his eyes as he looked at Zi Yan.    


Was this girl pretending to be asleep?    


Zhang Han muttered to himself as he bent down, his lips slowly moving towards her.    




Zi Yan's breathing tightened as she felt her entire body tighten. She could feel Zhang Han getting closer and closer to her, and that masculine aura made her feel as if she was suffocating.    


He, he, he wants to kiss me! What should he do? I, I ?    


Zi Yan's mind was completely blank, he didn't even know what he could do now, and his body was a little stiff, not moving an inch.    


Finally, Zhang Han's lips were pressed down.    


The place where he kissed was on Zi Yan's forehead.    


Like a dragonfly touching the water lightly, Zhang Han lightly kissed and stood up, then tidied up Zi Yan's quilt, then went over and covered Mengmeng's quilt. After turning off the bedside lamp, Zhang Han gently walked out, and closed the door.    


"Hu ?"    


Zi Yan exhaled a long breath and opened his eyes. His gaze was filled with satisfaction and warmth.    


At that moment, her heart felt warm. It was the feeling of being cared for and cared for. That kiss on her forehead made her feel even more love.    


"Humph!" Only being considerate is not enough. Smelly idiot, when are you going to make a romantic request for me? Only then will I agree to your request! "    


"No, no, no. Consent on your first courtship? It's too fast! "    


"Anyway, I can't let him pass so easily."    




Therefore, Zi Yan became spirited again, and had to roll around for a while before being able to fall asleep. However, this time, she did not use WeChat to talk to Zhang Han, but was thinking alone in bed, thinking romantic scenes in her mind. Her expression was occasionally brimming with smiles, occasionally brimming with happiness, occasionally feeling conflicted, and occasionally pouting her cheeks.    


Not knowing how much time had passed, Zi Yan finally fell asleep in a daze.    


That night, she slept soundly, and when she slept soundly, she could faintly hear the young voice of the Mengmeng.    


"Hey, Mama, that Eunuch Sun is awake now. Why aren't you up?"    


"Baba, Baba, Mama is lying on a lazy bed."    


"Mengmeng, don't cause trouble. Let Mama sleep for a while longer." Zi Yan murmured.    


Following that, Zhang Han's voice sounded out:    


"Mengmeng, go out with daddy to play. Let your mother sleep a little more."    


With that, Zi Yan heard the young and tender voice of the Mengmeng getting further and further away. After they left the house, they closed the door and the room regained its tranquility.    


When Zi Yan woke up, she opened her eyes and looked around the room. Then, she sat up and checked the time on her phone.    


"Ah!" It's almost ten. "    


"It's time to get up. This sleep is so comfortable."    


Zi Yan stretched his body, put on his slippers and walked out of the bedroom, preparing to wash up.    


"Elder Sister Yan, did you just wake up? What time did he sleep last night? "Tsk tsk."    


"En hmph, Mama, you sleep late."    




"Good morning, sister-in-law."    


Zi Yan turned his head, only to see Zhou Fei, Zhang Li, Luo Qing himself and Mengmeng looking at him from the sofa.    




Zi Yan was shocked. He smiled at the few of them and rushed into the bathroom.    


"Sister-in-law is so beautiful. Even her plain face is so beautiful." Luo Qing sighed repeatedly.    


Plain beauty was like a rare animal, extremely rare. Under normal circumstances, it would only become a great beauty after a Little Beauty made up her face.    


As for drawing thick makeup, it was one of the four great mystical arts. It was one of the ugly, black, crooked, and cracked dates.    


This was the first time Luo Qing saw someone as beautiful as Zi Yan, with not even a hint of makeup on.    


"Tch!" That's my sister-in-law! "Of course it's beautiful!" Zhang Li curled his lips.    


"Tch!" That's my Elder Sister Yan! "Of course it's beautiful!" Zhou Fei agreed.    


Seeing that, Zhang Han laughed in his heart, thinking that if he said 'Tch, that would be my wife, of course she's beautiful', she would definitely match his looks very well.    


Thinking about it, Zhang Han did not say it, it was still too early to say wife.    


But he didn't say anything, the little fellow in his embrace said, "That's my Mama, my, super beautiful Mama."    


Mengmeng's words made everyone break out in laughter.    


At this time, Zi Yan's clear and melodious voice came out from the bathroom.    


"Zhang Han, come over here for a while."    


"He's coming."    


Zhang Han replied as he placed the Little Princess on the sofa and walked over.    


Entering the bathroom, Zi Yan closed the door, pursed his lips, his palm reached Zhang Han's waist, pinched it, and said with a tone of rebuke: "Why didn't you wake me up when someone came?"    


"Eh ?." Seeing that you slept soundly, I didn't call you, so what's the point of sleeping lazily? " Zhang Han laughed and said.    


"That won't do!" Zi Yan rolled her eyes at him.    


"I'm fine." Zhang Han stared at Zi Yan, and gently smiled: "When you slept, it was like a sleeping beauty."    


Hearing that, Zi Yan's gaze became serious, and in an instant, he retracted his hand. He felt embarrassed, but he still looked at Zhang Han, and acted: "Eh? I woke up in the morning and found my cell phone on the night table. "    


"I did."    


"Oh, then when I fell asleep last night, I felt like ?"    


"Yes, I did." Zhang Han said while smiling, and felt that the current Zi Yan was unusually cute.    


"You! Humph! You are taking advantage of someone's predicament. Let me tell you, from now on, you are not allowed to enter my bedroom! "Hurry up and go, I need to wash up." Zi Yan blushed and pushed Zhang Han out.    


When Zhang Han left the room, Zi Yan patted her chest. She felt that her heart was like a little deer bumping around, and she felt that it was a little strange.    


After taking in a few deep breaths, Zi Yan began to wash up. After washing up, he returned to his bedroom and simply put on some makeup, changing into the relaxed clothes he had worn last night.    


As he walked out of his bedroom, Zi Yan looked at Zhang Li and smiled slightly. "Lili, I'm resting today.    


When he had just washed up, Zi Yan had thought that he would need to give Zhang Li a few gifts. Although the first time they met, Zi Yan didn't really care about what Zhang Li thought or thought, but now, she had gradually defined herself as Zhang Li's sister-in-law.    


"Shopping? "Sure!" Zhang Li very straightforwardly agreed.    


"Then let's go." Zi Yan picked up his handbag from the side.    


"Aren't you going to order?" Zhang Han asked.    


"No, we'll eat together at noon."    


After a brief discussion, Zi Yan, Zhou Fei and the others finally went out shopping.    


Mengmeng originally wanted to go, but seeing that Zhang Han was not going to leave, she pouted and stayed behind.    


The little guy knew, the Baba was no longer here, it was much less expensive to buy or buy!    


On the other hand, Luo Qing hesitated a little before deciding to stay in the dining hall.    


They arrived at the first floor, where Zhao Feng was currently sitting by the side, playing with his mobile, chatting with Liang Mengqi.    


In the past, Liang Mengqi didn't pay much attention to him, but now they could start chatting again and again.    


"Zhao Feng, accompany them out for a stroll." Zhang Han thought for a while and said. The woman's shopping ability was scary, he would prepare lunch in the dining hall and send Zhao Feng to carry his bag.    


"Alright." Zhao Feng stood up after hearing what she said.    


"No need. We'll just take a stroll ourselves." Zi Yan waved his hand, and directly led the way out.    


Zhou Fei drove the two of them away slowly.    


After they left, Mengmeng ran to the sofa to play with toys.    


Luo Qing stood at the side and hesitated for a moment. He looked at Zhang Han and said: "Big Brother Zhang, there's something that I don't know whether or not I should tell you."    


"What is it?" Zhang Han asked curiously.    


"That ?"    


Luo Qing hesitated, but did not say anything, and she did not know whether to say it either. As for whether Zhang Han could solve this problem, she had no confidence, and if he could not, then saying it would only increase her worries.    


Therefore, she shook her head, and said: "It's better if you don't say anything more, just ask her when Lili comes back."    


"Zhang Li's problem?" Zhang Han's brows slightly rose.    


At this time, Zhao Feng walked over, looked at Luo Qing and smiled, then said: "If there's anything you want to say, just say it, you don't have to worry about anything."    


"Fine, fine." Seeing Zhao Feng's confident smile, she decided to say it out loud, "Lili and I met with some trouble."    


"What trouble?" Zhang Han asked.    


Last night, when I was working, a person came over to buy wine, and they called him elder brother Lei. He teased me, and grabbed onto my hand without letting go, and Lili splashed wine all over his face when he saw it. He was very angry, and scolded his friends. Luo Qing said in detail.    


"That's all?" Zhang Han shook his head and laughed.    


Even Zhao Feng could not help but laugh, and said: "Isn't this a small matter?"    


"No." Luo Qing's expression tensed up, and hurriedly said: That elder brother Lei seems to have a very high status, he has a good background. Our supervisor, Da He, did not dare to say anything, he went up to stop him, and was even kicked by the elder brother Lei, but before he replied, that elder brother Lei left a message, saying that he would not let us off. After that, Da He told us to hide outside for a few days.    


"Can some elder brother Lei go today?" Zhao Feng asked.    


"More or less. He's been here every day for the past few days." Luo Qing answered, and said: "How about Big Brother Zhang persuade Lili, and then hide for a few days."    


"Hide what?"    


Zhang Han did not reply. Instead, he gave a nonchalant smile and said: "Rest assured, I'll go over tonight. What time do you guys need to work?"    


Luo Qing replied, "It will be open for business from 7: 00 onwards. I work at 8: 30 PM. Lili will start working at 9 PM."    


"Which stage are you in?" Zhao Feng asked again.    


"Starry Sky Bar." Luo Qing was startled when he heard Zhao Feng's words. Normally, people would call a pub their place, could it be that the handsome guy in front of him was also a gangster?    


"Yes, I'll be there on time at eight o'clock tonight." Zhao Feng said, and did not ask anymore.    



He planned to bring his men there at night to see who exactly that elder brother Lei was.    


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